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Act 1 Scene 1

Rodrigo and Iago are talking, Iago especially hates Othello for putting his friend Cassio as his
lieutenant even if he has absolutely no experience in fighting. He believes, and it is definitely
more reasonable that he is more suitable for this position. Meanwhile Rodrigo is a rich man
who wants to marry Desdemona, and paying Iago to help him, which also becomes a part of
Iago’s plan.
Iago therefore decides to take revenge of Othello, by spoiling his marriage with Desdemona, as
he is a really good person at playing with other people’s mind, he first chose Barbantio, father
of Desdemona, who is in love with Othello. He knew Barbantio hates Muslims including Othello,
so he decided to tell Barbantio that Desdemona is in love with Othello, and Othello is ‘ruining’
her by saying Othello is a ‘ram’. Then Iago left Rodrigo and let him talk to Barbantio and lead
him where Othello is, Iago then goes and met Othello.
Othello, on the other hand, had no clue that Iago is planning bad things on him, he trust Iago as
usual, which falled into his trap.

Act 1 Scene 2
Iago told Othello and warned that Barbantio, Rodrigo and their men are coming towards
Othello because they found out the love between Desdemona and Othello. At first, it was
Cassio telling him that the Duke wanted to meet him in council, Cassio suggested it is very likely
to be the business about Cyprus, which is an island in Mediterranean sea, the issue is very
important as it is a very important place.

When Barbantio and his men arrived, they almost attacked each other, but Iago then told
everyone to calm down and Othello is going to a council summoned by the Duke. Although the
Duke clearly sees Othello more importantly as they need Othello as a general, Barbantio still
decided to let the Duke decide the problem with Othello.

Act 1 Scene 3

The council was talking about the information that Turkish troops are planning to attack the
Rhodes, and they are discussing.

Barbantio thought Othello used violence or poison to force his daughter Desdemona love him,
so the Duke and the council listened to Othello’s explanation and Barbantio’s accusation. After
they fetched Desdemona and she said she loved Othello, and he did not violate her will at all,
even Barbantio seems to be done with the accusation for Othello. Othello also made a speech
of how he deserves Desdemona and how brave he is, the duke even said his daughter would fall
in love with him for the things in the speech.

The duke wanted to meet Othello at 9 in the morning, so everyone left. Desdemona wanted to
say with Othello because she loved him and wanted to stay with him. Othello even called Iago
‘Honest Iago’ although as a audience’s view, Iago is far from a honest man, which also caused
the fall of Othello. After the council end, Iago and Rodrigo was still chatting about how Rodrigo
can marry Desdemona, now Rodrigo seems to have no idea at all, and all he did was to listen to

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