Professional Ethics and Human Values Assign - A

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(a) What is the need to view engineering projects as experiments?

(b) What are the uncertainties occur in the model designs?

(c) Mention the significance of code of conduct.

(d) How does the law facilitate ethics in engineering?

(e) What is meant by engineering as experimentation?

(f) What are the attributes to a profession?

(g) State attributes of a morally responsible engineers?

(a) Write the Objective of professional ethics and human values.

(b) Differentiate Moral and Ethics in engineering.

(h) What are the Senses of Engineering Ethics?

(i) Give the importance of Lawrence Kohlberg’s and Carol Gilligan’s theory

(j) What is meant by engineering as experimentation?

(k) Briefly explain any five (5) purpose of various types of standards?

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