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13/08/2017 Acts 8:9-25 - WDBC

Dead faith that rises in the true Gospel saw the bird in the window. He never saw the
preaching and true miracles. ugliness of his own sin, the need for repentance,
Hook: Suppose you have a one-year-old child and the glory of Christ in the gospel who forgives
sitting on your lap and suddenly in the window and makes new and clean.
there is a beautiful bird and you start pointing That’s why we are going to look at 3
with your hand at the bird. and say, "Look, look warnings from the passage this morning.
at the bird." What does the child look at? He 1. Simon’s dead or not saving faith
looks at your hand and the sign you are making First, there is a "faith," there is a
with your fingers. He might even try to imitate "believing," that does not save, even though it
the sign by putting out his index finger. rises in the presence of true preaching and true
He sees the sign. He is excited because you miracles.
are excited. He joins in imitating the sign as best Verse 12 says that Philip was preaching
he can. But the problem is he never sees the bird. good news about the kingdom of God and the
The whole point of the sign is missed. That is name of Jesus Christ. Verse 13b says that Philip
what happened to Simon the magician here in was doing "signs and great miracles." So true
Acts 8. He saw the signs that Philip was doing. preaching and true miracles were being done in
They were better than his own magical signs. Samaria by Philip the deacon (Acts 6:5).
He got excited about them. He followed Philip
around and wanted to imitate him. But he never

13/08/2017 Acts 8:9-25 - WDBC

Then we notice that verse 13 says, "Even Christian (cf. Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Jerome,
Simon himself believed, and after being baptized, etc.).
he continued with Philip." And yet Luke says in verse 13a, "Even
Simon himself believed." The point I draw out of
In the first century everyone who believe this is that there is a "faith" or a "believing" that
were baptised in day one. does not save, even though it rises in the
But then something happens that shows presence of true preaching and true miracles.
His "belief" he had to be false. The apostles come Let us look other similar passages from the NT.
down and lay hands on the Samaritans so that John 2:23-25 read
they receive the Holy Spirit. Then beginning in This "faith" or "believing" was not genuine and
verse 18 here's what happened: Jesus could see into the heart and knew that it
READ verses 18-21 wasn't.
What we learn from this passage is that The same kind of "faith" is seen in the
Simon wasn’t really converted. He has no part or parable of the four soils. In Luke 8:13 Jesus
share in the ministry. His heart is not right describes the second soil like this: "And the ones
before God. He is still in sin and not yet on the rock are those who, when they hear the
converted. This is confirmed by the entire word, receive it with joy; but these have no root,
tradition of the early church that says Simon they believe for a while and in time of temptation
went on to become a heretic and not a true fall away." The faith is not real saving faith.

13/08/2017 Acts 8:9-25 - WDBC

Paul thought the same possibility in The second step of Luke's warning is that
1 Cor. 15:1-2 the object of Simon's faith—the thing in which he
Now, brothers and sisters, I want to believes—is the power of supernatural
remind you of the gospel I preached to phenomena—the power of miracles that you can
you, which you received and on which you have see with the physical eye, not Jesus Christ and
taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if
the glory of his grace.
you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Simon was a sorcerer. That means he dealt
Otherwise, you have believed in vain. in supernatural power before he ever heard
There is such a thing as "believing in vain." Philip preach or ever heard of Jesus Christ. He
James called it "barren" faith or "dead" faith used his magical arts for a long time in Samaria
(James 2:20, 26). (according to Acts 8:9–11), and amazed the
So I conclude that Luke's point here in Acts people. He knew real power when he saw it.
8 is that Simon's "faith"—his "believing"
(described in v. 13)—is not a saving faith but a So when Philip came to town and not only
false faith, dead, barren, empty. That's the first preached but performed signs by healing people
step in Luke's warning to us. There is such a faith and casting out demons (Acts 8:7), Simon knew
and it can rise right in the presence of true the power was real, and that it was stronger than
preaching and true miracles. his power. So he was ready to switch sides. He
2. The object of Simon’s faith

13/08/2017 Acts 8:9-25 - WDBC

even tried to buy the power with money because of Simon's faith. And therefore it was not true
he wanted it so badly (v. 18). saving faith. What was it?
So the object of his faith was the power of Simon's "faith" was simply amazement.
signs and wonders. This is what he believed—he Amazement at Philip's signs, not brokenness for
believed that Philip was a real miracle worker. sin and not humble trust in Jesus as Lord and
There is real power here. He didn't doubt it. He Savior.
was not a skeptic. He was ready to leave his own
magical arts to join Philip and use this new Look at how Luke makes this plain to us.
power. He uses the word "amaze" three times. In verse 9
Philip had stretched out the finger of signs he says that Simon had "amazed" the nation of
and wonders to point to the glory of Jesus, and Samaria with his magic (sorcery). Then in verse
Simon had fixed on the finger. He believed in it. 11 it says again that Simon had "amazed" them a
He wanted to be able to point like that. He would long time by his magic.
pay money to point like that. But he never turned
his head to look at the window. Then in verse 13b, after Philip had shown
The glory of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the power of God, it says, "And seeing signs and
crucified for sinners, risen in power, reigning great miracles performed, he [Simon himself]
over a humble and holy people was not the object was amazed."

13/08/2017 Acts 8:9-25 - WDBC

In other words what Simon had been Signs and wonders are the finger pointing
producing in the Samaritans by his sorcery, he to Jesus. True faith comes when we see the glory
was now experiencing in himself when he saw of God in the face of Jesus. We can have all the
Philip's miracles, namely, amazement. spiritual experiences possible by looking at the
And amazement at supernatural power is not finger of power. But until we turn to the Lord
saving faith. Believing that supernatural power is himself, there will be no true faith.
present and being amazed by it so much that you
The final step in Luke's warning is that the
want it so badly is not an experience of true faith.
root of Simon's false faith is a crooked heart.
o What does amaze us in this church?
Is it the healings we get, is when we
3. Simon’s crooked heart read verse 21
see people are falling down etc..
At the root of Simon's false faith was a
o We should be amazed to see what
heart problem. And that is the way it is with
Jesus did for us on the cross…
every one of us. His heart was not straight before
God; it was crooked. His heart needed to be
What was Simon missing?
Verse 22 points to what was missing. Peter says
He was not a simple one-year-old sitting on
to Simon read the verse
his mother's lap staring innocently at her
pointing finger instead of out the window. He

13/08/2017 Acts 8:9-25 - WDBC

was a man with a crooked heart who willfully

suppressed the knowledge of the true God, whose
Spirit cannot be bought. He fixed on Philip's
finger of power because deep down he still
wanted to be a great power broker, just like it
says in verse 9b—he was "saying that he himself
was somebody great."
So there its. Luke's warning to us: there is a
false faith that does not save; its object is the
power of supernatural signs and wonders, not
Jesus and the glory of his grace; its nature or
experience is amazement, not brokenness for sin
and humble trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior; its
root is a crooked and vain heart.

If you are here for the first time open your heart

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