Marking Scheme October 1996 Paper 2

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Section A

Question 1a). – 5 marks (1 + 2 + 2)

i). 1 mark- evidence

They have owl ornaments in their living rooms/ homes

0 Marks: They adore them/ love them

ii). 2 marks


Either: Some people worship them/ revere them/ pray to them godly
qualities/ deity them/ give them deep respect.

0 marks for: Some people adore/ respect them (alone)/ some people hold them
in awe.

Or: Others shun them/ avoid them/ shy away from them/ stay clear of them/
keep away from them/ evade/ keep off them/ have nothing to do with

0 Marks for: fear/ hate/ dislike them.

2 marks


Either: They are regarded as wise/ all – seeing/ sagacious.

0 marks for: they are all – knowing / omniscient


They are witches‟ familiar/ companion/

They associate with/ are friendly to witches.

Or: They carry out dirty deeds for the witches under cover of night/ they spy for

NB: Answers should refer to the relationship between the owl and the witch.

0 Marks for: They spy (alone) / They carry out dirty deeds under cover of the
night (alone)

Question 1 (b) 1 Mark

Either: „superior‟

They always seem calm/ composed/ at ease.

Or: They do not dart about flap their wings.

0 marks for: They stand upright/ they do not have a tail/ they look so human.

Question 1 (c) 3 marks (2 + 1)

i). 2 marks

“owl …fly effortlessly”

They have complete mastery of darkness/ they are able to find their way around
in the dark/ they inhabit the night/ the night is home to them.

0 Marks for:
They catch mice with ease/ they have supernatural powers.
„man stumbles and trips.‟

Man‟s senses are to weak to gather accurate information about his surroundings/
the night is unfamiliar/ alien to him.

0 Marks for:
They have difficulty merely finding their way/ they have deficiencies.

ii). 1 mark – „deficiencies‟

short comings / inadequacies/ flaws

0 marks for: faults / weaknesses/ defects

Question 1 (d) 1 Mark

“right round”
“the ball and socket action”

Question 2: 10 Marks (2 + 2 + 1 + 5)

a). 2 Marks (1 + 1)

i). 1 mark – „carnivorous‟

They feed on meat/ flesh/ they are predators/ they eat other animals.

ii). 1 mark – „author‟s attitude‟

disapproval/ condemnation / censure/ reproach

b). 2 Marks

i). 1 mark – „economical‟

The bird will not fly about/ will stay still/ remain stationary…
(thus conserving energy)

ii). 1 mark – „disadvantage‟

The prey might not come its way (quickly)/ the area might not have a lot of
prey/ the area might not be a rich hunting ground.
c).i. 1 mark – „susceptible to disease‟

Lack of / shortage of/ deficiency in

Minerals, trace elements, roughage, vitamins – in their diet

NB: Any one element is accepted for one mark.

Or: because they are given a poor/ deficient diet

0 Marks for: they are given the wrong diet.

d). 5 marks (5 x 1)

NB: In cases where more than five attempts are made, only the first five are

1 mark 0 mark

1. reinforces strengthens/ emphasizes increases/ hardens

Stresses/ underlines/
Augments/ confirms/ bolsters

2. appeal attraction/ interest/ beauty/ plea/ mercy

Fascination/ charm/
Magnetism/ pull

3. surprisingly amazingly/ incredibly shockingly

Unusually/ astoundingly
Astonishing/ unbelievably

4. occasionally once in a while/ sometimes at times/ rarely/

Now and then/ from time to time at intervals/ on and offs
Now and again periodically

5. convenient suitable/ hardly commodious easy/ accessible

Advantageous helpful for you
(in relation to time and plans)
6. main principal/ major/ most important principle/ central
Chief commonly used common/ vital

7. on the wing in flight/ while flying/ hide in the air with wings spread
Out/ flapping their
Wings/ from above

8. vigorous forceful/ strong/ powerful/ energetic fearful/ frightening /

Most determined dangerous

Question 3 – 20 marks

Each point scores 1 mark.


1. find and identity suitable prey

2. sit on a (convenient) perch/ telephone pole / branch

3. wait

4. choose the right size of animal

5. surveys/ watches from a high point/ telephone pole/ branch

6. uses its mobile neck to look around without having to move/ it remains

still/ it does not have to move

NB: (It only uses its mobile neck to look around)

7. the owl spots the prey.

8. it makes for it in one glide

9. it pounces
10. most owls close their eyes before impact

11. some barn owls look for prey from the air/ on the wing

12. they slowly float over fields

13. they occasionally dip down into the grass (after a rodent)

14. (at night) when an owl hears some rustling of leaves

15. it turns its head towards the possible prey

16. it turns for a second sound clue before striking.

17. when it receives another sound

18. it flies towards the rodent/ prey flapping vigorously

19. it arrives over the prey

20. it assumes its usual attacking position.

Question 4 – 10 marks (5 x 2)

a).i. Accept: understanding/ forgiving/ sympathetic/ tolerant

0 marks for: caring/ merciful/ pitiful

ii. Accept: punitive/ unsympathetic/ unforgiving/ intolerant

0 marks for: cruel/ angry

b)i. Accept: compliment/ commend/ praise/ be happy with rewards

0 marks for: promote

ii). Accept: reprimand/ caution/ be angry with / take exception to/

take issue with

0 marks for: demote/ fire/ sack

c)i. Accept: happy for you/ pleased/ delighted/ elated

0 marks for: enthusiastic/ excited/ interested

ii. Accept: envious/ jealous/ resentful

0 marks for: bored/ depressed / sad

d)i. Accept: taken aback/ struck dumb/ amazed/ astonished/ astounded

0 marks for: shocked/ surprised/ stunned

ii). Accept: angered/ annoyed/ disappointed


1. sarcasm

2. indifference

3. anger
4. sadness

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