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Impacts of Mutual Interference Analysis in

FMCW Automotive Radar

Utku Kumbul∗ , Yue Chen∗ , Nikita Petrov†∗ , Cicero S. Vaucher†∗ , Alexander Yarovoy∗
∗ Department of Microelectronics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
† NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

{u.kumbul, n.petrov, c.silveiravaucher, a.yarovoy}

Abstract—Mutual interference in the frequency modulated In this paper, we analytically investigate the FMCW au-
continuous wave (FMCW) radar is studied, and the influence tomotive radar mutual interference problem and derive the
of the FMCW interference on the beat frequency is analyzed. victim radar spectrum in the beat frequency. Subsequently, we
An analytical expression for the victim radar received signal
spectrum is derived. Different interference scenarios are inves- examine the effects of different interference scenarios on the
tigated by means of interference impact on the range-Doppler victim radar system performance. In order to achieve this task,
profile. It is shown that coherent interference concentrates within we give the signal model of interfered FMCW radar before
multiple range cells while non-coherent interference spreads the processing in Section II. Then, we analyze the spectrum of
interference power over the whole range-Doppler plane. the victim radar in Section III. Then, we investigate different
Index Terms—Automotive radar, Mutual interference, FMCW
Radar, Interference Model, Spectrum analysis. interference cases and demonstrate their influence on the
range-Doppler profile in Section IV. Finally, the conclusions
are presented in Section V.
Traffic safety concerns raise a growing interest towards
self-driving cars. Automotive radars can function in adverse The transmitted FMCW signal of the victim radar can be
weather conditions, and thus they play a critical role in given as:
advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) to realize au- p
st (t) = Pt exp −j2π fc t + , (1)
tonomous driving. Most modern vehicles are already equipped 2
with radar systems to enhance road safety [1]. However, radar- where Pt is the transmit signal power, k = B/T is the chirp
to-radar interference has become an important issue due to the rate, B is the chirp bandwidth, T is the chirp duration, and
increasing number of automotive radar sensors [2]. fc is the carrier frequency of the victim radar. The received
Frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) can FMCW signal reflected from a target can be represented as:
achieve high performance with a low hardware complexity
k(t − τ )2
and thus is commonly utilized in automotive radars [1]. The srtar (t) = αtar exp −j2π fc (t − τ ) + , (2)
FMCW automotive radar performs the dechirping operation, 2
which leads to a single-tone beat signal per point-like target where τ is the time √delay between the victim radar and the
and keeps the low waveform sampling demands in the radar re- target, αtar = ejφ0 Ptar is the amplitude of the received
ceiver. Then, target range-Doppler estimation is obtained from target echo, Ptar is the received power of the target echo, and
the beat signal using a two-dimensional fast Fourier transform ejφ0 is a constant phase term due to two-way propagation of
(FFT) [3]. However, the FMCW automotive radars suffer from the wave and the scattering coefficient from the target. For the
mutual interference [4]–[6]. The structure and characteristics FMCW interfering sensor, the received interference signal can
of the mutual interference vary according to the interference be written as:
signal system parameters [7]. Thus, the relationship between ki (t − τi )2
the mutual interference signal parameters and their effect on sri (t) = αi exp −j2π fci (t − τi ) + , (3)
the radar system performance needs to be understood for
where τi is the time√delay between the victim and interfering
developing proper interference estimation or machine learning
sensors, αi = ejφi Pi is the amplitude of received interfer-
methods. To this end, many studies have been conducted to
ence, Pi is the received power of the interference signal, ejφi
analyze and model the mutual interference problem between
is a constant phase term due to one-way propagation and the
FMCW automotive radars [8]–[13]. Particularly, a generalized
initial phase of the interference, ki is the chirp slope, and fci
radar-to-radar interference equation is proposed to analytically
is the carrier frequency of the interfering radar. We assume
describe as many scenarios as possible in [13]. Therein, the
the interference signal is present during the victim radar chirp
victim radar beat signal is derived in the time domain for
duration for derivations. The received signal powers can be
different waveform types. The main motivation of this study
defined as:
is to revisit the present detailed analysis of the FMCW radar Pt Gt Gr λ2 σ
in the time domain and extend it into the frequency spectrum. Ptar = , (4)
(4π)3 R4 tar

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and By substituting γ = ki − k and β = (fc − fci − f1 + ki τi ), the
spectrum of the interference beat signal can be obtained as:
Pti Gti Gr λi 2
Pi = , (5)
(4π)2 Ri 2 Sbi (f1 ) = αi
Z t2 k−k k τ 2
j2π fci τi +(fc −fci +ki τi )t+( 2 i )t2 − i 2i
where Rtar is the target range, σ is the target’s radar cross- e e−j2πf1 t dt
section, λ is the wavelength, Gt and Gr are the transmitting 
k τ 2

j2π fci τi − i 2i

2 Z t2 2
and receiving antenna gains of the victim radar. Similarly, √ − jπγt− √jπβ
= αi e e jπγ
e jπγ
Ri is the range between the interfering and victim radar, t1
Pti is the transmit power, λi is the wavelength, and Gti
ki τi 2
j2π fci τi − 2

jπ(fc −fc −f1 +ki τi )
is the transmitting antenna gain of the interference radar, e √ i
jπ(ki −k)
= αi e
respectively. The total received signal in the victim radar is
2 j(ki − k)
dechirped by multiplying it with the complex conjugate of !
the reference transmit signal associated with the victim radar.
p jπ(fc − fci − f1 + ki τi )
erf jπ(ki − k)t2 − p
Then, the resulting beat signal becomes: jπ(ki − k)
p jπ(fc − fci − f1 + ki τi )
2 −erf jπ(ki − k)t1 − ,
j2π fc t+ kt2 p
sb (t) = (srtar (t) + sri (t)) e jπ(ki − k)
j2π fc τ +kτ t− kτ2
= αtar e
  (6) where erf is the error function. The beat frequency component
k−k k τ 2
j2π fci τi +(fc −fci +ki τi )t+( 2 i )t2 − i 2i
+ αi e in the resulting signal can be converted to range as:
= sbtar (t) + sbi (t). cT
f1 , (10)
The dechirped signal has two main components: a single- where the positive frequency bins span 0 ≤ f1 ≤ fs /2 and the
tone beat signal regarding the target response and an additional associated range bins span 0 ≤ R ≤ Rmax for a given sam-
signal with a quadratic time component due to interference. pling frequency fs . The relationship between the interference
spectral characteristic and the resulting interference effect can
be seen in (9). In the case of ki ̸= k, the error functions cause
III. S PECTRAL A NALYSIS a chirp-like signal with the combination of two ripples while
the error functions start to create a sinc-like response, as ki
In this section, we analyze the spectrum of the dechirped approaches to k.
signal and examine the influence of interference on the victim
B. Effects on the Range-Doppler Profile
radar’s range and range-Doppler profile.
In the FMCW automotive radars, multiple chirp pulses are
used for velocity estimation. In the case of having different
A. Effects on the Range Profile chirp duration, the starting time instance of captured inter-
ference will be different for each chirp pulse, resulting in
We take the Fourier transform of the dechirped signal (6) to non-coherent interference. Thus, it is difficult to model such a
investigate the effect of interference on the range profile. After scenario. However, the coherent interference case, where the
dechirping, the target beat signal starts at τ and ends at T . For victim and interfering sensors have the same chirp duration,
the interference beat signal, we denote t1 and t2 as the starting can be modelled to derive an analytical expression for the
and ending time instances of the dechirping process between range-Doppler profile. Assume both victim and interfering
captured interference signal and the reference transmit signal. radars transmit Np number of pulses with a chirp duration
The dechirped signal in the frequency domain can be written T . The velocity difference among the chirp pulses introduces
as: a term exp(j2πfd mT ), where fd is the Doppler frequency
shift and m is the index of chirp pulses (slow-time) as
Sb (f1 ) = Sbtar (f1 ) + Sbi (f1 ). (7) 0 ≤ m ≤ Np − 1. Then, the fast-time and slow-time
representation of dechirped signal (6) can be recast as:
By taking the Fourier transform, the spectrum of the target  2

j2π fc τ +kτ t− kτ2 j2πfdt mT
beat signal can be represented as: sb (t, m) = αtar e e
k−k ki τi 2
j2π fci τi +(fc −fci +ki τi )t+( 2 i )t2 −
ej2πfdi mT .
Z T + αi e
j2π (fc τ +kτ t− 21 kτ 2 ) −j2πf1 t
Sbtar (f1 ) = αtar e e dt (11)
j2π (fc τ − 21 kτ 2 ) ej2π(kτ −f1 )T − ej2π(kτ −f1 )τ To obtain the range-Doppler profile, we take the first Fourier
= αtar e . transform along the fast-time and then the second Fourier
j2π(kτ − f1 )

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transform along the slow-time. The resulting two-dimensional 200 40
Fourier transform of the target and interference beat signals 30

Frequency (MHz)
can be written as: 100
Sbtar (f1 , f2 ) = αtar ej2π(fc τ − 2 kτ )
0 10

ej2π(kτ −f1 )T − ej2π(kτ −f1 )τ

j2π(kτ − f1 ) (12) -10
e ( j2π (fdt T −f2 )(Np −1))
−1 -200 -20
0 5 10 15 20 25
, Chirp duration ( s)
j2π (fdt T − f2 )
and 60
ki τi 2
j2π fci τi − 2

jπ(fc −fc −f1 +ki τi )

Amplitude (dB)
e √ i
jπ(ki −k)
Sbi (f1 , f2 ) = αi p e
2 j(ki − k)
! 20
p jπ(fc − fci − f1 + ki τi )
erf jπ(ki − k)t2 − p
jπ(ki − k) 0
p jπ(fc − fci − f1 + ki τi ) 0 50 100 150
−erf jπ(ki − k)t1 − p Range (m)
jπ(ki − k)
e(j2π(fdi T −f2 )(Np −1)) − 1
150 60
, 50
j2π (fdi T − f2 )
Range (m)

where fdt = 2vλtar and vtar is the target velocity. Note that 20
the interference signal has one-way propagation, and hence 50

its Doppler frequency shift fdi = λvii , where vi is the relative 0

velocity between victim and interfering sensors. 0 -10

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
IV. S IMULATIONS Velocity (m/s)

The captured interference can be coherent, periodically co- (c)

herent, and non-coherent based on the interferer radar system Fig. 1. FMCW Radar: No interference scenario. (a) Spectrogram of the
parameters. In this section, we investigate different FMCW received signal in baseband. (b) Range profile. (c) Range-Doppler profile.
automotive radar interference scenarios and simulate their
impacts on the victim radar’s range-Doppler profile. Assume
a victim radar operates at carrier frequency fc = 77 GHz First, we examine the sensing performance of the victim
and transmits Np = 256 chirp pulses with a chirp duration radar in an interference-free scenario, as shown in Fig. 1.
T = 25.6 µs and chirp bandwidth B = 200 MHz. Consider For comparison of the instantaneous frequency in different
the transmitted signal is reflected from a target at R = 50 m scenarios, we illustrate the spectrogram of the received signal
with a radial velocity v = 20 m/s and received along with (first pulse) in the baseband (Fig. 1 a). To highlight the
the complex Gaussian noise. We set the signal-to-noise ratio instantaneous frequency behaviour, all spectrogram figures of
(SNR) as SNR = −10 dB. In addition, assume the FMCW the received signal are shown for a noise-free case. Then,
interferer radar operating at carrier frequency fci = 77 GHz we process the received signal with noise and demonstrate
is located at Ri = 250 m with a radial velocity vi = 40 the range and range-Doppler profile of the victim radar in
m/s, and an additional interference signal is captured for every Fig. 1 b and c. Note that there is a signal processing gain
chirp pulses. We set the received interference signal amplitude (increase in SNR) as 10 log10 (BT ) + 10 log10 (Np ) = 61 dB
αi = 4αtar , i.e. the received interference signal power is 12 after range-Doppler processing. The noise level is estimated
dB higher than the received target signal power. Then, the from the target-free Doppler cell and used to normalize the
total received signal is downconverted to the baseband. The range response of the target. It is seen that the dynamic range
received signal in the baseband is dechirped and filtered by is around ∼ 51 dB for the target in an interference-free case.
Hamming low-pass filter (LPF) with the cut-off frequency Then, we investigate the impacts of the coherent FMCW
fcut = ±40 MHz. Then, ADC with the sampling frequency interference in Fig. 2. In this interference scenario, the chirp
fs = 80 MHz is used to sample the beat signal. Moreover, we duration of the interference needs to be the same as the
apply 80 dB Chebyshev window to the sampled signal and victim radar chirp duration, while the interference radar has
then process the windowed signal using the two-dimensional a different chirp slope. To realize such a scenario, we set the
FFT. interference chirp duration Ti = 25.6 µs and chirp bandwidth

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dB dB
200 40 200 40

30 30
Frequency (MHz)

Frequency (MHz)
100 100
20 20

0 10 0 10

0 0
-100 -100
-10 -10

-200 -20 -200 -20

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Chirp duration ( s) Chirp duration ( s)

(a) (a)
60 60
Amplitude (dB)

Amplitude (dB)
40 40

20 20

0 0

0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150

Range (m) Range (m)
(b) (b)
dB dB
150 60 150 60

50 50

40 40
Range (m)

Range (m)

100 100
30 30

20 20
50 50
10 10

0 0

0 -10 0 -10
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
Velocity (m/s) Velocity (m/s)
(c) (c)
Fig. 2. FMCW Radar: Coherent interference scenario. (a) Spectrogram of the Fig. 3. FMCW Radar: Periodically coherent interference scenario. (a)
received signal in baseband. (b) Range profile. (c) Range-Doppler profile. Spectrogram of the received signal in baseband. (b) Range profile. (c) Range-
Doppler profile.

Bi = 300 MHz. It can be seen that the received interference

signal in the baseband spans the frequency between ±150 Next, we demonstrate the effects of the periodically co-
MHz and overlaps with the received chirp signal of the victim herent FMCW interference in Fig. 3, where the interference
radar (Fig. 2 a). Therefore, dechirping the interference with chirp duration is multiples of the victim radar chirp duration.
the reference transmit signal leads to a so-called “V-shape” or To this end, we set the interference chirp duration Ti = 12.8
a diagonal line in the dechirped signal spectrogram [13]. Since µs with a chirp bandwidth Bi = 300 MHz. In this case, the
the interference has the same chirp duration, the location of interference appears at the same location for every chirp pulse,
such a diagonal line or “V-shape” is the same for every chirp but its duration becomes half, intersecting with the victim radar
pulses. As a result, this interference type affects only the range two times in the instantaneous frequency (Fig. 3 a). Thus, the
profile, and the interference power is spread over the multiple interference power spread over a range profile similar to the
range bins. This behaviour can be seen in Fig. 2 b, where previous case. However, the power of interference is almost
the interference power is spread over the range profile. We halved as some part of the interference beat signal is filtered
observe that the dynamic range degraded to ∼ 16 dB, and the by LPF, and the remaining energy is on the negative side
range profile of the victim radar heavily suffers from such an of the range-Doppler spectrum. As shown in Fig. 3 b, the
interference case. Notice that the chirp slopes are different, interference power increase the noise floor around ∼ 18 dB,
and hence the wide-band interference occurs in this coherent and the dynamic range becomes 33 dB.
case. On the other hand, the interference becomes narrow- Finally, we investigate the impacts of the non-coherent
band interference as the interference chirp slope approaches FMCW interference scenario in Fig. 4. This interference case
k, and the ghost target scenario occurs in the fully coherent occurs when the chirp duration of the interference is aperi-
case. However, such a ghost target scenario is unlikely to be odically different than the victim radar chirp duration. Such
generated by other radars in the environment. interference is the most common scenario between automotive

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200 40 the spectrum of the target response and interference signals
in the beat frequency. The derived equation can be utilized
Frequency (MHz)

100 to model and approximate the interference spectrum rapidly.

Afterwards, the impacts of the mutual interference on the
0 10
victim radar’s range and range-Doppler profile are examined.
Degradation in the sensing performance due to the coherent,
-10 periodically coherent and non-coherent FMCW interference
-200 -20 scenarios are demonstrated via numerical simulations. It is
0 5 10 15 20 25
Chirp duration ( s)
shown that the coherent and periodically coherent interference
cases increase the noise floor along the same Doppler bins,
60 while in the case of non-coherent interference, the interference
power is spread over multiple range-Doppler cells.
Amplitude (dB)

20 Part of this research activity was performed within the TU
Delft Industry Partnership Program (TIPP), which is funded
0 by NXP Semiconductors N.V. and Holland High Tech Systems
and Materials (TKIHTSM/18.0136) under the project ‘Coded
0 50 100 150
Range (m)
Radar for Interference Suppression in Super-Dense Environ-
ments’ (CRUISE).
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