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A level-based classification of technical enablers for the

realization of self-configuration in production systems

Hamood Ur Rehmana , Fan Moa,∗, Agajan Torayeva , Jack C. Chaplina , Leszek

Zarzyckib , Mark Jonesb , Svetan Ratcheva
a Institutefor Advanced Manufacturing, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG8 1BB,
United Kingdom
b TQC Ltd, Hooton St, Carlton Rd, Nottingham NG3 2NJ, United Kingdom


The requirement for production systems to automatically determine their

configuration is becoming more prominent. Self-configuration in manufacturing
deals with the capability of a production system to configure itself in response
to changes in its environment or product requirement. An understanding of the
capabilities required to achieve self-configuration allows systems to be evaluated
for their readiness to realise this goal. This enables users to identify where tech-
nologies can be used, where gaps may be present in existing system and where
developments should be prioritised. The research paper defines a novel level-
based classification for production systems to achieve self-configuration, along
with presenting a stage-wise transition approach towards achieving complete
self-configuration. The enablers, key approaches, applications, and challenges
to adoption of self-configuration in manufacturing are explored. A practical in-
dustrial use-case is demonstrated, on which the level-based classification features
are applied. A framework for realisation of self-configuration using level-based
classification is presented. Future research prospects and directions are also
Keywords: Self-Configuration, Self-*, Level-based classification, Smart
Manufacturing, Industry 4.0

∗ Corresponding author: Fan Mo, E-Mail address:

Preprint submitted to Journal of Manufacturing Systems

1. Introduction

The design of intelligent manufacturing approaches typically deals with re-

alisation at the system level while making assumptions about the lower-level
constituents: the machines, equipment, and other components that form the
5 building blocks of the system. The assumptions may involve considerations
of interoperability, integration, and performance capability [1]. Variations in
product features and characteristics may require changes in manufacturing op-
eration, even if the same physical equipment is used. These changes are called
configurations, and may entail a change in physical parameters, calibration, or
10 other system settings such as reporting or communication protocols. A change
in physical infrastructure may also require a change in configuration [2].
The concept of self-configuration is established in other fields such as com-
puter science [3] and telecommunication [4]. In manufacturing, the configura-
tion change at the system level has been widely researched [5, 6, 7]. In contrast,
15 configuration determination of the machine by the machine itself is a gap to
be explored for manufacturing applications. A Self-configuration in production
systems can be achieved through flexible modular devices (physical reconfigu-
ration) and utilising smart techniques to adjust their settings (configurations)
to meet requirements (product, process, any other quantifiable objective) [8].
20 The challenge for a manufacturer is knowing how they can enhance an existing
production system so that it can become ‘smarter’. In order to accomplish this,
it is first necessary to study the configuration capability in current production
systems in manufacturing, then a pathway to achieve self-configuration must be
25 This paper addresses this gap in the area of knowledge by discussing the
concept of “self” in relation to manufacturing, and presenting a framework to
achieve self-configuration in existing production systems. The contributions of
the paper are:

• An approach for classifying capability for self-configuration in production

30 systems, based on levels, is developed.

• We identify features that contribute to setting the configuration autonomously,
i.e. self-configuration. These features are mapped to the existing pro-
duction system. The features are aggregated through intensive literature
review and combined into an integrated classification to accomplish the
35 purpose of mapping.

• The levels in the classification correspond to the status of the features in

the production system. Transitioning between the levels through stages
to attain a complete self-configuring capability is elaborated.

• Evaluation of existing production systems for self-configuration capability

40 and readiness is discussed.

The advantage of the level-based system lies in breaking down the concept of
self-configuration to features that must be individually realised. The novelty in
this research is identifying and relating these features into an integrated classifi-
cation, providing a methodological approach to implement self-configuration in
45 practical applications (production systems). The possible enablers, challenges
and future direction is also discussed.
The paper is divided into six sections, with the establishment of the concept
and details of the proposed classification system in the first three sections and
an insight on self-configuration in production systems along with future trends
50 in the next three. Section 1 deals with the introduction and the context of the
paper. Section 2 establishes the concepts of self and configuration. It relates to
previous work, giving an insight into the idea of self-* in manufacturing, while
elaborating on the concept of self-configuration. Section 3 presents the novel
level-based classification for production systems to achieve self-configuration,
55 and proposes stage-wise transitions to navigate up the levels in practice. Sec-
tion 4 examines enablers and application of self-configuration in manufacturing.
The key approaches currently in use are discussed, while major challenges to
self-configuration implementation are identified. In Section 5, we present a
framework for the realisation of self-configuration along with mapping the level-
60 based classification on production systems. Finally, Section 6 concludes the

paper while presenting future research directions for self-configuring production

2. Concepts and Literature

2.1. Concept of “Self-* in manufacturing”

65 The interaction between physical and data entities has the potential to trans-
form engineering systems [9]. This data can be linked to machine functionalities
introducing the “self-*” related aspects such as self-awareness, self-comparison,
and self-prediction. These “self-*” aspects can further be combined and built up
for purposes of self-configuration and self-optimisation in intelligent production
70 systems.

Figure 1: Relating Self-Configuration to value extraction levels [9] in Intelligent Systems.

As the level increases, more “value ”is obtained from the system. Configuration Level is
the highest level of data and machine interaction, where the machine can take independent

A data strategy presented by the UK Government highlights a new data

policy addressing the needs of data-driven technologies in industry and steps
towards implementing a “data-ecosystem” [10]. The heterogeneity of industrial
data systems demands a cross-collaborative framework for proper interaction.
75 Development of homogeneity in industrial systems is a multi-level approach,
with basic steps starting at the lowest connection level. In manufacturing these
levels are the smart connection level, data-to-information conversion level, cyber
level, cognition level and configuration level [9] (Figure 1).

The properties of the system that make it capable of such adjustments are
80 collectively categorised as self-* properties. Much work on “self-*” caters to
the smart connection and data-to-information levels of data and machine in-
teraction. Common standards and protocols have been significant enablers in
achieving the connection level integration [11]. Integration at the connection
level remains a challenge in complex factory systems, which may involve dif-
85 ferent machines, varied by functionality and supplier, operating at different
conditions, time stamps and data formats.
The data to information level is constrained to information acquisition. Sig-
nificant work has been carried out at this level [12, 13], which highlighted the
need for models that adapt over time in response to the varying information
90 received.The requirement for adaptation with respect to parameter variation
over time is also necessary to reach the cyber level [14]. The cognition level uses
decision making algorithms and reasoning techniques to draw inferences from
the cyber level [15].
The variation in scalability and the complexity of distributed systems has
95 witnessed a growth in manufacturing systems that can automatically adjust
themselves, such as acting on feedback to control the production line and to take
independent decisions for configuration of their current and future states. Iden-
tified “self-*” properties include self-healing [16], self-stabilisation [5, 17], self-
configuration, self-adaptation [6], self-optimisation [18], self-protecting [19, 20],
100 self-organisation [21, 22], self-scaling, self-management [23] and self-immunity
[24]. These system properties also have inter-relationships among each other
The concept of self-configuration can be best defined as the capability of
a system to adapt to changes by itself. This is elaborated through table 1.
105 These changes can be either by re-configuring large complex processes itself,
or in adaptability in the architecture or component relationships to maintain
and improve performance by achieving desired quality standards in response
to changes [33, 34]. It becomes evident by this that self-configuring systems
have a direct impact on functionality and maintainability. We define “Self-

Table 1: Definitions of Self-Configuration extracted from literature in Chronological Order
Year Definition

2015 The ability to adapt the system to reach system objectives [26].
2016 The ability to automatically detect and handle changes to the system
2017 The ability to adapt the system to application domains and be oriented
to user requirements [28].
2018 The ability to implement policies that may adapt the system under
influence of a change or disturbance [29].
2019 The ability to implement and enhance manufacturing responsiveness
under changing conditions [30].
2020 The ability to implement high-level policies on components that
demonstrate capacity and capability of adjusting system under
objectives [31].
2021 The ability necessary to enable smart manufacturing (SM) for
engineering applications using the inputs generated automatically [32].

110 Configuration” as follows:

2em2em Self-Configuration is a property that deals with response. It is the
ability of a system to change its configuration (i.e., parameters, calibration, and
the connection between different system modules) by installing, updating and
(re)formulating to improve or restore system functionality in response to actions
115 and a changing environment. In a production system, those components that can
be adapted (configured) as per requirements can be referred to as Configurable

2.2. Discussion on Self-Configuration in Literature

The focus of the literature in this field is to improve flexibility in production

120 systems while promoting high automation level [35]. Highly automated produc-
tion system ensure rapid production of product variety through autonomous
organisation. Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) and Reconfigurable Man-
ufacturing Systems (RMS) [35]focused on flexibility offered due to mechanisation

of the production system and enhanced usage of modular elements in produc-
125 tion systems. However, these kinds of paradigm shift need to be linked with
production solutions that are able to accommodate these shifts. These pro-
duction solutions need to accommodate modularisation and flexible behaviour.
Self-organisation/self-adaptation in production systems can be achieved by us-
ing flexible modular devices (reconfiguration) and utilising smart techniques
130 to adjust their settings (self-configurations) in order to adapt to requirements
(product, process, any other quantifiable objective) [8].
IBM characterises a self-managed system as one comprising the four adapta-
tion features of self-configuration, self-optimizing, self-healing, and self-protecting.
These features may be separated into three levels of hierarchy, according to [36]
135 (Figure: 2).It is best to assume that the definition of self-configuration refers to
a system’s ability to modify automatically and dynamically. In order to main-
tain and improve performance to the desired quality standards in response to
change, these modifications can either be made by reconfiguring large complex
processes on their own or by adaptability in architecture or component relation-
140 ships [37]. This makes it clear that self-configuring systems have an immediate
influence on functioning and maintainability.

Figure 2: Hierarchy of Self-properties. Relating self-configuration to self-organisation/self-


There are multiple publications that deal with the control of self-organisational

behaviour, however, this comes with a huge variety of control solutions depend-
ing on the type of flexible production system [38]. For instance, [39], offers
145 an approach for selecting a configuration for a production system along with
sequence of operations.
Most of the publications, however, do not address the configuration issue,
overly relying on some kind of algorithm to give the right settings. This becomes
problematic in the case of the shift observed towards mass customisation. Usu-
150 ally, the algorithms fulfil a certain set of conditions and do not interact with
the production systems directly (has little knowledge of the changes happen-
ing). However, for a production system to be completely self-configurable, it
must be capable of identifying changes and responding to them in real-time
while using the said algorithms. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the
155 change in the production system, identifying the elements that contribute to
this and making them capable of self-configuration. A barrier that has effected
the self-configuration is that most researches emphasis on certain aspects like
context-awareness [40], data [41], optimisation [35] and control[42]. However,
they do not collectively try to consider them together as a whole and provide a
160 road-map for step by step transition.
With this literature review, there has been identified a clear need to develop
a model that:

• Determines the level of self-configuration (if any) capability present in a

production system.

165 • Provides a way to map the determined level of capability onto the pro-
duction system through features.

• Presents an approach can then be formulated that assists in transitioning

to a complete, self-configuring production system.

• Evaluates existing production systems for self-configuration readiness.

170 This paper describes the development and validation of our model that meets
these goals.

3. A Level-Based Classification for Self-Configuration

To implement self-configuration in a dynamic setting, it is necessary to

identify the “when” and “how” conditions of the event that causes configu-
175 ration change in order to minimise perturbation and maximise outcomes. A
learning mechanism can aid in robust self-organisation by service-orchestration,
making the system more effective, efficient, adaptive, responsive and advanta-
geous [43, 44, 45]. One of the approaches to identifying “how” and “when”
self-configuration should occur was studied by [46] where templates were used
180 from a top-down perspective, and artificial intelligence from a bottom-up per-
spective to change the structural adaptation of the system. A system for self-
configuration should be capable of adapting, and be constantly looking for new
improved configurations during operation. This expands the system functional-
ity for adaptation at the operation level [47].
185 Studies dealing with the incorporation of self-configuration into manufactur-
ing in terms of key-enablers, approaches and challenges, (detailed in section 4)
present a clear idea that self-configuration is composed of multiple “features”
acting together. This observation is used to develop a level-based classification
for production systems based on criteria for self-configuration realisation. The
190 classification levels are captured in Figure 3, and described in more detail in
the following sections. Each feature can be detailed by identifying the rele-
vant stage and level where it lies for the production system. This, in a sense,
presents a road-map on how to proceed with self-configuration for the respective
production system.
195 The levels, features, and stages are distinguished into two degrees of adoption
for self-configuration in manufacturing systems: System Readiness and System

System Readiness:. The levels that a system has to fulfil to make it capable of

200 System Execution:. The levels that a system has to fulfil to accomplish the ef-
fect of self-configuration and improve on the effect.

Figure 3: Level Based Classification for Self-Configuration. The degree of the capability in
production system is outlined with dividing the levels into two aspects of System Readiness and
System Execution. The System Readiness is from Level-0 to Level-3 and System Execution
is from Level-4 to Level-5. The Stage-Wise Transition (S1-S8) presents the transformation of
production system for incorporating self-configuration across levels.

3.1. Methodology

A four-tiered developmental process highlighted in [48] is used as the method

205 for creation of the level-based classification. This is carried out to promote a
systematic classification development for self-configuration target. Since, the
classification is on practical nature so as an initial step the production system it
is to be applied on must be defined and delimited. Secondly, the elements of the
classification must be instated. Third, the relationship between the elements
210 should be established in the wider scope of application. Finally, the evaluation
and validation must be carried out and examined.

3.2. Classification Requirements

There exists two categories of requirements that the classification must ad-
here to. The first one is the General Requirements aimed at modelling the
215 classification. This encompasses application direction and description, adapt-
ability relative to degree of realisation, utilisation for application, low effort to
apply and infer findings by the application of classification [49].
The other requirement is towards complimenting the classification for self-
configuring applications, therefore limiting the scope of classification. This re-
220 quires that the production system with self-configuration must be understood,
as discussed in the previous section. In case of Specific Requirements first, the
classification should have a general validity. It means it must be possible to
generalise the classification over a wide array of production systems. Secondly,
it must be possible to analyse production system at holistic, superordinate and
225 qualitative level using the classification. Third, the classification must be de-
scribed with the aid of its features and the relevant levels, making it independent
of technological implementation. Fourth, the stages of the classification must
be able to be differentiated based on their properties.

3.3. Features of Self-Configuration

230 The features of self-configuration are deduced based on analysis carried out
for self-configuring and self-organising production systems (previous section).

The features that enable self-configuration are self-capability, data management
(collection, combination, storage, conversion, and transmission), operation iden-
tification, optimisation, monitoring, and control [6, 50, 51]. Recent research is
235 present where each of these features has been discussed (individually or collec-
tively). A brief description of these features are;

• Self-capability encompasses the ability of a system to realise its state and

potential, be aware of its function and environment, and set up necessary
mechanisms for self-management.

240 • Data management encapsulates the capability for data collection, stor-
age, conversion, and transmission dealing with the complete data life-cycle
in production system

– Data Collection: The system must be capable of collecting and

combining data streams from multiple data sources. The cogni-
245 tive/learning inferences should enable the system to extract useful
information from the data collected, along with mitigating noise in
the accumulated data.

– Data Storage: Storage should be dynamic with the system being

capable of determining data location, and the value of data as per
250 latency and performance requirements for either processing at edge
or in the cloud.

– Data Conversion: The system must be capable of filtering useful

information for cognitive inferences and accumulate information for
goal directed behaviour.

255 – Data Transmission: Protocols and standards must promote inter-

operability between machines/systems and must be adaptable. Ex-
perience across the system could be leveraged for self-configuration
to make the system more adaptable to changes.

• Operational identification for self-configuration is moving towards the

260 objective like maximum efficiency, the best performance and lowest cost,

and ensuring correct behaviour execution as per that objective. To manip-
ulate the system for this, the process improvement should focus on oper-
ational awareness and execution directed to goals and desired behaviour.

• Optimisation for self-configuration is directed by the objective function

265 (i.e. function that defines the criteria for optimisation for the system). A
system that realises self-configuration embeds tuning of system parame-
ters and state-transition management in order to optimise the objective

• Monitoring of the constituent components that make up the system

270 and overcome disruptions is essential for self-configuring capability. The
monitoring must be connected to automated and cognitive inference driven

• Control through utilising insight generated by the system to direct self-

configuration behaviour. Event triggers can be used to offer high and low
275 level control in distributed manufacturing systems. Self-configuration uses
the effective monitoring to offer control capability to the target system.

3.3.1. Levels of Self-Configuration

The levels (see figure 3) in the classification vary from Level-0 to Level-5
representing a scale of self-configuration capability, with Level-5 signifying com-
280 plete self-configuration. The features of self-configuration under discussion are
split into multiple levels of capability, and maturity for each feature is achieved
by transitioning from Level-0 to Level-5. This transition through levels is done
in stages to make it practical to be deployed in industrial applications. This is
achieved through stage-wise transition from one stage to the next. This kind
285 of approach allows completion of third and fourth requirement of classification

3.4. Stages of Self-Configuration

Self-configuration is achieved via a stage-wise transition, in which each stage

represents a combination of features at certain levels of maturity, as illustrated in
290 the classification diagram (fig 3). Using existing models of [52] for autonomous
production systems, we adapt the stages to define the stages of self-configuring
production systems.
Determination of where a feature of the system lies within the classification
is carried out by the identification of the maturity of the feature along the levels.
295 A stage is associated to a feature based on the maturity along the levels where
most of the characteristics of the features in that application lie.
There are eight (8) proposed stages for the transition from no self-configuration
ability to fully implemented self-configuration. Stages-1 to Stage-4 fall within
System Readiness degree, while Stage-5 and Stage-6 are transitional stages that
300 make the system ready for System Execution degree. Stage-7 and Stage-8 are
responsible for producing and maintaining the effect of self-configuration in
System Execution degree. This stage-wise transition assists in associating the
current self-configuration capability of a system with a direction of progression
to higher levels of self-configuration.
305 Stages of level transition for self-configuration can be related to cost and
complexity. The stages, increasingly, add to the complexity of the system and
also the associated cost. A trade-off exists, depending on the system’s require-
ments, on the level that must be reached by the system in terms of capability,
associated cost, and complexity. These stages can be stated as:

310 • Stage-1 Information Stage: The system gains the partial capability for
accumulating and combining data from data sources along with processing
the data for analytics. Transmission capability is limited to accumulated
data transfer only. Operational awareness is present, but no optimisation
capability is available. Basic monitoring of system state is carried out
315 with partial human driven control.

Example: A production system that can gather data for limited process-

ing, but cannot act on the accumulated data, i.e. make decisions itself.
It can record information in a storage medium, that can be extracted
through a human operator. Context awareness is present, meaning that
320 it can record and map information during an operation.

• Stage-2 Extraction Stage: The system becomes capable of combining

data from sources with data stored locally. The system has more capability
to extract useful portions of data along with optimisation of key-tasks.

Example: A production system that can gather all relevant data for pro-
325 cessing, and can combine data for analysis. The storage in this production
system is still done locally. Optimisation like (time, a value, or cost) con-
ditions can be fed to the production system and some settings can be made
to reach the optimisation objective.

• Stage-3 Awareness Stage: The system develops a sense of awareness

330 about its condition. Data capability is increased with the system capable
of combining data from multiple sources, and storage is possible locally and
on network. Monitoring capability becomes enhanced with more focused
monitoring of information.

Example: The production system has ability to collect data for processing,
335 store that data locally in a storage medium, and also transfer it over a
network onto a server. Each operation in the system can be monitored,
along with change in state identified during operations.

• Stage-4 Context Stage: The system develops an awareness of its envi-

ronment (i.e., becomes a cyber-physical system). The system effectively
340 filters useful information from the gathered data. Data transmission ca-
pability is increased with more sharing of information across devices and
linked with a common knowledge-base. Automated control is present,
guided by effective monitoring algorithms.

Example: In addition to the example of Stage-3, useful information like

345 time or a value can be extracted from the production system. It also

has context-awareness, i.e. relate the change in state to an outcome (pro-
grammed) like a pass/fail criteria etc.

• Stage-5 Self Stage: The system becomes ready for the initial stages of
self-configuration. The capability of system for self-optimisation, healing
350 and protecting are introduced. Information useful for decision-making is
gathered. The system develops data transmission capability across ma-
chine platforms. Objective functions are used for optimisation as per
specified goals, with the system monitoring and driving the control strat-

355 Example: The production system has a protective mechanism built-in that
observes and identifies undesired behaviours and assists the system to act
as per objectives. The user can provide an objective function, accounting
for cost, time or any other, that the production system can utilise during

360 • Stage-6 Adaptation Stage: The system is able to adapt to changes

without assistance. Data collection could be carried out without disrup-
tions and self adjusts to eliminate disrupting factors. The system could
store data in a network or cloud storage. A disruption management mech-
anism is present.

365 Example: The production system becomes more reactive, i.e. if there
is a disturbance/disruption then the system takes steps to overcome it
(by means of control logic or otherwise). Also, the system is capable of
adapting the production system to meet the requirements set (product,
process, or KPIs).

370 • Stage-7 Partial Self-Management Stage: The system is capable of

combining data without disruption, and data is collected depending on
the goals. Machine learning could be incorporated for smart decision-
making with data transmission to control machine configuration. Process
improvement is the main focus at the stage, with optimisation directed

375 towards parameter tuning. The system is capable of gathering and mon-
itoring information about all its constituent components. Based on these
cognitive inferences, control of the system can be driven.

Example: The production system becomes smarter with link to machine

learning pipelines, that assist in decision-making to reach objectives. The
380 system is capable of gathering useful data that contributes to the goal.
Parameter tuning is supported by machine learning pipelines. Automated
control is mainly relied on.

• Stage-8 Self-Management Stage: The system gains complete control

over its configuration, as it becomes completely self-managed.The system
385 can process portions of data at the Edge, while other portions could be
dispatched to the cloud for analytics. Experience sharing can be enabled
in the system, making the configuration more effective with subsequent it-
erations. Event-based triggers are available that provide enhanced control

390 Example: The production system has the capability to learn over-time
in regard to objectives. High-computational resources may be linked to
the system for making smarter decisions. The production system operates
on an event-trigger mechanism and gathers relevant data to support the
event to optimise as per objective.

395 These stages show how progression towards higher levels of self-configuration
emerges from progression in maturity levels of the contributing features. This
level-based system can be used to understand a system’s readiness for self-
configuration capability and depending on the requirements achieve the balance
of functionality with cost and complexity. The stage-wise transition is neces-
400 sary to make sure that self-configuration can be realised in earnest by evaluating
the current state of production system of self-configuration readiness. Only once
the system reaches Stage-5 it can realise initial effects of self-configuration. Pro-
gressing from Stage-5 also leads to progression on self-configuration realisation.

4. Evaluating Enablers of Self-Configuration with the Level-Based
405 Classification of Production System

The level-based classification of self-configuration in the production system

can be used in two ways. Firstly, it can be used to evaluate a manufacturing
system, to determine the stage of self-configuration it is capable of by breaking
down the domain into features and evaluating the maturity level of each of those
410 features.
Alternatively, the classification can be used to evaluate possible contributing
technologies. Technologies applied to a manufacturing system can help increase
the maturity level of specific features. By understanding which features and
levels they contribute to, technologies can be identified to fill in gaps a system
415 may have to reach higher stages of self-configuration capability.
This section discusses four potential enablers of self-configuration and eval-
uates them with the level-based classification. This serves as a study into the
applicability of these technologies to self-configuration, and also a demonstration
and validation of the classification.
420 The features of self-configuration discussed in the model presented in Section
3 can be influenced by the technology or technologies utilised. The technolo-
gies that enable the realisation of self-configuration can highlight the features
targeted and areas that may be lacking. In this section, possible enablers of self-
configuration are examined with their respective levels (Section 4.1) and stages
425 (Section 4.2). Challenges are presented that demonstrate the aspects of fea-
tures that must be improved with each technology for complete self-configuring
production systems.

4.1. Evaluation of Enablers of Self-configuration

Self-configuration focuses on the operational aspect of the production sys-

430 tem, acting on extracted information to make decisions and take actions. This
level enables machine to machine communication, experience sharing, optimi-
sation and monitoring along with dealing with parameter tuning and design

improvement. To obtain this, it is necessary to utilise those technologies that
achieve such or similar behaviour.
435 In manufacturing intelligence literature, many technologies are proposed to
aid in fulfilment of self-configuration objective, we examine four as they provide
a good spread of options for implementation (Table: 2). Some of their details
and approaches to achieve self-configuration or similar effect are described in
the following subsections. The following sections detail a brief description of
440 each technology followed by the evaluation.

Table 2: Enablers of Self-Configuration

Enablers Description

Multi-Agent Systems Consists of independent software “agents” responsible

for a resource or portion of a resource. Agents co-
ordinate among themselves to form emergent behaviours
from simple individual behaviours to form a distributed
control paradigm.
Grid Computing Consists of multiple computers, often distributed
geographically, networked together to accomplish joint
tasks. Requires systems to maintain sense of state.
Grid computing has the capability to combine distributed
resources and co-ordinate among them for stateful
execution to target goal.
Control Theory Uses system controllers for controlling behaviour in
a designed system. Consists of target system and
controller. The controller implements a control strategy
and produces signals that adapt target systems as per
the desired goal.
Component Based An architecture based on system functionality
Development components and connectors that govern interaction
between such components. This prompts structural self-
awareness in the system, important for self-configuration.

4.1.1. Multi-Agent Systems
Self-configuration can be accomplished by agent-based control and commu-
nication in a production system environment. “Agent” in the context of a
multi-agent system refers to an intelligent software agent which monitors and
445 controls the production equipment. A combination of passive, active and cogni-
tive agents make up the multi-agent system environment, with increasing levels
of intelligence, autonomy, and capability. Multi-agent systems use multiple in-
dividually simple agents to collectively achieve complex control paradigms for
self-configuration, and show complex behaviour emerging from simplistic indi-
450 vidual processes.
Bachula et al. [53] have described a three-stage framework for agent-based
control in a discrete manufacturing system environment. The technology em-
ployed in their research focuses on cooperative agents, resulting in a plug and
play control system. This plug and play control gives the capability to the dis-
455 tributed production system of being able to configure itself based on agent be-
haviour. Multi-agent systems have been applied in decentralised manufacturing
environments where their capability for intelligent decision-making, agent-to-
agent communication and cooperation are relied on for production control [54].
These capabilities make a firm case for their application to self-configuration
460 and self-organisation of such systems.

4.1.2. Grid Computing

The autonomic principles of grid computing address the ability of grid sys-
tems to adapt to changes for maintaining system performance and recovering
from any perturbation [55]. Grid systems maintain a sense of state that helps
465 them to identify and manipulate themselves as per desired criteria. Works on
grid computing have used configuration broker for web services to maintain
reliable web service and stateful resource access[55]. Other works use similar
approaches in telecommunication[56] and wireless applications [57]. However,
grid computing has seen little acceptance in manufacturing.

470 4.1.3. Control Theory
Control theory drives the production system by using the manufacturing
system controllers. The central production system controller implements a con-
trol strategy through manufacturing controllers. This strategy is based on the
desired goal provided for the production system. Control driven approaches
475 have been extensively applied to introduce self-* behaviours in manufacturing.
[58] presents a supervisor architecture for enabling system availability in spite
of failure, therefore maintaining the system state at the control level. [59] iden-
tified self configuration as a key challenge for automation systems. The work
done by [58] looked to propose a configuration mechanism coupled with a model
480 driven development technique to ensure control is maintained in the event of a
system failure. This was accomplished by restoring functionality of a controller
to a backup when failure occurs. The research argued that the recovery of the
functionality is a function of the execution point in which the system has failed.
With the rigidness of the 61131-3 standard [60], PLC controller configuration
485 could be achieved only when the system is not running (although hot-swapping
of portions of code may still be possible while within the same CPU cycle without
stopping the manufacturing process). The swapping approach is viable, but
causes significant downtime [61]. For this to be possible the system control
needs to stop running, the new complete program needs to be loaded, and
490 finally execution resumed. A functional block approach that uses IEC61499
standard for PLC control due to its distributed architecture is most useful to
achieve self-configuration behaviour.
Other research works targeting dynamic reconfiguration like that described
in [5] used a dynamic ranking table for optimising control system workload.
495 Similarly, [17] used the order arrival time and controller workload to set config-
uration balance across controllers. Energy optimisation [62], fault control [63]
and network failure control [64] all have served as drivers for self-configuration
based on objective.

4.1.4. Component Based Development
500 Component-based development deals with the encapsulation of reusable func-
tionality and self-sufficiency for self-configured production systems at the frame-
work levels. Autonomic components provide the ability to export profiles that
contain information about functional, operational, and control aspects. This
information includes knowledge about their behaviour, adaptability to other
505 systems, resource prerequisites, performance and interaction. In this method-
ology, aspects of composition formalism, smart components, and hot swapping
may serve as enablers for self-configuration. Composition formalism can help in
generating configurations for the equipment under constraints [33]. Smart com-
ponents can adapt to changes serving as building blocks for production systems
510 [65] and hot swapping [66] can help in self-configuration by code replacement,
code swapping or module change.

4.1.5. Level-Based Classification of Enablers of Self-configuration

Now we apply the model to the aforementioned technological enablers. Fig-
ure 4 can be seen as a framework for incorporating level-based classification on
515 a production system. The technological aspects that are collectively responsi-
ble for self-configuration can be divided by the capability of each constituent
feature. Each feature can then be detailed by identifying the relevant stage and
level where it lies. This, in a sense, presents a road-map on how to proceed, i.e.,
what stage-wise transition to be taken for increased self-configuration capability.
520 Figure 4 also clearly illustrates that the enablers alone are currently insuf-
ficient to realise higher stages and levels of self-configuration. They can only
be achieved when these enablers are linked with different technologies. In this
way, these enablers act as a bridge between different technologies to achieve the
purpose of self-configuration.
525 By understanding the target stage of self-configuration (which will be a
trade-off between functionality and the cost/complexity of implementation), use
of the classification enables identification of the most relevant technologies, but
also potential gaps. For example, the enabler multi-agent systems have most of

Figure 4: Level Based Classification for Self-Configuration applied to Enablers along with
Stage-Wise transition Identification. Note that there is only one occurrence of Stage 7 in the
diagram and none of Level-5.
the features at Level 4, and this corresponds generally to self-configuration stage
530 6. However, to achieve full stage 6 self-configuration, limitations in the data

transmission and data conversion features would need to be overcome, requiring
the integration of additional technologies – machine to machine communication
standards for example.

4.2. Industrial Application of Level-Based Classification of Production Systems

535 Level-based classification can be applied on industrial production systems
to evaluate its fitness for self-configuration as per its constituent features. The
capability of features in respective industrial applications are identified along
with its stage and the level where it is present. This assists in setting up a target
level for features and provides a direction to achieve desired self-configuration
540 capability. To demonstrate the applicability of the novel level-based classifi-
cation, three industrial production systems are considered: basic differential
pressure Leak Tester, Multi-Application Leak Tester (MALT) and then MALT
integrated with a multi-agent system (JADE) (figure 5).

Figure 5: Industrial production systems for demonstrating applicability of level-based classifi-

cation: (a) Basic differential pressure Leak Tester; (b) Multi-Application Leak Tester (MALT);
(c) Multi-Agent integrated with MALT System

Differential pressure decay leak testing is used to sensitively detect leaks

545 in production parts and is one of the most commonly applied industrial leak
testers. Two pressure sensors are used; absolute sensor to relate the difference
between test pressure and atmospheric pressure, and pressure transducer to
measure leaks during testing process. Functionality involves filling the test part
and reference part with air, stabilising and measuring the relative change in
550 pressure between two parts. Applying the level-based classification on this basic
industrial production system yields most of its features at Level-0 or Level-1.
The production system is at the very basic degree of System Readiness for self-
configuration. Detail about the features, their respective levels and stages can
be seen in figure 6.
555 Multi-Application Leak Tester (MALT) is an industrial leak testing pro-
duction system capable of performing dry-air leak testing for small and large
volume parts. It is an Internet of Things (IoT) device capable of performing
tests, based on selected configuration. MALT can infer results (pass/fail) based
on criteria selected at configuration i.e. differential pressure, test pressure, fill
560 time etc. Applying level-based classification on this industrial production sys-
tem indicates most of its features at Level-1, Level-2 or Level-3. This production
system is almost at the highest System Readiness degree and can be adapted
through stage-wise transition for self-configuration. Detail about the features,
their respective levels and stages can be seen in figure 7.
565 In the third example, the multi-agent system JADE (Java Agent Devel-
opment Framework) is integrated with the MALT in an industrial leak testing
production system. This shifts most of the features from the previous capability
to Level-3 and Level-4 taking it to System Execution degree. Some adaptation
is necessary through stage-wise transition for the system to achieve complete
570 self-configuration. Detail about the features, their respective levels and stages
can be seen in figure 8.

4.3. Challenges to the Application of Self-configuration

The technologies proposed for enabling self-configuration in manufacturing

present opportunities and challenges in their applications. Figure 4 evaluates

Figure 6: Level Based Classification for Self-Configuration applied to basic differential pressure
Leak Tester
575 the technological approaches for self-configuration in manufacturing system by
relating their features with the developed classification. This presents a clear
indication of the level and stage where each of the technologies lie in terms of
contribution to the features of self-configuration. Based on this analysis, the
challenges for self-configuration are identified.

580 Control Challenge:. There exists a need for effective control that not only pro-
vides functionality to operations, but also the measurement for occurred failures.

Figure 7: Level Based Classification for Self-Configuration applied to Multi-Application Leak
Tester (MALT)
The self-configuration process could involve modification to one or more param-
eters, a sequence change, variation in information flow, communication paths
and channels, or a modification to a physical component’s functionality. For
585 this, a dynamic control mechanism is required along with robust monitoring.
This allows for variations in one component without influencing other compo-
nents as a change is detected. This maintains the stability of the system [61].
One assumed property of self-configuration is that the self-configuration process

Figure 8: Level Based Classification for Self-Configuration applied to Multi-Agent integrated
MALT System
does not disturb the control process, but is aided by it. Moreover, preconditions
590 need to be executed for actions to take place. Therefore, in control applications,
real-time constraints must be met for safe execution. However, the implementa-
tion of such an enabling architecture that supports such stochastic environments
is a major challenge [67].

Knowledge and Framework Challenge:. For self-configuration, there is a lack
595 of knowledge about the technical infrastructure required for such a capability
to be present in the equipment. This comes in addition to the general lack of
information on how to implement self-configuration in production systems, the
constituent feature components, and the transitional approach to reach com-
plete self-configuration. The level-based classification introduced in this paper
600 contributes to this aspect, but more research is required.

Trust and Interoperability Challenge:. For equipment to transfer and co-relate

data between different data streams, free movement of data is required. In-
creasing concerns over data sensitivity, intellectual property, data ownership
and management, require a strong data governance policy that could be linked
605 with the production systems [68]. However, due to the lack of interoperabil-
ity between protocols, systems, products, and devices such policies rarely exist.
Due to vendor specific standards of many system components, interoperabil-
ity requirements fail to match the desired infrastructure requirements for self-
configuration. The capability to handle data growth and the security of acquired
610 data act as a challenge for data management and realisation of self-* abilities

5. Realisation of Self-configuration in Production Systems

A potential direction towards achieving self-configuration is presented util-

ising the enablers in this section. A framework is illustrated and features of
615 self-configuration are mapped to the production system. Future works will ex-
plain the realisation in more detail.

5.1. Framework for Self-configuration in Production Systems

The framework for realisation of self-configuration in a production system

involves six entities namely the operator, the manufacturing asset, Transport
620 Agent (TA), Product Agent (PA), Resource Agent (RA), and a data manage-
ment pipeline (for determining configuration settings). The pipeline consists

of “services” involved in managing the data, using the accumulated data, pre-
diction, and coordination to achieve self-configuration. The service description,
agents (Table: 3), pipeline, and their connection for achieving self-configuration
625 is elaborated in next section.

Table 3: Agent Description for Production System

Agent Description

Transport TA is responsible for transporting the product between manufac-

Agent (TA) turing assets in a production system.
Product PA is instantiated to represent one product as it is entered in the
Agent (PA) production system. A product, represented by PA, has a name
along with skill (functionality) requirements to produce it.
Resource RA is responsible to handles resources. One RA is responsible
Agent (RA) for one resource represented by a name, skill (functionality) and
location. This resource is a manufacturing asset that executes a

5.1.1. Sequence of Proposed Self-Configuration Framework

The movement of data in the framework for self-configuration is achieved
through agent technology that control operations occurring during execution.
The agent technology communicates with the pipeline components to perform
630 self-configuration. The interactions between agents, the production system, data
pipeline, and operator is shown in the sequence diagram;

1. At the start of the production cycle, all manufacturing assets in a produc-

tion system register on a Directory Facilitator (DF) Service. Each has an
associated name, location, and a skill (process it can execute, i.e. func-
635 tionality) offered. For the purpose of simplicity, we consider that each
manufacturing asset executes once skill. Each manufacturing asset is rep-
resented by a RA.

Figure 9: Sequence diagram for self-configuration framework
2. The PA requests DF service for the skills and find the respective RA that
is able to execute the desired skill.
640 3. If multiple RAs are able to execute skill (functionality), then the best RA
is selected through negotiations based on Contract Net Protocol (CNP).
4. As the RA is selected, the TA transports the product to the manufacturing
asset (represented by the chosen RA).
5. The data pipeline connects with the manufacturing asset. It configures the
645 system to meet the configuration as per product requirements. For this to
occur, it checks for the runtime conditions for the resource in regard to the

product. If all conditions are satisfied, then skill is ready to be executed.
6. The manufacturing asset needs to be configured as per requirements. The
Machine Learning services connected to the data pipeline configure the
650 production manufacturing asset and functionality is executed.
7. Once the functionality is performed, the RA returns with a confirmation
and PA instructs the TA to move to the next location to perform the next
8. If no more skill is required, then PA requests the TA to move the product
655 out of the system.

The run-time conditions assists in checking the current state of the manu-
facturing asset and match with the desired futures states. Let’s consider that
there is a need for a part to be picked up by a robot. The robot may possess the
capability to pick up the part but if it is already holding a component the check
660 against the run-time condition will return as negative. Apart from capability,
the run-time conditions can be verified against relationships, constraint, and
specific (product and process) requirements. The Key Performance Indicator
(KPI) serves an anchor for self-configuration, i.e., the self-configuration of the
manufacturing asset is driven by KPI as guiding parameters. As stated before,
665 self-configuration is system adaptation under changes to improve functionality.
The guiding parameter provided as KPIs are used by the components of the
data pipeline, optimising the system to the best possible setting for that pa-
rameter. The development and deployment of the self-configuration component
of the data pipeline using this framework is a part of future work.
670 The application of the self-configuration framework for a production system
in manufacturing can be viewed in figure 10. A mapping of the previously elab-
orated level-based classification of production system is carried out and shown
in this figure. The area where each feature of the level-based classification must
be targeted to achieve complete self-configuration is presented. The controller of
675 the production system hosts most of these features such as self-capability, data
collection, data storage, and control. Since, the controller is the gateway to the

Figure 10: Mapping Level Based Classification for Self-Configuration to Production system

Figure 11: An operational tool developed for assisting mapping of level-based classification
and achieving self-configuration in production systems.
production system, therefore, for self-configuration most of the features should
target this component. For self-configuration, we need a means of converting
and transmitting the collected data so the feature of data conversion and data
680 transmission is conceptualised to work between the controller and data pipeline.

Operational identification for real-time operational awareness and direction tar-
gets data pipeline and controller component of the framework. The components
of the data pipeline are detailed in table 4 and deployment of the pipeline will
be discussed in future work. Going into detail of production system, by def-
685 inition established before, it will consist of manufacturing assets and services
that coordinate to produce products. At the system level, the features of data
transmission, data collection and control are needed to be present to ensure
functionality with the controller of the production system. A tool to assist this
has been developed (figure 11) and will be elaborated in future works along with
690 industrial validations.

6. Conclusion and Future Research Direction

This paper presents a novel model for evaluating production systems and
enabling technologies with respect to their maturity or application to self-
configuration. This enables users to understand where technologies could be
695 used, where gaps may exist in their system, and where developments should be
prioritised. The concepts of “self” and “configuration” are defined and coupled
with the idea of “self-* in manufacturing”. This is used to establish the defini-
tion of self-configuration in manufacturing. A level-based system for classifying
self-configuration capability in production systems is presented, with stage-wise
700 transition to higher degrees of self-configuration. The stage-wise transition is
related to the balance between functionality versus the cost and complexity of
implementation in production environment. An industrial use-case of a test
process based on manufacturing system (MALT) is demonstrated on a devel-
oped framework to achieve such self-configuration by mapping to the proposed
705 level-based classification features.
The analysis of the concept of self-configuration and proposed enablers for
realisation highlights multiple gaps in knowledge and technologies, and this
identifies areas for further research.

Table 4: Data Pipeline Component Description for Production System

Component Description

Runtime Check Checks the manufacturing assets against relationship, con-

straint, requirements (product and process), and capability
conditions. This gives the additional depth to operation
execution. It provides a check on the current state of the
production system.
Objective Defini- A target corresponding to cost, time or any performance pa-
tion rameter in terms of guiding parameter is set for the product
being produced.
System Adaptation The system is configured as per the target guiding parame-
ter by coordinating with the prediction serving component.
Operational and These define the operation skill requirements and the man-
Conditional Ex- ner in which these skills need to be executed. More detail
pression on this and aproach to formulate is presented in work by
Rehman et al. [69].
Prediction Serving This component of the data pipeline acts as a gateway for
the Machine Learning model deployed (previously trained).
This is used to serve the requests by the system adaptation
component for self-configuration.

Mathematical model:. Mathematical models for setting up the criteria for decision-
710 making like performance, efficiency, and quality among others needs to be ad-
dressed. This could lead to optimisation or tuning of parameters to reach a
desired goal and assist in addressing the control challenge that was identified.
Furthermore, a quantitative model must be established that introduces self-
configuration capability to the production systems. The quantitative model
715 must be supported with operational validation, that utilises the level-based
classification approach to achieve self-configuration ability. This model will

be elaborated in future works.

Data model:. A data model for data management and realisation of self-* prop-
erties is another scope of work that must be addressed. This model must define
720 the information flow necessary for developing a standard mode of data transfer
and connection with resources and operations. Furthermore, the possibility of
integration of a production system with the process, product, and capability
requirements must be explored and incorporated in the model. If the produc-
tion system is available as a part of cloud manufacturing infrastructure, then an
725 extension may be possible to introduce aspects of service-matching in the data
These data models must capture completely the data in a production system
and provide a mechanism using which services can interact with the system.
Some work has been done with achieving a consistent representation of the
730 production system through data models by AutomationML technology [70].

Real-time transition management:. A research direction regarding self-configuration

is transition management under real-time constraints. This deals with the pa-
rameters the production system needs to operate on, the state the system takes
as the parameters of the system change, and implementing effective transition
735 management from one parameter state to another without disruptions. How-
ever, as the production systems operate in real-time, so they must be capable
of handling and accommodating these changes in real-time.
The data model of the production system can be incorporated with knowl-
edge graphs to host instances of production systems with real-time capabilities
740 and states [71]. These can be queried by services and then used to influence
production systems as desired. A graph based representation in the form of
knowledge graphs can also be extended to realise potential configurations for
non-disruptive systems that fulfil the set performance criterion.

Ontologies and Semantics:. Information modelling supported by ontologies and

745 semantics must be generalised for the application of self-configuration and real-

time adaptation. This information modelling must represent the production
system, and instances of the manufacturing systems in it (to allow for represen-
tation of different states),
The developed information modelling must be generalised to incorporate a
750 wide range of production systems along with providing possible interfaces to
extend the application by including more technologies like providing interfaces
for Apache Kafka, PLC, Cloud Computing etc. Some works on IoT adapters
are already carried out that preserve this interface requirements [41].

Interoperability and Information Integrity:. Changing configuration needs and

755 settings require a communication channel between distributed entities to pre-
serve and maintain information integrity. Coupled with this, the system must
be able to form any desired configuration based on sensor readings and other
communication network requirements evolving over time.
The interoperability needs of a production system are fulfilled as a com-
760 mon data interchange is achieved between manufacturing system components.
Interoperability requirements and pertaining maintenance of data (in terms of
consistency, accuracy, and security) are detailed extensively for production sys-
tem [72].

System Adaptation and Applications:. A system-wide learning mechanism may

765 be studied for self-configuration, where adaptation is taken as a driving goal.
There is also need to identify a range of industrial applications that can be
studied to further build on the boundaries of the concept of self-configuration.
The system adaptation must involve technologies that can be easily inte-
grated to allow for modular deployments. This allows for easy and fast adap-
770 tation. The utilisation of these technologies must be directed towards the self-
configuration objective. The system adaptation must be built around a frame-
work which includes a layer that addresses the production system (gives it a
digital representation), a configuration layer that captures the configuration
settings (including manufacturing system and state information) and a layer

775 that incorporates different variations to the production system (responsible for
reconfiguration and arrangements).


This work is carried out under DiManD Innovative Training Network (ITN)
project funded by the European Union through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie
780 Innovative Training Networks (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018) under grant agreement
number no. 814078. The research is carried out in joint collaboration between
University of Nottingham and TQC Ltd.

Credit author statement

Hamood Ur Rehman: Conceptualization, Classification Approach, Eval-

785 uation, Writing-Original Draft, Application Validation. Fan Mo: Classifi-
cation Approach, Writing-Original Draft, Application Validation, Correspon-
dence. Agajan Torayev: Classification Approach, Writing-Original Draft,
Application Validation. Jack C. Chaplin: Conceptualization, Writing-Review
& Editing, Supervision. Leszek Zarzycki: Conceptualization, Funding Acqui-
790 sition, Writing-Review & Editing, Supervision. Mark Jones: Conceptualiza-
tion, Technical Guidance, Supervision. Svetan Ratchev: Conceptualization,
Funding Acquisition & Supervision.


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