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and Drug Administration 4 has 2 Ower AK, Hadjichrysanthou C, Gras L, et al.

Temporal association patterns and dynamics of
released a guideline for industry for amyloid-beta and tau in Alzheimer’s disease.
the development of treatments for Eur J Epidemiol 2018; 33: 657–66.
Alzheimer’s disease, which suggests 3 Hadjichrysanthou C, Ower AK, de Wolf F,
Anderson RM, Alzheimer’s Disease
biomarkers should become more of Neuroimaging Initiative. The development
a focus, but it stresses that a deeper of a stochastic mathematical model of
Alzheimer’s disease to help improve the design
understanding of the trajectory of of clinical trials of potential treatments.
the biomarkers over time is needed PLoS One 2018; 13: e0190615.
to determine progression to disease. 4 US Food and Drug Administration. Early
Alzheimer’s disease: developing drugs for
Finally, we would like to draw treatment guidance for industry. 2018.
attention to the power and usefulness
of computer simulations, and to how Guidances/UCM596728.pdf (accessed
they can facilitate progress in clinical Jan 29, 2018).
Department of Error
and drug development research on
Alzheimer’s disease. With clearly Oosthuizen JC, Doody J. De-intensified treatment in
human papillomavirus-positive oropharyngeal
defined assumptions, quantitative cancer. Lancet 2019; 393: 5–7—In the fifth
data on longitudinal trends of a given paragraph of this Comment (published Online
endpoint choice (in a reasonable First on Nov 15, 2018), the study by
Maura Gillison and colleagues was incorrectly
sample of patients), and an under­ referred to as a phase 2 study, rather than a
standing of measurement error, such non-inferiority study. The fourth sentence of
simulations can provide insights this paragraph should read “This difference
between the two study designs might reflect
into how best to detect signals of regional practice patterns, with cisplatin
treatment efficacy in a clinical trial, commonly substituted with cetuximab in older
before the initiation of expensive patients…”. The hazard ratio result for this study
was incorrectly given as 45·1, and has been
phase 3 clinical trials. Trial simulators corrected to 1·45. These corrections have been
facilitate systematic quantitative made to the online version as of Jan 3, 2019,
analyses of different clinical trial and the printed version is correct.
designs, different endpoint choices, Zhang L, Zhong P, Zhai X, et al. Open letter from
and different patient inclusion Chinese HIV professionals on human genome
Published Online criteria. editing. Lancet 2018; published online Nov 30.
December 5, 2018
RMA is an independent scientific non-executive 6736(18)33082-4—The web appendix of this
director of GlaxoSmithKline, holds shares in the
S0140-6736(18)33121-0 Correspondence has been corrected as of
GlaxoSmithKline, and receives research funding
Dec 5, 2018.
support from GlaxoSmithKline for work on
pneumococcal vaccines and the development of Zelniker TA, Wiviott SD, Raz I, et al. SGLT2
antibiotic drug resistance. GlaxoSmithKline did not inhibitors for primary and secondary prevention
fund this research. RMA also receives research of cardiovascular and renal outcomes in
funding (unencumbered educational research type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and
grant) from Janssen (part of Johnson and Johnson) meta-analysis of cardiovascular outcome trials.
for the development of clinical trial simulators and Lancet 2019; 393: 31–39—In Figures 1–5,
mathematical models of disease progression. the format has been changed so that the
Janssen and Johnson and Johnson did not columns for the treatment and placebo group
contribute to the writing of this Correspondence or depict the number of patients in each group.
in the development of its content. All other authors The web appendix has also been updated.
declare no competing interests. These corrections have been made to the
online version as of Jan 3, 2019, and the
*Roy M Anderson,
printed version is correct.
Christoforos Hadjichrysanthou,
Stephanie Evans, Kevin McRae-McKee, Sharmila D. FRONTLINE: a new treatment facility
Mei Mei Wong for Ebola virus disease. Lancet 2018; 392: 2428—
In this World Report, Richard Kojan misspoke
Published Online when he said “…we can carry out an abortion or
December 11, 2018 we can deliver a child in the CUBE”. ALIMA has
Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, assured The Lancet that abortions have never
School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine,
S0140-6736(18)33165-9 been carried out in a CUBE. This phrase has been
Imperial College London, London W2 1PG, UK
(RMA, CH, SE, KM-M, MMW) corrected to “we can carry out lifesaving
interventions in case of spontaneous
1 Anderson RM, Hadjichrysanthou C, Evans S,
Wong MM. Why do so many clinical trials of miscarriage or we can deliver a child in the
therapies for Alzheimer’s disease fail? Lancet CUBE”. This correction has been made to the
2017; 390: 2327 online version as of Dec 11, 2018.

30 Vol 393 January 5, 2019

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