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EDU 6205B


BY: Kiplimo Solomon

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• Deductive & inductive methods • Demonstration

• Observation • Problem solving

• Expository • Role play

• Cognitive apprenticeship • Field trips/attachment

• Guided discovery

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• Teacher- centered approach

• Teacher explains new concept

• Explain the rules related to its use

• Students practice using the concept

• Think of, semiconductor, electromagnetism, hydraulic breaking

system, strength of material concepts in engineering

Method criticized because it is Teacher centered

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Inductive- Instruction
• Rely on student observation,

• seeing,

• Perception

• Detecting instead of explanation of a concept

• Present students with variety of examples for them to notice

Practical guides, showcase exhibits- ICs

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Which method is best for engineering instruction?
A. Deductive
B. Inductive
C. Both

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Observation methods
• Involves watching what happens and listening to voices

• It is seeing what people do & hear what they say

• observing other’s practice and imitate the practice

• Workshop practice, lab practice, drawing

What is the difference between observation and demonstration?

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Purpose of observation
• Creates self-awareness of teaching

• Determines professional learning needs

• Supports an understanding of effective teaching practices

• Supports sharing of ideas and expertise

• Provides opportunities to discuss challenges

• Builds accountability on quality of teaching and learning

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• Practical ways of teaching

• Teacher perform an activity to teach the student a concept

• Communicate an idea with the aid of visuals

• Involves step-by-step processes

TD, Practical lesson

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Field trips and Field attachment
• Field-based practical training experience

• Prepare trainee for tasks to be performed on completion of training

• It can internship,

• school practice,

• community Based Education and Services

• an industrial training.

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Purpose of Field trips/attachment to a learner
• Acquire new knowledge and practical experiences,
• Improve confidence in problem solving.
• Relate to different people to be met in the real-life.
• Gain exposure to demands & challenges of the work place.
• Opportunity to meet and work with potential employers.
• Appreciate professionalism and gain better work ethics

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Problem solving
• Act of defining a problem;

• Determining the cause of the problem;

• Identifying, prioritizing and selecting alternatives for a solution

• learners learn by working on problems

• New knowledge acquired by finding the solution

• Develops scientific process skills

Engineering Problems, creative projects scientific experiments & research

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Define a problem in your area of specialization and determine the cause.

Identify, prioritize and select alternative solutions.

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Role play method

• Explore realistic situations by interacting with other people

• (Roles assigned by experts-Attachment, internship)

• Division of related tasks assigned to different learners

• Collaborative performance of a practical lesson

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Guided discovery
• Learner centered
• Modified inductive approach
• With guided rules, inferences and procedures
• Teacher is facilitator to guide learners in a given direction
• Involves learners own reasoning

Creative projects in Engineering

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Cognitive Apprenticeship

• learning through guided experience on cognitive thinking processes

• Does not involve physical or skills

• Involves creative designs

• Involves expert demonstration (Modeling)

• Learners work with more experienced persons through brainstorming

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Expository method

• Direct instruction

• Teacher is in the front of the class room lecturing

• While students are taking notes

• Sometimes referred to lecture method

• The teacher is in control subject matter when directing the students

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How could you use both guided discovery
and observation methods to teach a
practical lesson in your area of

The End
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