Circular #4

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Circular Motion and Gravitation IMPORTANT FORMULAE Angular displacement(radians) _@ time taken(seconds) t (1) ANGULAR SPEED w = (rad.s“) (2) Distance travelled = Arc Length = r6 (3) Speed v= rw | (4)Centripetal Acceleration a = mv? (5) Centripetal Force F = mrw* (6) Gravitational force on each of two point masses ,F = (7)When a mass m, orbits another mass mz Centripetal Force = Gravitational Force Gmymy 2 ee = mre r cm (8) Gravitational Field Strength g = <> (Nkg"') (9) Apparent weight = Gravitational Force ~ Centripetal Force Gmymy : Apparent Weight =~" — myrav 2 y (10) For a Banked Track tand = = 62 CIRCULAR MOTION When a body undergoes circular motion, it changes its angular position from a reference point at ©, toa new position at @; and the angular displacement is given by A@ = 0, — @. Consider a body moving at constant speed along the arc ofa circle, of radius r, from a point Atoa point B along the circumference. ‘The distance travelled by the body is given by s=r 8, where @ is measured in radians and r measured in metres. ‘The ANGULAR VELOCITY OR ANGULAR SPEED w is given by 48 wes (yy The units of w are radians per second (rad s*) or sometimes written as s In one revolution, the ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT is 2r radians and the time to complete one an revolution is called the PERIOD (T) . Hence @ = =. distance travelled The speed of the bodys given by Y= a s_r0 vs ts j butt =u, can t Hence v = rg ————___________________» (2) When a body undergoes circular motion, it experiences an acceleration towards the centre of rotation, and this acceleration is called the centripetal acceleration. v ‘The centripetal acceleration is given by a = rw? ora = = (ms?) ‘The important formulae to remember here are; ajo=% Q)v=re (3)a=rw’ 53 v -, and by Newton's second law, Recall that the centripetal acceleration is given by @ the centripetal force will be given by 2 my’ F =ma= mro* =" ‘THE CENTRIPETAL FORCE IS ALWAYS THE RESULTANT FORCE IN CIRCULAR MOTION It is important to remember that the centripetal force and the centripetal acceleration act along the same line; ie. they both act towards the centre of rotation, Circular motion problems involve any of the following situations: (i) Horizontal circles (i) Vertical circles (iii) The conical Pendulum (iv) Banking (in cycling tracks and car racing tracks) HORIZONTAL CIRCLES : When a mass ‘m’ is tied to a string and whirled in a horizontal circle, its weight acts vertically downwards, while the centripetal force acts towards the centre of rotation. Since the weight and the centripetal force are always at right angles to each other, the weight does not have any influence on the centripetal force. The centripetal force is provided by the TENSION in the string and as long as the speed is constant, the centripetal force is constant for a particular radius of mg_ | rotation. 2 2, mv" Tension T= mre? = 54 VERTICAL CIRCLES: When a mass ‘m’ is tied to a string and whirled in a VERTICAL CIRCLE, there will be positions of the mass during its motion when the tension in the string is vertical or has a vertical component. Since the weight also acts vertically, the TENSION would vary for different positions of the mass along the circumference. mv? r Remember that the CENTRIPETAL FORCE is always the RESULTANT FORCE and is always equal to 2 2 my’ F= mre’ =" ALA: T,+mg 2 mv’ HenceT, =""-— mg 2 mv AtB and at D,T, =~ mv? Abc, Ty—mg =" At point C, the TENSION is the highest, and at A, itis the lowest. 55 The Ferris Wheel: The operation of the Ferris wheel involves circular motion in a vertical plane. However, since it consists of rigid structures, it cannot be considered to be identical to the rotation of a mass at the end of a string. In the mass-string arrangement, the lack of rigidity of the string allows it to have a tension, whereas with the Ferris wheel, the passenger seats are rigid and provide a REACTION FORCE on the passengers in it At all of the positions shown, itis important to remember that the CENTRIPETAL FORCE IS THE 4 RESULTANT FORCE,(Denoted by F,) At position A, the Centripetal force acting on the seat < is F..The person experiences a gravitational force downwards =mg. Let the force that the person exerts con the seat be F:. Hence the person accelerates me oy towards the seat, while the seat accelerates away from him, Since the centripetal force Fc is the resultant force, Fe= Fr + mg; Fa= Fe-mg | By Newton's third law, the force that the seat exerts on the person would also be Ra=F.-mg. At position C, The reaction force on the seat and the weight also act in opposite directions, but in this case mg ‘At position B, the situation is entirely different, and by looking at the diagram it may seem difficult at first to determine the direction of the reaction force R. However, if the direction of the resultant is known to act toward the centre of the circle, and the direction of the weight acts vertically downwards, then the reaction force must act in the direction shown, so that when it combines with the weight (acting down) the resultant will have to point towards the centre of the circle. ifthe reaction force makes an angle @ with the horizontal ; then R cos@ =F: and R sin 56 TUTORIAL SHEET (g=9.81ms*) (21) A 50g mass is tied to the end of a string and whirled in a vertical circle of radius 65cm. If the angular speed of the mass is 2.37n rad s", determine for the mass, its: (i) Speed (ii) Acceleration (ii) Centripetal force (iv) The tension in the string at the top and bottom of the circle (v) The tension in the string at the instant when the centripetal acceleration acts along a horizontal line. (ans; 4.84ms", 36ms*, 1.8N, 1.31N, 2.29N, 1.8N) (2) When a 100g mass is tied to one end of a string and whirled in a vertical circle, the tension in the string is 4.2N, at the instant when the mass is at the bottom of the circle whose radius is 80cm. Determine both the angular speed and acceleration of the mass. (Ans; 6.34rads"',32.2ms") (3) When a mass nf is whirled in a vertical circle of radius 55cm, the tension in the string is 3.5N at the instant when the mass is at the top of the circle, If the mass is now whirled in a horizontal circle at the same speed and radius as before, the tension in the string is now 5.2N. Determine the magnitude of the mass and its angular speed. (173g, 7.4rads") (4) When a mass m is whirled in a vertical circle of radius 120cm, the tension in the string is 6.5N at the instant when the mass is at the top of the circle. f the mass is now whirled in @ horizontal circle at the same speed and radius as before, the tension in the string is now 12.2N, Determine the magnitude of the mass ts speed and its acceleration (582g, 5.02ms*,21ms*) (5) Ina ferris wheel ride, a person of mass 68kg rotates in a vertical circle of radius 7.2m, The period of revolution is 3.85. Find the reaction force exerted by the seat on the person when he is (a) At the top of the circle (b) At the bottom of the circle (c)._(c) Half way up. (.671.5N, 2005.6N, 1496N) 87 SOLUTION GUIDELINES. (1) Radius r = ).65m and mass =0.05kg, angular speed w =(2.37 x n)rad s* (i)Speedv=rw (ii) Acceleration a =rw* ii) Centripetal force F= mru* {iv) At the top of the circle, T, + mg= Centripetal forceF, or T, At the bottom of the circle T;~mg=F. or T;=Fe+ mg, When the centripetal force acts along a horizontal line then the weight and F, are perpendicular each other, and the weight will have no effect on the centripetal force. In this case the tension T; is equal to the centripetal force. (2) Recall that at the bottom of the circle T = centripetal force + weight . IF Tis given and the weight can be determined then the centripetal force F, can be calculated F.=mrw®, hence w can be found. ‘The acceleration a = rw? (3) At the top of the circle, 3.5N T, + mg = mr? rw — mg For the horizontal circle, the tension is equal to the centripetal force T, = mrw® = 5.2N Hence we can substitute this second equation into the first one to give: 3.5N = 5.2N—mg; mg =17N; m = 0.173kg If mru? = 5.2N; then wo = TArad s [ (a) simitar to question3, but since speed is required rather than angular speed, use the centripetal force as: 2 mv’ : “> rather than F = mre’ 58 4 8) {a) At the top of the circle, The reaction force acts upwards since . the person's weight acts, oy 4 downwards. R= mro* -mg ’ Fe w can be found from the <—__—_B «| ecuntion ‘ an Fe oo a (b) At the bottom of the circle, ‘The reaction force and the weight me are in opposite directions Ry = mre? +mg , me (c) Half way up: Remember that the centripetal force is always THE RESULTANT FORCE Since the weight mg acts vertically downwards, and the resultant force is perfectly horizontal, then the reaction force R must have a vertical ‘component to balance the weight. It must also have a horizontal component that would produce the centripetal force. ‘The vertical component of R = mg. The horizontal component = Fc (centripetal force) Ris then found using Pythagoras’ Theorem. 59 The Conical pendulum ‘A mass mis tied to one end of a string and suspended vertically. If the mass is made to oscillate then the arrangement will be a simple pendulum However, if the mass is made to rotate in a horizontal circle so that the point of suspension remains at a fixed vertical distance above the plane of the circle, then the arrangements called a CONICAL PENDULUM. Its name is derived from the conical shape that the string traces out during its motion. A diagram of the arrangement is shown below: Tos 60 The tension acts along the string, which makes an angle @ with the vertical The vertical component of the tension is (Tcos6) and this is equal and opposite to the only other vertical force which is the weight. Hence Tcos8= mg -» (1) ‘This equation is true because there is no. resultant VERTICAL force, hence the upward force must balance the downward force. The resultant horizontal force is the centripetal force and this is provided only by the horizontal component of the tension in the string. This horizontal component is T sin®. mv? Hence Tsin9 a If equation (2) is divided by equation (1), we get: tand = — rg The Banked Track Race tracks for cars and bicycles are normally banked (tilted) at the corners to prevent any side slip when the vehicles change their direction and hence their momentum at high speeds at the bends, Consider first a track that is unbanked: ‘The diagram shows that a vehicle is moving around an unbanked track that has two curved ends. Along the straight parts, there is no change in direction hence no change in momentum and the vehicle remains on the track. ‘At the curved ends, there is a continuous change in direction, and hence the momentum changes... The driver of the vehicle has to negotiate the bend by turning the steering and a force is required to cause the vehicle to change its momentum in order to stay along the track.(Newton’s second law). This force that is required to cause the change in momentum, is provided by the frictional force of the road surface. However at high speeds, the momentum change required is high, and the frictional force may not be sufficiently high, causing the vehicle to side-slip. ‘The problem may be overcome in two ways: (1) Reducing the speed of the vehicle so reducing the required force for the momentum change. This however is unsuitable if high speeds are required to win races. (2) Banking of the track -which introduces a centripetal force to act on the vehicle, causing it to be forced inwards on the track rather than outwards as in the case of the unbanked track, 6 Side-view of a vehicle on a BANKED TRACK: If the reaction force of the road surface on the wheels is{ R: + Rz), then the force diagram can be drawn as follows: Rat (Rs ]eos8 (RyeRasind FOR BOTH THE CONICAL PENDULUM AND THE BANKED TRACK, IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER. THAT ye tan = — = This equation is true when @ is measured from the horizontal for the track, and from the vertical Considering the HORIZONTAL FORCES; (R; + R2)(cos 90 — 6) = Ry +R,(sin8) | and(R, + Ro)(sin 8) ila) R Considering the VERTICAL FORCES: (Ry + Rp)cosd = mg (2) Equation (1) divided by equation (2) gives o tang = F Where @ is the angle of banking for the conical pendulum. 62 TUTORIAL SHEET (2) Aballis tied to one end of a 45cm string and the other end is fixed to a ceiling. The ball whirls in a horizontal circle . Find the speed of the ball if the string makes an angle of 30° to the vertical Hint: (1) Find radius of Circle {2) Get Expressions for vertical 45cm and horizontal components of the tension. K > | ANS: 1 22ms" : of (2) A ball of mass 150g is tied to one end of a string while the other end is fixed to a ceiling, ‘The ball whirls in a horizontal circle with a speed of 3ms* .If the tension in the string is 2.1, find the angle that the string makes to the vertical and the radius of the circle. (ANS 45.5°; 90cm) (3) A ball of mass 80g is tied to one end of a string while the other end is fixed to a ceiling, ‘The ball whirls in a horizontal circle with a speed of 2.5ms* and the tension in the string is 3.03N. Find the angle that the string makes to the vertical and the radius of the circle, (ANS : 75°, 17¢m) (4) Aball of mass 140g is tied to the end of a string while the other end is fixed to a ceiling The ball whirls in a horizontal circle with a speed of 1.45ms"\f the radius of the circle is 20cm, find (i) The angle that the string makes with the vertical ( The tension in the string (iii) The length of the string (ANS: 47°; 2.01N; 27.3¢m) (5) Arace-car of mass 1200kg travelling at 2 speed of 120kmh* rounds a bend of a banked track of r-dius 80m.{f there is no side-slip of the car, calculate (i) The minimum angle of banking required (ii) The Normal reaction of the road on the wheels. (ANS: 54.76° ; 20406N) 63 (6) Accycle track is banked with an angle of inclination of 58°. What must be the maximum speed of a cyclist around the bend, if the radius of the bend is 92m? [ANS : 38m?) (7) In the design of a racing car track, the engineers wish to have cars travelling at speeds up to 180kmh” around a bend which has an angle of banking of 5S". What must be the minimum radius of the circle that will allow the required speed of the car without any side slip? (ANS: 178.4m) (8) A stone of mass 200g is tied to the end of a 150cm string and rotated in a vertical circle. If the string can only withstand a maximum tension of 6ON before it breaks, determine the maximum permissible number of rotations per second of the stone. (ANS 2.21) (9) In motor cycle racing the track is flat rather than banked, and the motor cyclist has to tilt his bike in order to negotiate turns at high speeds. In one such track, the radius of curvature is 50m and a racer may wish to ride around the bend at a speed of 150kmh”. Determine what must be the angle of tilt from the vertical to maintain this speed. ANS: 74.2" GRAVITATION Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation: The gravitational force acting on each of two separate point masses, is directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of their distance of separation, This law can be expressed mathematically as follows: Gmym, =z Where G is a constant called the Universal gravitational constant, m; and mare the masses and r is the distance of separation. ‘The magnitude of G is 6.67 x 10"Nm*kg? A gravitational field is produced around any mass, and the field lines are always directed towards the mass that is producing the field. Hence if a mass m, produces a gravitational field, and a mass m,.is placed in the field of m, ,then m,will be attracted to m,, and also m, will be attracted tom ‘The above diagram shows the gravitational fields of two masses m, and m3. The both masses attract each other with the SAME FORCE which is equal to G Fam yy 65 GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIAL The Gravitational Potential at a point is defined as the work done in bringing a unit mass from infinity to that point. Gravitational Potential cans be interpreted to mean the Gravitational, Potential Energy of a 1kg mass. Gravitational Potential Energy = Gravitational Potential x Mass If we consider the gravitational field produced by the earth, then INFINTY, is that region in space beyond the earth’s gravitational field. Hence if an object is place at infinity, it will not be influenced by the gravitational pull of the earth. At infinity the gravitational force acting on a mass will be zero, and thus no work is required to move the object within the region of infinity. It can be concluded therefore that the GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIAL AT INFINITY IS ZERO. Consider now a mass that is resting on the earth’s surface. This mass lies within the earth’s. gravitational field and if we have to lift it to a height above the earth’s surface we have to do work against the force of gravity’ This work that is done to lft the object is then stored as gravitational potential energy. As we lift the mass higher and higher, more potential energy is stored by it, Hence the potential energy of the mass increases with the height to which it is raised, Eventually the mass is raised to the point of infinity and here the potential energy of the mass is zero because no gravitational forces act on it. It can be concluded therefore that the POTENTIAL ENERGY of a mass increases from some value ‘on the earth’s surface all the way up to ZER¢ How is it possible for the potential energy to increase to ZERO? This can only happen if the potential energy within the earth’s field has a NEGATIVE VALUE. NEGATIVE NUMBERS INCREASE TO ZERO!!! Hence within a gravitational field, the GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIAL ENERGY of a mass is NEGATIVE, ‘The KINETIC ENERGY of a body is always POSITIVE, while the GRAVITATIONAL Potential Energy is negative. The Total Mechanical energy of a body is the sum of its K.E. and G.P.E. which may result in either a psitive of negative number depending on the magnitudes of the energies. 66 GRAVITATIONAL FIELD STRENGTH The Gravitational Field Strength at a point is defined as the gravitational force acting on a unit mass placed at that point. Hence gravitational field strength is the force acting per unit mass, Which can be expressed mathematically as: Force GM | The units are Nkg” 2 —. a mass 9 r Gravitational field strength is a vector quantity and its units of Nkg' can be shown to be equivalent to the units of acceleration (ms*).. Force Force ;, and acceleration (By Newton’s second ass mass law), the GRAVITATIONAL FIELD STRENGTH AT A POINT IS NUMERICALLY EQUAL TO THE ‘ACCELERATION DUE TO GRAVITY AT THAT POINT. This statement however DOES NOT apply for bodies that are in contact with the earth’s surface. Since gravitational field strength g Hence near the earth’s surface, the gravitational field strength = 9.81Nkg*. Orbits: When a planet orbits the sun( assumed for simplicity to be a circular orbit) ,the centripetal force” required to keep the planet in orbit, is provided by the gravitational force acting on the planet. i.e. If the mass of the sun is mand the mass of the planet is m,, then. Gravitational Force = Centripetal Force Gmym: 2_ mv? Fs = mw’ The Centripetal force is directed towards the centre of rotation, but does not cause the planet to fall ir. vards towards the centre of rotation. Why? ‘The gravitational force is only equal to the centripetal force if there is no physical contact, between the bodies. 67 ‘TYPES OF SATELLITE ORBITS (1) GEOSTATIONARY ORBITS: Also known as geosynchronous orbits, satellites in these orbits circle the Earth at the same rate as the Earth spins. The Earth actually takes 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.09 seconds to make one full revolution, The satellites are located near the equator since at this latitude, there is a constant force of gravity from all directions. At other latitudes, the bulge at the center of the Earth would pull on the satellite, Geosynchronous orbits allow the satellite to observe almost a full hemisphere of the Earth. These satellites are used to study large scale phenomenon such as hurricanes, or cyclones. These orbits are also used for communication satellites. The disadvantage of this type of orbit is that since ‘these satellites are very far away, they have poor resolution. The other disadvantage is that these satellites have trouble monitoring activities near the poles. yt (2) POLAR ORBITS Polar-orbiting satellites provide a more global view of Earth, circling at near-polar inclination (the angle between the equatorial plane and the satellite orbital plane -- a true polar orbit has an inclination of 90 degrees). Orbiting at an altitude of 700 to 800 km, these satellites cover best the parts of the world most difficult to cover in situ (on site} These satellites operate in @ sun-synchronous orbit. The satellite passes the equator and each latitude at the same local solar time each day, meaning the satellite passes overhead at essentially the same solar time throughout all seasons of the year. This feature enables regular data collection at consistent times as well as long-term comparisons. The orbital plane of a sun- synchronous orbit must also rotate approximately one degree per day to keep pace with the Earth's surface. Inclined orbits fall between those above. They have an inclination between 0 degrees (equatorial orbit) and 90 degrees (polar orbit). These orbits may be determined by the region on Earth that is of most interest (i.e., an instrument to study the tropics may be best put on a low inclination satellite), or by the latitude of the launch site. The orbital altitude of these satellites is generally on the order of a few hundred km, so the orbital period is on the order of a few hours. These satellites are not sun-synchronous, however, so they will view a place on Earth at varying times. Inclined orbits are used for GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM satellites (GPS systems) ot ‘The diagram on the left shows a GPS constellation of a oD satellites. aa 69 WEIGHT AND WEIGHTLESSNESS Consider the case where there is contact between the bodies, e.g. a particle is resting on the earth's surface, hence it rotates when the earth rotates. Part of the Gravitational force provided by the earth, gives the particle its centripetal force, and the remainder is used to provide the APPARENT weight of the object. APPARENT Weight = Gravitational force - Centripetal force The term ‘APPARENT’ is used because “weight” normally refers to gravitational attraction which does not depend on the rotation of the object. The apparent weight however, is the force that an object would exert on a scale, and this force will vary as the centripetal force on the object varies. e.g. when an object is place’at the North or south pole, it will spin as the earth rotates, however its radius or rotation is zero, and therefore, the centripetal force acting on it will also be zero since ,_ mv? F, = mre? = —. r In this case, if the object is placed on a scale, the weight recorded by the scale will be equal to the . gravitational force on the object. If the object is now taken to the equator, it will rotate with a radius equal to the radius of the earth , and a centripetal force will be acting on it. What is the origin of this centripetal force? PART OF the gravitational force provides the centripetal force, and the remainder of it provides the apparent weight. Hence apparent weight mig’ + Ifthe entire equation is divided by m;, then we get ,_ Gm, 2 Tre’ g =F Where m: represents the mass of the earth. In this case the acceleration due to gravity Gm; g' is less than the gravitational field strength (—7~) , because part of the gravitational strength provides the centripetal acceleration. 70 WEIGHTLESSNESS When a person stands on a surface, he feels the sensation of his own weight because the surface that he stands on provides an upward reaction force at his feet. The person can experience the feeling of weightlessness in the following ways: (1) If the person decides to do a skydive, he will feel weightless because there is, no surface to provide an upward contact force on him. (2) If the person is in a lift that is falling freely towards the earth, the floor that he is standing on is accelerating away from his feet at the same rate that he is, accelerating towards it, and as a result there is no contact force between him and the floor to create the sensation of weight. (3) IF the person is in a spaceship that is orbiting the earth, both him and the spaceship experience the same centripetal acceleration. The situation becomes similar to (2) where the surface that he is standing on, is accelerating away from him towards the earth, at the same rate that he is accelerating towards it and again there is no contact force between him and the floor to create the sensation of weight. ” TUTORIAL SHEET ‘The magnitude of G is 6.67 x 10Nm*kg? (2) A satellite orbits the earth once every 3 hr. Determine its angular speed, (Ans 5.81x 10“rad s) (2) The moon orbits the earth at a radius of 3.84 x 10°km and has a period of orbit of 28 days. Determine the centripetal acceleration of the moon (Ans; 2.6 x 10°ms*) (3) Adistant planet has a radius of 650km and a mass of 7.5 x 10”"kg, Determine: (i) The weight of a 75kg person located at the equator on the planet (i) The gravitational field strength on the surface of the planet (ans: 8.9N, 01.8Nkg") (4) The planet Jupiter has a mass of 1.92 x 10""kg ,a radius of 7.15 x 10m and a period of revolution of 10hr. (i) Calculate the gravitational field strength on the surface of Jupiter (ii) The centripetal acceleration at the equator (iil) The apparent weight of a 20kg mass at the equator {iv) The reaction force that the surface exerts on the 20kg mass at both the equator and at the poles. (5) When a satellite orbits the earth of mass M, at a radius R, the period of the orbit can be ‘denoted by T. Prove that fa = 2n [Za where G = the universal gravitation constant ou (6) A satellite is to be placed in a circular geostationary orbit. If the radius of the earth is, {6400km, and its mass is 5.98 x 10°*kg, find the speed of the satellite and its height above the earth's surface. Hint: a= ro? = where r = distance between satellite and earth’ scentre) [When ris found ,you need to subtract the radius of the earth from it as we need to find the height above the earth’s surface. [ Ans 3075ms"; 3.6 x 10’m] (7) Amoon around a particular planet orbits the planet with a radius of orbit of 4.5 x 10°m and with a period of 6days. Determine the mass of the planet-[Ans 2 x 10°%kg] GMm Hint: Use Rr (8) Planet Af. amass m and its centre is at a distance of 2 x 10° km away from the centre of a planet 8 whose mass is 2.6 times that of A. At what distance from A along the line AB will the gravitational field strength be zero? (ANS 7.66 x 10°km) 72 SOLUTIONS (1) The periodic timeT = 3hr. Convert T to seconds then use « === (2) Convert the radius to metres then use a = rw? (3) The Apparent weight of the person is given by :W= (Gravitational force) Gm,M, 72 The Gravitational Force = GM Gravitational Field strength = (4) (i) The Apparent Weight= (Gravitational force)- (Centripetal Force) GmM The Gravitational Force ="; (iv) The reaction force at the equator is the same as the apparent weight calculated in (i) by Newton's 3” Law. At the poles there is no centripetal force since the radius of rotation is zero. The Gravitational force will be equal to the weight and hence the reaction force in this case. Centripetal force = mra? (S)Let mass of satellite = m, Mass of earth = M. The gravitational force acting on the satellite = centripetal force ne waR4n? 42? “Ge = met sbuta =F; hence FP = on raze [Ee (GM a) since LMR _mR4n® 4, _ 4n2Rs are cre If the field strengths are equal then: Ging Gms [@ 10%) = xP (2x10° )-x x my _ [(2 x 10°) ~ xP? my FS my _ (2x 105) ym x xV2.6 = (2 x 105) — x 1.61x = (2 x 108) — x X= 7.66 x 10%km 73 CIRCULAR MOTION & GRAVITATION TUTORIAL (2) A rock orbits the moon at a height of 24000m. If the only force acting on it is the gravitational pull of the moon, find its speed, its angular speed and its period. The moon's ‘mass is 7.34 x 10” kg and its radius is 1.74 x 10°m. (Ans. 1665ms"; 9.44 x 10“rad s7; 1.85 he). (2) The planet Jupiter has a mass of 1.9 x 10°” kg and a radius of 7 x10’m, while the mass of the sun is 1.98 10°°kg and its radius is 6.96 x 10°m. Astronomical observations reveal that the orbital period of Jupiter is 4333 days. Determine (i) The angular speed of Jupiter ( 1.678 x 10*rad s*) (i) The orbital radius (9.6 x 10m) (ii) The linear speed (1.61 x10"ms*) (3) A rock A of mass SO0kg orbits another rock B of mass 20,000 kg in outer space. The period of orbit is 45 days. Determine the distances between the centres of masses of the rocks, and the distance from A along the line joining the two masses, where the gravitational pull on another mass mis zero. (79.9m; 69m). (4) A stone of mass 80 g is tied to one end of a string that is 68cm long, and the other end is held fixed to a point O. The ball is whirled in a horizontal circle, with the string making an angle of 40” to the vertical. Find the radius of revolution, the speed of the ball, the tension in the string, and its period of revolution. 43.7cm,1,896ms*;1,02N;1.447s.) (5) A cricket ball of mass 300 gis attached to a cord of length 160cm and whirled in a horizontal circle with the cord making an angle of SO'with the vertical. Find the radius of revolution, the speed of the ball, the tension in the cord, and the period of revolution. (122.5cm; 3.78ms";4.58N;0.65s) (6) A stone of mass 80g is tied to a string and whirled in a vertical circle of radius 75cm. (a) What minimum speed must it have at the top of the circle so that it remains in a circular path? (b) What will be its speed at the bottom of the circle if the tension in the string is 2.44N?. © Find the tension in the cord when the stone is at the bottom of the circle when its speed is. 5.4ms"? (a) What is the tension in the cord at the instant when the string is horizontal when it is = moving with a speed of 7.2ms*? ? (2.71ms"; 3.91ms";3.9N; 5.53N) (6) A mass of 22 g is whirled in a vertical circle of radius 38cm with a constant speed of 6.4ms Determine the tension in the string when the mass is: (a) At the top of the circle {b) At the bottom of the circle {c) The string is horizontal. (2.15N; ? 59N;2.37N; ) 74 NOTES 75 Solution Guidelines (1) First calculate the distance between the centres of mass of the moon and the rock by adding the height above the moon to the radius of the moon. GMm _ mv? 7 =——; vean be found and v = rw, 2 (2) T= where 7 = 4333 x 24 x 3600; Radius of Orbit = r = distance between centres of masses GMm M +, where M is the mass of the sun,and m is mass of Jupiter Since See similar (3) Find radius of orbit using the method in the previous question solution on pg 79.9% —* (4) and (5) Use the formula for the conical pendulum. The vertical component of the tension is equal to the weight, and the horizontal component of the tension is equal to the centripetal force. 2 mv (Gand (7) At the top of the circle,T, + mg = —— and at the bottom of the circle mv? T-mg =" shen the string is horizontal Ts 76

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