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Learning objectives Define angular displacement in radians. Define angular velocity. Apply the equation Use equations for centripetal acceleration (a = rw*; a Use equations for centripetal force (F= mre; F= Discuss applic Kinematics of uniform circular motion Uniform circular motion Kinematics refers to describing motion, usually by means of equations. Uniform circular motion is one such motion, Uniform circular motion of an object is motion in a circle at constant speed, In Figure 6.1, a particle, P, moves with a constant speed, v, in a circle of radius r. Note that although the speed is constant, the velocity s not constant, since velocity encompasses both magnitude (speed) and direction, In circular motion the direction of motion of Pisa tangent to the circle at the location of P and is| therefore constantly changing. Hence the velocity of an object under going uniform circular motion is always changing, Figure 6.1 A particle, P, moving in-acirele at constant speed v. 17Q 1 In Figure 6.1, the rotation of P takes place about an axis Describe this axis. Use the concept of angular velocity to solve problems involving circular motion, rw to solve problems involving circular motion, %. r Solve problems involving horizontal circles, vertical circles, conical pendulums and banking, Use Newton's law of universal gravitation to solve problems involving attraction between masses Solve problems involving gravitational field strengths at the Earth’s surface or above, Derive equations and conditions for circular near-Earth and geostationary orbits. ns of near-Earth and geostationary satellites. Period (7) and frequency (/) The period of a particle under going uniform circular mmoton i defined a the time taken for one complete revolution, The frequency of the rotation is the number of rotations made per second, Thus ia pate makes ptevolutions in seconds its ero given by the tquation T= fits equency. fis gven by f=, Note that pred sensed in second ince ns sa number. equency is measured in number of revolutions {ar eye) pet second, One revlition per second ald a her i) inthe (6.1) Iis left as an exercise to the reader to show that 1 =r Tt ‘Thus period, 7, and frequency, fare reciprocals of each other. (6.2) 86 Unit 1 Module 1 Mechanics Angular displacement (6) The angle, 6 (Figure 6.1), measured anticlockwise from, the x-axis, is called the angular displacement of the particle, assuming timing of the motion of the particle began when it was crossing the x-axis. Anticlockwise ‘measures of angular displacement from the x-axis are designated positive; clockwise are negative. The angle is, defined as the ratio of arc-length swept out (in a time, #) to the radius of the circular path. In equation form, for an arc length s swept out by the particle, (63) ince both s and r have units of length, the units cancel The angle, thus defined, is therefore only a number. The unit name given for the value of an angle, 0, is called the radian (abbreviated rad). For one complete revolution in circular motion, 52a e 7 he @=2nrad (6) Angular velocity (w) Angular velocity is defined as the rate of change of angular displacement with time. Hence, for a tiny angular displacement, Ad, taking place in a tiny time, Af, rv) ad (6.3) But since the speed of the particle is constant, it follows that the angle swept out per unit time is constant. Hence angular velocity is constant, and we can therefore express equation 6.5 as (6.6) For one complete revolution, = 2r rad (cquation 6.4) and f= T (by definition). Hence, Qn > (6.7) and w = 2nf (since (6.3) Relationship between linear speed (v) and angular velocity (w) Linear speed, v, is defined as arc length, s, swept out per unit time by the particle, Thus vet (6.9) But, by equation 6.3, s= 10. Hence, ro (6.10) Worked example 6.1: Angular velocity of the Earth Calculate the angular velcty ofthe Earth about the Sun, ‘Assume the path ofthe Earths a circle and that i takes the Earth 385 days to make one complete orbit of the Sun, Fora gven period The angular velocity, wis glven by 2n T Theretore, w = ee = 365 dx 24 hid x 3600 5h 51.99% 107 rads Centripetal acceleration, a Acceleration, g, is defined as the rate of change of near velocity, ie. a= SE, Figure 6.2a shows velocity vectors, of magnitude v, for a particle undergoing uniform circular motion. By extending the directions of the vectors, so that v, and v, intersect, and applying a lite geometry it can be shown that the angle between v, and 1, is also equal to the angle 80. We now consider Figure 6.2b. For the small angle 44, since speed vis constant, Av is approximately equal to the arc length subtended by A@ for a circle of radius ¥. Hence, y= vA0 (since arc length = radius x angle subtended by arc) But since a= $2 And since o = 82 (equation 65) Werte wean) And since v= r equation 6.10), then vw (612) and (633) Figure 6.2b shows that the direction of Ay, and hence of the acceleration 4, is perpendicular to the velocity vector in the limit as A9 approaches zero. Hence, the acceleration is directed towards the cenire of the circle, along the radius. Itis for this reason that this acceleration is called a ‘centre-seeking’ acceleration or a centripetal acceleration. Figure 6.2 (a) Velocity vectors v, and v,, of same magnitude, v, for a particle undergoing circular motion. (b) The change in velocity, Av, associated with angular displacement 43. Dynamics of uniform circular motion Dynamics is the study of the action of forces on masses. According to Newton’s second law of motion, the net force, F, on an abject is equal to its mass times its acceleration (equation 3.3). Since, in circular motion at constant speed 1, the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration, a, is given by a2 tequaton 613) Then, using # = ma (equation 3:3), = (6.14) (or, applying equation 6.12, P= mur (6.15) Further, since the acceleration in circular motion is, centripetal, i. directed toward the centre of a circle, then it means that the net force, since it acts in the direction of the acceleration, is also centripetal. Both the centripetal acceleration and the centripetal force are directed along. the radius of a circle, and are therefore perpendicular to the circular path taken by the object at the point of tangency between the radius and the instantaneous direction of motion of the moving particle. Conditions for uniform circular motion Equations 6.14 and 6.15 summarize the two conditions that must be met for uniform circular motion to occur. First, the particle must be moving at a constant speed, and. second, there must be a constant ‘centripetal’ force, i. a force acting perpendicularly to the direction of motion of the particle at all times. We now consider a few cases Which illustrate the dynamics of circular motion. Chapter 6 Circular motion and gravitation | 87 Sn) Deere eerie ces ‘ACD of diameter 12.0 em s spinning at 200 rom (revolutions per minute) Fora’ of data, located near the edge of the CD determine (a) the angular velocity (b) the linear speed (c) the centripetal acceleration. m angular velocity, w =? ikea et ‘m centripetal acceleration, 1 dame = 1200 tina /=60en =60%10°m 1 fenan, (20pm 2 22th i anes3tte ards! @ oxtoemeansnds! zone" Time! (asm 0 x 10-* m x 20.9% (rad s-!)? ene Ball on string Figure 6.3 shows a ball of mass m being whirled at constant speed vin a vertical cizcle (Figure 6.3a) and in a horizontal circle (Figure 6.3). Figure 6.3 A ball ot mass m being whirled at constant speed v {a}in a vertical circle and (b) in a horizontal circle. 1T@.2 How does the force of tension inthe string in Figure 6.3, compare: (@) between the points A and 87 (b) between the points B and C7 88 | Unit 1 Module 1 Mechanics Pte rr [rire ‘ball of mass 64 g connected to string Is whirled Ina vertical circle of radius 30 cm with gradually increasing speed Figure 6.4) (@) Discuss the mation ofthe bal at low speeds, (b) I the maximum strength (tension) of the string is 3.4 N, (0 where, and at what speed, is the string mos kay to break? (i) where wil the ball land ater the string breaks if at ‘the point of breakage ofthe string, the all was 40 cm above the ground? Figure 6.4 Ball being whiled in a vertical cicle and a fing eresing tones! port (a) At position A, (b) (i) The string is most likely to break at the lowest point, A, since as the trina tie sting ls octet hr We gt fos Fy-ma= OE tension me A= 7 7 0.064 kg x v8 « ry 0,34 = 2084HD* 064g x 288K 0, 24N= 0.212 ¥ gm" + 0827 N 1 B4=D827 gy or 5, = mg ® Treetor =Tag Hence, v= 361 ms Atpsiton Bnd) on pms: Ao w (i) We fin the ime the ball takes to fal when the sting breaks using te equation For car moon o be maintained. the net ental an a ferce ust be pine, since i aways post. ‘According to equation (i), if vis too small, then 100

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