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Paris peace conference

Woodrow Wilson USA

Georges Clemenceau France

David Lloyd george Great britan
Vittorio Orlando
Need to know
Treaty of Versailles

Blame war guilt clause

Article 231
lost 131 of euro land
Land Germany
Poland took the german Dansie port
germany lost all of their
colonys to theallies
cant join
austria o
west Prussia and Posen were given to Poland
Malmedy Eupen was given to belgium
to join Austriaagain
German was hot aloud

Armed forces Germany was only aloud battleships
and NO submarines Great briton was scared
ooo men
Germany army reduced 1
was not allowed to have airforce
Germany France
The Rhineland was demilitersed massive
all army was taken out river

Ioney Germany had to pay 6.6 billion pounds 650 billion
NZD in reparations in todays terms
its rich coalfeilds given to
The Saar with
France for 15 years Germany lost almost
of its iron and 157 of coal reserves under
the control of the leanges of nations

leange of nations was created to help countrie

Solve their disputes peacefully
rather then through war
but couldnt because the
had no
Georges Clemenceau -French Prime Minister

wanted revenge

• The Germans must be made to admit that they alone caused the war.
• We must take revenge on Germany for humiliating us. They did so in 1871, and
they tried to do it again in 1914!
• We need to make Germany weak so they won’t try to attack us again!
• We must force Germany to pay France to repair all of the damage that was
caused by the war. A lot of the fighting was done on French soil and we will need
millions to repair the damaged farmland.
• Two million of our men have been killed –Germany needs to pay for this!
• Germany shouldn’t be allowed to keep her colonies for what she did!

Other factors affecting aims:

• 1.4 million dead
• much of the borderland seriously damaged
• France had lost thousands of homes, shops, and factories as well as a great
deal of pride for having been invaded by Germany for a second time (the first
being the Franco-
Prussian War).
Woodrow Wilson – President of the USA
tall and skinny

• The war started in 1914 because some countries were scared that secret
alliances were made against them.
There should be no more secret treaties between countries.
• Another reason the war started was due to Empires. I believe that no country
should be allowed to have an Empire. All countries should have the right to rule
themselves. This is called self-determination.
• The USA should not have to ‘rescue’ Europe from war again. Germany needs
to be punished so that she can’t attack France again, but if she is treated too
harshly, it could lead to more problems. We need to make sure that our
agreement is fair.
• I want to see a new organisation which will end quarrels between countries
without war. It will be called the ‘League of Nations’. It will help enemies talk
through their problems and to solve problems peacefully.
Other factors affecting aims: USA
• 115,000 dead (much less than the other nations) didnt Sign
• no damage to the mainland
• No economic damage.

David Lloyd George – British Prime Minister

• I promised the people of Britain that I would ‘make Germany pay’ for the
war. They voted for me in the last election, so I need to keep this promise.
• Germany is a dangerous neighbour to France, so they need to be made
• Britain is a trading nation, however, so Germany should not be treated too
harshly – we want to be able to trade and make money from them! If Germany is
too poor, they may become communist, like Russia, and we don’t want
• I agree that Germany and Austria-Hungary shouldn’t have an Empire any more
– but we need to protect ours. Britain needs the Empire to remain strong!

Other factors affecting aims:

• 900,000 dead
• very little damage to the mainland
• Britain had lost a great deal of trade and money by changing her factories to
weapons production.

Friedrich Ebert – First President of the new German

ost WWI elections

Friedrich Ebert was president
of weimer
republic the
govt in germany

Full blame for the war! All of the countries of Europe played their
part, so we should all share the blame!
• The reckless Kaiser (King) has been sent away from Germany and we
have a new democratic government now – we had nothing to do with the war
• We are worried that France will want revenge. If we are too weak, we might be
invaded and war will start again.
• The new government needs support – the allies should give us the best chance
to recover economically.
• We need to keep our Empire and all of our land. We need it to make enough
money to recover from the war.
big part of WW2
Nazi Germany Portrait Gallery

Woodrow Wilson

Kaiser Wilhelm Georges Clemenceau

David Lloyd-George
Vittorio Orlando -Italian
Gustav Stresemann Prime Minister
Charles Dawes

Erich Ludendorff
President von Hindenburg

Joseph Goebbels Heinrich Himmler Hermann Goering

Adolf Eichmann
Ernst Röhm

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