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Every Child Belongs

Resource Consultation Service

Consultation Summary

Service Request

Agency File Number

Child's Initials JM Date (2024-03-05) Request Information


Request Information


Location: Home
Denton Early Child Care Virtual School
Year Learning Home
Participants' Initial(s) and Role(s)

Purpose of Visit
Discuss Goals and
Observations Screening Tool Meeting
Other (please specify)
Provide Resources Coaching
- When RC first entered the room, JM was sitting
alone on the couch and showed signs of distress as
behaviours such as hitting head with an open palm
and crying were exhibited.
-During a period of distress, JM seemed to be
communicating with RC by moving away from RC
when she tried to put on J shoes.
-JM seemed to attempt to communicate through
leading/showing as he exhibited actions such as
holding and moving RCs hands.
-When Ms Dina gave JM the bottle, JM showed
signs of being calm and happy behaviours
exhibited were laying on the couch and smiling.
-During lunch, Ms Dina repetitivly attempted to
sanitize JMs hands for lunch, when he showed
signs for stress the behaviours exhibited were
moving hands away and crying.
-During group lunch, JM sat at the table with he
other children after he was asked and guided to the
table, after 3 minutes of sitting, he moved to the
couch and drank his milk
-When the student teacher offered JM the grilled
cheese by showing him the container, JM showed
signs of interest as the behaviours exhibited were
taking small bites.

Resources to use
• Continue to provide JM with the opportunity to sanitize hands. One strategy would be to start off
with a wipe as he is used to the sensation during diaper change, and gradually get him comfortable
with hand washing.
• Continue to narrate specifically what is happening in the classroom. For example, if the children
are playing with play dough you can say “we are rolling the pink play dough to make it flat.”
• Continue to praise JM when he follows instructions or exhibits positive behaviours. One strategy
would be to use JMs name and use sentences that are specific the to context, for example, Great
work JM, thank you for putting your shoes on, instead of using general phrases like “well done.”
This supports JMs skills of not becoming desensitized to praise and allows him understand the
specific reasoning for praise.
• Due to JMs liquid diet, consider following a more strict mealtime schedule to avoid JM from
feeling distress. For example if JM gets dropped off at 9:30am, allow him to drink his bottle at
10:30am, and he can eat his grilled cheese at 11am with the other children. This allows JM to feel
nourished while also giving him the opportunity to eat with his peers.
• When JM seems distressed, one suggestion would be to visually show him options in order for JM
understand what options are available. For example, referring back to the observations, showing
the grilled cheese allowed JM to understand the situation opposed to saying “do you want grilled
• One suggestion to support JMs receptive ommunication skills would be to pair sign language with
key words such as eat, more, sleep, etc.

Resource Consultation (RC) Staff Contact Information
RC Staff Name (Tenesha, Marcia, Sayeeda) Business Telephone Number
Giselle Mohan (437) 881-1163

*Notice with Respect to the collection of Information*

Community Living Toronto collect personal information under authority of Community Living Toronto, Policy 06-27-01A which is
retained at the appropriate program site, and on computer record. This information is kept confidentially under lock and key or secure
password. Requests to disclose information to an external source will only be considered upon completion and submission of the
“Consent to Release Information Form”.
If you have any questions concerning your personal information, please contact the Privacy Officer at or 20
Spadina Road, Toronto, ON. M5R 2S7, or 416-968-0650.

*Notice with Respect to the collection of Information*

Community Living Toronto collect personal information under authority of Community Living Toronto, Policy 06-27-01A which is
retained at the appropriate program site, and on computer record. This information is kept confidentially under lock and key or secure
password. Requests to disclose information to an external source will only be considered upon completion and submission of the
“Consent to Release Information Form”.
If you have any questions concerning your personal information, please contact the Privacy Officer at or 20
Spadina Road, Toronto, ON. M5R 2S7, or 416-968-0650.

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