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Chemical Engineering Journal 283 (2016) 388–396

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Lithium orthosilicate for CO2 capture with high regeneration capacity:

Kinetic study and modeling of carbonation and decarbonation reactions
Suélen M. Amorim a,⇑, Michele D. Domenico a, Tirzhá L.P. Dantas b, Humberto J. José a,
Regina F.P.M. Moreira a
Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Paraná, 80060-000 Curitiba, PR, Brazil

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 This work presents a kinetic study

and modeling of the CO2 capture of
 After 48 carbonation/decarbonation
cycles the solid showed an activity
decay of 20%.
 The shrinking core model was firstly
applied to Li4SiO4 decarbonation.
 This model adequately described both
kinetics of carbonation and

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: One of the most promising techniques for CO2 capture at high temperatures consists in its separation by
Received 26 May 2015 the carbonation reaction with an inorganic solid. Lithium orthosilicate (Li4SiO4) is considered one poten-
Received in revised form 25 July 2015 tial material due to its high capture capacity and thermal stability. In this study, the kinetics of carbon-
Accepted 27 July 2015
ation and decarbonation of Li4SiO4 was evaluated at atmospheric pressure, isothermal and
Available online 1 August 2015
non-isothermal conditions and in cycling experiments. According to the non-isothermal test, carbonation
occurs within 500–715 °C and decarbonation above it. Isothermal tests showed that the reaction rates
increased with increasing temperature and at high temperatures it was possible to capture up to
Lithium orthosilicate
CO2 capture
35 wt% CO2. Kinetics of both carbonation and decarbonation was adequately described by the shrinking
Shrinking core model core model. The Li4SiO4 presented an excellent durability comparing to other materials for CO2 capture,
Kinetic parameters with an activity decay of 20% after 48 cycles.
Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction low environmental impact in addition to the application on fuel

cell technology aiming the generation of electricity.
There is a growing interest in the concept of a hydrogen econ- Processes to produce hydrogen, as the conventional steam
omy, in which H2 along with electricity can become the main reforming and coal gasification, are operated at a high temperature
energy carriers. Advantages of this type of energy include the range (700–900 °C) and have carbon dioxide as one of the products.
The removal of CO2 from the reaction stream can both increase the
concentration of the desired products and improve the overall effi-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 48 3721 4074. ciency [1–4].
E-mail addresses: (S.M. Amorim), michedido@gmail. One of the most promising techniques for CO2 capture consists
com (M.D. Domenico), (T.L.P. Dantas), humberto.
in its separation by the reversible reaction with a sorbent. Three (H.J. José), (R.F.P.M. Moreira).
1385-8947/Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.M. Amorim et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 283 (2016) 388–396 389

suitable materials are known to have good capacities for the sorp- presented for the carbonation of Li4SiO4, there is no other com-
tion of CO2 at high temperatures: CaO-based materials [5–7], pelling experimental evidence that could validate this model [24].
hydrotalcites (HT) [2,4,8,9] and lithium based materials [10,11]. The shrinking core model has been tested to fit the experimen-
Activated carbons and zeolites have been widely used, though tal results for the carbonation reaction of Li2ZrO3, considering the
the low equilibrium temperature for adsorption (25–150 °C) limits internal diffusion in the product layer as the rate-limiting step
their application. [28,29]. In this case, limitations by the external diffusion in the
Calcium oxide (CaO) presents high CO2 capture capacity in tem- gas layer and chemical reaction were excluded. Jimenez and others
peratures of 600–700 °C; however, the solid shows poor stability [30], on the contrary, proposed the fitting of the shrinking core
during extended carbonation/decarbonation cycles and requires model considering the three rate-limiting steps to the carbonation
high energy for complete regeneration (950 °C) [12–14]. reaction of Na2ZrO3. Ortiz and others [24] applied the same
Hydrotalcites are more suitable to use in the cyclic process (car- methodology as Jimenez and others [30] to the experimental data
bonation/decarbonation) than CaO, but they have lower adsorption of lithium orthosilicate carbonation. Both research groups found
capacity [5,15]. excellent results using this approach.
The lithium-based ceramics such as lithium oxide (Li2O), This work presents a kinetic study and modeling of the carbon-
lithium zirconate (Li2ZrO3), lithium silicate (Li4SiO4), lithium alu- ation and decarbonation reactions of Li4SiO4. The regeneration
minate (Li5AlO4), lithium ferrite (LiFeO2) and lithium titanate capacity of Li4SiO4 for 48 cycles was evaluated in cyclic carbona-
(Li4TiO4) have also been used for CO2 capture [16]. Li2O has the tion/decarbonation experiments in a thermogravimetric analyzer.
highest theoretical capacity (147.3 wt%), but the high reactivity Isothermal and non-isothermal tests were also carried out and
of the solid and corrosion may limit its use [17]. Li5AlO4 has also the experimental results were fitted to the shrinking core model
a high capture capacity (70.0 wt%) and wide operating range considering the three rate-limiting steps: chemical reaction, exter-
(200–700 °C), but the sintering during its regeneration can reduce nal diffusion and internal diffusion.
the surface area, and thus, the solid reactivity [17]. Although the
Li2SiO3 presents a good capture capacity (48.9 wt%) it has a low
2. Fundamentals of the kinetic model
equilibrium temperature for carbonation (260 °C) [11]. Li4TiO4,
Li2ZrO3 and LiFeO2 present the lower theoretical CO2 uptakes
The mechanism proposed by the shrinking core model assumes
(31.5, 23.2 and 28.7 wt%, respectively). Finally, the equilibrium
the particles as uniform non-porous grains. Initially, the reaction
temperature of the carbonation reaction for LiFeO2 is relatively
occurs in the grain surface and then the reaction zone moves into
low (510 °C) when compared to other ceramics such as Li2ZrO3
the solid leaving a product layer behind. The total radius of the par-
(715 °C) and Li4SiO4 (720 °C) [11].
ticle remains constant, while the radius of the unreacted core and
Among the lithium-based compounds, Li4SiO4 appears as a suit-
the layer of products vary over time as a function of conversion.
able material for CO2 capture at high temperatures. The reaction of
The approximate solution of the shrinking core model applied
this solid is attributed to the mechanism by which the Li2O within
in this work is a combination of the resistances that can simultane-
the crystal structure of Li4SiO4 reversibly reacts with CO2, as given
ously occur in a particle under reaction [31]: CO2 diffusion in the
by Eq. (1). The advantages of this solid include a relatively high
gas layer surrounding the particle, CO2 diffusion through the pro-
capture capacity (theoretical value of 36.7 wt%) at temperatures
duct layer around the unreacted core and chemical reaction on
of 450–700 °C, fast kinetics of carbonation/decarbonation, good
the unreacted core surface. The algebraic solution that relates the
mechanical properties and also the possibility of use in repeated
conversion as a function of time for a spherical particle is given by:
carbonation/decarbonation cycles [18–20]. Still, there is no enough
knowledge related to the regeneration potential of this material 1 1 1
[20–22]. t¼ X þ ½1  3ð1  XÞ2=3 þ 2ð1  XÞ þ ½1  ð1  XÞ1=3  ð2Þ
Sm Sg Sr

Li4 SiO4ðsÞ þ CO2ðgÞ $ Li2 SiO3ðsÞ þ Li2 CO3ðsÞ ð1Þ where the terms Sm , Sg e Sr represent the resistances to the external
mass transfer, product layer diffusion and chemical reaction, respec-
Understanding the physical and chemical processes that occur tively, and X is fractional conversion. Carbonation/decarbonation
during CO2 capture is extremely important for the proper applica- parameters are calculated separately according to the equations pre-
tion of the sorbent, but its regeneration has not been studied in sented in Table 1. The model was derived considering carbonation
details [16,18,23,24]. The possibility of regenerating the Li4SiO4 and decarbonation reaction orders of 1 and 0, respectively, with
along with its reuse, make the study of the decarbonation mecha- respect to carbon dioxide [24].
nism equally important as the carbonation mechanism and funda- In Table 1, b is the stoichiometric coefficient determined by the
mental in the economic point of view. Up to now, it was found that ratio of moles of Li4SiO4 per mol of CO2 in the carbonation reaction,
only Qi et al. [23] and Amorim [25] studied the kinetics of both car- c is the stoichiometric coefficient determined by the ratio of mols
bonation and decarbonation reactions of Li4SiO4. Qi and others [23] of Li2CO3 per mol of CO2 in the decarbonation reaction, kg is the
tested the fitting of three different models to the experimental data
of carbonation: shrinking core model with chemical reaction as the
Table 1
rate-limiting step, double exponential model and Avrami–Erofeev
Equations used to determine the parameters of the shrinking core model for
model. The latter presented the best fitting to the results, being carbonation/decarbonation reactions of Li4SiO4.
later applied to the experimental data of decarbonation.
Parameters Equations
The Avrami-Erofeev model describes the kinetics of crystalliza-
tion of solids and, despite presenting a good fit to the experimental Carbonation Decarbonation
data, there is no clear physical interpretation of the model con- Sm 3bkgc C CO2 0 3ckgd C CO2 s
rqLi SiO rqLi CO
stants [23]. The double exponential model is widely used to 4 4 2 3

describe the carbonation of Li4SiO4 [18,21,26,27] since it generally Sg 6bDgc C CO2 0 6cDgd C CO2 s
r2 qLi SiO r 2 qLi CO
4 4 2 3
presents good agreement with the kinetic data. In this model, the
Sr bksc C CO2 0 bksd
constants values correspond to the chemical reaction of CO2 on rqLi SiO
4 4
r qLi
4 SiO4

the particle surface and the chemical reaction controlled by diffu- X mc mc0 md0 md
mft mfc
sion processes through the layer of products. Although the good fit
390 S.M. Amorim et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 283 (2016) 388–396

mass transfer coefficient in the gas layer surrounding the particle decarbonation in pure N2. Both stages were conducted at 700 °C
(cm3/s), Dg is the CO2 diffusion coefficient through the product for 60 min.
layer (cm2/s), ks is the reaction rate constant (cm3/s), C CO2 0 and N2 and CO2 flow rates were set to 200 mL/min during all
C CO2 s are the initial concentration of CO2 in the gas surrounding procedures.
the particle, respectively, in the carbonation and decarbonation
reactions (mol/cm3), r is the average radius of the particle (cm), 4. Results and discussion
qLi4 SiO4 is the lithium orthosilicate molar density (mol/cm3) and
qLi2 CO3 is the lithium carbonate molar density (mol/cm3). The con- 4.1. Characterization
version is calculated using thermogravimetric data, being m the
transient mass, m0 the initial mass of the reaction, mft the final The XRD patterns of the raw, pretreated, carbonated and regen-
mass of the carbonated solid (found by multiplying the theoretical erated lithium orthosilicate samples are shown in Fig. 1. The raw
maximum capacity of Li4SiO4 and the initial mass of the experi- sample presented characteristic peaks of the crystalline phases of
ment) and finally mfc is the final mass of the carbonated Li4SiO4 Li4SiO4 (JCPDS 37-1472), Li2SiO3 (JCPDS 83-1517), Li2CO3 (JCPDS
(experimentally measured during carbonation stage and prior to 83-1554), LiOH.H2O (JCPDS76-1073) and SiO2 (JCPDS 82-1568).
decarbonation), all given in mg. According to Eqs. (3) and (4), respectively, LiOH and Li2SiO3 are
products from the reaction of Li4SiO4 with steam and Li2CO3 and
SiO2 are products from the reaction of Li4SiO4 with CO2. Both reac-
3. Experimental work
tions can slowly occur at room temperature [10,32].
3.1. Material Li4 SiO4ðsÞ þ H2 OðgÞ $ Li2 SiO3ðsÞ þ 2LiOHðsÞ ð3Þ

Lithium orthosilicate (Li4SiO4) was supplied by Chemetall com-

Li4 SiO4ðsÞ þ CO2ðgÞ $ 2Li2 CO3ðsÞ þ SiO2ðsÞ ð4Þ
pany (Frankfurt, Germany) with purity of 97.5% and is presented
as a crystalline powder with a particle diameter up to 350 lm. Crystalline phases found for the raw lithium orthosilicate,
Gases used in the thermogravimetric tests were nitrogen (purity related to the reactions with steam and carbon dioxide, indicate
99.996 vol%) and industrial carbon dioxide, both supplied by the importance of the solid treatment prior to the carbonation
White Martins company (Santa Catarina, Brazil). tests. During the pre-treatment, the solid loses about 12 wt%,
resulting in a XRD pattern with the crystalline phases of Li4SiO4
3.2. Methods and Li2SiO3. In this case, the existence of lithium metasilicate can
be associated with the synthesis method used to obtain the lithium
The specific surface area of lithium orthosilicate was calculated orthosilicate. Syntheses based on the sol–gel method normally pro-
using the BET method, being the isotherm of adsorption/desorp- duce residual Li2SiO3 [33].
tion obtained in a New 2200E by Quantachrome. The particles mor- Carbonated Li4SiO4 presented characteristic peaks of the crys-
phology was determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) talline phases of Li2CO3 and Li2SiO3, which are products from the
using a JEOL JSM-6390LV microscope. Finally, crystalline phases reaction between the solid and carbon dioxide at temperatures
of the solid were found by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, con- higher than 262 °C, according to Eq. (1) [23]. Finally, the regener-
ducted in an X’Pert diffractometer by Philips, with a scan of ated solid presented the crystalline phases of Li4SiO4, Li2SiO3 and
0,038/s and Cu Ka radiation. Li2CO3, being the peaks of the last two components of much lower
CO2 capture tests were carried out in a thermogravimetric ana- intensity, indicating that the Li4SiO4 was almost completely
lyzer model DTG-60 by Shimadzu, at atmospheric pressure. regenerated.
Carbonation of Li4SiO4 was done in two sequential stages: (1) Surface area analysis of the raw Li4SiO4 generated an adsorp-
pre-treatment and (2) thermal analysis (isothermal and tion–desorption isotherm of type II (Fig. A.1 in the
non-isothermal conditions). The pre-treatment was performed in Supplementary Material), corresponding to a non-porous or
all experiments, at a heating rate of 5 °C/min, from room tempera- macroporous sorbent. The specific surface area determined by
ture up to 750 °C, under N2 atmosphere. The aim of this stage was the BET method was approximately 5.6 m2/g, which is a character-
to eliminate impurities on the solid surface. Non-isothermal anal- istic value found for other compounds as Li2ZrO3, Na2ZrO3 and CaO
ysis was conducted immediately after cooling the solid down to
room temperature under N2 atmosphere, and then by heating the 1
11 1 1
sample at a rate of 10 °C/min up to 1000 °C, in pure CO2. This test 11 2 3 1 2 1 3 21 1 1 1 31 1 1 1
was used to identify the operating temperature range of carbona- Regenarated
tion/decarbonation of Li4SiO4. Isothermal analysis was conducted 2 3 32 2
after cooling the solid down to the carbonation temperature 3 3 3 3 33 3 2 3 2 2 2 2
Intensity (a.u.)

(500–700 °C) under N2 atmosphere. When the furnace and the Carbonated
11 1 1 11
sample achieved the desired temperature, the inert gas was 11 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
replaced by pure CO2, for both isothermal and non-isothermal
1 Pre-treated
procedures. 4
Decarbonation of Li4SiO4 was done in three sequential stages: 1
(1) pre-treatment, (2) isothermal carbonation and (3) isothermal 2 1
decarbonation. After being pretreated, the solid was carbonated 1 4 5
52 1 4 13 4 1 1 1 1 Raw
at 700 °C for a period of 60 min, in pure CO2. Then, the decarbona- 5 3 131 4
tion temperature was adjusted (550–700 °C) and the CO2 was
replaced by N2. Experimental data was measured until complete 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
decarbonation of Li4SiO4. 2θ
Finally, reversibility of the CO2 capture process was evaluated in Fig. 1. XRD patterns of the raw, pretreated, carbonated and regenerated Li4SiO4.
an experiment of 48 cycles of carbonation/decarbonation, with Crystalline phases (1) Li4SiO4, (2) Li2SiO3, (3) Li2CO3, (4) LiOHH2O and (5) SiO2 were
each cycle divided into two stages: carbonation in pure CO2 and identified.
S.M. Amorim et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 283 (2016) 388–396 391

(a) (b)

Fig. 2. SEM images of the (a) raw and (b) pretreated Li4SiO4.

[24,30,34,35]. The low surface area depending on particle size can As shown in the TGA profile, the decarbonation reaction starts
be a limiting factor to the carbonation reaction, since the CO2 has at temperatures higher than 715 °C. By the DTA profile it is possible
no access to the entire active area of the solid, thus requiring the to identify a second endothermic peak at 760 °C, associated to the
diffusion of gas through the product layer [21]. energy needed to the decarbonation process. Although the Li4SiO4
The specific surface area of the pretreated Li4SiO4 was lower regeneration temperature is high, it is much lower than that
than 1 m2/g, as observed by Chowdhury and others [22]. The expo- required to regenerate CaO, solid widely studied for CO2 capture
sure to high temperatures and the elimination of impurities on the (950 °C) [10].
solid surface promoted the sintering and decreased the surface
area. In this process, there was a removal of existing pores (initial
4.2. CO2 uptake
volume 0.06878 cm3/g) accompanied by a retraction and intense
agglomeration of adjacent particles. 4.2.1. Cycling tests
The distinct surface areas found for the raw and pretreated The reversibility of CO2 capture is one of the important aspects
samples were also verified by the SEM analysis, as shown in to be considered for a good sorbent. In this work, it is highlighted
Fig. 2. The raw solid, with higher surface area (Fig. 2a), is basically the reversibility of this process using Li4SiO4. Conversion results
composed of agglomerates of granular particles, resulting in a for the cycling analysis are shown in Fig. 4. In the initial cycles,
rough surface. On the contrary, the pretreated solid (Fig. 2b) pre- the lithium orthosilicate shows a high CO2 capture capacity, reach-
sents a very smooth surface, corresponding to the sintering effect, ing up to 90 wt% (7.5 mmol CO2/g Li4SiO4) of the stoichiometric
as previously cited. value (Eq. (1)) in 60 min at 700 °C. From the eighth cycle, the car-
Thermogravimetric results for the non-isothermal analysis of bonation capacity decreases, reaching after 48 cycles 74 wt%
the pretreated Li4SiO4 are shown in Fig. 3. According to the TGA (6.2 mmol CO2/g Li4SiO4) of the stoichiometric value. It represents
profile, carbonation reaction occurs in the temperature range of an activity decay of 20% of the initial capture capacity.
500–715 °C, with a CO2 uptake of 32 wt% (7.27 mmol CO2/g According to Table 2, HT, Li2ZrO3 and Li4SiO4 are the sorbents
Li4SiO4), which is close to the maximum theoretical capacity for with the lower reduction in capture capacity after cycling tests of
this solid (36.7 wt%, 8.34 mmol CO2/g Li4SiO4). By the DTA profile carbonation/decarbonation. Even though, HT show low CO2 cap-
it is possible to identify an exothermic peak at 708 °C, associated ture capacity [3] and the CO2 capture rate of Li2ZrO3 is nearly 30
to the energy released by the carbonation reaction at high temper- times smaller than that of Li4SiO4 [10]. Then, Li4SiO4 seems to be
atures. It indicates that the lithium orthosilicate is a promising the most suitable sorbent for CO2 capture at high temperatures.
material for in situ CO2 capture in processes where the reactions Carbonation/decarbonation processes promoted changes in the
are endothermic, such as steam gasification and methane reform- morphology of the solid, as can be seen in the SEM images, shown
ing [10]. Moreover, it is possible to identify an endothermic peak in Fig. 5. The carbonated Li4SiO4 (Fig. 5a) is presented as single par-
at 718 °C, related to the molten lithium carbonate, which has a rel- ticles that after 10 cycles appear to merge (Fig. 5c). After several
atively low melting point (726 °C) [36].
35 200
150 0.9
TGA (%)

DTA (µV)


15 50
10 DTA
0 0.7
TGA -50
-5 -100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Cycles
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 4. Conversion as a function of temperature for the cycling experiment of the
Fig. 3. TGA and DTA profiles as a function of temperature for the non-isothermal pretreated Li4SiO4 (at 700 °C, carbonation in pure CO2 and decarbonation in pure
analysis of the pretreated Li4SiO4 (heating rate of 5 °C/min, pure CO2). N2).
392 S.M. Amorim et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 283 (2016) 388–396

Table 2
Performance of some materials for high temperature CO2 capture.

Material Refs. Capture Regeneration N cycles Capacity after N cycles, mmol CO2/g solid
T, °C P CO2 , atm Capacity, mmol CO2/g solid T, °C P CO2 , atm

CaO [13] 650 0.15 15.9 850 0 100 3.7

HT* [3] 400 0.7 0.5 400 0 30 0.4
LiO2 [16] 28–700 1 27.3 – – – –
Li2ZrO3 [37] 575 1 4.1 690 0 11 4.7
Li4SiO4 [38] 700 0.5 7.8 700 0 16 6.3
Li4SiO4 This work 700 1 7.5 700 0 48 6.2
Li5AlO4 [39] 700 1 14.2 750 0 20 1.8

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 5. SEM images of the Li4SiO4 (a and b) carbonated, (c and d) after 10 carbonation/decarbonation cycles and (e and f) after 48 carbonation/decarbonation cycles (at 700 °C).

carbonation/decarbonation cycles, the solid surface becomes very capacity [12] (Fig. 4). Although the cycling tests were conducted
rough (Fig. 5d) and the individual outer contours of the particles at lower temperatures (700 °C) than that of lithium carbonate
are less evident. The lithium orthosilicate submitted to 48 cycles melting point (726 °C), it is a fact that the sintering phenomenon
as well as the other carbonated samples, formed agglomerates of promotes the particle agglomeration in temperatures close to the
sintered particles. In this case, the exposure to high temperatures melting point [40].
for a long period of time conducted to a very difficult removal of
the samples from the support, breaking them as can be seen in 4.2.2. Kinetics of the carbonation reaction
Fig. 5e. Nevertheless, it can be seen in Fig. 5e that the individual Thermogravimetric results for the isothermal carbonation ana-
outer contours no longer exist and, in Fig. 5d and f, that the solid lyzes are shown in Fig. 6. The mechanism for CO2 capture in
surface remains very rough. lithium compounds appears to occur in two steps. First, there is
It is well-known that the lithium carbonate may cause recon- the reaction of CO2 on the particle surface, until the complete for-
struction and sintering during carbonation/decarbonation pro- mation of the product layer, composed by lithium carbonate and
cesses, slowing the CO2 diffusion and decreasing the capture lithium metasilicate. In the second step, the reaction becomes
S.M. Amorim et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 283 (2016) 388–396 393

1.0 values, a plot of lnðr A Þ vs. 1=T results in the expression given by Eq.
700 °C (7), with R2 of 0.9997.
ð20616:94  2:15Þ
ln½r A  ¼  þ ð19:65  0:00Þ ð7Þ
The apparent activation energy was 40.97 ± 0.00 kcal/mol,
650 °C

which is a higher value than that found by Ortiz and others [24],
0.4 600 °C of 22.5 kcal/mol. A possible explanation for this result could be
550 °C the presence of impurities (Li2SiO3) in the sorbent used in this
0.2 work, which were not present in the pure Li4SiO4 used by Ortiz
500 °C et al. [23]. Other factors could be also affecting, like the porous
0.0 structure of the different samples and the treatment conditions
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 prior to the CO2 capture process that can reduce the surface area
Time (min) due to the sintering effect.
The shrinking core model was fitted to the experimental data
Fig. 6. Conversion vs. time for the isothermal carbonation analysis of the pretreated using the algebraic solution given by Eq. (2). The X vs. t curves
Li4SiO4 (pure CO2).
for the carbonation reaction (Fig. 6) and the resistance coefficients
Sm , Sg e Sr were determined for each temperature, by means of a
controlled by diffusive processes, either by the lithium diffusion in non-linear regression using OriginÒ. The resistance to the external
the reaction products or the CO2 diffusion in the produced layer of mass transfer, Sm , appeared to be negligible when compared to the
Li2CO3 [16,23]. Fig. 6 shows that the carbonation kinetics is very resistances Sg e Sr , thus not limiting the carbonation process. Once
fast in the beginning due to the CO2 reaction on the exposed sur- different gas flow rates were tested, it was possible to minimize
face of Li4SiO4. As the reaction progresses, there is a decrease in the effects of the external mass transfer.
the reaction rate due to diffusive limitations. Sg represents the resistance contribution to the product layer
According to the kinetic results, it is reasonable to assume that diffusion and Sr is related to the surface chemical reaction [24].
the initial linear fraction of the curves corresponds to the carbon- The resistance coefficients that best fitted the experimental data,
ation reaction. Thus, the overall reaction rates for each tempera- along with the determining coefficient values (R2 ) are presented
ture were estimated by the linear curve slope DX=Dt, at times in Table 3. It was observed that Sr is higher than Sg , but the relation
close to zero, according to the methodology presented by Sg /Sr could be affected by the particle size, since the product layer
Jiménez and others [30]. The kinetic expression for the carbon diffusion becomes more significant as the particle size increases. In
dioxide consumption rate is given by, fact, by using very small particles of Li4SiO4 (7 lm), López Ortiz
et al. [24] found that Sg > Sr , indicating that the surface chemical
dX n
r A ¼ ¼ kyCO2 ð5Þ reaction exhibits most of the resistance to the reaction.
In addition, in Table 3, are presented the calculated values for
where k is the reaction rate constant (1/s), yCO2 is the molar fraction the CO2 diffusion coefficient through the gas layer (Dg ) and the
of CO2 in the atmosphere surrounding the particle and n is the reac- reaction rate constant (ks ). The following parameters were used
tion order with respect to CO2. The Arrhenius equation is used to to estimate Dg and ks : stoichiometric coefficient of Eq. (1)
correlate the rate constant to the temperature and to the activation (b ¼ 1), C CO2 0 = 4.49  105 mol/cm3, qLi4 SiO4 = 0.020 mol/cm3 and
energy, according to the following kinetic expression, r = 0.0175 cm (value provided by the supplier).
  In the lowest temperature range, where the process is limited
Ea n
r A ¼ k0 exp yCO2 ð6Þ by the mass transfer, the shrinking core model presented a good
fitting to the experimental data. However, for temperatures higher
where k0 is the frequency factor (1/s), Ea is the activation energy than 650 °C, the model did not describe the behavior of the solid
(kcal/mol), R is the constant of gases (1.987  103 kcal/mol K) under carbonation, as can be noted by the determination coeffi-
and T is the reaction temperature (K). In this case, n is considered cients in Table 3. This result is consistent with the explanation
as equal to 1 for the carbonation reaction [24]. With the initial rate given by the model, which considers the formation of an external

Table 3
Resistance coefficients Sg and Sr , calculated values of Dg and ks and determining coefficients R2 .

T, °C Sg , s1 Sr , s1 Dgc , cm2/s ksc , cm/s R2

7 9 5 8 8 11 5 7
500 7.14  10 ± 1.23  10 1.04  10 ± 3.44  10 1.63  10 ± 2.81  10 8.14  10 ± 2.68  10 0.9964
550 2.42  106 ± 5.51  109 3.32  104 ± 2.92  105 5.50  108 ± 1.25  1010 2.59  103 ± 2.27  104 0.9884
600 3.21  106 ± 1.24  108 5.14  104 ± 1.01  104 7.30  108 ± 2.82  1010 4.01  103 ± 7.90  104 0.9706
650 4.85  106 ± 3.10  108 2.42  103 ± 2.95  104 1.10  107 ± 7.06  1010 1.89  102 ± 2.30  103 0.9348
700 2.69  104 ± 1.34  105 1.74  102 ± 5.89  102 6.12  106 ± 3.05  107 1.36  101 ± 4.60  101 0.7753

Table 4
Arrhenius relation for ks e Dg .

Chemical reaction Diffusion

Equation ln½ksc  ¼  ð29317:29483:24Þ þ ð28:50  0:62Þ ln½Dgc  ¼  ð10835:4121:01Þ  ð3:83  0:03Þ

R2 0.9186 0.8712

Ea, kcal/mol 58.25 ± 0.96 21.53 ± 0.04

394 S.M. Amorim et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 283 (2016) 388–396

1,0 700 °C Table 5

Resistance coefficients Sr , calculated values of ks and determining coefficients R2 .
650 °C
T, °C Sr , s1 ksd , mol/cm2 s R2
6 10 10 13
550 2.24  10 ± 9.55  10 7.87  10 ± 3.35  10 0.9924
600 1.02  105 ± 6.77  109 3.57  109 ± 2.37  1012 0.9786
0,6 650 8.24  105 ± 1.01  105 2,89  10 ± 3.55  109
700 2.27  104 ± 2.63  105 7.97  108 ± 9.23  109 0.9540

600 °C

0,2 a plus sign. It was assumed a decarbonation reaction order of zero

550 °C with respect to CO2, which was confirmed by the experimental
data. The CO2 concentration at the gas phase is negligible since a
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 pure N2 was used to purge the system. The apparent activation
Time (min) energy was determined by fitting the linear model of Eq. (6) to
the experimental data. Eq. (9) was obtained with R2 of 0.9885.
Fig. 7. Conversion vs. time for the isothermal decarbonation analysis of the
carbonated Li4SiO4 (pure N2). ð28493:64  0:04Þ
ln½rA  ¼  þ ð26:38  0:00Þ ð9Þ
product layer around the unreacted core of the solid, thus limiting The apparent activation energy for the decarbonation was
the chemical reaction. An increment in temperature accelerates the 56.62 ± 0.00 kcal/mol, which is a higher value than that found for
diffusion through the solid layer, increasing the overall rate of reac- the carbonation reaction. The algebraic solution of the shrinking
tion [16]. It occurs specially close to the melting point of the core model and the X vs. t curves for decarbonation were used to
lithium carbonate due to the sintering effect. determine the resistance coefficients Sm , Sg e Sr . The resistances
It can be noted in Table 3 that the Dg values have the same order to the external and internal mass transfer, Sm and Sg , respectively,
of magnitude as the diffusion coefficients of gases in solids [41]. appeared to be negligible when compared to the resistance Sr , thus
Also, an increment in temperature increases both the diffusion not limiting the decarbonation process.
coefficient and the reaction rate constant, being the latter most The resistance coefficients Sr , the determining coefficient values
influenced. The gradual increase of Dg is observed up to 650 °C (R2 ) and the reaction rate constants (ksd ) are presented in Table 5.
and at 700 °C there is a sharply increase, again explained by the As noted for the carbonation process, the reaction rate constant is
incipient melting of the solid caused by proximity to the lithium strongly influenced by the temperature. Moreover, according to R2
carbonate melting point (718 °C). values, the shrinking core model presented a good fitting to the
The dependence of ks and Dg on temperature was determined experimental data, in the tested temperature range.
by the Arrhenius relation, and the diffusion and intrinsic activation The dependence of ks on temperature was determined by the
energies were obtained as presented in Table 4. Both the diffusion Arrhenius relation and the linear Eq. (10) was obtained with R2
and intrinsic activation energies were calculated disregarding the of 0.9999.
temperature of 700 °C due to the small value of R2 and the large
standard deviation calculated for the fitting of Sr (Table 3). ð21726:38  11:35Þ
ln½ks  ¼  þ ð5:43  0:01Þ ð10Þ
The intrinsic activation energy was 58.25 ± 0.96 kcal/mol, T
which is only three times higher than that found for the diffusional The intrinsic activation energy for the decarbonation was
activation energy, of 21.53 ± 0.04 kcal/mol. It is important to notice 43.17 ± 0.02 kcal/mol, which is lower than the calculated apparent
that the apparent activation energy (40.97 ± 0.00 kcal/mol) is half activation energy. As previously mentioned, Qi and others [23]
of the total activation energy (79.78 ± 1.02 kcal/mol), indicating applied the Avrami-Erofeev model to the experimental data of
the influence of both resistances in the CO2 capture process [41]. the decarbonation of a commercial Li4SiO4. The authors found that
The comparison between the experimental data and the shrink- the chemical reaction step controlled the process, with an activa-
ing core model fitting of the Li4SiO4 carbonation reaction are tion energy of 85 kcal/mol.
shown in the Supplementary Material (Fig. A.2). The comparison between the experimental data and the shrink-
ing core model fitting of the Li4SiO4 decarbonation reaction are
4.2.3. Kinetics of the decarbonation reaction shown in the Supplementary Material (Fig. A.3).
Thermogravimetric results for the isothermal decarbonation
analyzes are shown in Fig. 7. The isotherms found in this work 5. Conclusions
are very similar to that reported by Qi and others [23] for the
decarbonation process. Also, it can be noted that the carbonation In this study, the regeneration of lithium orthosilicate (Li4SiO4)
and decarbonation isotherms present a distinct behavior, once was evaluated in carbonation/decarbonation experiments. It was
the diffusion limiting stage does not seem to appear in the decar- observed that the CO2 capture capacity decays after 20 cycles
bonation curves. This could be related either by the absence of dif- and remains nearly constant up to 48 reaction cycles of carbona-
fusive limitations as by the slow rate of the chemical reaction. tion/decarbonation. The kinetics of carbonation and decarbonation
Since the decarbonation is a solid–solid reaction, as given by Eq. reactions of Li4SiO4 was well fitted to the shrinking core model. The
(8), it is evident that it is slower than the carbonation, which is a intrinsic and diffusional activation energies for the carbonation
gas–solid reaction. were 58.25 and 21.53 kcal/mol, respectively, and the intrinsic acti-
Li2 CO3ðsÞ þ Li2 SiO3ðsÞ $ Li4 SiO4ðsÞ þ CO2ðgÞ ð8Þ vation energy for the decarbonation was 43.17 kcal/mol. The wide
temperature range for carbonation (500–715 °C), the high capture
The overall reaction rates for each temperature were estimated capacity (35 wt%), the regeneration at lower temperatures (715 °C)
by the linear curve slope DX=Dt, being this linear fraction associ- and the advantage of use in repeated cycles, make this solid poten-
ated to the chemical reaction of decarbonation. The kinetic expres- tially competitive when compared to other materials used for CO2
sion for the carbon dioxide production rate is given by Eq. (5), with capture at high temperatures.
S.M. Amorim et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 283 (2016) 388–396 395

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