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Triplet Repeat Mutations in Genetic linkage studies localized the

fragile X gene to Xq27 by conventional

analysis of restriction fragment length
Human Disease polymorphisms in informative pedigrees
(21). The physical position of the gene
was further delineated bv the develo~ment
C. Thomas Caskey,* Antonio Pizzuti, Ying-Hui Fu, of somat!c cell hybrids whose huma; frag-
Raymond G. Fenwick Jr., David L. Nelson ile X chromosome was induced to break in
the fragile X region (22). It was this
Triplet repeats are the sites of mutation in three human heritable disorders, spinal and genetic information, linkage probes, and
bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA),fragile X syndrome, and myotonic dystrophy (DM).These cell hybrids that made possible the posi-
repeats are GC-rich and highly polymorphic in the normal population. Fragile X syndrome tional cloning of the fragile X region (2),
and DM are examples of diseases in which premutation alleles cause little or no disease and discovery of a highly polymorphic
in the individual, but give rise to significantly amplified repeats in affected progeny. This CGG repeat within a gene, FMR-1 (4).
newly identified mechanism of mutation has, so far, been identified in two of the most This discovery permitted the correlation
common heritable disorders, fragile X syndrome and DM, and one rare disease, SBMA. of the clinical genetic feature of anticipa-
tion (referred to as the Sherman paradox
for fragile X syndrome) to the repeat
amplification in the DNA. Anticipation is
Reports of the genetic alterations in This same mutation has been observed in all defined as the appearance of increasing
SBMA, also known as Kennedy disease (I), SBMA patients. A highly polymorphic trip- disease severity or earlier onset in succes-
fragile X syndrome (2-4), and DM (5-7) let repeat, CAG, located in exon 1 and sive generations with a heritable disorder.
over the past 7 months have identified a encoding a polyglutamine stretch, is ampli- This correlation will be discussed more
new class of human mutation, triplet repeat fied to approximately twice normal size. fully in the following sections.
amplification. There is sufficient informa- Point mutations and deletions in AR were Myotonic dystrophy (DM) is an autoso-
tion at clinical and molecular levels regard- already well known as being responsible for mal-dominant disease characterized by my-
ing these diseases to provide investigators androgen-resistant genetic defects in hu- otonia. cardiac arrhvthmias. cataracts.
with simple approaches to searching for this mans and mice (1 0-1 2). male balding, male infertility (hypogonad-
mutational mechanism in other genes and Fragile X syndrome is an X-linked reces- ism), and other associated endocrinopa-
diseases (8). This article will summarize the sive disorder with incomplete penetrance; it thies (23). The rare congenital form of DM
clinical and genetic features of the first is characterized bv moderate to severe men-
tal retardation, large head, long face, large
is associated with profound newborn hypo-
tonia and mental retardation (24). Such
three diseases in which simple sequence
amplification mutations were identified, ears, and large testicles (macroorchidism) children are invariably the offspring of af-
speculate on the mechanism of their ampli- (13). It is one of the most common forms of fected mothers. never affected fathers (25).
. ,
fication, discuss the affects on gene expres- mental retardation, with an estimated inci- These mothers frequently have mild to
sion, and outline new medical genetie is- dence of 1 in 1250 males and corresponding subclinical features of DM. It is this feature
sues raised by the ability to identify premu- 1 in 2500 females (heterozygotes) (14, 15). together with clinical documentation of
tation sequences. Some males, referred to as normal transmit- progressively increasing disease severity
ting males (NTMs), are clinically normal through generations in adults that defined
Clinical and Genetic Features but are inferred to carry the genetic defect anticipation as a feature of DM. Through
by a position in pedigrees rendering them an international working group sponsored
Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy obligatory carriers. One-third of female car- by the Muscular Dystrophy Association,
(SBMA),or Kennedy disease, is an X-linked riers have evidence of mental impairment, the DM gene was mapped by genetic link-
recessive genetic disorder characterized by but they rarely show severe retardation age to 19q13.2-13.3, and a consensus ge-
progressive muscular weakness of upper and and have no other distinguishing clinical netic and physical map developed (26-30).
lower extremities that starts in adults and is features (16, 17). The cytogenetic identi- Evidence of an unstable sequence in the
secondary to neural degeneration (9). Af- fication of a constriction in Xq was made region associated with DM was provided in
fected males have reduced fertility and ex- in such a family in 1969 (18). Cytogenetic three of these reports (28-30). We used a
cessive development of the male mammary detection of fragile X reached clinical sequence scanning method based on syn-
glands (gynecomastia); female carriers have
few or no symptoms. The mapping of SBMA
utility with the discovery that the fragile
site at Xq27 could be induced by periph-
- -
thetic oligonucleotides containing all GC-
rich triplets to identify a highly polymor-
to Xqll-12, the region of the gene encoding eral leukocyte cell culture in special media phic GCT repeat as the DM mutation (6),
the androgen receptor (AR), led to the study (19). The fragile X site is defined as a while others used positional cloning strate-
of AR's highly polymorphic CAG repeat. folate-sensitive site since its ex~ression gies (5, 7). This triplet repeat, GCT, un-
This genetic analysis not only revealed high- cytogenetically can be induced by media dergoes progressive expansion in DM fami-
ly significant linkage between AR and deficient in folate or containing the folate lies as will be discussed in the following
SBMA (a lod score of >13 at 0 cM) but inhibitor methotrexate. ~nhibitors of sections. The gene containing the repeat
identified the putative molecular defect DNA replication, (such as fluorodeoxyu- has been designated myotonin protein ki-
within AR at the CAG repeat sequence (I). ridine or high concentrates of thymidine) nase (MT-PK).
are also effective in fragile site induction.
Cytogenetic diagnosis with peripheral leu- Molecular Features of
The authors are at the Institute for Molecular Genetics, kocytes, particularly in carrier females, Triplet Expansion
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030. C. T.
Caskey is also with the Howard Hughes Medical
has lacked absolute accuracy (never
Institute and Human Genome Center and D. L. Nelson >30%). Fragile site induction is even less The localizations of triplet repeats within
is with the Human Genome Center, all at Baylor. reliable in amniocvtes and chorionic villus AR, FMR-I, and MT-PK transcripts are
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. cells used in prenatal diagnosis (20). illustrated in Fig. 1. AR has a highly poly-

784 SCIENCE VOL. 256 8 MAY 1992

' * I?;.*,
-4,m 7.


L, .
morphic CAG repeat encoding polyglu- Fig. 2. Allele frequencies
tamine and a second smaller GGN reoeat White of four population groups
encoding polyglycine. This second site also IBlack for the AGC polymorphic
appears polymorphic but has been less well I ~ ~ in
M ~ ~ - Arepeat ~ ,AR. [Adapted
studied (3 1). Triplet repeats associated with Asian from (33)]
diseases can occur at different positions in
genes; the CGG repeat of FMR-1 is thought
to be 5' to the initiation AUG and the
GCT repeat of MT-PK lies in the 3' un-
translated portion of the mFWA (6). The
DNA sequences encoding the AR polyglu-
tamine tract and the 3' repeat of MT-PK
(GCT) are identical, although on opposing
DNA strands with respect to gene tran-
scription. Furthermore, the 5' repeat of
FMR-1 (CGG) is similar to the polyglycine
repeat tract (GGN) in AR. These correla-
Number of repeats (allele numbers)
tions should not be intermeted as beineu the
limits of sequence composition for unstable
repeats. We have previously reported a
wide spectrum of polymorphic triplet, tet- repeat number have been observed, and of CGG repeats outside the range of normal
ramer, and pentamer repeats (32, 33). indicate that the CAG disease-associated (from 52 to 200 repeats) and below those
The polymorphic variation of the CAG allele is unstable from generation to gener- found in affected males (>200). Males
repeat in AR is illustrated for four ethnic ation. Thus, the narrow repeat range for transmit the repeat to their progeny with
groups in Fig. 2. There is unusual ethnic disease association indicates that there small changes in the repeat number. It is
variability (for example, compare the peaks could have been a single ancestral deriva- also well documented that somatic mosa-
for blacks and Caucasians) and allele distri- tive, rather than multiple independent mu- icism occurs indicating mitotic instability of
bution (>95% of the people sampled are tations involving a doubling of different premutation alleles (4). Females who carry
heterozygotes). The population genetics of normal alleles (Fig. 3). similar premutation alleles are prone to bear
these alleles was previously analyzed in The distribution of CGG repeat poly- progeny (male or female) with large expan-
detail (33). SBMA has been reported in mor~hismsin FMR-1 has been measured bv sions of the repeat region (250 to 4000
multiple ethnic groups and, where mea- amplification through the polymerase chain repeats). Thus, large CGG amplification
sured, the size of the repeat ranged from 40 reaction (PCR) followed by polyacrylamide associated with fragile X syndrome appears
to 52 units. This is well beyond the normal gel analysis (4) or by agarose gel sizing of to be a predominantly female meiotic
range but within a doubling of allele sizes restriction fragments containing the CGG event, with somatic instability found in
found in the normal population ( I ) . There repeat and then DNA hybridization many patients. Mentally retarded males
was no recorded incidence of a large expan- (Southern) analysis (2, 34, 35). In contrast with fragile X syndrome rarely have chil-
sion of the repeat as has been observed for to the situation with AR, we found no dren, which therefore limits opportunities
fragile X and DM. Small changes in the significant variation among ethnic groups at to study transmission of large repeats via
FMR-I; fragile X syndrome has been report- male meiosis. There is the possibility of
ed in a broad spectrum of ethnic groups. ascertainment bias in this circumstance
We have reported that the range of CGG since reproducing normal female heterozy-
repeats is 6 to 54 in the normal population gotes are frequently observed to transmit
DNA- Steroid- with a peak at 29 (4). These measurements large alleles while mentally retarded males
binding binding are in general agreement with those made rarely have offspring. There is good agree-
by several groups. ment among several investigative groups
(CAG)ljal (GGN),.y It was the study of fragile X families that that CGG repeats above 50 have significant
revealed two types of instability associated instability. Our studies indicate a rapidly
with the CGG repeat (Fig. 3). A selected increasing risk for disease in progeny over
pedigree (Fig. 4A) illustrates these types. the repeat range between 60 (17%) and 90
Unstable alleles are observed in a normal (100%) repeats. Thus, fragile X syndrome is
transmitting male (NTM) and his asymp- the first human disorder in which premuta-
Protein -
Trans- tomatic daughter. Such alleles have been tion DNA sequences in the parent predict
Coiled membrane referred to as premutation alleles. The substantial disease risk to progeny.
MT-PK coil / NTM's allele (82 repeats) is slightly altered The distribution of normal G C T repeat
in his daughters (83 and 90 repeats). Two alleles in MT-PK mRNA is compared to
of the females with premutation alleles (80 that of the CAG repeat alleles in AR in Fig.
Fig. 1. Schematic of three mRNA molecules
containing polymorphic triplet repeats. The
and 83 reoeats), have male children with 5. While both are highly polymorphic, the
fragile X syndrome, whose repeat sequence distribution of the alleles differs at the two
range of allele numbers seen in normal individ- expanded remarkably in one generation loci suggesting site, rather than triplet se-
uals is shown. The extent of polymorphism of resulting in disease. quence specificity of polymorphic variation.
the GGN repeat in AR is not fully explored.
Open bars indicate coding regions divided into It was the study of numerous families of PCR- and Southern-based methods of allele
exons by vertical lines where known; some this type that permitted a correlation of the measurement have been used to observe
functional domains are indicated. AR, andro- phenomenon of anticipation and the mo- generation-to-generation amplification of
gen receptor; MT-PK, myotonin protein kinase; lecular events of CGG amplification. These the GCT triplet repeat, which is in keeping
FMR-1, fragile X gene. studies indicate that NTMs carry numbers with the clinical feature of anticipation for
SCIENCE VOL. 256 . 8 MAY 1992 785
DM. The reported experience is limited at and molecular comparisons will be needed -
triplets occurs at the authentic gene locus.
It is difficult to envision recombination
this time, but patients with few or no before genotype should be used to predict
symptoms of DM are reported to have disease severity. events which can, in a single generation,
repeats in the 50 to 100 range (Fig. 3). When the increases in allele size via expand triplet repeats 10- to 40-fold. New
Such high-risk alleles can expand via both male meiosis and female meiosis were ex- explanations must be sought for simple
male and female meiosis. amined, substantial increases occurred in sequence amplification. One model that
A selected pedigree (Fig. 4B) illustrates both. Thus, DM GCT triplet repeat ampli- has appeal relates to the difficulty of repli-
some of these features. The ugrandmother of
limited to female meiosis.
fication differs from fragile X. which is cation of GC-rich sequences. Inequality of
rate of DNA synthesis may lead to multiple
the congenital myotonic child is asymptom-
atic while her daughter has clinical features It has been possible to demonstrate in incomplete single strands of complimenta-
of DM. The instability of the GCT repeat is vitro via PCR amplification that segments ry, triplet, re-initiated sequences. Strand
illustrated by the grandmother's DM allele of DNA containing CA repeats can partic- switching during replication between mul-
of 75 repeats giving rise to the symptom- ipate in strand-switching during amplifica- tiple incomplete strands (leading and lag-
associated allele of 105 repeats in the tion (36). Repeats in the range of 50 to 100 ging) might then occur. This model pre-
daughter and the smaller, symptom-free are prone to small allele changes for all dicts that longer alleles would be more
allele of 72 repeats in her son. We detected three loci. Some have referred to this type prone to incomplete ends.
no mosaicism in the grandmother or daugh- . ,
of small allele variation as polvmerase Circularization of single-stranded DNA
ter in peripheral blood cells. The congeni- slippage. Large segment amplification of and resultant self-copying is unlikely given
tal myotonic and retarded grandson inher- genes such as multiple drug resistance the nucleotide sequence of the CGG and
ited a 25-fold enlarged GCT repeat from his (37), dihydrofolate reductase (38), and GCT repeats. Another noteworthy feature
mother. Although our studies indicate a adenosine deaminase (39) in cell culture of DNA size and structure is that the DNA
larger average size of amplification for con- and in cells of patients with cancer has associated with each nucleosome is about
genital myopathic children (7.3 kb) than been extensively studied. This type ~f 150 to 200 bp, which roughly coincides
their parents (3.6 kb), caution must be amplification results in amplifications of with the size of the unstable t r i ~ l e trepeat
exercised at this time in relating size to a several thousand times from single copy sequences. Is it possible that expansion of a
. ,
prediction of clinical severitv. For example. sequences. Episomal amplification of these GC-rich triplet repeat beyond -50 inter-
k e have observed a smalle; allele in one sequences is an intermediate event before feres with the packaging and phasing of the
congenital . .
mvopathic child than that of his the re-entry of amplified sequences into nucleosome structure? In vitro and in vivo
affected mother. More extensive clinical nonhomologous chromosome sites. It is models should be capable of testing these
doubtful if these gene amplification mech- mechanisms.
anisms relate to specific triplet amplifica- The premutation alleles could arise con-
10'000 tion such as observed for fragile X and tinually or might represent ancestral rare
! Disease 1 DM, since immediate flanking sequences mutations which themselves have become
: Premutation are not amplified and amplification of the polymorphic. The rarity of SBMA, linkage
, Normal
1,000 7



Fig. 3. Variation of polymorphic triplet repeat
number in three heritable diseases. Bars corre-
sponding to the FMR-1 repeat are offset to
demonstrate overlap among the three classes.
The average alleles for AR and MT-PK are
given in Figs. 2 and 5. The average alleles for Fig. 4. Transmission and expansion demonstrates the instability of premutational alleles for fragile
FMR-1 are repeated elsewhere (35). The num- X syndrome and myotonic dystrophy. Open symbols, normal (phenotypically and genotypically);
bers of tr~pletrepeats in the AR, FMR-1, and closed symbols, affected; hatched symbols, phenotypically normal individuals who are heterozy-
MT-PK are displayed. The range of repeat gous for a premutation allele. Numbers of repeats for each allele are shown below the symbols. (A)
numbers is shown for normal individuals, those Pedigree for a portion of a family affected by fragile X syndrome. Filled symbols indicate affected
carrying premutations, and those affected with individuals and hatched symbols identify individuals who, by family history, carry the genetic defect
the associated clinical disorder (spinal and but have normal phenotypes, Indicated genotypes represent the number of CGG repeats in FMR-1
bulbar muscular dystrophy, fragile X syndrome, as determined by PCR amplification, which detects values to about 200 repeats with a range for
and myotonic dystrophy, respectively). The val- normal individuals of 11 to 50, or by DNA hybridization analysis (4). The results show unstable
ue of 1000 repeats as the upper limit of FMR-1 transmission of the premutational allele with gross enlargements to a fully mutant allele during
repeat amplification is a lowest estimate; the transmissions from mother to son. (B) Pedigree of a family affected by myotonic dystrophy.
precise number may actually be higher. A Indicated genotypes represent the number of GCT repeats in MT-PK as determined by PCR
logarithmic scale has been used for convenient amplification, which detects values to about 150 repeats with a range for normal individuals of 5 to
display of the information. 30, or by DNA hybridization analysis (6). The diamond indicates a fetus that was prenatally tested.

SCIENCE VOL. 256 . 8 MAY 1992

disequilibrium between linked markers and ation was not observed. However, when
DM (7, 26, 28), and lack of observed new fetal cells were studied, FMR-1 mRNA was lAndrogen receptor
r Myotonic dystrophy
mutation events (normal + premutation) reduced and the Bss HI1 site was methylat-
suggest but do not prove that premutation ed. We conclude that methylation in the
alleles are ancient. region of the CGG amplification may be
Finally, we have emphasized the expan- the critical event in FMR-1 mRNA expres-
sion of repeats since this event leads to sion.
disease. It should be remembered that re- Such a mechanism necessarily involves
duction in size of repeat is well documented one or more DNA methylases and points
for fragile X syndrome (35). This reduction toward an association of DNA conforma- 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
also occurs for MT-PK alleles but the extent tion change at the repeat site that allows Number of repeats (allde numbers)
has not been determined accurately. regional recognition by the methylase. Fig. 5. Allele frequencies of Caucasians for the
Methylation has significant effects on DNA MT-PK and AR trinucleotide repeats.
Pathophysiology structure, chromatin organization, and ex-
pression in diverse eukaryotes, and is also
The role of androgen receptor mutations in important in prokaryotes. Methylation cells have previously been reported to have
androgen insensitivity syndromes was well modification is used as an in vivo analytic abnormalities in protein phosphorylation
established prior to the discovery of the method to distinguish B and non-B DNA (47, 48). Several studies have related the
SBMA mutation (10). Androgen receptors conformations in prokaryotes (45). pathophysiology to ion channel activities.
are concentrated in spinal and bulbar motor It is unclear at this time if other genes in .
Chloride.. ~otassium. and sodium channels
neurons, thus providing some correlation to the region are also affected in their expres- have all been variously associated with the
the progressive motor weakness associated sion. One must keep open the possibility pathogenesis of myotonia in myotonic syn-
with SBMA but not with other androgen that fragile X syndrome is the consequence dromes such as myotonia congenita (Thom-
insensitivity syndromes (40). It is notewor- of more than the lack of FMR- 1 expression. sen's disease), paramyotonia congenita, and
thy that Reifenstein's syndrome, another Complex phenotypes are well established hyperkalemic paralysis periodica (49-5 1) .
androgen receptor defect, has associated for contiguous deletion syndromes in which These would appear to be excellent candi-
loss of the sense of smell (anosmia) (44). more than one gene is affected (46). It is date proteins for the MT-PK ligand (or
Thus two neural cell types must be affected too early to exclude this possibility for ligands). The availability of these clones
by mutations in the androgen receptor. On fragile X syndrome. Continued search for and their protein products should facilitate
the basis of this experience, AR should be patients with the clinical fragile X pheno- the search.
considered a candidate ueene for other neu- type but lacking CGG amplification and It is not possible at this time to define
rologic disorders mapping to this region of identification of a deleterious mutation in precisely the mechanism by which MT-PK
the X chromosome. Since amplification of FMR- 1 could clarify this uncertainty. mutations lead to DM in adults or newborns
the triplet repeat in SBMA occurs in the FMR-1 is expressed in a variety of tis- given the very recent discovery of repeat
coding region of a multifunctional protein, sues, with highest expression in brain and amplification. We presume, but it has not
~erhapsessential, there may be biologic testis. Macroorchidism and head enlarge- been proven at this time, that expression of
restriction on observing large amplification ment are features of fragile X syndrome but MT-PK is reduced as an associated feature
in patients. It is interesting to speculate the mechanisms by which these are induced of the GCT triplet expansion. There is no
that large amplifications could lead to loss is unknown. The predicted protein se- documentation of methylation events asso-
of AR function, as has been reported for quence of FMR-1 has given little hint of its ciated with the DNA sequence differences
testicular feminization. function, with the exception of a putative of mutant and normal MT-PK. As the
The role of FMR-1 in the pathophysiol- nuclear localizing sequence. Thus, al- disorder is inherited in an autosomal dom-
ogy of fragile X syndrome is inferred since though the gene is cloned and the muta- inant fashion and the mutation does not
the triplet expansion is within the gene and tional mechanism established, our knowl- arise in the coding sequence it would be
FMR-1 mRNA is undetectable in affected edge of the cause of mental retardation is unlikely that the dominant phenotype is
males (42). Although it is possible that the lacking. Since the gene is expressed in due to interference of a multisubunit pro-
repeat sequence simply perturbs hnRNA many tissues of humans and found in mouse tein as observed for collagen
u disorders (52).
processing, another mechanism for the lack and Caenorhabditis elegans (2) , the function Protein kinases can consist of nonidentical
of FMR-1 is more likely. Several groups appears to have been conserved during ev- subunits: an alteration in the level of one
identified a CpG island, later found to be olution. This disease therefore provides an subunit could affect overall function as oc-
-200 bp from the 5' transcription site of excellent challenge for cell biologic study. curs in hemoglobin a tetramers in p-thal-
FMR-I, which was methylated in fragile X The role of myotonin protein kinase in assemia. Finally, it could be a simple reduc-
males and normal females carrying one myotonic dystrophy is in the early stages of tion in protein level as found for the auto-
inactive X chromosome (43, 44). The cor- study. The predicted protein sequence of soma1 dominant disorder of the low densitv
relation of methylation and lack of FMR-1 MT-PK indicates a set of domains that are lipoprotein receptor associated with coro-
mRNA detection in affected males was only partially represented in Fig. 1. Given nary artery disease (53).
quite good. This raised the possibility that the ATP-binding site and catalytic domain The remarkable difference in severity of
methylation of a promoter region rather for protein kinase, these functions can be congenital myopathy and adult disease de-
than defects in mRNA processing was the predicted with certainty. Other interesting serves special comment. Congenital myop-
mechanism of mRNA reduction or ab- domains correspond to muscle structural athy is associated with maternal rather than
sence. proteins and transmembrane domains. The paternal inheritance of the MT-PK mutant
A recent prenatal diagnostic case was kinase is present in many tissues but is allele. Parental imprinting should be con-
instructive in this regard. Chorionic villus particularly highly expressed in skeletal and sidered as the basis of the difference. Could
cells of an affected male fetus, contained cardiac muscle. Its features would imply the paternally derived MT-PK gene be ex-
FMR-I mRNA that was detected by re- that MT-PK is a highly specialized signal pressed at lower levels than maternal MT-
verse-transcription PCR; Bss HI1 methyl- transduction protein. Myotonic dystrophy PK gene? If so, then inheritance of a ma-

SCIENCE . VOL. 256 * 8 MAY 1992

temal disease allele would have greater proach is rapid and inexpensive. It remains three disorders is exvected to lead to dis-
disease impact. These many possibilities to be resolved whether DNA hybridization covering many other disease-related genes.
can be resolved given the availability of the or PCR will provide accuracy at lowest cost. An oligonucleotide scanning method
isolated gene, the gene sequence, protein The detection of female carriers is now proved to be useful in identifying the DM
probes, and informative patients. achieved by family linkage analysis, South- mutation (6). A similar approach can be
e m and PCR analysis. There is little doubt used to scan cloned loci of diseases with
Molecular Diagnosis that DNA-based methods already supercede features of anticipation (for example, Hun-
cytogenetic methods for female carrier de- tington disease and olivopontocerebellar
The only method of SBMA diagnosis pres- tection and prenatal diagnosis. It remains ataxia) or somatic events (such as neoplasia
ently available is PCR amplification of the to be determined if FMR-1 mRNA or pro- and cystic disease of the kidney). A search
CAG repeat and allele quantitation by tein quantitation will replace or augment of GenBank has revealed more than 100
sequencing gel analysis. Detection of the current methods. It is our opinion that no human loci with AGCIGTC repeats larger
alleles can be achieved by generating radio- single DNA method can be recommended than 5 copies. Scanning of cDNA libraries
active or fluorescent reaction products (32). presently, given the high risk of serious via oligonucleotide hybridization has iden-
The diagnosis of fragile X syndrome has disease in progeny and early experience tified a significant number (>40) of inde-
traditionally been cytogenetic. Now that with these DNA methods. Genetic centers pendent cDNAs containing these se-
the CGG repeat has been documented as should strive for family studies rather than quences. Thus, triplet repeats are common
the fragile site, DNA-based methods should single patient submissions. This approach in the human genome. It is yet to be
replace the cytogenetics. Southem meth- will lead to highest accuracy and minimize determined what the imvortance of such
ods, although labor-intensive, have the ca- error. sequences will be for other inherited and
pacity to detect large CGG expansions The diagnosis of DM has been greatly somatically acquired genetic diseases.
found in fragile X patients and female car- improved by development of DNA probes The discovery of highly mutable se-
riers. We utilize Eco RI restriction cleavage for the GCT repeat. No longer is it neces- quences in DM and fragile X syndrome
* Bss HI1 and the probe pE 5.1. Such an sary for patients to undergo muscle biopsy, raises new issues for medical genetics. In
analysis will yield a 5.1-kb Eco RI fragment muscle enzyme study, and electromyogra- these diseases, premutation sequences do
that is cleaved by Bss HI1 to 2.4- and 2.7-kb phy as the first diagnostic procedures for not cause disease in the individual bearing
fragments. The 2.7-kb Eco RI-Bss HI1 frag- DM. Given the availability of DNA meth- them but forecast a risk of disease for their
ment contains the CGG repeat. Patients ods, they should be used first as is now progeny above the general population. If
with fragile X syndrome will have a single accepted for clinical evaluation of Duch- carrier testing for Tay-Sachs disease, sickle
expanded fragment under both digestion enne muscular dystrophy (55). The repeat cell anemia, p-thalassemia, and cystic fi-
conditions because the Bss HI1 site is meth- expansion can be quantitated by DNA hy- brosis (56) are utilized for informed family
ylated (resistant to cleavage) and the CGG bridization analysis after Bam HI digestion, planning, is it not reasonable to consider
repeat is expanded. NTMs occasionally which yields a fragment of 1.4 kb contain- DM and fragile X syndrome? The difference
have somatic heterogeneity, are not meth- ing the GCT repeat. As the complete in screening for DM and fragile X syndrome
ylated, and usually exhibit a band above 2.7 sequence of the region is known, other is, however, identification of an unstable
kb (50 to 200 bp). The 2.4-kb band is restriction endonucleases can be rationally allele and its associated risk potential rather
unchanged in all NTMs and serves as an chosen. For example, endonucleases Nco I, than inheritance of a well-characterized
intemal control. Eco RI, and Hind 111 yield fragments in the fixed allele. Operationally, the screening of
PCR offers the opportunity for rapid range of 7 to 10 kb. These and many other a high-risk pregnancy for fragile X and DM
detection of alleles in the normal range (6 endonucleases will be satisfactory for the is not significantly different from screening
to 54), premutation alleles associated with identification of large GCT expansions pregnancies for aneuploidy for mothers over
NTM and female carriers (52 to ZOO), and found in affected individuals as the size of the age of 35 years. We need to determine
different alleles in cell lines from an indi- DM GCT expansion ranges from 90 to accurately the disease risk for premutation
vidual (mosaicism) found in NTMs. We 4000 bp in our current experience. Howev- alleles and develop educational methods
have found that PCR amplification requires er, just as with fragile X NTMs, some related to these new concepts for families
special conditions including 10% DMSO patients possess a premutation sequence and professionals. Such information on
and addition of 75% 7-deaza-dGTP. It has that is between 50 and 78 repeats. PCR is a these diseases and development of effective
been reported that high molecular weight simpler and more rapid approach to detec- educational approaches will provide the
CGG repeats of several kilobases can be tion of normal and premutation alleles with medical geneticist the first opportunity to
amplified with 100% 7-deaza-dGTP and repeats up to 120. deal with mutation-induced disease in an
detected with CGG synthetic oligonucleo- Presently, the optimal conditions for anticipating manner and to provide options
tide probes (54). We find it quite simple to PCR amplification of large alleles are not to families with risk of disease in progeny.
make a fragile X diagnosis associated with a finalized. The detection of carriers is now Discussions can assist in the socially and
large triplet amplification by the inability to achieved by family linkage analysis with scientifically responsive application of this
conduct PCR amplification of the CGG closely linked dinucleotide repeats, South- technology and concept.
repeat (null). The amplification is intemal- em, or PCR detection of normal premuta-
ly controlled by coamplification of the AR tion and disease-associated GCT alleles. It REFERENCESANDNOTES
CAG repeat. Furthermore, using primers is likely that improvements in the DNA- 1 A. R. La Spada et a / , Nature 352,77 (1991).
that amplify the Bss HI1 site, we can direct- based diagnosis of DM will rapidly evolve. 2 A. J. M. H. Verkerk et al., Cell 65,905 (1991).
ly detect the presence of methylation by Furthermore, the usefulness of quantitating 3. E. J. Krerner etal.. Science 252,1711 (1991).
4. Y.-H. Fu et al., Cell 67,1047 (1991).
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28. H. G Harley et a1 , Nature 355,545 (1992) laxants oresents a hazard to those -aenetical- account for the disorder because, in skeletal
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31. J. D. Wilson, personal communication. (MH) (I). The commonly used combina- are regulated by the concentration of intra-
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L 1
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43. M. V. Bell etal., ibid. 64. 861 (1991) and infusing the clinical antidote, dan- imals in all breeds of swine. The availability
44 A. Vincent et a/., Nature 349,624 (1991). trolene, has lowered the death rate for such of a diagnostic test for the mutation pro-
45. R. D Wells. J. Biol. Chem. 263,1095 (1988)
46. A. Ballablo. Curr. Opin Genet. Dev. 1 , 25 (1991)
eoisodes from over 80% to less than 7% in vides breeders with the opportunity to elim-
47. A. D. Roses and S. H. Appel, Proc. Natl. Acad. recent years. Neurological or kidney dam- inate the MH gene from their herds, there-
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49. C. Franke. H. Hatt, P A laizzo. F. Lehmann-Horn MH also occurs in domestic animals hand, the MH gene may contribute to
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50. L. J. Ptacek et a/., Am J, Hum. Genet 49,851 economic consequences (2). Swine are sel- and breeders might find it advantageous to
51. K. Steinmeyer et al., Nature 354,304 (1991). dpm exposed to anesthesia, but animals retain the gene and benefit from possible
52. P. H. Byers, in Metabolic Bas6 of Inherited Dis- homozygous for the abnormality respond to uniform gains in dressed carcass weight if
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Eds. (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1989). p. 2805.
53 M S. Brown and J. L. Goldsteln, Science 232.34 humans respond to anesthetics-with mus- duced economically.
(1986) cle rigidity, hypermetabolism, and high Linkage between polymorphisms in and
54. R. G. Pergolizzi, S. H. Erster, P Goonewardena, fever. The stress-induced death of such near the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor
W T. Brown, Lancet 339.271 (1992).
animals (porcine stress syndrome or PSS) (RYRl) gene and MH has also been estab-
55. J. S. Chamberlain et al., J. Am Med. Assoc., in
press. is but one aspect of economic loss due to lished in studies of inheritance in human
56. C T. Caskey, Contemporary OB/GYN 36. 27 the syndrome. An equally serious problem families (7, 8). Moreover, substitution of
(1991). is that the same reaction can be triggered Cys for Arg614, corresponding to the por-
57. A P. is a Muscular Dystrophy Association Fellow;
C.T.C. is a Howard Hughes Medical lnstitute when a hog experiences acute stress prior cine MH mutation, was found in 1 of 35
Investigator. Supported by U.S. Department of to slaughter, resulting in pale, soft, exu- human families studied, and this mutation
Energy grant DE-FG05-88ER60692 (C.T C ); a dative (PSE) pork in large segments of the also cosegregated with MH (9). The com-
New Neuromuscular Disease Research Develop-
ment grant (R.G.F.), NIH Human Genome Center bination of a very high lod score for linkage
grant P30-HG00210, and the W. M. Keck Center Banting & Best Department of Medlcal Research,
between the porcine RYRl mutation and
for Computational Biology at Baylor College of University of Toronto, Charles H. Best Institute, Tor- MH, with the existence of the correspond-
Medicine and Rice University, National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development grants
onto, Ontario M5G 1L6 Canada ing mutation in humans, indicates that this
1R01HD29256 and P30HD24064 (D.L.N.). *To whom correspondence should be addressed mutation in RYRl is the cause of at least

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