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Planes and Flight

STEAM Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Biffle
Spring 2023
By: Kassidy Brewer and Keann Moncrieffe
Unit Title: Planes
Grade Level: Third
Subject/Topic Areas: STEAM (Science/engineering, technology, arts, and mathematics)
Time Frame: 3 weeks; About 15 School Days
Designed By: Kassidy Brewer and Keann Moncrieffe

Brief Summary of Unit: This STEAM unit will be covered within three weeks, centered around planes,
terms and definitions, pilots, flight activities, and more. Students will participate in many activities
that revolve around STEAM to help them learn and understand planes. The overall goal is for students
to discuss planes with their community confidently.

Unit Calendar:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week One What do we Definitions Parts and Continuation Visit a local
know about and Terms Types of the of airport, see
Planes and used in Flight Airplane Wednesday. planes, and
Flight? watch them
take off.
Week Two Go over what Is it just Research and Use research In the
we have machinery Dig Deep to from the hallway,
been learning that can fly? find some previous day students will
in the Or can other instructions to make the see whose
previous things fly on How to first airplane paper
week! too? make the and briefly airplane went
(Refresher) “Best” Paper test it in the the farthest.
Airplane hallway.
Week Three Watching Come up Pilots come in Create the Paper Mache
videos about with today to talk Paper Mache plane and
planes and questions to about their Plane and posters were
talking about ask our experiences posters for put on view
them! visitors, and and answers the for students
write thank student’s community to talk about
you letters question to see what they
for them have learned
coming in and to
helping raise
money for
the local
Unit Rubric:
Grade Descriptor Score
A Exceptional: 5
- The student was involved and participated in all the activities.
- Students can identify the parts of a plane without having to look at anything.
- The students can tell others about different types of planes without help.
- The students made a plane and could fly successfully.
- The student created multiple questions for the pilots
B Excellent: 4
- The student was involved and participated in all the activities.
- The student can identify the parts of a plane.
- The student can tell others about different types of planes with some
information to help.
- The student made a plane, and it could fly.
- The student created a question for the pilots.
C Good: 3
- The student was partially involved in the activities.
- The student can identify the parts of the plane with a picture.
- The student can tell others about different plane types but need their
- The student made a plane, but it could not fly.
- The students needed help coming up with their questions.
D Fair: 2
- The student was very little involved with the activities.
- The students can identify most parts of the plant with a picture/help from the
- The student struggles to tell others about the different types of planes and
constantly needs to look at their information.
- The student barely made the plane, and it couldn’t fly.
- The student needed much help when it came to creating a question.
F Poor: 1
- The students barely participated in the activities.
- The student needed help identifying parts of a plane but knew a couple of them
- The student struggles to talk about different planes even with the information
- The students didn’t put effort into their plane, which wasn’t finished.
- The students didn’t put effort into their question, or it was unusable.
Incomplete No response/illegible response: 0
- The student was not involved in the activities.
- The student couldn't name any part of the plane and needed assistance.
- The student cannot explain the different types of planes, even with the
- The student didn’t make a plane.
- The student didn’t ask any questions.
Lesson Plan #1
Name of the activity:
Definition and Terms

Central Focus and Context: Students will learn more about different parts of the plane, where they
are located, what they mean, how to spell them, and what information we mainly want them to know
and understand about planes.


Strand WRITING: Inquiry to Build and Present Knowledge

Standard 1 Use an inquiry process to gather relevant, credible information/evidence from a

variety of sources (e.g., print, digital, discussions, etc.) that build understanding of and lead to
conclusions about a subject under investigation.

- c. Take brief notes on sources and sort information into provided categories.

Strand WRITING: Composing for Audience and Purpose

Standard 3 Routinely produce a variety of clear and coherent writing in which the
development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, audience, and purpose while
avoiding plagiarism.

- d. Use precise vocabulary/word choice.

- Students will be able to discuss different parts of the plane and what they do for the
- Students will be able to identify parts of the plane.

- Worksheet that will be given
- Pencil
- Easer
- Color materials (in case they want to color code it)

Adaptations (Accommodations):
ADHD: Students who struggle with ADHD will be able to fidget; this way, they can fidget with
something while we do assignments. They will also be able to have privacy folders (folder shields) to
help them stay focused on their work.

Dyslexia: Students who struggle with dyslexia will be able to work in a different room to complete
assignments if they wish so that they can do their work. They will also have extra time to complete
class assignments, so they have enough time to finish their work.

Evaluation/Assessment: This evaluation won’t be seen until their next class when they fill out the
plane worksheet and do the connecting the dots paper. That worksheet will tell us whether or not we
understand planes and if we need to go over this more. Website to help with the above sheet
Lesson Plan #2

Name of the activity:

Identifying Parts of the Airplane + Fun Dot to Dot Sheet

Central Focus and Context: Students will use the worksheets provided below to show their
understanding of an airplane's parts, then make their airplane by connecting the dots. This is to see if
the students have been learning about planes and what they know and don’t know about airplane


Strand WRITING: Inquiry to Build and Present Knowledge

Standard 1 Use an inquiry process to gather relevant, credible information/evidence from a

variety of sources (e.g., print, digital, discussions, etc.) that build understanding of and lead to
conclusions about a subject under investigation.

- b. Gather information from a variety of sources and/or recall information

from experiences in order to answer questions.

Strand WRITING: Composing for Audience and Purpose

Standard 3 Routinely produce a variety of clear and coherent writing in which the
development, organization, and style are appropriate to the task, audience, and purpose while
avoiding plagiarism.

- d. Use precise vocabulary/word choice.

- Students will be able to identify the parts of the plane.
- Students will be able to connect the dots to create an airplane.

- Print Outs of Papers
- Pencil
- Easer
- Coloring materials
Adaptations (Accommodations):
ADHD: Students who struggle with ADHD will be able to fidget; this way, they can fidget with
something while we do assignments. They will also be able to have privacy folders (folder shields) to
help them stay focused on their work.

Dyslexia: Students who struggle with dyslexia will be able to work in a different room to complete
assignments if they wish so that they can do their work. They will also have extra time to complete
class assignments, so they have enough time to finish their work.

Evaluation/Assessment: We (the teachers) will see how the students did regarding the labeling part of
the airplane. We want to see if they know the plane’s parts and what we need to go over again or if we
can move on to the next activity lined up. For the connect the dots paper, see if they completed it.
Lesson Plan #3

Name of the activity:

What Else Can Fly?

Central Focus and Context: Students will watch a video to learn what flies other than airplanes. With
the video, they should be making notes on what else can fly, things they learned, didn’t know, etc. We
want the student to learn and think about what else in our world can fly and help us fly other than




Standard 1 Prepare for and participate in conversations across a range of topics,

types, and forums, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own.

- a. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in

groups, student-led and teacher-led) on grade 3 topics and texts, building on
others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
- b. Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied the required
- c. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor
respectfully, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the
topics and texts under discussion).
- d. Ask questions to understand the information presented, stay on topic,
and link their comments to the remarks of others.
- e. E. Explain their ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.

- Students can explain what can fly other than an airplane.
- Students will be able to complete the worksheet given either before or after the video.

- Pencil
- Listening ears
- Easer
- The worksheet provided

Adaptations (Accommodations):
ADHD: Students who struggle with ADHD will be able to fidget; this way, they can fidget with
something while we do assignments. They will also be able to have privacy folders (folder shields) to
help them stay focused on their work.

Dyslexia: Students who struggle with dyslexia will be able to work in a different room to complete
assignments if they wish so that they can do their work. They will also have extra time to complete
class assignments, so they have enough time to finish their work.

Evaluation/Assessment: We (the teachers) will evaluate their work based on how they answered the
questions and can talk about it when the class discusses this topic. We wanted to know if the students
were paying attention and doing the work they needed to do.
Go to the following website and choose one video to watch

Then fill out the following paper after/during the video you are watching
Lesson Plan #4

Name of the activity:

Questions and Thank You Letters

Central Focus and Context: Students will be coming up with questions to ask our visitors about
airplanes, how to be a pilot, what the job is like, things they might get to see while being a pilot, neat
flights they have taken, etc. Then we will make thank you cards for our visitors so they can leave with
those after their time with us is over.




Standard 1 Prepare for and participate in conversations across a range of topics,

types, and forums, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own.

- a. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in

groups, student-led and teacher-led) on grade 3 topics and texts, building on
others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
- c. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in
respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about
the topics and texts under discussion).

- Students will be able to come up with a few questions for our visitors.
- Students will sign the thank you cards for our visitors.

- Pencils
- Easers
- Paper

Adaptations (Accommodations):
ADHD: Students who struggle with ADHD will be able to fidget; this way, they can fidget with
something while we do assignments. They will also be able to have privacy folders (folder shields) to
help them stay focused on their work.

Dyslexia: Students who struggle with dyslexia will be able to work in a different room to complete
assignments if they wish so that they can do their work. They will also have extra time to complete
class assignments, so they have enough time to finish their work.

Evaluation/Assessment: Students will be sharing one of the questions out of their list of questions
they want to ask so we know they have done this assignment. We will also see who asks questions the
next day and who doesn’t because that will also be a part of the scoring. Regarding the thank you cards,
we are looking for them to be completed. (Thank you cards are a pass or fail grade).
Lesson Plan #5

Name of the activity:

Fundraiser for Local Airport

Central Focus and Context: Students will create a vast paper Mache plane to show the community
and posters to show what they have learned. This is their final project and will be the last chance for
students to present the information they have been learning during these three weeks.

Strand D. VISUAL ARTS Standard A1 – Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
- b. Apply knowledge of available resources, tools, and technologies to investigate
personal ideas through art-making.
Strand D. VISUAL ARTS Standard A2 – Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
- a. Create personally satisfying artwork using a variety of artistic processes and
Strand D. VISUAL ARTS Standard C1 – Perceive and analyze artistic work.
- b. Determine messages communicated by an image

- Students will contribute to the paper Mache plane.
- Students will make posters showing what they have learned.
- Students will present their information in a professional way to their community.

Paper Mache
- Newspaper
- Flour and salt
- Vaseline or glue
- Paintbrushes
- Paint
- Clear varnish
- Poster boards
- Pencils
- Markers
- Crayons
- Sharpies
- Scissors
- Glue
- Colored paper

Adaptations (Accommodations):
ADHD: Students who struggle with ADHD will be able to fidget; this way, they can fidget with
something while we do assignments. They will also be able to have privacy folders (folder shields) to
help them stay focused on their work.

Dyslexia: Students who struggle with dyslexia will be able to work in a different room to complete
assignments if they wish so that they can do their work. They will also have extra time to complete
class assignments, so they have enough time to finish their work.

Evaluation/Assessment: We (the teachers) will see how the students have contributed to our class
plane, what they did for their poster, and how they presented their information when grading them for
this. If they do everything asked, they can get in the B range or a 4; if they go above and beyond, it will
be an A, and any less than that will be scored according to the rubric on the next page. Paper Mache Airplane

Final Lesson Rubric:

Grade: Descriptor Score:

A Exceptional: 5
- The student completed their poster and had a lot more
information than expected
- The students can talk about the information without looking at
their poster.
- The student helped contribute to the making of the plane
B Excellent: 4
- The student completed their plane, and it has information that we
learned during the last few weeks
- The student can present their information without struggling.
- The student helped make the plane
C Good: 3
- The students completed their poster, and it has information we
have done in class.
- The student can present their information and look at their poster
while giving it
- The student helped with the plane making
D Fair: 2
- The students mostly completed their poster with information we
covered in class.
- The student presented but relied on the information on their
- The student barely helped with the creation of the plane
F Poor: 1
- The student barely has their poster done.
- The student needs help when presenting their poster.
- The student didn’t help with the creation of the plane
Incomplete Incomplete: 0
- The students never created their poster.
- The students never showed up to present their information to
their community.
- The student didn’t help with the plane creation

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