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⚡ stuff (informal)
🇬🇧 can be used to refer to things such as a substance, a collection of things, events, or ideas,
or the contents of something in a general way without mentioning the thing itself by name

🇷🇺 материал, вещи, вещество, хлам — это слово можно перевести почти как угодно
○ sweet stuff — сласти, конфеты
○ stuff of manhood — признаки возмужания
○ what is this stuff? — что это такое?
○ this this wine is good stuff — это хорошее вино
○ put your stuff in the bag — положите свои вещи в сумку
○ what stuff! — что за чушь!, что за глупости!
○ don't give me any of that stuff! — ≅ я и слушать это не хочу!

💬 A word that is a proper substitute for any other word. In reality, it means to fill something, as in
the stuffing of a turkey. But in slang it can mean anything that there is in the whole damn world.

💬 Stuff is one of the most common nouns in speaking. It is more informal than thing. It is not at
all common in writing.
◊ Where can we put our stuff? (our belongings) (very similar to, but more informal than, Where can
we put our things?)
◊ She didn’t have much advice to offer. She just told us to learn lots of new English vocabulary
and stuff like that.

⚡ to behave
🇬🇧 to be good by acting in a way that has society's approval

🇷🇺 вести себя хорошо

○ Will you make your boy behave? — заставьте вашего мальчика вести себя прилично!
○ Behave yourself! — веди себя хорошо!
○ to know how to behave — знать, как себя держать

◊ Did the children behave (themselves)? — Дети хорошо себя вели?

💬 If you behave or behave yourself, you act in the way that people think is correct and proper.

synonyms: act properly; conform; conduct oneself well; act in a polite way; carry oneself
antonym: misbehave

☕ HARRY: Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form.

VERNON: What is it?
HARRY: Nothing. School stuff.
VERNON: Later perhaps, if you behave.

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⚡ orphanage
🇬🇧 a home for children whose parents are dead or unable to care for them

🇷🇺 детдом, приют
◊ A portion of the donations will be given to the orphanage. — Часть пожертвований будет
передана в этот детский дом.
◊ He was raised in an orphanage. — Он воспитывался в детском доме.
◊ After the death of his parents, he was raised in an orphanage. — После смерти родителей он
воспитывался в детском доме.

⚡ to dump sb on sb’s doorstep

🇷🇺 подбросить на порог

◊ He'd have been straight to an orphanage if he'd been dumped

on my doorstep. — Если бы его подбросили ко мне на порог,
его сразу же бы отправили в детдом.

📚 After Voldemort kills Lily and James Potter and is defeated by baby
Harry, Hagrid retrieves Harry and they travel by Sirius’ flying motorbike
from Godric’s Hollow to Little Whinging. Harry is asleep by the time they
meet Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall outside of Number Four,
Privet Drive, the home of Lily’s sister and her family. Despite
McGonagall’s and Hagrid’s worries, Dumbledore produces an
explanatory note and leaves baby Harry to grow up in the Muggle world.

⚡ to finish off (phrasal)
🇬🇧 to eat, drink, or use the last part of something

🇷🇺 завершить, закончить, доесть

○ to finish off a glass of water — допить стакан воды
○ to finish off a piece of work — закончить работу

◊ We may as well finish off this wine - there's only a little bit left. — Можем допить это вино, там
осталось совсем немного.

⚡ to tempt
🇬🇧 to encourage someone to want to have or do something, esp. something wrong

🇷🇺 искушать, соблазнять, уговаривать, склонять

○ to tempt smb. to do sth. — подбивать кого-л. сделать что-л.
○ to tempt fate /fortune, providence/ — искушать судьбу
○ nothing would tempt me to do it — ничто не заставит меня сделать это
○ to let oneself be tempted — поддаться на уговоры

◊ I’m trying to diet – don’t tempt me with that cake! — Я пытаюсь питаться правильно! Не
соблазняй меня этим тортиком.

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word family: temptation (n); tempting (adj); temptable (adj) — поддающийся соблазну; tempter
(n) — искуситель

☕ MARGE: Finish that off for Mommy. Good boy, Rippy-pooh.

VERNON: Can I tempt you, Marge?

⚡ nosh
🇬🇧 a small amount of food eaten between meals or as a meal

🇷🇺 перекус
◊ I'll just have a quick nosh before we go. — Я мигом перекушу прежде чем мы пойдем.

synonym: a snack

💬 According to the Oxford Dictionary it is of Yiddish origin.

⚡ to smirk (at sth)

🇬🇧 to smile in a way that expresses satisfaction or pleasure about having done something, or
knowing something that is not known by someone else

🇷🇺 ухмыляться
◊ I don't like the way he winks and smirks at me whenever he sees me. — Мне не нравится, как
он мне подмигивает и ухмыляется всякий раз, когда видит меня.

word family: smirk (n) - ухмылка:

◊ The insincerity of his apology was given away by that slight smirk on his face. —
Неискренность его извинения выдавала лёгкая самодовольная улыбка на лице.

⚡ institution
🇬🇧 an organization that exists to serve a public purpose such as education or support for
people who need help

🇷🇺 учреждение
○ a charitable/educational/scientific institution — благотворительное / образовательное /
научное учреждение

⚡ hopeless
🇬🇧 without hope

🇷🇺 безнадежный
○ to be hopeless about /of/ sth. — безнадёжно смотреть на что-л.
○ hopeless struggle — безнадёжная борьба
○ hopeless illness — неизлечимая болезнь
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○ hopeless grief — безысходное горе

◊ We tried to save the building, but it was a hopeless task (= it could not succeed). — Мы
пытались спасти здание, но это была безнадежная задача (= она была обречена на провал).

🔍 Did you know?

Suffix ‘less’ usually means without and can be used with many nouns:
- the homeless (= people who do not have a home)
- a hopeless situation
- a cold heartless woman (= without sympathy for other people)

⚡ cane
🇬🇧 a long, thin stick used, especially in the past, to punish someone by hitting them

🇷🇺 трость, розга

◊ Do they use a cane at St. Brutus', boy? — В школё Святого Брутуса вас бьют розгами,

⚡ to blame
🇬🇧 to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for
something bad happening

🇷🇺 обвинять, порицать
○ to deserve blame — заслуживать порицания
○ to blame for sth — винить за что-то

◊ You mustn't blame yourself about how this one turned out. — Ты не должен винить себя за
то, каким он стал.
◊ Don't blame me (= it is not my fault) if you miss the bus! — Не вини меня (= это не моя вина),
если опоздаешь на автобус!

⚡ to out
🇬🇧 to become known to the public

🇷🇺 раскрыться, стать известным

○ truth will out — (посл.) правда всегда выйдет наружу, правду не утаишь
○ crime will out — преступление не скрыть

◊ The secret about her retirement is out. — Секрет о ее отставке раскрыт.

💬 Shakespeare used this idiom in The Merchant of Venice (2:2): “But in the end truth will out.”

☕ MARGE: Excellent. I won't have this namby-pamby... wishy-washy

nonsense about not beating people who deserve it. You mustn't blame
@hey_englishh 4 Copyright protected © 2020
yourself about how this one turned out. It's all to do with blood.
Bad blood will out. What is it the boy's father did, Petunia?
⚡ to fuss
🇬🇧 a show of anger, worry, or excitement that is unnecessary or greater than the situation

🇷🇺 суета, суматоха
○ make a fuss about something — раздраженно жаловаться; волноваться попусту; суетиться
○ get into a fuss — разнервничаться; разволноваться

◊ I don't know what all the fuss is about! — Я не знаю, из-за чего вся эта суета!
◊ Stop fussing and get to work! — Прекратите ссориться и принимайтесь за дело!

⚡ firm
🇬🇧 strong and tight

🇷🇺 крепкий, прочный
○ close / firm / strong bond — тесная связь
○ firm decision — твёрдое решение

◊ He has a firm handshake. — У него крепкое рукопожатие.

◊ He received a firm no in reply. — В ответ он получил твёрдый отказ.

⚡ grip
🇬🇧 a tight hold on something or someone

🇷🇺 хватка
○ to get a grip on — сжимать (что-л.)
○ to lose / relax / release one's grip — разжимать хватку
○ firm / strong / tight grip — крепкая хватка
○ loose / weak grip — слабая хватка

◊ She tightened her grip on my arm. — Она сильнее сжала мою руку.
◊ She would not loosen her grip on my arm. — Она не хотела ослабить хватку на моей руке.

⚡ to have nothing to do with sth

🇬🇧 to be unrelated or irrelevant to someone or something

🇷🇺 не касаться кого-то
◊ This argument has nothing to do with me. — Этот спор меня не касается.

⚡ Hold on! (Phrasal)

🇷🇺 Держись! Стой!

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⚡ Get off! (Phrasal)
🇷🇺 Отстань!

⚡ Don't you dare!

🇷🇺 Не смей! / Только попробуй!

💬 If you say to someone 'don't you dare' do something, you are telling them not to do it and
letting them know that you are angry.

☕ VERNON: Ow! Ripper! Ow! Ripper, get down, boy! Down!

Ripper, stop it! Stop! I've got you, Marge! I've got you! Hold on!
Hold on! Get off!
MARGE: Don't you dare!

⚡ to put/set sb right
1) to make someone feel better
2) to correct something; to alter a situation to make it more fair

🇷🇺 привести в порядок, поставить на ноги, исправить

◊ A few days in bed will soon put you right. — Несколько дней в постели быстро поставят тебя
на ноги.
◊ I'm sorry that we overcharged you. We'll try to put it right. — Мне жаль, что мы вас обсчитали.
Мы постараемся это исправить.

⚡ to deserve
🇬🇧 to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the
qualities you have

🇷🇺 заслужить
○ to deserve punishment [attention, a reward] — заслуживать наказания [внимания, награды]

◊ After all that hard work, you deserve a holiday. — После всей этой тяжелой работы ты
заслуживаешь отдых.

⚡ to keep away from sb

🇬🇧 to maintain a physical separation, as between two or more people or things

🇷🇺 держаться от кого-то (чего-то) подальше

◊ Kids, keep away from that beehive! — Дети, держитесь подальше от пчелиного улея!

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⚡ Try me
🇬🇧 used to tell someone to give one a chance to do something, answer a question, etc.
"Oh, you probably don't know the answer!" "Try me, I might."

🇷🇺 Испытай меня! Рискни!

💬 It can be basically a challenge to another person by insisting that you will do something
Person 1- “You wouldn’t leave me here, would you?”
Person 2- “Try me.”

⚡ stranded
🇬🇧 unable to leave somewhere because of a problem such as not having any transport or
🇷🇺 в затруднительном положении, без средств, оказавшийся в беде

◊ So there I was, stranded in London with no money. —И вот я застрял в Лондоне без денег.
◊ Being stranded at night on a lonely road would derange anyone. — Оказаться ночью, на
пустынной дороге, без гроша в кармане — так кто угодно свихнётся.

☕ STAN SHUNPIKE: "Welcome to the Knight Bus... emergency transport

for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be
your conductor for this evening.» What you doing down there?

⚡ to fall over (Phrasal)

🇬🇧 if someone falls over, they fall to the ground

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🇷🇺 упасть
◊ He slipped and fell over. — Он поскользнулся и упал.
◊ She tripped and fell over. — Она споткнулась и упала.

⚡ on purpose
🇬🇧 to do sth deliberately, intentionally

🇷🇺 намеренно

◊ You make it sound as if I did it on purpose! — Ты говоришь так, как будто я специально это
◊ I don't know whether it was an accident or on purpose or what. — Я не знаю, было ли это
случайно или нарочно, или как-то ещё.

💬 Shakespeare's use of this idiom was among the earliest; it appears in The Comedy of Errors
(4:3): “On purpose shut the doors against his way.”

⚡ Let’s not wait for the grass to grow

🇬🇧 = Let’s act now, without delay

🇷🇺 не откладывать дела в долгий ящик; действовать быстро и энергично

💬 This expression alludes to waiting so long that grass can grow.

☕ STAN SHUNPIKE: Well, come on, then. Let's not wait for
the grass to grow. What you looking at?
HARRY: Nothing.

⚡ to move on (Phrasal)
🇬🇧 to leave the place where you are standing and go somewhere else
🇷🇺 подвинуться

⚡ bumpy ride
🇷🇺 тернистый путь, тряска

◊ After that bumpy plane ride it's good to be back on the ground. — После этой тряски в
самолёте приятно очутиться снова на твёрдой земле.

⚡ whereabouts
🇬🇧 the place where a person or thing is

🇷🇺 местонахождение, местопребывание
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◊ He succeeded in concealing his whereabouts. — Ему удалось скрыть своё
◊ Her whereabouts are a tightly guarded secret. — Ее местонахождение держится в строгой

⚡ to head
🇬🇧 to go in a particular direction

🇷🇺 направляться
◊ Turning the car around, we headed home. — Мы развернули машину и направились домой.
◊ They said their farewells and headed home. — Они попрощались и направились домой.

⚡ The Leaky Cauldron

🇷🇺 Дырявый котел

The Leaky Cauldron was a popular wizarding

pub and inn located in London. It was the
entrance to Diagon Alley and indirectly
Knockturn Alley. The rear of the pub opened
up onto a chilly courtyard that contains the
entrance to both alley ways.

The pub was built by Daisy Dodderidge, the

first landlady, in the early 1500s "to serve as a
gateway between the non-wizarding world and
Diagon Alley." It had a bar, several private
parlour rooms, and a large dining room.

To Muggles, the pub appears to be a broken-

down old shop front on Charing Cross Road.

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⚡ pea soup
🇷🇺 гороховый суп

⚡ to jab
🇬🇧 to push or hit something forcefully and quickly, often with a thin or sharp object:

🇷🇺 толкнуть, вонзить, наколоть

◊ Stop jabbing me with your elbow! — Перестань толкать меня (своим) локтем!
◊ He jabbed at the other boxer with his left. — Он ударил другого боксёра левой.
◊ The needle jabbed into his arm. — Игла вонзилась ему в руку.

⚡ supporter
🇬🇧 a person who gives encouragement and approval to someone or something

🇷🇺 сторонник
○ an ardent supporter — активный сторонник, горячий приверженец

◊ She is an unabashed supporter of the president's policies. — Она не скрывает своей

поддержки политики президента.

☕ HARRY: How did he escape?

STAN SHUNPIKE: Well, that's the question, isn't it? He's the
first one that done it. He was a big supporter of... You-Know-Who.
I reckon you've heard of him.

⚡ double-decker
🇬🇧 a bus with two levels
🇷🇺 двухэтажный автобус

⚡ Mind your head

🇬🇧 = Be careful, there's something you might hit your head on coming up". (A beam, a low
ceiling, something like that)

🇷🇺 Осторожно, не ударьтесь / Берегите голову

◊ Mind your head — the ceiling's a bit low. — Берегите голову (не ударьтесь): потолок здесь

💬 is related to “Keep your head in mind.” and literally means “Be aware of your head.”

⚡ nearly
🇬🇧 almost, or not completely
🇷🇺 почти
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◊ It's been nearly three months since my last haircut. — Прошло почти три месяца с моей
последней стрижки.
◊ I've nearly finished that book you lent me. — Я почти закончил читать ту книгу, которую ты
мне дал.

☕ SHRUNKEN HEAD: Ernie, two double-deckers at 12 o’clock.

They're getting closer, Ernie. Ernie, they're right on top of us!
Mind your head. Hey, guys? Guys? Why the long faces? Yeah, yeah.
Nearly there. Nearly there.The Leaky Cauldron.Next stop, Knockturn Alley.

⚡ at last
🇬🇧 = finally

🇷🇺 наконец-то
◊ Spring is here at last. — Наконец-то пришла весна.
◊ At last he knew the truth. — Наконец он узнал правду.
◊ Here we are - home at last. — Вот мы, наконец-то, и дома.

☕ TOM: Mr. Potter, at last.

STAN SHUNPIKE: Take it away, Ern.
SHRUNKEN HEAD: Yeah, take it away, Ernie!

@hey_englishh 11 Copyright protected © 2020

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