CKC 24

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Thank you for you「 continued partner- amazing things a「e happening! i hope this update encourages you
Ship with Covenant Kids Congo powered Just befo「e ou「 trip, We reCeived the andしeads you to consider how you might

by Worしd Vision. Semiannuaしreport from the fieしd staff COntinue engaging in ou「 partnership in

in November, l had the opportunityto in DR Congo on the fi「st six months of the coming year-Perhaps by hosting
traveしto Karawa, DR Congo, aS Part Of a FY2023. During this time frame, Covenant a Gしobaし6K fo「 your family neighboト

deしegation invited by Covenant Church of Kids Congo supported the Ledia/Ngeme- hood, Or Church. Or maybe it’s hosting a

Congo to celebrate lOO yea「s of the gospeし しina and Karawa a「ea prog「ams (APs) to Celebration Sunday at your chu「ch or a

in Karawa. We we「e joined by muしtipしe integrate their chiしd sponsorship pro- しetter-W「iting party in your home. We hope

gしobaしpersonneしand thousands of Congo- g「amming into community deveしopment you w肌conside「 connecting in some way.
しese Covenante「s from across the region. activities. This inc「eases efficiency across Thank you agaLin for your prayers aLnd

Words cannot exp「ess how wonderfuし PrOgramS and enabしes us to reach the Partne「Ship. Your faithfuしsupport is pro-

it was to ceしebrate with our sisters and most vuしnerabしe children in the area. Viding improved heaしth, education, aCCeSS

brothers in Congo. Our water, Sanitation, and hygiene to cしean wate「 and safe sanitation, eCO-

Whiしe the main purpose of ourvisit (WASH) programming heしped more than nomic empowerment, hope, and a tangibしe

WaS tO Ceしebrate God at work through 16,000 chiしdren access handwashing expression of God’sしove to thousands of

the church, i was aしso abしe to meet with faciしities in schooしs, improving hygiene and Chiしdren and famiしies in the Democ「atic

Worしd Vision staff at the headquarters in reducing the spread of disease. Repubしic of Congo.

Kinshasa as weししas the program staff for Chiしdren’s heaしth is improving as weしl, Merci Mingi,
Gemena (Ledia/Ngemeしina) and Ka「awa- and we are making continued st「ides

truly a highしight of my trip. Pしease contin- towa「d economic empowerment. The

ue to pray forthis team, their families, and number of famiしies invoしved in savings

the fam消es they serve. Because of their g「OuPS, mic「o-しending, and income-

efforts and you「 continued partnership, generating activities is encouraging!

he「e are numerous storiesしike Yoししande and her family! We thank God for
箪弧nSOl効や加やaCt Stotγ
丁 the opportunity to come aしongside famiしies as they are empowered to

Life for yb//onde ond her dream and reaしize those d「eams.

three chi/dren was neVer One ofthe bestways to improve theしife ofa c皿d is to promote the fしour-
eqs男but when her husband ishing oftheir family and community. 1n the first six months of FY23, the area
died fouryears ogo, eVery- PrOgramS in Gemena and Karawa continued to integrate their chiしd sponsor-
thir)g became woISe. yO//ande Ship program in垣COmmunity deveしopment activities with the heしp of com-
remembered, ``Every亡hing seemed to be munity volunteers andしocaしpartners.
di研cult-#nding food for nry chi/dren wos When we participate in sponsorship, Chiしdren, their fam帥es, and the g「eat-
Very Cha//enging ond nry children had to er community w肌benefit from interventions in areas such as cしean water,
StOp Studying. We (ived only with亡he he/p education, heaしthcare, food resources, and economic deveしopment. A reしa-
Of I了リpdStO左"
tionship is formed with your individuaしchiしd(ren), and donations are pooしed
yb//onde七pqstor /ntroduced her fo
towa「d criticaしcommunity needs for transformationaしdevelopment.
Covenont Kids Congo powered dy World
V/sion cJndでhe Scrvings for 7Tonsformation

progrqm. He hαd a請ended the troining

C/nd knew yb/tonde cJnd her chi/dren woutd
bene碗from being pcrrt of cr sovings group.
She recalls, “I seized the oppo丑uni匂y” Gemena (Ledia AP) is currently the only Area
yo//onde begon dy soving abouでthe Program in DRC that pa面cipates in Chosen.
equivo/ent of $2 each week. When her Chosen is the new sponso「ship initiative
SaVings reached $20, She Was cJb/e ro Where the chiしd chooses their sponsor. In 2024,
qpply for c=oon from her sovings group. Karawa wiししbe added as a Chosenしocation and
77)e $435 /oon she received enobled her We’re inviting Canadian Covenant churches to be
to stcJrt O reS亡qurCJn亡, pqy for her chi/d℃
the first to pa由cipate!
SChoo/ fees, Ond suppo克her pregnant
in 2024, a number of churches are scheduしed
daughter “77)Crnks to功e scrv/ngs, / do
to host a Chosen invitation at their church. These
not hove ony more worries obout money
dates incしude January 28, February 18, March lO,
Or my fom杓y core, becouse / COntinue to
March 24, June 2, July21, and August18. 1fyour
SCJVe Cmd foke care of甲y向mily proper4げ’
Church wouしdしike to participate, Pしease contact
Yb//and scJid #/約〇nk Wortd V/sion becouse
lyndsey.watso n @covch u
the savings ccyme fo w佃e #yteOrS OS O

Wido w"


DENOMINA丁IONAL 鰯瑠観 Productive and

Resi萱ient Liγe群hoods
Ending cycしes of poverty live.しi. h ood
is at the heart ofWorしd
佃ouIリa means
Viston’s approach to heしp-
Of securing the
ing the most vuしnerabしe necessities ofしife

famiしiesしift themseしves

Out Of pove巾y for good. “to achieve the

goal of ending intergenerational pove鷹y,
看ivelihoods work is foundational.
Famiしies in Gemena and Ka「awa continue
to strive toward economic empowerment
*Fo「merlycaししedADP(areadeveしopmentp「ogram) GEMENA:KARA¥詩ri
through productive and 「es冊entしive冊oods,

P「OViding education, heaしthcare, food,

Cしothing, and othe「 essentiaしneeds to nearty

8,OOO vuしnerabしe c岨dren in the program!

In Gemena, 30 tons ofseeds were

distributed to 432 famiしies fortheir crops
OCTOBER2O21  ̄ ̄毒手高言 ̄「 ocTOBER2o2o
岩盤器P 音 Dates 音 Sき器器嘗 Wheelbarrows, CartS, SPades, aXeS, and

Othertooしs to heしp fight the growing erosion

in their city. Savings in Transformation

groups are aしso contributing to increased
economic stab紺ty for fam冊es. 1n the first

Six months of FY23 (this reporting period),

萱鶏も8。,%。。% 〈Pα庇tions 脚67,826i 78 savings groups in Karawa, COaChed by 35

∴ 轟二島: trained fieLd agents, SaVed a totaしof $17,462

and provided $4,763 in microcredit to 7了

househoしds to invest in income-generating

activities. The savings prog「ams in Karawa

13,974cHILDREN 3,(朋)cHiLDRENREGISTERED are just ge咄ng started, Whiしe the programs

in Gemena have been ongoing for years.
300cHILDRENREGiSTERED 鴫istJdion 500cHILDRENREGiSTERED in Gemena, 6,709 savings group members,
OVer 60% of whom a「e women, reCeived

financiaしeducation training in partnership

With VisionFund, the nextしeveしof microしoan

access. Through VisionFundしa「gerしoans are

¶躍 OTHERIO% /¥、、¥ 慰二言M㌢BUSINESS30% We are inc「edibly encouraged by this re-

POrt! These numbers represent reaしwomen

and men, mOmS and dads, Who are being
∴∴∴∴ 「葛葛鵜喜○○ ………………………………譲務ヶ重義高藤穣∴
empowered to腫themselves out of poverty

and create a safe and sustainableしiveしihood

and income for their famiしies.

弛認諾し,N。AしA N。BAKA F剛.N。し,SH

Desks and Dreams

he chiしdren at Bokpasi p「imary schooしare excited to receive

丁 new desks! ``Fo「 SeVeraしyears, Our SChool did not have bench-

es for students, and this prevented us from writing we旧n [our]

notebooks. Many students stood on the fしoo自thank Worしd Vision

fo「 this activity? said ll-yea「葛Oしd G「ace, Whoしives in Karawa AP.

Covenant Kids Congo powered by Worしd Vision continues to

WOrk with fam甑es and locaしpartners to imp「ove access to ed-

ucation. Enroししment of eしementary students increased by 2,250

in Gemena (Ledia/Ngemeしina APs) and 293 students in Karawa

during the repo巾ng period. Many of the newly enroししed students

During this Reporting Period
Were girしs, a PrOmising sign that attitudes towa「d educating girしs

a「e sh輔ng-thanks to parents, Churchしeaders, and community

ParentS and caregivers in Gemena and
members 「aising awa「eness in their communities. 572 Karawa a龍endedしea「ning sessions on
1n Gemena, 50 churchしeaders and 3O parent commi慎ees pro- Unしock Literacy, Worしd Vision’s program modeしfo「
moted the importance of education to 5,641 parents. 1n Karawa, teaching foundationaししiteracy sk阻s to six- tO nine-
SeVen faithしeaders and 20 parent committee members trained
year-Oしds. The sessions train parents to read with
89O parents on parenting p「actices, C刷dren’s 「ights, and the their chiしdren and engage in their chiしdren’s education

importance of education. at home, SChooし, and in the community.

While education is c葛ear葛y a top priority, it also remains a g「eat
teachers in Gemena and Karawa a壮ended

need. While a pしetho「a of students are enroししed (SOmetimes more

than 120 students in a cしassroom), thousands more are not. Due training sessions, Where they were equipped

toしarge cしass sizes, teaChers often do not have the capacity to With st「ategies and tooしs to makeしearning fun, C「eative,

foししow up with students individuaしIy which can dec「ease theしeveし and chiしd-Cente「ed.

Ofしeaming students recei聡師CtasS出+2022すreading compre-臆

しocaLly reしevant 「eading materiaしs we「e
hension fo「 third graders in Gemena was 29.8%・ ln Karawa, it was

5,500 deveしoped and distributed to more than

3O community reading cしubs in Gemena and Karawa.

Learning basic literacy and numeracy sk岨s is incredibly im-

POrtant and can unしock opportunities for chiLd「en and aduしts in COmmunity冊eracy fac冊ato「s attended
DR Congo. Worしd Vision’s Unlock Literacy prog「am aims to ensure
137 Unしock Literacy communfty action sessions.
Chiしdren in the earty grades of primary schooししeam to read so

they can become active, fしuent reade「s withしifeしongしiteracy 「eading club fac冊tators in Gemena we「e trained

Sk冊s. This program is currently being impしemented in both Ge- 35 in the Youth Ready prQject modeし, Which heしps

mena and Karawa. young peopしe deveしop冊e sk肌s such as decision-

Join us in praying for teachers, Pa「entS, and students aLS they making, Self-management, 「eS出ence, COmmunication,

engage with this program. and pa由cipation in locaL deveしopment pr。jects.

D因田Vo曲 目は聞⑱鞘曾
Covenant Kids Congo is under the umbreししa of Covenant Wor葛d Relief and Development (CWRD). CWRD partners

in a variety of types of community deveしopment prQjects around worしd, incしuding both formaしand informaしeducation

OPPOrtunities for chiしdren in five countries with eight pa直ners. For more information about partnering with CWRD

to provide funding for p「og「amsしike this and more, Visit

Contact Us: 773-442-6578

‘ Follow Us: @covkidscongo

」earn more a鳥CovChu「ch。Org/CovenantK冒dsCongo Cove n antKidsCongo@CovCh u rch.o事g

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