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I. General Overview
Catch-up Subject: Reading (English) Grade Level: 8
Quarterly Theme: Sub-theme:
Time: 9:45-10:45 Date: February 2, 2024
II. Session Outline
Session Title: “DRAWING by Harold Speed
Session At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
Objectives: a) Widen their vocabularies by getting to know new words and
accomplishing vocabulary enrichment activities.
b) Gain a deeper understanding of how the passage defines and
discusses artistic expression.
c) Relate to the ideas presented in the passage to personal
experiences with art drawing, or appreciation of art expression.
Key Concepts:

III. Teaching Strategies

Components Duration Activities and Procedures
Pre-Reading 15 mins Activity: Color me!
Instructions: Let the students explore. The students will
choose a color that symbolizes themselves and provide a
short introduction.

1. What color did you choose?
2. Why did you choose that color?
3. If you are the artist, how are you going to paint
your piece? What color you are going to use? What
is your style?
4. Who is your favorite artist?Why?

Activity: Word Hunt (Unlocking of Difficult Words)

5. Each student will receive a copy of the reading

6. The students will find a partner to work with the
activity wherein they will find a word.
7. To do the Word Hunt, the teacher will flash on the
screen the synonym of the word they will be
looking for in the reading passage.
8. They got 15 seconds to look for the word.
Conveying: (verb) Transmitting or
communicating a message or information.
Amenable: (adjective) Open and responsive to
suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.
Tabulated: (verb) Systematically arranged and
recorded in the form of a table.
Centred: (adjective) Having a specified center
or focus.
Vitality: (noun) The state of being strong and
active; energy.

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Labour: (noun) Effort, work, or exertion.

Rhythm: (noun) A strong, regular, repeated
pattern of movement or sound.
Flashes: (noun) Brief moments of inspiration
or insight.
Craft: (noun) A skill or ability in a particular
craft or occupation.

Strategy: Silent Reading and Oral Reading

1. Let the student read the passage silently.
2. After the silent reading group the class into three.
Each group has assigned paragraph.
Group 1 – 1st paragraph
Reading Activities 30 mins
Group 2 – 2nd paragraph
Group 3 – 3rd paragraph
3. Allow them to re-read the whole piece after the
silent reading for them to fully understand the
Comprehension Checkpoint

1. What does the term “drawing” mean in the

2. What is suggested about the importance of form
and color in art?
3. What is mentioned about the use of color by
Post Reading Apelles and Rembrandt?
15 mins
Activities 4. According to passage, what is the significance of
drawing in the artistic process?

Journal Writing
The students will write a journal expressing their
reflection about their experience with art. Have they ever
tried drawing or painting? What do they think makes a
drawing powerful or expressive.

Prepared By

Reza C. Magdaraog
Teacher I

Recommending Approval: Approved:

Vivencia B. Escareal Maria Luz C. Murillo

Master Teacher II School Principal

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