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Isaac Renzie T- Dipus OCHEM-1 PpRopseT #1 4) A hollow bee with an opening of fem® area is heated! electrically . How much energy ic emitted per setond ip the temperature ie 100K? (94-2 x 10% J m 2s!) olution : Poe gi 7 ( sigma-boltamann or st fan-bolt»mann conctant) A Le = 6.uF_107* watt aK Spzt 8 “8 Ww y Oh - {5-0F-x10 aR \(r k}. fem 2215 99.12 or 34.2 T/mre 2) At what temperature obs Pnax cavity radiation hove a mavimum at 10nm? (7245) Golubion: | Dpear = 6 6 (wien’s displacement Conctant) Te Ly 2297 pm-k 6°; 400nm = [geaz um -K } fteene | . TU 1pm To ays kK | 3) Caleylate the light oF 2aSnm wavelength (a) frequency , (6) wave number, (c) photon energy in Tf eV. (9-22K10%-* SosylO“cm' vill rg 2¥tey) olution © As c Uspeed of light) = 3.04108 m/s % (wavelength ) Ve prequency : = [2.02108 mis) ( A). aaa yt! he BAS nm or 9.22/09 4 la) do- v (b) wave number = 1 t= s.68x(0 Fant, 'on! wave Ferg the garnm alt ep (reciprocal op waveleng thr) = 3.07 5 10%cn 1 | Weicrory ie (DATED (e) Photon Energy (7) | Bethe) | el = (ova oPd) (3.010%) en basnm x tm 1o°nm. h (Planck's conctant) = v-¥auylo-3¥ 7-5 € (speed op light) = 3.0410? m/e = wtte107l FF Photon {neray (T—>eV) ce J 1-@r1o7!9 Tey —¥ constant T/ey = att 07! 1-woy i019 7 ev = BBV 4.) The thshold prequency for emiesion oF photoelectrons prem metallic dodium wag pound t be ¥3-9x/0'%5-1. Calculate the work puncbon in eV For goclium. (1-3 eV) Alte 99. 9¥1D 71 sept. Wee vee @ x sip 2. (© he 7 vg.an0%-1 = 3xto® B A Ze v.93¢l0%m SP 3. Eo) = (ev) 140 (%y) ge (h)t*) ee Be = (u-walerio *T-s)(3-0n10% Z ) a 83 ¥/0 Fm 11 OT 44 T 1:40 yl“ 2 aatyjou! v (hor [Date S.)_Photvelectnc experiments chows that alout 5 eV of energy are Nquired to temovee an electron From platinwin ‘ (a) whoit ic the macimum wavelength of light that will remove — an election ? (@V7nin) te) op light oF [sonm wavelength were used , what is the velocity of the emithed electron? (1-078 mst ) goluiore bev- 7 ee cle Zz (a) at io 1.60¥10 an €~ he za s1t0T 2 (U-pavrio’ 7.¢) (3.0407 y Aj) 2 Q.Y BYF5p 107m “a.NBx0-%m y [ w'nm) = ayBAM or Like aVInm (me? _@) Calculate we wavelength bin pin) oF the first three lines op He Paschen serie¢ for atomic hysiogen. (1845¢, 1.4992, 1-0947 ym ) \ubO Rudloerg Formula: 4 fat HhaN 2 Aa ; Ri fare Ae) Ry (constant) = 104U7F ¥ 10% m7" hp! 2 principal quantum number (emer ad) A 7 principal quantum number ( “PCr Sneety Pasehen Serits nb zed eyo = 4,5, 0,4,%, 0 a 1 1 25 = tormaynt ef . Z v Les pasexjo- Ym « [CAM ) V 1.875% wm S) WW) 2 10mm 25 tov 0-Fm, —$—. he @uatypo-%Z-5 —— Cn 3x10 mie Me = 1-104 x10-7 kg Ex = Frown ¢ Esnoton ee he & = uur y 10% Te) 19-0103 7G) tro ¥/0" tm = hagas yo? SeV= Ew) ee hoy ott 7 “ey Exe LsaSylo-FT + gy y = Sasol yr Eee tb 2 ae ae —- SAO Te AE 9 109g ja? ha) (Ve a ? = 1.0 #04 m/s.

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