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Activity # 4

1.Sustainable development is the organizing principle for economic dvelopment while simultaneously sustaining the ability of the natural systems to provide the natural resources and the ecosystem services on which the economy
and society depend. 2.Sustainable development is important because it saves the national budget, fulfill the needs of the people, conserves natural resources. helps in the Coordination between the natural resources and
peole conserves natural resources for future generations. 3.Sustainable dzvelopment in civil engineering is the application of these resources to enhance the safety, welfare, and the quality of life for all society. The civil
engineer shall actively engage stakeholders and secure public understanding and acceptance of project economic, environmental and social costs and benefits. 4. The three dimensions important dimensions of
sustainability are the economic, social, and environmental in a balance and integrated manner. Integration of ecinomic, social, and environmental are the key dimensions in achieving the sustainable development. 5. The
vision of civil engineers in 2025 is to rise to a new level of leadership and professionalism- to be entrusted by society to achieve the sustainable world and raise theglobal quality of life.

6.The role of civil engineers in 2025 is to aim for sustainable planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure.

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