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Contribution to UN SDGs

ISO/TC 207 on Environment


Chikako Makino

Standards for SDGs – ISO and UN – 2018

Contribution to UN SDGs
ISO TC 207
13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all
13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning
13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation,
impact reduction and early warning

climate action (ISO14080:2018

initiative to achieve climate change measures or goals based on mitigation and/or adaptation priorities
under climate change policies

Note 1 to entry: Climate action intends to

a) reduce or prevent emissions or enhance removals, and
b) reduce vulnerability, maintain and increase the resilience, and increase adaptive capacity of human and
ecological systems from adverse climate change impacts.
Paris agreement
01 Encourage to establish long-term goals
and scope for mitigation and Risk management
adaptation, for enhancing adaptive designed strategically, in line with 06
capacity, strengthening resilience and climate action, and
reducing vulnerability to climate change, Paris risk based approach, including the climate risk
taking into account the elements of and its associated financial risk.
sustainability development such as the agreement
17 UN Sustainable Development Goals Active harmonization of UN SDGs
(SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda framework and Sendai Framework
for disaster risk reduction .

non-state actors
Government and Transparency and
02 non-state actors
Climate action
Supports all countries, both Governance
developed and developing, to Accountabilityfor climate actions.
better understand and develop
their nationally determined
with UN SDGs Transparencyand consistencyin
methodologies with appropriate
contributions controls, shares best practice.
technological and Transparency
innovation and Governance

Technological and Communication Communication

03 non-technological Reduce the risk of inconsistencies in the 04
innovation reporting of aggregated climate actions.
The methodology profile can be used to
Support to technological and non
technological innovation, behavior communicate relevant information to
change, and policy deployment interested parties in order to review the
toward 2030 and SDGs overall contribution
Block chain and climate action: innovation for life of infrastructure
Common framework platform where the standard users can report and measure aggregated global climate action.
For example, various communities can upload their monitoring data on the off-peak charging of batteries for electric vehicles, which facilitates lower emissions
and costs, and are thus able to evaluate this non-technological innovation action. Such a framework enables the various communities to be linked and to transfer
practical knowledge for creating shared value (CSV) for environmental, social and economic benefits.

Renewable and Block chain 05

Low carbon energy Quality of data infrastructure and avoid fraud
Monitoring individuals action
Boost demand on renewable Simplified verification
energy and low carbon energy Facilitate participants' trade with bitcoin .

Technology innovation
02 Encourage technology innovation and Economical benefits 06
its transfer to Drive opportunities for economical
automotive and residential sectors benefit with new technology and
bitcoin for participants

03 Behavior change
Drivers for electric vehicles and e
motor riders will commit to participate
Social innovation 07
the climate action and receive Drive innovation of quality of
life of infrastructure

Electric vehicles and bikes
Battery charging for electric vehicles and 2
wheels e-motors by renewable energy or low
Resilience and adaptation 08
The charged vehicles can use to
carbon energy
support our life, in case of extreme
and unusual climate events
Climate action connecting social innovation with renewable energy to

Charging battery with renewable energy Continuous monitoring by individuals

Technology transfer of use for fuel cells Simplified report

Reduce emission for automotive sector Provide incentive and trade with bitcoins

Climate action
connecting social
innovation to

Consistent to Paris agreement Support demand for renewable energy

Quality of data infrastructure Support demand for law carbon energy

Simplified verification Participation of residential sectors

Yes We Move On and On for society

Block chain, climate action with UN SDGs will

encourage technology and non-technology
innovation and change our life and society.
Renewable and low carbon
Use renewable energy and/or low carbon energy
Technology innovation
Use block chain without data error, omission,
misstatement and simplified verification
Use battery charging for electric vehicles and 2
wheels E-motors
Behaviour change
Individual commitment
Drivers for electric vehicles and riders for e motors
will commit to participate the global climate action
and bring incentive

Standard, ISO14080 will support such global

climate action.
REFERENCE: ISO TC207 and its contribution to UN SDGs Standard for organization
Standards for products
SC7 Greenhouse gas management and related activities SC4
ISO 14064-1:2006 Environmental SC1 SC5 Life cycle SC3 Environmental
ISO14064-1: 2018 ISO 14065:2013 performance
Environmental Management assessment labelling
Greenhouse gases -- Part 1: Greenhouse gases -- Requirements for evaluation
Specification with guidance at the greenhouse gas validation and verification
ISO 14040:2006
organization level for bodies for use in accreditation or other ISO 14020:2000
ISO/TS 14033:2012 ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management ISO 14040:2006/CD Amd 1
quantification and reporting of forms of recognition Environmental labels and declarations -- General
ISO/DIS 14033 systems -- Requirements with guidance for use Environmental management -- Life cycle
greenhouse gas emissions and Environmental management -- assessment -- Principles and framework principles
removals ISO 14064-3:2006 ISO FDIS 14064-3 ISO 14004:2016
Quantitative environmental
ISO/TR 14069:2013 Greenhouse gases -- Part 3: Specification Environmental management systems -- General
information -- Guidelines and
Greenhouse gases -- Quantification with guidance for the validation and guidelines on implementation ISO 14021:2016
examples ISO 14044:2006
and reporting of greenhouse gas verification of greenhouse gas assertions ISO 14005:2010, ISO/DIS 14005 Environmental labels and declarations -- Self-
Environmental management systems -- ISO 14044:2006/CD Amd 2 declared environmental claims (Type II
emissions for organizations --
ISO 14034:2016 Guidelines for the phased implementation of an Environmental management -- Life cycle
Guidance for the application of ISO ISO 14066:2011 environmental labelling)
Environmental management -- environmental management system, including assessment -- Requirements and guidelines
14064-1 Greenhouse gases -- Competence Environmental technology the use of environmental performance ISO/TR 14047:2012
requirements for greenhouse gas verification (ETV) Environmental management -- Life cycle ISO 14025:2006
validation teams and verification teams evaluation Environmental labels and declarations -- Type III
assessment -- Illustrative examples on how to
ISO 14067:2018 environmental declarations -- Principles and
ISO 14080:2018 ISO 14031:2013 apply ISO 14044 to impact assessment situations
Greenhouse gases -- Carbon ISO 14006:2011 ISO DIS 14006 procedures
Greenhouse gas management and Environmental management -- ISO/TS 14071:2014
footprint of products -- Environmental management systems --
related activities -- Framework and Environmental performance Environmental management -- Life cycle
Requirements and guidelines for Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign ISO 14026:2017
principles for methodologies on climate evaluation -- Guidelines assessment -- Critical review processes and
quantification Environmental labels and declarations -- Principles,
actions reviewer competencies: Additional requirements
ISO/CD 14002-1 and guidelines to ISO 14044:2006 requirements and guidelines for communication of
ISO 14063:2006 ISO CD 14064-
ISO 14064-2:2006 Environmental management systems -- footprint information
ISO/DIS 14090 3 Environmental management
ISO FDIS 14064-2 Adaptation to climate change -- -- Environmental Guidelines for applying the ISO 14001
Greenhouse gases -- Part 2: Principles, requirements and guidelines communication -- Guidelines framework to environmental aspects and ISO/TS 14027:2017
Specification with guidance at the and examples environmental conditions by environmental Environmental labels and declarations --
project level for quantification, ISO/CD 14091 Adaptation to climate topic areas -- Part 1: General ISO 14045:2012 Development of product category rules
monitoring and reporting of change -- Vulnerability, impacts and Environmental management -- Eco-efficiency
ISO/CD 14030-1
greenhouse gas emission reductions risk assessment assessment of product systems -- Principles,
Green bonds -- Environmental ISO 14024:2018
or removal enhancements ISO/DIS 14007 Environmental management requirements and guidelines
performance of nominated Environmental labels and declarations -- Type I
ISO/AWI TS 14092 GHG Management -- Guidelines for determining environmental
projects and assets environmental labelling -- Principles and
& related activities: requirement & costs and benefits ISO/TS 14072:2014
ISO/NP 14097 Framework and ISO/CD 14030-2 procedures
guidance of adaptation planning for Environmental management -- Life cycle
principles for assessing and Green bonds -- Environmental
organizations including local assessment -- Requirements and guidelines for
reporting investments and financing performance of nominated
governments and communities ISO/DIS 14008 organizational life cycle assessment WG 8
activities related to climate change projects and assets -- Part 2:
Monetary valuation of environmental ISO 14051:2011
Taxonomy of eligible investment
impacts and related environmental aspects - Environmental management -- Material flow
SC2 Environmental auditing and related environmental ISO/CD 14030-3 - Principles, requirements and guidelines cost accounting -- General framework
investigations ISO 14046:2014 Environmental management - ISO 14052:2017
Green bonds -- Environmental - Water footprint -- Principles, requirements Environmental management -- Material flow
performance of nominated and guidelines
ISO 14015:2001 Environmental management -- Environmental assessment of cost accounting -- Guidance for practical
projects and assets -- Part 3: ISO/WD 14009 Environmental management ISO/TR 14073:2017
sites and organizations (EASO) implementation in a supply chain ISO/CD
Verification requirements system: Guidelines for incorporating Environmental management -- Water footprint 14053 Environmental Management --
redesign of products and components to -- Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO Material flow cost accounting -- guidance for
ISO 14055-1:2017
ISO/CD 14016 improve material circulation 14046
Environmental management -- Guidelines for establishing good practical application in the SME sector
Environmental management -- Guidelines on
practices for combatting land degradation and desertification --
assurance of environmental reports
Part 1: Good practices framework
Organization Product
Terms and definition ISO14050 -Environmental management -- Vocabulary
REFERENCE: Conformity Assessment around ISO TC207,
accreditation to contribute for UN SDGs

• ISO/IEC 17021+ Food Management Systems: JFSC certificate

• ISO/IEC TS 17021-10 (OHSMS) : ISO 45001 certificate

• ISO/IEC 17021-2+ Environmental Management Systems: ISO 14001

• ISO14065 (climate change): ISO 14064-1, ISO14064-2, Carbon
footprint, ISO14067, ICAO CORSIA, ISO14080 and climate finance
• ISO17020 (environment): ISO14034 environmental technology

• ISO/IEC 17065(sustainable fisheries): MEL certification

• ISO/IEC 17065(sustainable forest): SGEC product certificates

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