Atss Active Listening Lesson

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UDL Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Kiley Elbaor

Date Created: 26 February 2024

Content Area: Social Emotional Learning/ Communication

School: ATSS- SHU

Grade Level: Adult Transition

Lesson Title: Listening Skills

Michigan Academic Standards: (include code and standard)

(Example: ELA.S.5.1a Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw
on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion.)

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.1.1. A Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to

others with care, and speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).

Performance Based Learning Objectives:

 Learners will be able to …
 Performance based – conditions, target behavior, and criteria
 Aligned with Michigan Academic Standard(s)
(Example: Given two hours of instruction daily for five school days, learners will be able to accurately play
a new song on their individual musical instrument with five or fewer errors.)

 The students will use the skills learned to practice active listening in a conversation for
up to 3-4 minutes with 75% accuracy.

 The students will be able to recall the difference between active listening and not
listening 9/12 tries (75% accuracy).
Materials: (Low Tech, including number needed)
Teacher: Access to Everyday Speech curriculum (current one: nonverbal
communication > active listening) Made conversation cards, sticky notes (for data
tracking), timer (time conversations for data tracking)

Students: N/a

Technology: (High Tech)

o Teacher laptop o Digital camera
o SMART Board o Document camera

o LCD projector o Digital microscope
o SMART Senteos (class set) o Video camera
o Computers o Scanner
o iPad or tablet o Color printer
o iPod or mp3 player(s) o Calculators
o Early childhood learning technologies o FM system
o Webcam o Other______________

 Teacher research/planning
 Source of learning materials

Everyday Speech. Social Learning Platform - Everyday speech. (n.d.).

Prior Learning Connections (Background Knowledge Support):

 Is this an introductory, reinforcement, or mastery lesson?
 What have you done to prepare students for this lesson?
 Background knowledge support is provided by:
o identifying background knowledge
o connecting background knowledge with concepts and skills

Over the past several weeks the students have been working on a variety of conversation skills
from how to start a conversation, different types of conversation starters, how to have proper
exchanges in a conversation, how to end a conversation, and even how your body language
affects the conversation. The students are at a reinforcement or mastery level depending on the
group they are in. The groups are now at different levels of conversation skills to ensure the
lessons are at their levels and meet their needs.

 How do you know students are ready for this lesson? What are their developmental skills levels,
interests, learning strengths and special needs?
 Learning strategies that help students understand content or build skills to apply knowledge
 Instructional materials are selected, designed, implemented and individualized as necessary to support
all students in meeting the lesson learning objectives.
 Include a variety of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities

 Student E is my student who is non-verbal, if she chooses to communicate, she will use
her L.A.M.P to communicate or basic sign language.
 Student S uses visuals and a pointer to help with decision making due to
communication being difficult at times. She will use this to make decisions with
different questions being asked and when choosing her answers during the group
activity as well as during the game.

 We use Everyday speech because there are high school leveled lessons as well as
elementary and middle school leveled lessons and based on the topic, we will
sometimes use different levels based on student understanding. For this lesson, we will

be using both the elementary and high school level resources.

Whole Group:
We will not do any whole class work with this lesson. This will be done during our small
group rotation.

Small Group:
 This entire lesson will be done in a small group format. Each group could have 2-4
students in it depending on attendance and the students of the day. The groups are
based on student level and their needs based on the skills being taught to ensure that
the students are getting what they need to be as successful as possible.

Independent work:

 Students will have time to gather their thoughts to prepare to respond to each other
in conversation.

Special Concerns (including medical, behavioral, and/or environmental):

 Student S has seizures at times, and this is something that always needs to be
watched for. She can also tend to space out at times, and she needs to be directed
back into the lesson/discussion.
 Student S will also needs reminders that she needs to participate at times because she
will try to refuse.
 Student K has a difficult time with mobility at times as well as endurance so she will
get tired in the middle of a lesson at times.
 Student K also has a hard time following directions and she may need several
 Student T will need to be reminded that he needs to have a quiet voice during
rotations no matter which group he is in.
 Student T will also need to have his visual chart with him, so he knows what is going
to occur and when, so he knows there is no downtime for inappropriate behaviors.
 Student T also takes medication and depending on when the rotations start in the
afternoon, the lesson may need to take a quick pause so medication can be
 Student J gets stuck on certain things at times. She may need to refer back to her
schedule or need to read the directions off of a dry erase board to help her process it.

 Targets all knowledge and skills that are indicated in learning objectives which are driven by the
 Includes a variety of formats
 Identified in the lesson where the assessment is being administered (FA) or (SA)

 The students will have time to have a conversation with a partner to practice the skills
we worked on to be active listeners. I will use a timer and track how the students to and
if they are using the skills they were taught to be active listeners. I will use sticky notes
to track this to ensure they are understanding how to be active listeners.
 The students will work together to do a sort of different skills to determine if they are
active listening skills or if they are not. This formative assessment will be done as a
small group.

Summative: N/a

During Lesson: (General Guidelines)

 Provides multiple instructional strategies including technology:
o to help students develop an understanding of content areas and their connections
o to build skills to apply knowledge
 Provides clear understanding of the concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline
 Demonstrates clear understanding of content knowledge for teaching across curricular content areas
 Displays clear understanding of the aspects of UDL by providing information in multiple formats,
multiple ways to respond, and multiple ways to engage.

Engagement: (5 minutes)
 Create interest and stimulate curiosity; provide meaningful context for learning; raise questions for
inquiry; reveal students’ current ideas and beliefs
 Describe how the teacher will capture students’ interest.
 What kind of questions should the students ask themselves after the engagement?

*Once the students are in their small groups are ready to go:

- “Lately we have been working on our conversation skills to improve our exchanges,
storytelling, and other skills when talking to others. Today we are going to change it up
and work on how to be a good listener.”
- “What does it mean to listen?” (FA)
- * The students will respond with their thoughts.
- “Good, to listen to someone means we give them our full attention when they are
talking to us to understand what they are saying and focus on our conversation.”
- “Why is listening important?” (FA)
- * The students will respond with their thoughts.
- “Listening is so important because if we do not listen, we will not know or understand
what the conversation is going to be about, or the person you are talking to may feel
upset that you aren’t listening to them and not trust you to talk to them anymore.”


- “Think about when we talked about our body language, like how we stand when we are
having a conversation. Do you think that our body language is important when we are
actively listening to someone?”

Instruction/Exploration: (15 minutes)

 Describe what hands-on/minds-on activities students will be doing.
 Include a variety of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities
 List “big idea” conceptual questions the teacher will use to encourage and/or focus students’ exploration.
 What questions or techniques will the teacher use to help students connect their exploration to the
concept under examination?
 List higher order thinking questions the teacher will use to solicit student explanations and help them to
justify their explanations.
 Describe how students will develop a more sophisticated understanding of the concept.
 How is this knowledge applied in our daily lives?

- “Let’s take a look at our video that is going to show us some active listening skills and
let’s see the skills we can use to be active listeners and if our body language affects our
active listening.”
- *Play the first video of the active listening unit.
- Pause videos periodically when active listening skills are being explained to check for
- *After the video:
- “What are some active listening skills that we can use to make sure we are listening to
our friends when we are having conversations?”
- * Students will respond with different skills learned from the video.
- “Now I am going to set a timer for four minutes and I want you to have a conversation
with the person next to you. While you have this conversation practice these skills, so
your friend knows you are listening to them.” (FA)
- * Make sure to track this and see if the students are working on the skills taught.
- *During this time some of the students may run out of things to talk about- if this
happens prompt them to help them talk for the full four minutes. If this goes well add
more time to the list. If not only do the four minutes.
- *While we are talking about how they did pull up the sort on Everyday Speech about
active listening under elementary unit 1.
- “Now we are going to do a sort where we will have to decide if these skills help us be
an active listener or if we should not use them because they are not active listening
skills. We will take turns to come up to the board and put them where they need to go.”
- * Have the students rotate who comes up to move the skill to the correct side but have
the group decide together where it goes. (FA)
- *Make sure to click done and check when done so that the work is saved for data
- “You guys did awesome at this! While I pull up our final game we are going to play
think about these skills, can you use them anywhere you are having a conversation or
only at school?”

After Lesson: (10 minutes)
 Refer and tie back to course objectives
 One last quick assessment

- *Go to Unit 1 in active listening under high school and click on the interactive wheel
- “We have played many games that are like this but today it is going to focus on these
active listening skills we learned about today.”
- * Add the students as players and follow the directions to play the game. Do 2 teams (2
students on each team and 5 rounds)
- *When the game stays draw it just have the students explain the secret word and do not
draw it.
- * After the game is complete:
- “You are now all officially active listeners, great job today. Let’s get ready to rotate to
rotation 2!”

 There is ample evidence on reflection of instructional effectiveness
 At least two pieces of evidence relative to reflection on instructional effectiveness are present and accurately

Strengths of the Lesson:

Areas for Growth:

Focus for next lesson:

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