PRDT300 Project 1 2023

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PROJECT 1: Design Style and User Pro le Analysis

• Examine a chosen product line and evaluate its aesthetic style across a
variety of related product designs.
• Develop image boards to illustrate the style attributes, and the target
consumer attributes for the product line.
• Generate 2D graphics of the project.
• Practice analysis of user-driven design style and target market research.
• Demonstrate competence in visual and written communication.
• Practice professionalism, teamwork, and collaboration.

This project is an introduction to the concept of social functionality, or how the visual
attributes of an object can a ect perceptions or understanding of the object in a social
context. In particular, the use of design cues, styles and aesthetics to in uence the
customer’s perception of a product design is analyzed.

Working in groups of two, select one of the brands provided. Create an image which
shows the products in the product line used for the design style and user analysis.

Image Board 1 - Design Style. Visual description of the elements that create the
products style, and /or images which represent inspiration for, or examples of those

Image Board 2 - User Pro le / Target Market. The illustration must display the visual
research on the characteristics and preferences of a consumer from the intended target
market for the product line analyzed.

A PDF document, formatted to Tabloid size (11x17 in). Place each of the image boards
described above on a separate page. Upload the document to D2L for grading

Due Date - See D2L

Project 1: Marking Criteria

Visual Communication

• Clear presentation of the product line used in the analysis

• Related, high-quality images illustrating design style, target user and target
• Well organized page layouts
• Neat and tidy, professional in appearance
• Quality of work

Instructor Comments: /10

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