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ay ‘Mendel choose pea pl ccut differences which were casy ‘The branch of science which deals wit term" heredity i called as genetics. The propounded by Bateson. of characters ‘The transmissio ed heredity Heredity from the parents to their offsprings 18 cal iven by Herbert Spenc MY characters which are sceond generation by sexual reprodu hereditary trait Fouah human baby inherit the characters of parents diy but the resemblance 1S and resemble them very close fot complete in all respects. The diffe Characters among the individuals of a spec! variation. The vanation rong the organism is caused formation (sexta by the exchange of genes during game te achon). Foresample— Ffecearlobes and attached earlobes, Gregor John Mendel — On the basis of isc Monel pestulated his “Laws of inheritance. "He is known as “Father of genetics ‘The reasons-for mendel's success are = Ty He elected Pisum sartvum (pea) as experimental material in one or few characters ata time. (ii) Heconcentrated (2) Hemade crosses and kept careful numerical of results, Mendel selected pea p! the pea plant is scasonal, ‘many contrasting characters. Miaras laws of heredity (Mendelism) were rediscovered Msi900 by Hugo de Vries (England). Carl Correns (Germany) and Frich Von Tschermak (Austria) independently Jants as they had a number of clear {o tell apart, For example re tall whereas others were dwarf, experiments, also ant for his experiments because ‘bisexual, self pollinated having — some pea plants wet some produced round-yellow seeds whereas others poduced wrinkled green seeds ete Terms related with Mendel’s a (ii) (ii) experiment — organisms which Factor are structures found in of the organism. controls all the characteristi ‘These factors are present in pairs. The term factors which were used by Meridel as carriers of hereditary information are now known as genes. ‘Allleles—The two genes cont Galled as alleles. They are located at a specific position on a specific chromosome. Hybridisation — Hybridisation i a techniques in hich two species are crossed to produce desired Offspring. The offspring, thus produced is called trolling one trait are © von — When {0 parent, may oF OFfSPTINS they odes Fst filial peeriong Fire or fila which dey a 5S. het ee Ht | O85 omselves to produce ross anette proseny 1 ” F, generation, The gene wf essiv¢ of an organs eve i prea ative gene 8 Know Orne The gene watch 0 decidd gene gama only in he PSE, am alled a recessive gin, al gene not decide the apart ‘The dominant gene a represey «fthe corresponding rece a MNted by the « corrsponding small gene ample — 0 pea plants, the dominant For Saliness is “T” and the ‘recessive gene dwarfness 1S ay: Genotype — Genotype i ‘resent in an organist. Prrenotype — The characteristic which is vis Phenotype jam is called it's phenotype Tiomozygous/Heterozygous —— When both omozy govt are of the same type ic. either § are dominant or both are recessive. then are ao gelled homozygous for the at organi genes of a trait are of different ©Pe ‘one is recessive and other 1s dominant, then organism 18 called heterozygous for the trait. Slonohybrid/Dihybrid Cross — When on | aoe ting characteris taken for cross itisca Sranohybrid cross. When two pairs of contiag roan ayer taken for cross, itis called dYtmyport is ca yp, where F rogen Peneration pro ea cessivs wi) the description of (vii) (ix) cross i) Back Cross — When F, generation progetiiiy @) t crossed with any of the parental generation (P| is called back cross iii) Test Cross — When F, generation progem crossed with purely recessive parental (P) then it is called test cross. iv) | Outcross-When F; generation progency is cov) with pur dominent parental generation, then Evolu called out cross. Mendel’s Experiment — Mendel made a cross baw tall and dwarf pea plant and calculated percentage of tall and dwarf plants in the prog! obtained in F, and F, generation (i) (xii) — All tall plants in F, gene ration Tt x F, generation ® TT Tae — nee tt Fy generation Deva plant On the t he basis of above cross, Mendel postulated “Laws of Inhertance ” Laws of Inheritanes — (Law of dominance — Ac, case of monol cording to this law, in hybrid cross in which the organisin is pian ‘gous. all progenies in F, generation show unant character, as the recessive character is uppressed by the dominant gene : Segregation or law of purity of = Acetone a tts factors are brought together in a heterozygote, the ‘wo members of the allelic pair remain together ‘ithout being contaminated and when gametes are med from the hybrid, the two separate out from cach other and only one enters each gametes as seen in monohybrid and dihybrid cross, That is why the aw of segregation is also described as law of purity of gemetes. $ Law of independent assortment — When cross is made between plants having two or mote pairs of contrasting characters, during formation of gamictes allele pairs separate independently. It means ‘that traits are transmitted to offspring independently one another. It is called as law of independent assortment. Mendel formulated this principle after performing dihybrid crosses between plants in which two traits differed from one another. mportance of Mendel's laws of Inheritance i) He discovered the fundamental laws of inheritance. il) Hededuced that gene in pairs and are inherited as distinct units, one from each parent. Mendel tracked the segregation of the parental genes and deduced that the recessive genes fail of express in heterozygous condition iv) Eugenics is based on the mendel's laws of inheritance, \) Law of segregation confirms gene (hypothesis) concept. wvolution — Inthe due course of evolution the characters acquired by an organism is not inherited, For example — Even after cutting the tail of mice for several generations, it was ‘ (ii) iii) not possible to produce a tail-less mouse. Theory of Natural Selection — Charles Darwin postulated the theory of natural selection, This theory states that the individuals having favourable variations pass on these variations to their progeny from generation to generation. These variation when accumulated over a long period of time, lead to the origin of a new species seer geographical isolation of the two groups of population leads to their reproductive isolation, After thousands of years, the individuals of these isolated groups of population become so different that they wil be incapable of interbreeding, This leads to the formation of two new species. * Charles Darwin published his theory about organic evo- Jution in the book named ‘Origin of species", in which two facts are mainly given (i). Existance of varieties by heredity and (ii) Sclection of some such varieties by nature ‘© Those organisms, whose origin isthe same ancestor. have too much similartics in some parts of their bodies. For example man, leopard, fish and fig are different animals, even then skeletons of hands of man, front leg of leopad. fins in the fish and wings of fig resemble in their basic construction. J.B, Lamarck published his theory of organic evolution in the book “Philosophy Zoologic’ in 1809 © According to theory of Lamarck those parts of body. which are being used continuously, develop too much, but the parts which are being used the least or remain totally with- ut use, decay slowly. z © ‘Ifa person suffers from some loss by any accident in his life, thei its effect is riot seeen in his/her children, According to D. Breeze, when large changes or variations occur'all of a sudden in an organism, then these changes become hereditary to next generation. By this reason new castes form. These all of a sudden arisen differences arc called mutations © “Mutationism” of D. Breeze and ‘Darwinism’ are mixed to form New Darwinism, whose followers had shown foot effect among microorganisms Fossil — The remains or impressions of dead animals or plants that lived in the remote past are known as fossils. The ‘age of fossil is determined byC-14 dating method, known as fossil dating In order to understand evolution, itis not only necessary to study the present species but the study of fossil is equally important. * The science related with the study of fossils is called Polaconotology. © When we study the ages from ancient to present, we find that fossils have close resemblence with the living or- ganisms, © When fossils press down under the substances like am- ber or lac, then many times their body decays slowly, but their sketch is marked, The archaepterix fossils found ~ ee ———___—.g Tthas now been established by reasearch tha, Of I ie 1OW much ony at the birds had been Human Evolution — th dating, Beside ed by R, © earth are sees ado car= cee in lesser depths. pe Qi. ; S stom Raj, ea lon mn {fominand) and dwar "Cth the help of ge? PFOREes are sh (recessive) ‘Ans. When Mendel ere Dian he found al tall CT ony tall (TT) and dw pollination of F)-plants,"7590 ns in Fi-penerstin, (Ped ‘2eteration, On self were obtained in tall and 25% dwarf pl aes 2-Benetation. Thus the r ‘arf plants we The phenotypic toot ate ratio of tall and dwarf notypic ratio (TE Ty ne % t (Pare tatt) (puredvary Q © qT Tr Tope All impure tall F2 generation plants are shown in the following charts— ee Sea) © F, oh TT 7 Tr Pure tall Impure tal u Tt tt Impure tall | Pure dwarf Q 2. Explain the importance of fossils in organic evolution, Or Draw a diagram of Planaria and explain the importance of fossils in evolutionary relationship, Ans. The importance of fossils in organic evolution is given as below :- (i) Fossils provide evidence of evolution. Till now the fossil history of horse, elephant and human has been detected Gi) By fossil dating, we are:able to known the age of fossil. This tells us the time, when the present fossil was once active. (iii) By the impressions and remains of the fossil, we can imagine the shape and characteristic of the organism hay roots. About hundred thousand years ago, s, md ancestors ef Afica wile others stayed back Tht le fica slowly spread across the whole ea ample te ‘members ofthe human species, Homo sapiens ee Africa. Our genetic footprints tell us that we hat x g jsicstn fe ie pet ard), A flatworm named Planaria has very simp () “eyes! that are really just eye-spots which detet ip Q 3. What are homologous and analo; gous orgeent. Give an example of each, (Boar Or. ‘What are homologous organs? Give an example? £05 As. Thos organs which have the See aa but different functions are called homologous organs cxample — The forelimbs of a man, a lizard, a fog, a{° {ind bat seem to build from the same basic design oft ‘but they perform different function. The forelimbs of a hug iF are used for grasping, the forelimbs of a lizard are used running, the forelimbs of a frog are used to prop up the nd of its body when at rest whereas the forelimbs ofa, 2 and bat are modified for fying. Since the foreimbes ofa hug” a lizard, a frog, a bird anda bat have similar structures Perform diferent functions, so they are thehomologous oper ‘Those organs which have different basis structure’. have similar appearance and perform similar function" called analogous organs. For exaniple — The wings ofaninpt and a bird have different structure. The insects have afl i membranes as wings which are associated with a few mug A whereas a skeleton, flesh and feathers support birds wat h ‘but they perform the same function of flying Since they sa cof insects and birds have different structures but performsia functions, they are analogous organs. tth Q 4. With the help ‘of diagram, explain) ( determination of sex in human, I + _Ans. Diagram to show the determination of sex i api iss follows — é Q'S. Name the factors which are responsible fa formation of a new species. tl Ans, Following factors are responsible forthe fom ‘of new species — ner (i) Natural Selection. (ii) Hereditary transmission z (Gi) Geographical isolation leads to reproductive ft which leads to the form: (iv) Genetic dri Q6. Describe homologous organs ample mation of new species th the help of (Raj, Board 2016) ass The Ogansthit have the sam eae ace ert orzanisms but are modified for different functions ie homlouos organs Example-There are four limbs in frog (a ard (Iie), birds and human beings MLO aaATS sic UHI ofthe forelimbs is the same but they are mexificd 31 performing various functions like jumping (frog), crawling ). flying (birds) and doing work (humans). Qi. Write the definition of fossils and explain the rocess of dating of foss (Raj. Board 2016) Ans. The preserved remains of the body or organs of the isms after their death are called feae There are two methods of dating fossiis- (i) Relative method-On digging the earth at particular aces the fossils found near the surface of the earth ate more ot (i) Fossil dating-In this method fossil dating is done by secting the ratios of different isotopes of the same ied fossil material. _ Q8.What do you mean by dominant and recessive its? (Raj Board Supp: 2016) Ans.When parents with two different traits are crossed en only one trait appears in the F, generation. This trait is led the dominant trait. The trait which does not appear in Fj generation is called the recessive trait Example - In the garden peas ‘tallness’ is a dominant it while ‘dwarfness’ is a recessive trait. yi Q9.Differentiate homologous and analogous organs ith an example. Raj. Board Supp 2016), Ans.Homologous Organs: The organs in different jganisms that have similar basic structure but are modified perform different functions in different organisms are called mmologous organs. Example: The forelimbs of frog (amphibian), lizard tie) buds and humans are similar in structure but carry diferent functions Analogous Organs: The organs of different organisons jat hand different structure and components but are used for ¢ same function are called analogous organs Example- The wings of birds and bats are used for flying it their structures are different. Q.10. Write the four reasons of selection of Garden jea plant by Mendel. Explain the Mendel’s Law of Jominance with one example. (Raji Board Suipp, 2018)! Ans. (A)Mandel choose sweet pea plant for their periment because- () It is small herb plant and many plants can grow, in alll space, (i)Itis an annual plant and due to small life cycle, 2-3 nerations can grow in a year. ii) It is self pollinated plant because flowers are bisexual (iv) It’s flower is boat shaped 0 cross pollination may ne by omasculation Examination Idea IRI-@ Selene: 10 # (v) Inthis plant many pairs of contrasting traits are found (B) Mandel's law of dominance- This law is based on monohybrid cross. According to this law on hybridisation potween two homozygous plants of one contrasting trait, the character which expressed in F, progany is called dominant charactor, The recessive character disappears and does not ed in F, progany Tall plant Dwarf plant teak Gametes Regen Liybrid Tall Plants Figure- Law of Dominance ‘A pure tall plant is hybridised with pure dwarf plant, then all plant of F, progany arc hybrid tall. Dwarfness is disappeared. So tallness is dominant and dwarfness is recessive characters. . 2 Q.11. Whatis reciprocal cross ? Explain the phenotypic and genotypic ratio obtained in offsprings, when F, generation is crossed with Homozygous dominant parents. ‘ (Raj. Board 2018) ‘Ans, Reciprocal cross : A cross with the phenotype uf each sex reversed as compared with the original crdss to test the role of parental sex on inheritance pattern. Such as @ TTo"xn? (b) to? x1T2 When F, generation is crossed with dominant homozygous parent then the phenotypic and genotypic ratios in the F, generation can be explained as follows~ TT x tt ~Parents @ > | @ ~Ganetes Te ~F, generation On crossing homozygous dominant (TT) and homozygous recessive (tt) parents, heterozygous (Ti) offsprings are obtained in the'F, generation "tsp Genersin) @@Q ‘TT (Daninant bomo7ygos pret) Ganctes 7 Tt Homorygots tall Heterozygous ll On crossing F, generation (Tt) with homozygous dominant parent (TTT) the progeny obtained will be the same in the phenotype that is, 100% progeny will be tall and in the genotype 50% will be homozygous tall and 50% will be heterozygous tall. So Phenotypic ratio = 100% tall plants 'w of dominance with nce of Mendel's laws of Law of boa PeRcratien 16 dominant i Mt charactey « fhetor 1 F Xe character that failed to sive character factor Example © Win tall plant and hon WS made between hoor gene e plant. the plante obtemed rsa M heterogynows tal. 1 proves the fae "7 ou Duait T 1)... Pare D » q oO , SOP ms Catehan 1, generation Importance of Mendel’ law of Inheritance @) He discovered the fundamenral lane (©) He deduced that genes com SS distinct units. one from each pai (©) Mendel tracked the and deduced thai th ‘ccessive heterozygous condition, (d) Eugenics is based (©) Law of. Q.13. Wh: of inheritance Ne i patrs and are merited 6on the mendels laws of inheritance scerezation confims gene concept. ‘at is hybrid parent cross? Explainits types. (Raj. Board 2020; Supp. 2019) ‘made between hybrid of F, generation is called gwtiybrid- parent cross. Itis (st (a) Back cross - When FI h\bridis cross with homozygous dominant parent All the plants obtained are tall, out of them heterozygous tll Ams. When cross and any of the parent, it of two types - 50% are homozygous tall & 50% hr mp (etcrorygous * — (Homozygous p tall al) Co | Fe} ¢ Phenotype : 100% Long plants \ © Genotype 1 oh ce tt | Homozygous Heterozygous tall tall (b) Test eres When FI hybrid is £088 with hips _S recessive parent. In resulting generation both the der™”™ rocessive traits appear in TT ratio. Its called ag janet Heproves tro gost ofthe Feneraton 1k iP Heterory < lomongon ‘all arth ‘ ’ : D @O ar oft | @ Tt] © | tong] Dwart © Phenotype wre sth Long Dwarf © Genotype Tt t | Heterozygous. Homozyg tll dwarf 50% 0 ‘organs found in human body. nd aa aga ( Ans. Fossils : Abundantly sceured impressions left in rocks of the living beings of ancient, ( Which were alive at any’time in the past on the cary ( are found safe inside the carth’s surface or im the layeny © jown as fossils, a organs found in human body. (i) Awisdom tooth (ii) Appendixes found on QIS. Explain the process of fossil formation. Byy 1 ‘method the age of fossil can be determined? 5 ‘Ans, Lacs of years ago fossils are made by geting down of living beings in the soil or any other substange} times the body of living being, which had been presed almost destroys gradually but his figure is ular i his body ioe Sometimes the soft organs ofa dead organism dstfaeg2 rotting, but the hard organs like bones, wood ete arclt "An safe in ther pressed state, Sometimes organic moles) Q bodies of such organisms destroy but these are pla ar ‘Inorganic molecules In this condition statue of stoneis} (7 5. instead of organism itself, whose intemal and extemal «2,5 resembles with the original organism, Ans. ‘The age of fossil can be determined by the ma Ebon DOTA: Radio Carbon Dating Q16. Who proposed "TI Eee ottion. Explain the process or) ot natural selection" of acess of evolution by this theory. Ans. Charles Darwi : . ‘a in proposed ‘Theory of Natural tection’ in Organic evolunicn Pere race: i Prortes ot Evolution of new species based on this eo ber. Ae orBanisms of each species are found in a ra ‘AY two organisms are not similar, When the increases, they struggle for existence for ts and other sources of survival, The bs of that organism inoreaes in ange is best of all in the struggle war in the tural way and due to increase in quantity of a particular similar type Members new ‘Species evolutes, ae Q.17. Draw a diagram of homologous organs of frog, and lizard. (Raj. Board 2022) Ans. Frog Lizard 1. Who propunded the word (a) Mendel (b) Bateson (©) Morgan (@) Punnet On which of the following, Mendel performed his experiments: (a) sweet pea (b) wild pea (©) garden pea (@) All these The branch of science which deals with the study of heredity and variations of characters in living organisms is called: (a) Genetics (b) Geology (0) foresting, (d) None of these The green colour of the pea bean is a___trat: (a) Dominant (b) Recessive (c) Incomplete dominance (4) Codominance Generally. how many alleles are there in a gene? (a) Four (b) Three (©) Two (d) One cee Lb) 2.0 3.@) 4. (a) 5. Q 1. Who is called the father of genetics? Ans. Gregor Mendel is called father of genetics. Q 2. Maximum species diversity is found at which lace? ‘Ans, Maximum species diversity is found in forest. Q 3. What is the present name used for Mendels factor”? Ans. The present name for Mendel’s factor is gene. Q4. What is the botanical name of pea plant? Ans. The botanical name of pea plant is Pisum sativum Q5. On the basis of which type of cross, Mendel gave jis “law of independent assortment?” ‘Ans, On the basis of dihybrid cross, Mendel gave his “Jaw of independent assortment.” Q 6. What is heredity? Ans. The transimission of characters from parents to offsprings is called heredity Q 7. Where are the genes situated? Ans. Genes are situated on chromosomes. Q8. What is the basis of sex-determination in humans? Ans. “Hereditary” is the basis of sex dterminations in humans Q 9. What do you mean by variation? Ans. The difference in the characters among the individuals of a species is called variation Q 10. What was the principle given by Darwin? Ans. “Origin of species by Natural Selection” was given by Darwin. Q 11. How are trunk of elephant and arm of chimpanzee related? Ans. Trunk of elephant and arm of chimpanzee are analogous organs. Q 12. Which characters of pea plant were choosen by Mendel? Explain it with the help of chart. ‘Ans. Mendel has taken seven pairs of contrasing characters of pea plant. which are given below — 1.Tallness of plant Tall (T) Dwarf (t) 2. Flower position Axial (A) ‘Terminal (a) 3. Pod shape Inflated (1) Constricted (i) 4. Pod colour. Green (G) Yellow (g) 5. Seed shape Round (R) — Wrinkled (1) 6. Cotyledon colour Yellow (Y) Green (y) 7. Flower colour Violet (W) White () Q 13. State the importance of Mendel’s laws. ‘Ans. The importance of Mendel’s laws are as follows — (i) With the help of Mendel’s law, high-yielding hybrid varieties are produced. (ii) Hydrid thus obtained are high-yielding, more adapted, have high resistance power etc. (iii) Mendel’s laws are also useful in cugenics and cuphenics, iv) Mend hybridisation, cee Homozygous RR in responsible for red flower a heterozyours Rr is responsible for pink colour and a 1ozy20us rr is responsible for white flower colour. When © Pink flower are crossed, find the phenotype and Benotypes ofthe offspring, with the help of Checker Board. ns, © Ri ® Ce Rr fi © Pink White Phenotypic ratio = Red: Pink : White mire ei Genotypic ratios = Red : Pink : White bow 2 1 QIS. State any four importance of variations. Ans. Variation is important in following ways (j) Variation leads to useful changes in plants and animals. (ii) Variation is the basis of evolution. (iii) Variation produce useful changes in the organisms, which help them to adapt well in the existing environment. Q16. What do you mean by sex-chromosomes and autosomes? Ans. The chromosomes which are concerned with sex- determination are called sex chromosomes. These are also called X - chomosome and Y-chromosome. Females have XX and males have XY-sex chromosomes Chromosomes, apart from sex chromosomes are called autosomes. These chromosomes determine rest of the characters of an organism, except it's sex. Q17. A man having blood group A marries a woman having blood group O and they have a child. what will be the blood group of child? ‘Ans. The blood group of child depends on the fact that wheather the father is having homozygous (I*I*) or heterozygous (I1°) blood group combination. Case I — If the father has homozygous (I*I‘) A-blood group and mother has blood group O, (I°I°), then the blood group of child can be found as below Father Mother re In this case the blood group of child will be A and the child will be heterozygous for the trait as I* trait is dominant over I° trait. Case II — If the father has heterogyzous (I*I°) A- blood cers PP FF - blood group oa chance tat the geno (° . Duc to this, there blood group A or | In this set ; 's blood can be Sia etasod ‘of the child acquirine oo sve the reasons of mendel's SUCCESS, ai in mende!’ law of segregation. OLEAN He selected poa plants (Pisum sat I. experimental material i, (ii) He considered only one inten cosses and kept analyzed careful num (ii) He made records ofthe resus ants of pure breed genetically tion by self pollinations (iv) He selected Ce .4 emasculation to prevent (v) He performe aa Lae of segregation - It is also called as i purity of gametes", During gamete formation, the ale ach gene segropate from each other so that each gamete ly one allele for each gene. i ae Example : Mendel allowed self pollination < heterozygous plants of F, generation. In F, generatior the alleles segregate in the gametes and in F,, generation of different characters are ‘obtained. character to stud Tall Pan Doar it (iomozye0) oo) ® ® etromgos Tall 1 Ee ART GROMER: ©® ®® x @|@ @| |" @| nr] e« Dwarf plants 25% © Phenotype: Long plants 75% a2) A] —— e280NS Heterozynoy¢ Ho Lone" Homozygous Yo 50% warf it 2 25% Qul?- Give a briet bi 1 of Mendel, sian part of Hej as bom on July 22, 1822 sition Pa lcinzendorf, Pode fh sPent his ¢, » Austria (Today's Czech ater a, sa carly vouth in the ‘te wing ‘nt : 1 fel Beare aa School in Troppaw 1840) zion in 1943 from grass Nt" honors. Later he di his rersity of pie Joined the AuguevetY of Olmuts Tn 1943 (ee gery in Brann and was nas order at the St, Thomas angina MONK in a Meagan the name Gregor. In 1047, etary traits in pee, to Yscarch the transmission sr eight years (between 1856 tics, he widely considered a pioneer in the field of jhe was namod as father of genetics nt OF Beetios Q.20. (i) What is Mendelism ? Who discovered it ? (i) Explain law of independent assortment. Ans. () Mendel performed hybridization experiments on pea plants and formulated three laws of inheritance which called as Mendclism, Mendelism was rediscovered in 1900 Hugo de Vries. Carl Correns &’Frich Von Tschermak. __ (ii) Law of independent assortment : When cross is de between plants having two or more pairs of contrasting, acters oF traits, during formation of gametes the allele pairs arate independently. It means that traits are transmitted to spring independently to one another. Mendel formulated this. v after performing dihybrid cross between plants in which o traits differed from one another. Example : Mendel performed a cross between plants ving homozygous yellow and round seeds (RRYY) and mozygous green & wrinkled seeds (rryy). In F, generation plants obtained having yellow & round seeds. It proves t yellow & round seeds are dominant traits. When F, ration is self pollinated following four types of plants were ained in F, generation in ratio of 9 : 3:3 : 1 (i) Yellow & round seeds plants (ii) Green & round seeds plants (ii) Yellow & wrinkled seeds plants (iv) Green & wrinkled seeds plants. — Examination idea (RI # Selence=10 (79)j_____eg Green & Wrinkled yy P Yellow & Round YYRR x (Homozygous) Yellow & Round , (heterozyps) {Set Potinaion ®©O O® « 2} © @ raf vvme PR | GMT E @® J Yettow | vetlow | yellow | etow | ‘YyRR | YyRr | yyRR | yyRr | @ Yeltow | Yellow | Green | Green @ Yellow | Yeilow | Green | Green ares 9 3 3 1 ‘Yellow Green Yellow Green Round Round = Wrinkled Wrinkled © Genotype : Se 5 2 £ 231 SYYRR Y)RR_YYRr_YoRr RR yRe Y¥r_Yoreyyer Q.21. Write short notes on the following - (i) Homozygous i) Phenotype Gi) Dominant trait. _ (iv) Monohybrid cross (v) Reciprocal cross __(vi) Heterozygous (vii) Genotype (viii) Recessive trait (ix) Dihybrid cross Ans.(i) Homozygous : When an individual has two same allele (gene), whether dominant or recessive, Such as TT or tt (ii) Phenotype : It is the physical expression or characteristics of a trait. Such as tall and dwarf plants. Gii) Dominant trait : The trait or character which is expressed in heterozygous condition in F, generation is called as dominant trait. (iv) Monohybrid cross : Study of inheritance of one character in hybridization is called as monchybrid cross. (v) Reciprocal cross : A cross with the phenotype of each sex reversed as compared with the original cross to test the role of parental sex on inheritance pattern, Such as @ Tho xt? | : @) tox TTD : (vi) Heterozygous : When an individual has one éach of ‘two different alleles (genes), Such as Tt. (vii) Genotype : It is the set of genes'in DNA which is ae: responsible for apa or Tt - Tall heterozygous. (viii) Recessive trait : fails to express itself in heter is termed as recessive trait. (ix) Dihybrid cross ; Study of inheritance of two different characters is called as dihybrid cross, ae Q.22.Fossils of many plants obtained in their own form made of stone. Which Indian scientist did study such many fossils and gave their knowledge to scientific world? ‘Ans, Birbal Sahani Q.23.What are vestigal organs? Ans. There are some paris in the body of organism, which are not used. These parts are called vestigal organs of the ‘The trait or character which ‘gous condition nF, generation Q.24. Write name of two vestigal organs of human body. ‘Ans. Wisdom tooth, appendixes Q.25. Which animal of present has resemblance in the look with the animal Hairy Mammoth of ancient time? a Elephant .26. What is the history of i ver anew story of evolution of every ‘Ans. Phylogeny 27. How is the information about extinct sms obtained? ns. The information about the extinct organisms is olyained from the study of fossils by Red Data Book, ‘ossils are the remains oF i ake ins of impressions of the ancient sain go I What form was the fosil of Archaeopteryx Ans. The fossil of Archaeopteryx was found ‘fpiture, The body of erganiam slowly dicatagaes bua ts iinpression (picture) gets imprinted. aan What is the origin of snakes am igi af new species according to Lamarch = = One” atxaimisiation Idea [Rhy ocxcussnnmamssee 4 creep on surfaces $0 q ‘Ans. The species Ii ihe time passed the Fy neglected and as ee ey of $P530. the name of two extinct specic, animals. "Ans, (1) Dinosaur Q.31. Write the nee likely to extinct? i Sens (i) Black buck (2) Ce Q'32. Write the name of that anism wh indice that the birds have been originated PY creny animals. ; shaepterix : : 8°53, How would ‘the species of lon, necked girg which is found today have been formed: is Fos long necked giraffe would have been Pen ins Any ong giraffes of common length neck.) hah ha ind bry capable feting mar Fo, 2 .d good health and ha t raed ng Hele oe ns he orm came as tiew speci ‘ ce POs What do you understand by organic evolui, How did the organic evolution take place? Explai, ‘Ans. Organic evolution: is the organised develop of organisms from the primitive organisms. Process of organic evoluti : Lamarck tried to explain the origin of new speci inheritance of the useful acquired characters. ‘Weisman by his experiments of cutting the tails ofy for 10 generations explained that acquired characters ary inherited Charles Darwii natural selection. Hygo de Vries Explained the occurence of characters and new species due to mutations ‘Neo-Darwinism is mutation theory of de Vries com, with Darwinism. (2) Golden Eagle two such species of any explained the origin of specie,

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