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School: NIS Aktau

Long-term plan unit:

Date: Teachers’ name: Aidana Aksholova
Grade: Number present: absent:
Professional Development The formation students’ creativity in Intellectual
Theme of the lesson: Reading for pleasure.
Learning objectives(s) 9.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a
wide range of written genres
9.L2 understand most specific information in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

- understand some specific information in unsupported extended talk;
- recognise some typical features at word, sentence and text level.
Most learners will be able to:
- understand most specific information in unsupported extended talk;
- recognise most typical features at word, sentence and text level.
Some learners will be able to:
- understand all specific information in unsupported extended talk;
- recognise all typical features at word, sentence and text level.

Success criteria Learners have meet the specific success criteria on listening and
reading activities
Value links Respect other’s opinion, working in pair
Global Citizenship Developing intercultural awareness
Crosscurricular links Curriculum link with history and geography
ICT skills Online dictionaries
Authenticity Learners will know some geographical facts
Previous learning -


Planned Planned activities Resources

Beginning Warm-up.
5 min Teacher greets with students and asks the following questions.
Do you know the names of local rivers or lakes?
Do you know what their names mean?
What about stories or legends related to their names?
For example, The name of the Zhaik River in West Kazakhstan
is translated as ‘calm and peaceful place’, for many centuries the
river served for nomadic people as a place to rest and to lead
their lifestyle.
T explains students that they are going to read a legend related to PPT
a name of a river in America. Before they read the text, students
are introduced with lesson objectives.

Middle Pre-reading. Picture This.

Teacher reads (twice if necessary) the first paragraph of a text
10min without showing any illustrations and learners draw a visual Worksheet 1
representation of their interpretation of character/ setting/ event
from that piece of text.
Then teacher asks students to introduce their picture and explain
the details. If a student understands most of the details, their
picture and explanation will be close to original text content.
After teacher asks students to evaluate each other and choose
‘the most realistic’ picture (Peer-assessment).

Students are given different tasks for reading. The tasks depend
on their preferences or learning styles. For example, students
Worksheet 1
who like drawing will be asked to read a text and record its main
15 min idea pictorially. Whereas students who enjoy writing can be
asked to write a brief summary of a text. Students who is good at
acting can be asked to role play the story.
While this activity teacher monitors and facilitates the task for
less able students, defines the unknown words if necessary.

After reading. Famous Five Key Word Search:

5min Learners are asked to identify five key words in a text. They
record these on post it notes and call them VIPs- Very Important Post-it-notes
Points. In small groups learners compare their VIPs and provide
justifications for choosing these words.

5mins Ask them which tasks they think are more productive.

Additional information
Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you Health and safety check
plan to give more support? planning to check learners’
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
Differentiation is applied Peer-assessment, whole class The teacher corrects learners’
through feedback, teacher individual posture while reading task,
Leaning styles and studensts’ feedback learners move while doing the
preferences. reading tasks.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
realistic? Did all learners
achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from
my plan and why?

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