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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Zamboanga del Sur

League of Local Government Accountants
of Zamboanga del Sur (LLGAZS)

January 15,2021


Municipal Mayor
Tabina, Zamboanga del Sur

Dear Mayor Dayondon:

Warmest Greetings!
Another year has come to an end and every Local Government Unit is mandated to render
Year-End Financial Reports for the transactions that took place for the whole year. This report
will be submitted to the Commission on Audit on or before February 14 of the current year. It
shall be one of the basis for Independent Auditor’s Opinion in COA’s Annual Audit Report.

The League of Local Government Accountants of Zamboanga del Sur initiate a closing
workshop for all LGUs wherein we will be closing our books of accounts in one venue. This
activity aims to:
A. Discuss compliance with Philippine Public sector Accounting Standards (PPSAS) on our
last part of the implementation
a.1. Booking up of Public Infrastructures
a.2. Property, Plant and Equipment wherein partial implementation was availed
a.3. reconciliation of GSO and Accounting records
B. Prepare and review the financial statements in compliant with Philippine Public sector
Accounting Standards (PPSAS)
C. Discuss the updates on the JEV Recording System

In this venue also, we can raise questions regarding the latest issuances that may affect the
preparation of the FS. All LGUs are required to bring their Servers, Laptops, Power Cords and
2020 Financial Records. The output will be the year-end Financial Statement of your Books of
Accounts for C.Y. 2020.

With this, we would like to request that your Municipal Accountant and Staff be allowed to
participate in the closing workshop which will be held at Margarita Hall, Camila Hotel,
Pagadian City from January 25 to February 12, 2021 with a registration fee of Php 9,000.00
per person to cover the cost of space rental subject to usual accounting and auditing rules and

To ensure safety of the participants, confirmation is a must. Walk in participants will not
be accommodated. Also, proper health protocols will be strictly observed such as but
not limited to wearing of face masks and face shield, frequent hand washing and strict
observance social distancing.

Attached is a copy of training design.

Hoping for your favourable approval. Thank you and God Bless.

Respectfully yours,


LLGAZS President
Municipal Accountant-Kumalarang
Email add:
Cellphone Number: +63 939 914 1826

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