The Roaring Twenties Study Guide

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The Roaring Twenties Study Guide

1. What is a flapper? 1. A carefree woman who goes against traditional


2. What is Prohibition? What amendment started 2. Time when manufacture, sale, and consumption
Prohibition? of alcohol was illegal. 18th amendment

3. What amendment repealed Prohibition? 3. 21st amendment

4. What is a speakeasy? 4. An illegal establishment where people drank


5. What is a bootlegger? 5. A person who made illegal alcohol and promoted

organized crime.

6. Name two examples of labor-saving products. 6. Vacuum, washing machine, electric oven, etc.

7. What is credit? 7. Buy now, pay later.

8. What three things led to the economic boom in 8. Consumer products, credit, and advertisements
the 1920s?

9. Who produced the automobile by using the 9. Henry Ford

assembly line?

10. Name three industries increased as a result of 10. Road construction, oil (gas stations), steel
the automobile.

11. What is a suburb? What caused an increase in 11. A town outside a city; the automobile

12. Who invented the airplane? 12. The Wright Brothers

13. Who made the first solo transatlantic flight? 13. Charles Lindbergh

14. Who invented the radio? 14. Guglielmo Marconi

15. Who invented the broadcast industry for radio? 15. David Sarnoff

16. Who started NBC? 16. David Sarnoff

17. What was the Great Migration? What caused 17. The Migration of African Americans from the
the Great Migration? South to the North and West in search of jobs.

18. What artist painted urban and southwest 18. Georgia O’Keeffe

19. Name the novelist who portrayed the strength 19. John Steinbeck
of poor migrant workers during the 1930s.

20. What composer wrote popular musicals? 20. Aaron Copland

21. What novelist wrote about the jazz Age in the 21. F. Scott Fitzgerald

22. What composer combined classical music and 22. George Gershwin
American jazz and folk music?

23. What was the Harlem Renaissance? 23. African American artists, writers, and musicians
based in Harlem, NY. They revealed the freshness
and variety of African American culture.

24. What painter chronicled the Great Migration? 24. Jacob Lawrence

25. Name the poet who combined the experience of 25. Langston Hughes
African and American cultural roots.

26. Name two jazz musicians from the Harlem 26. Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong

27. Name a famous blues singer from the Harlem 27. Bessie Smith

28. True or False. The Harlem Renaissance artists’ 28. True

popularity spread beyond Harlem to the rest of

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