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Changes in Perception of
Environment in different
stages of Human Civilization
Presented by:
Prosenjit Saha
Department of Geography
Memari College
Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

What is Environment?
 The term environment has been derived from a French word “Environia”
means to surround.

 It refers to both abiotic (physical or non-living) and biotic (living)

environment. The word environment means surroundings, in which
organisms live.

 Environment and the organisms are two dynamic and complex component
of nature. Environment regulates the life of the organisms including human
beings. Human beings interact with the environment more vigorously than
other living beings. Ordinarily environment refers to the materials and
forces that surrounds the living organism.

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

What is Civilization?
 A civilization or civilization is any complex society characterized by urban
development, social stratification imposed by a cultural elite, symbolic
systems of communication (for example, writing systems), and a perceived
separation from and domination over the natural environment.

Ancient Civilizations: Egypt Ancient Civilizations: Mohenjo-Daro

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

What is Environmental perception?

 Environmental perception is the way in which an individual perceives the
environment, and the process of evaluating and storing information
received about the environment.

 It is the perception of the environment which is important because

individuals base their judgements on the environment as they perceive it,
not as it is.

 The nature of such perception includes warm feelings for an

environment, an ordering of information, and an understanding, however
subjective, of the environment.

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

It is suggested that environmental perception can be seen in the following


1. An emotional response.

2. An orientative response with the construction of mental maps.

3. A classifying response as the individual sorts out the incoming


4. An organizing response as the individual sees causes and effects in the


CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Environment is taken to refer to anything external to the perceiver which

influences or might influence the perception process. Generally physical
environment is composed of
(a) the natural environment, and
(b) the built environment.

1. Natural environment refers to places, such as valley, mountains,

environmental conditions such as temperature and rainfall, flora and

2. Built environment refers to the results of people's alterations of

environments, e.g., houses and buildings, cities, communities etc.

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

• Man-enviornment relationship refers to the

interaction and feedbacks between the human and
the natural components and consequently to the
linkages between social and geophysical systems.

Environmental Quality

Resource Resources and Hazards abd Technological

Use Oppertunities constraints Hazards

Population, Culture and


CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Environmental geographers are concerned with how

human beings use the earth and how humans impact
the environments in which they live.

Humnan – Environment relationship is viewed by two

approach in geography
Deterministic view
Possiblistic view

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Deterministic view
Deterministic philosophy opines that decision
and actions of humans are affects and control by
the environment and natural laws.

This philosophy is based upon the interaction

between primitive human society and forces of

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Possibiliistic view
Possibilistic philosophy opines that nature provide a
number of oppertunities and possibilities from
among which man is free to select or choose.

It also states that man with the help of his

knowledge and technology can change and
manage the influence of nature on him.

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Man – Environment relationship is studied by

two way

1. Environment and Man – where environment

controls human health and actions

2. Man and Environment – where human activity

affects environment and also degrade
environmental quality and ecological balance

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Environment and Man

– environment affects human through

1. Biophysical limitations

2. Behavioural controls, and

3. Resource availability

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Environment and Man

– also provide different services to live and grow
1. Support services

2. Provisioning services

3. Regulating services, and

3. Cultural services

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Man and Environment

- Human impacts environment in many ways and can be seen into two respect

1. Direct or Intentional Impacts – when man aware of the consequence

of his activity
 Land use changes through clearings of forests and burning of
grassland for cultivation
 Construction of dams, reservoirs, and canal
 Diversion and manipulation of river channels, and constructions of

 Use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides

 Mining and drilling for mineral oils

 Increase urbanisation and withdrawal of ground water
CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2
Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

2. Indirect Impacts – when not planned and premeditated

 Industrialization

 Pollution of rivers

 Release of CFCs and other toxic chemical into atmosphere

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

The changing relationship between man and environment from

prehistoric to modern periods may be divided into four stages

 Period of hunting and food gathering

 Period of animal domestication and pastoralism

 Period of plant domestication and agriculture

 Period of science, technology and industrialization

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Period of hunting and food gathering

 He’s part of natural environment

 Relationship was very friendly,

cordial and sweet

 Totally dependent on environment

 Discovery of fire and invention of tools and weapons made

them capable of exploiting natural resources

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Period of animal domestication and pastoralism

 Domestication led to increase of

 More exploitation of natural

 But its within the limit of self
regulatory mechanism of the natural
environment, as
 small population, and

 limited use of resources

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Period of plant domestication and agriculture

 River valley civilization and

socially organized human society
came up
 Gradual and continuous change
in techniques of farming which

 Started the negative effect on the environment, by

 increase of population, and

 development of cities

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization

Period of science, technology and industrialization

 Period of Industrialization
 More efficient and sophisticated
technology initiated
 Extreme teleological and
economic deterministic concepts of
western world led to
 exploitation of natural resource in rapid pace, and

 hostile relationship between man and environment

 Created present day environmental and ecological problems of

global dimensions

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

Changes in perception of environment in different stages of human civilization
Quick review
What we have learnt in this class?
What is environment and environment perception?

Changing perception about the environment from the ancient civilization period

CC 10: Unit 1 Topic 2

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