Professional Identity Formation

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essionalism Dr Minahi Si BDS,MHPE Scholar Department Of Medical Educat What is professionalism? Professionalism is a set of standards that an individual is expected to adhere to ina workplace. It can also be defined as a person's abilities, competence, and behavior ina particular profession What is identity? the fact of being who or what a person or thing is Professional Identity Formation Page 1 of 26 Learning Objectives xk Lo discuss personal and professional identities formation. 2.ldentify the importance of professional identity formation in a profession 3.Recognize the factors involved in professional identity formation Professional Identity Formation Page 2 of 26 |DENTITY Ae | “A set of characteristics or a description that distinguishes a person or things from = others.” It involves the internationalization of expectations and behaviors that arise from arole or distinct network of relationships ¢ Oxford English Dictionary “(N Identity formation is a longitudinal development process. Which is very subjective and individualized concept as it includes quality belief personality look and behaviour of an individual. it is not a singular or unchanging entity we possess Rather it is a multi facted and highly subjective concept that influenced by many factors and evolves over time. As a child, one picks up social and ethical norm values from the family, society, and the surrounding environment and this leads to the development of personal identity of the individual. The students entering a medical college have their personal identities. Our characteristics our likes and dislikes how we see ourself personally and enables us where we are standing in the world. Professional Identity Formation Page 3 of 26 What am | ?all about strength or weakness ? What are my qualities? What am | going to do in life? What is different about me ?? Professional Identity Formation Page 4 of 26 rofessional Identity Formation Page 5 of 26 Professional Identity Formation Page 6 of 26 Multiple Identities NNSA occas. & Brewer M8 Personality & Soc Psych Rev, 6 88 ~ 108, 2002, Monrouxe 1. Kent, ientiication and medical education: why should we care? Med fue. 44():40-9, 200 5 Indeed, we have different types of social identities, including gendered, familial, professional and national. Collective identity, an individual emotional and cognitive association or bond with a group and tend to develop personal identity. E.g a student may join a popular group and tend to identify themselves as a popular student. Professional Identity Formation Page 7 of 26 ie What is Professional — : : Identity formation? Pt / characteristics, values, and norms of the medical profession are internalized, Uae e Resa R cae kT cory Cruess, Cruess, Boudreau, Snell & Steinert, 2014 Professional identity formation (PIF) is the process of integrating an individual's identity into the professional ethos of their community Professional identities are then constructed on the foundation of these personal identities by passing through various transitional phases during training. Each individual's journey from layperson to skilled professional is unique and is affected by who they are at the beginning and who they wish to become Professional identities have been defined as how we perceive ourselves as professionals based on our attributes, beliefs, values, motives and experiences in relation to our profession Professional identity formation is the process by which an individual develops a sense of their professional self and their role within a particular profession. It involves the integration of personal values, beliefs, experiences, and skills with the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors that are expected within the profession. Professional identity formation typically involves a range of experiences, including education, training, clinical practice, and professional development activities. Through these experiences, individuals develop a sense of their professional identity, including their roles, responsibilities, and ethical principles. This process also involves engaging in self-reflection and seeking feedback from mentors and peers. Professional Identity Formation Page 8 of 26 BUT there was always the existential question: Does medical practice require “a professional presence that is best grounded in what one is rather than what one does?” Hafferty, 2009 Professional Identity Formation Page 9 of 26 Consistently demonstrates the attitudes, values, and behaviors expected of one who has come to “think, act, and feel like a physician.” Consciously demonstrates the behaviors expected of a physician, SHOWS HOW (Performance) Demonstrates the behaviors expected of a physician under supervision. KNOWS HOW (Competence) Knows when individual behaviors are appropriate. Knows the behavioral norms expected of a physician av (Knowledge) Professional identity formation typically involves a range of experiences, including education, training, clinical practice, and professional development activities. Through these experiences, individuals develop a sense of their professional identity, including their roles, responsibilities, and ethical principles. This process also involves engaging in self-reflection and seeking feedback from mentors and peers. Professional Identity Formation Page 10 of 26 Socialization e 2 you you are become Professional Identity Formation Page 11 of 26 EXISTING PERSONAL IDENTITIES PERSONAL & Wh . SOCIALIZATION PROFESSIONAL we NEGOTIATION of IDENTITIES Sex! Race VALUES & NORMS “Wo you become’ Personal Acceptance Characteristics : Compromise e faa if — ‘Student Clas Education — Sexual Orientation GENERATIONAL Other DIFFERENCES EXPRESSED COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE Professional Identity Formation Page 12 of 26 MULTIPLE FACTORS Medical student J Factors affecting PIF Process of PIF in among medical students medical students The start: Motivation External factors | [Internal factors ree stare Mowation + Learning by and p>} |= tntrinsic motivation + Sxpectations of surroundings The journey: Values processing and internalization 1 Professional doctor Professional Identity Formation Page 13 of 26 Compartmentalized Identity NNSA occas. & Brewer M8 Personality & Soc Psych Rev, 6 88 ~ 108, 2002, Monrouxe 1. Kent, ientiication and medical education: why should we care? Med fue. 44():40-9, 200 5 Indeed, we have different types of social identities, including gendered, familial, professional and national. Collective identity, an individual emotional and cognitive association or bond with a group and tend to develop personal identity. E.g a student may join a popular group and tend to identify themselves as a popular student. Professional Identity Formation Page 14 of 26 Merged “# Identity NNSA occas. & Brewer M8 Personality & Soc Psych Rev, 6 88 ~ 108, 2002, Monrouxe 1. Kent, ientiication and medical education: why should we care? Med fue. 44():40-9, 200 5 Indeed, we have different types of social identities, including gendered, familial, professional and national. Collective identity, an individual emotional and cognitive association or bond with a group and tend to develop personal identity. E.g a student may join a popular group and tend to identify themselves as a popular student. Professional Identity Formation Page 15 of 26 Construct your Venn diagram from your introduction ore ei Dee ] eg Clinician Leader —Re. Educator oe Educator Clinician 5 Indeed, we have different types of social identities, including gendered, familial, professional and national. Collective identity, an individual emotional and cognitive association or bond with a group and tend to develop personal identity. E.g a student may join a popular group and tend to identify themselves as a popular student. Professional Identity Formation Page 16 of 26 My Identity all values of these identities should be inculcated in u Professional Identity Formation Page 17 of 26 % Importance of professional identity Identity helps us to: + Explain ourselves + Present ourselves + Conduct ourselves + Identify the scope and nature of our work + Define what's important + Organize our time It also contributes to the overall development and advancement of the profession itself by ensuring that professionals are committed to the highest standards of practice and ethical conduct. Professional Identity Formation Page 18 of 26 % Roles of a student in professional identity fo *Self reflection and feedback Active participation *Pursuing internships and develop networking +Demonstrate the emotional stability -Work and life balance “Critical thinking Effective communication skills *Avoid toxic workplace behaviors +Stay organized not only in your schedule but also in the workspace and tasks Professional Identity Formation Page 19 of 26 Role Embracement Professional Identity Formation Page 20 of 26 TTT FS Aquisition Introduce the concept of your journey in dental school as an adventure in the magical world, similar to Harry Potter's journey at Hogwarts. Mention that becoming a dental professional is like learning to be a wizard, full of challenges, growth, and discovery Learning Stuff (Knowledge Acquisition): Just like Harry learning spells and potions, you start by learning all about teeth, gums, and how to take care of them. It's like your first year at Hogwarts, where everything is new and exciting Professional Identity Formation Page 21 of 26 PAS TAS Co Tuas Practicing Skills (Skill Development): Harry practices spells and gets better at them. Similarly, you start practicing dental procedures, maybe on models or simulations, just like Harry practicing "Wingardium Leviosa." Professional Identity Formation Page 22 of 26 cite Integration : Lea oes Jagd Ary Knowing Right from Wrong (Ethical Integration): Remember when Harry chooses to save the stone and fight Voldemort? He's making an ethical choice. As a future dentist, you learn about making the right choices for your patients, like how to treat them fairly and keep their information private. Professional Identity Formation Page 23 of 26 4.Socialization Making Friends and Mentors (Socialization): Harry has Dumbledore, Hermione, and Ron. You'll have teachers, fellow students, and experienced dentists guiding you, sharing their wisdom, and supporting you through your journey Professional Identity Formation Page 24 of 26 Thinking About Your Journey (Reflection): Just like Harry reflects on his actions and learns. from them, you'll think about what kind of dentist you want to be. This is where you learn from your mistakes, understand your strengths, and plan how to be the best. Professional Identity Formation Page 25 of 26 BAS ele Tutte Becoming the Hero (Role Embracement): In the end, Harry embraces his role as a wizard and a hero. Similarly, after all your learning and experiences, you'll become a confident dentist, ready to help and heal, wearing your dental 'robe' (lab coat) proudly, just like Harry wears his Hogwarts robe Professional Identity Formation Page 26 of 26

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