Group Stress

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Reflection 1

The last piece is a poster created by, focusing on the importance of saying no to
substance abuse. This enabled the researcher to understand that the poster serves as a tool for raising
awareness about substance abuse and provides guidance on promoting awareness of this issue.

The last artifact is a poster titled "Drug and Alcohol Awareness Poster" by This poster incorporates vocabulary and employs the literary device of
sarcasm, as seen in the question, "Sounds like fun to you?" These elements help the researcher
recognize and emphasize that substance abuse should not be promoted.
Artifact 1: "Drug Effects" by Tom Greening explores drug abuse as an escape from life's
challenges. Before encountering this poem, I saw drug use as harmful but hadn't deeply
considered its underlying issues. This artifact emphasizes the need for healthier coping
mechanisms. It reminds me of societal struggles with addiction and prompts thinking about more
effective solutions.

Reflection 2

The last artifact is a poster titled "Drug and Alcohol Awareness Poster" by This poster incorporates vocabulary and employs the literary device of
sarcasm, as seen in the question, "Sounds like fun to you?" These elements help the researcher
recognize and emphasize that substance abuse should not be promoted.
 Artifact 3; Song ‘I took a pill in Ibiza’ by Mike Posner
The artist used a metaphor in the song lyric, for example “You don’t ever wanna step off that
roller coaster and be all alone” the metaphor is of a roller coaster to represent the highs and lows
of life and when he reached that low is when his addiction started.
The poem "Drug Effects" by Tom Greening is a piece of poetry that falls into the category of
informing and raising awareness about the destructive use of drugs. It utilizes metaphors to
convey the idea of drugs as an escape, maintaining a formal register, somber tone, and structured
format to effectively deliver its message.

Our English teacher gave us the necessary knowledge and guidance in successfully completing
this School Based Assessment, which after we got into groups, this group was formed based on a
similar interest in the topic,

by selecting the individual we chose to look at the main idea of the sub-topics in correlations
with the theme.

In starting this School Based Assessment our teacher gave us the guidance and greater
explanation to be completed successfully and quickly, after which groups were formed, the
members of our group had been selected due to our mutual interest in the topic “substance
Abuse”. The members of our group thoroughly investigated various factors of substance abuse
these include, how addiction begins, Causes of substance abuse and its effects, Effects of
substance abuse on adolescents, The negative impact of substance abuse on physical health and
Warning signs of substance abuse.
These artifacts were not that difficult to find because substance abuse is very common topic, its
widely spoken about on the internet, moreover our group placed together fifteen (15) artifacts for
our group report, the three chosen were (include the links here)
The group had a discussion on which artifacts were most compelling, also a more in-depth
concept of the topic, the three (3) chosen artifacts were shared amongst the group.
With the selection of the first artifact, “I took a pill in Ibiza”, we learned that a person can be
longing to fit in or simply showing someone how they can be cool by doing drugs, which is how
the substance abuse begins. In the second artifact, “Drug effects”, we learnt that drug misuse can
be used as a form of escaping challenges in one’s life though it may feel good in the moment the
health effects that causes one long term isn’t. Finally in the last artifact, “what is substance
abuse?”, we finally learned about what to look out for when a person gets into the addiction of
drugs which you can tell by their physical appearance or how they begin to act towards certain
Overall, we learnt that substance abuse isn’t just something that happens or something we should
be judging on, it has it’s causes like any other addiction, with this we also got the insight on signs
of it, which we aid in figuring out who needs help in getting out of that because not everyone
would speak up about it.

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