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Answers to Sample Question Paper – 3

1. (b) Middle growth of an employee in all respects. It

2. (d) Trade has a wider perspective. It seeks to develop
3. (b) Social environment competence and skills for future performance.
Thus, it has a long term perspective.
4. (b) Informal communication
‘Some others are designed to help in
5. (a) Quantitative standard
the growth of individuals in all respects’.
6. (a) Discipline It refers to development. It is the process
7. (b) Enhance employee productivity of increasing the knowledge and skills of
8. (a) District Commission an employee for doing a particular job. The
9. (c) 
Management helps in achieving objective of training is to achieve a change
personal objectives in the behaviour of those trained personnel.
10. (c) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii), (v) 22. The two factors affecting fixed capital

requirement of Excel Ltd. are:
11. (c)  Discount Finance House of India
(DFHI) (a) Diversification. If a company intends
to diversify into new product line, higher
12. (d) Both (a) and (b)
fixed capital will be required for research
13. (b) Security Needs and development and building infrastructure
14. (b) Surviving in the competitive market
15. (a) Economic Environment
16. (a)  Planning and controlling are
ro capacities.

separable twins of management.
17. (a) (iii), (i), (ii)
18. (b) Growth
(or any other relevant point)
19. (c) Perquisites
23. The various functions of packaging
20. (a) Statement I is true and II is false are:

21. Rishi did not perform the step of (a) Product protection. The content
estimation of manpower requirement of product is protected against spoilage,
properly. While doing this estimation, breakage, leakage, damage, climatic effects,

two analysis, i.e., workload and workforce etc. due to proper packaging. This protection
analysis, are needed. Workload analysis facilitates its storage, distribution and
enables an assessment of the number

and type of human resource necessary (b) Product identification. Packaging
for the performance of various jobs and becomes a mean of product differentiation
accomplishment of organisational objectives, and identification for some brands.
whereas workforce analysis enables
(c) Facilitating use of the product.
assessment of number and type of human Packaging makes it convenient for the
resource available in the organisation. This consumers to open, handle and use the
step of estimation of manpower requirement product.
is the foundation for all other steps of staffing.
(d) Product promotion. Packaging has
Or become a way of promoting the product.
‘Some learning opportunities are designed With rising standard of health and hygiene,
and delivered to improve skills and abilities of people are asking for packed products
employees’. It refers to training. It involves instead of loose ones. Further, innovative

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Sample Question Paper-3 (Solved) S-2

packs are increasing the scope of marketing of (c) Better coordination. As delegation of
products. (any three) authority fixes authority, responsibility and
Or accountability, it also defines the powers,
duties and answerability of various positions
The factors affecting pricing of a product are:
in an organisation. This brings clarity about
(a) Product cost. The cost of producing the work and reporting relationship among
a good or service sets the minimum level the employees. Thus, maintaining effective
of price to be set for a product. All the coordination amongst the departments.
firms strive to cover their costs at least in
25. The importance of understanding
the long run. In addition, they aim to earn a business environment is as follows:
margin of profit above it.
(a) Enables the identification of
(b) Utility and demand. The utility opportunities and getting the first mover
provided by the product and intensity of advantage. Opportunities are the favourable

demand of the customer sets the upper limit changes in the business environment which
of price for a product. The buyer is ready can help a firm to improve its
to pay the price which is less than or equal performance. Early identification of the
to the utility derived from the product. opportunity helps an enterprise to take
Thus, a product having higher utility can the first mover advantage otherwise it
be highly priced. Similarly, intensity of
demand determines its elasticity. If demand
of a product is elastic, firm cannot fix higher
prices but if the demand is inelastic, the firm
would be lost to its competitors.
(b) Helps in identification of threats
and early warning signals. Threats are
the unfavourable changes in business
can fix higher prices also. environment that can hinder a firm’s
 performance. Understanding of business
environment helps a manager to identify the
threats on time so that he could prepare to
meet them by taking appropriate measures.
(c) Helps in tapping useful resources. An

enterprise depends on the environment as a

source of inputs and as an outlet for outputs.
The understanding of business environment

(or any other relevant point) enables an enterprise to procure the resources
24. Kavya will get the following benefits it needs and convert them into output that

after sharing her responsibility. the environment desires.

(d) Helps in coping with rapid changes.
(a) Effective management. Managers are
Todays’ business environment is changing
able to function more efficiently as they
rapidly. In order to effectively cope up with
get more time to concentrate on high
the significant changes, a manager must
priority activities. They can excel in
understand and examine the environment
new areas by delegating the routine
and, then, develop suitable course of action.
work to their subordinates.
(e) Helps in planning and policy
(b) Basis of management formulation. While deciding the future
hierarchy. Delegation of authority
course of action or formulating guidelines for
establishes the superior-subordinate
decision making, understanding of business
relationship as the degree of authority is
environment plays an important role.
determined by it. The extent of authority
Identifying opportunities or threats in the
delegated determines the power each
business environment can help in making
job position has in an organisation.
future strategies.  (any four)

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S-3 MBD Sure Shot CBSE Sample Papers Business Studies-XII

26. The protective functions of Securities The two incentives of the same category are:
and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) are: (a) Bonus. It is an incentive offered over
(a) It prohibits fraudulent and unfair trade and above the wages/salary to the employees.
practices like price rigging and manipulation It is a reward for good performance.
in the securities market. (b) Profit sharing. Many organisations
(b) It prohibits insider trading and impose share their profits with their employees,
penalties for such practices. who are the key resource for generating it.
(c) It undertakes steps for protection of It motivates the employees to improve their
investors. performance and contribute to increase in
(d) It promotes fair practices and code of profits.
conduct in securities market. (c) Retirement benefits. Retirement
Or benefits such as provident fund, provision
The regulatory functions of Securities and and gratuity provide financial security to the

Exchange Board of India (SEBI) are: employees. It acts as a motivating factor for
(a) It registers brokers, sub-brokers and them. (any two)
other players in the market. 29. (a) Time study. It is an art of observing
(b) It registers the collective investment and recording the time required to do each
schemes and mutual funds.
(c) It regulates stock brokers, portfolio
exchanges, underwriters, merchant bankers
and business in stock market and other
ro detailed element of an industrial operation.
The purpose of time study is to determine
the precise time required for each element of
a man’s work. It helps in fixing the standard
securities market. time required to do a particular job.
(d) It regulates the takeover bids of (b) Fatigue study. It seeks to determine
companies. the amount and frequency of rest intervals in
27. (a) Marketing completing a task. This rest interval will help
(b) The three features of Marketing are: one to regain stamina and work again with
(i) Needs and wants. Satisfaction of same capacity. To ensure good performance,

the needs and wants of individuals and other causes for fatigue such as long working
organisation is the main target of marketing. hours, bad working environment, uncordial
(ii) Creating a market offering. Efforts are relations with the boss, etc. should also be

made to create an attractive ‘market offer’ removed.

for which detailed analysis of requirement of Or

buyers is done. Coordination is required at all the levels

(iii) Customer value. Customers want and departments of the organisation. Every
maximum worth/satisfaction for their money. activity undertaken is coordinated with
Therefore, sellers should offer best quality other activities and then performed. This is
products which proves its worth/value in the because all the activities in the organisation
eyes of customers. are interdependent. Further, coordination
(iv) Exchange mechanism. Exchange is the is not a task confined to top level managers
essence of marketing which involves two or only but managers at different levels
more parties coming together to obtain the coordinate the activities of organisation.
product or service for which something is The top level seeks to coordinate the overall
given in return. (any three) policies of the organisation, middle level
28. Nishi suggested the CEO that financial needs to coordinate with the top level and
incentive should be offered to the departmental activities. The lower level
employees. She suggested co- seeks to coordinate the activities of the
partnership or stock option to him. workers.

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Sample Question Paper-3 (Solved) S-4

30. Functional structure is an this structure, departments are created on

organisational structure which is formed by the basis of functions.
grouping similar or related jobs together. In

Managing Director

Human Marketing Finance Production

Functional Structure
The disadvantages of functional structure 32. Abraham Maslow, an American

are: psychologist, gave his theory on motivation.
(a) Functional head emphasise more on His theory was based on human needs and he
their departmental objectives rather than classified human needs into five categories in
common organisational objective. This may order of priorities.
hinder the interaction between two or more (a) Physiological needs. These are
(b) As the departments emphasise on
their own functions, it may lead to problems
in coordination.
ro primary needs of every human being. The
need of food, clothing, shelter etc. come under
this head. The basic salary of the job will
satisfy this need.
(c) Inter-department conflicts may arise (b) Safety needs. These imply protection
in the absence of clear cut responsibility from any kind of physical or emotional harm.
allocation. Giving job security or stability of income can
(d) It may lead to inflexibility as personnel fulfil this need.
specialises in a particular function and are
(c) Belongingness needs. These refer to

unable to gather experience in diverse areas.

affection, sense of belongingness, acceptance
(any three)
and friendship. Cordial relationships with
31. (a) Kabir can lodge his complaint at colleagues will satisfy these needs.

District Commission as the final value of goods or

services paid as consideration does not exceed one (d) Esteem needs. These refer to the
crore rupees. desire of self-respect, recognition and

attention in an individual. Giving status or

A district commission includes a president (who
job title can satisfy these needs.
can be a working or retired judge of the District
Court) and two other members. They are (e) Self-actualisation needs. These are
appointed by the state government. One can file a the highest level of needs in the hierarchy. It
complaint for goods and services of ₹1 crore or less is the drive to become what one is capable of
in this agency. For the complaints filed, if the becoming.
district commission feels a requirement, it sends Maslow based his theory on the following
the goods to the laboratory for testing and gives its assumptions:
decision based on the laboratory report and facts. (a) People’s behaviour is based on their
(b) If any of the parties are not satisfied by the needs. Satisfaction of such needs influences
order of District Commission can appeal against their behaviour.
such order to the State Commission on the grounds
(b) People’s needs are in hierarchical order
of facts or law within a period of 45 days from the
starting with basic needs to the higher level
date of order.

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S-5 MBD Sure Shot CBSE Sample Papers Business Studies-XII

(c) Helps in achieving better

Self coordination. Controlling provides direction
actualisation to all the activities in the organisation.
Each department and every employee is
Esteem Needs governed by predetermined standards which
are well coordinated with one another.
Belongingness needs Thus, controlling helps in achieving better
Security needs (d) Helps in better planning.
Controlling enables the management to judge
Basic Physiological Needs
whether the standards set are accurate or
not. Further, controlling keeps an eye on the
(c) A satisfied need can no longer motivate changing business environment. It reviews

a person, only next higher level can motivate and revises the standards in the light of such
him. changes and thus, improves planning.
(d) As a need is satisfied, a person moves (e) Facilitates decision-making. When
to the next higher lever of the hierarchy. the deviations are analysed in controlling,
Maslow’s need hierarchy theory helps the
management to understand the human
needs and frame suitable incentive schemes
for their employees. The incentives are also
ro the manager takes the appropriate decision
in order to check the re-occurrence of
deviations. In the light of these deficiencies
or deviations, decision-making is necessary
designed accordingly, i.e., monetary/financial to remove the causes of these deviations.
incentives which aim at satisfying basic (any four)
physiological and safety/security needs of the 33. (a) The two financial management
employees and non-monetary/non-financial decisions are investing and financing
incentives which aim at satisfying the higher decisions.
three levels of needs. (b) Three factors which will affect the

Or financing decision are:

The importance of controlling is as follows: (i) Cash flow position. The company
(a) Helps in achieving objectives. is under legal obligation to pay a fixed rate

Controlling regularly monitors the of interest to debentureholders, dividend to

performance of the organisation and preference shares and principal and interest

measures its progress towards the realisation amount for loan. Sometimes, company makes
of the organisational goals. If any deviation sufficient profit but it is not able to generate
is observed, timely corrective action is cash inflow for making payments. A stronger
taken. By doing this, controlling helps in cash flow position of the company will allow
accomplishment of the goals effectively and the company to meet its interest obligations
efficiently. easily and, hence they will prefer to take the
(b) Motivates employees. A good control
system provides performance standards (ii) Fixed operating costs. Debt
for every one and every activity in the component in the capital increases
organisation. The employees know well in the financial risk in the form of fixed
advance what they are expected to do and commitments towards interest payments
what are the standards against which they and other obligations. Hence, if the firm has
will be judged. This motivates them to give higher fixed operating costs, then it should
good performance. decrease the debt component in the total

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Sample Question Paper-3 (Solved) S-6

capital whereas if fixed operating costs are anticipated and various activities
are lower, then the firm can easily are planned in the best possible way. In
increase the debt component in the capital. this way, the risk of future uncertainties
can be minimised.
(iii) Control considerations. Issue of
equity leads to dilution of control in the (c) Planning facilitates decision-making.
management. The equity shareholders are Planning ensures foreseeing future and
considered as the owners of the company and choosing the best alternative available. The
they have complete control over the company. managers evaluate the positive and negative
They take all the important decisions for aspects of each alternative and choose the
managing the company. The debentureholders one with least negative consequence, having
have no say in the management and feasibility and profitability. Through this, a
preference shareholders have limited right to direction is provided to all the activities of the
organisation which acts as basic guidelines

vote in the annual general meeting. So, the
total control of the company lies in the hands to the managers for decision-making.
of equity shareholders. (d) Planning reduces overlapping and
If the owners and existing shareholders wasteful activities. Planning serves as a
want to have complete control over the basis of coordinating the activities and efforts
company, they must employ more of debt
securities in the capital structure because if
more of equity shares are issued, then another
ro of different departments and individuals.
It ensures clarity in thoughts and actions.
Useless activities are eliminated and
overlapping of work is avoided.
shareholder or a group of shareholders may
purchase many shares and gain control over (e) Planning promotes innovative
the company. ideas. Planning gives shape to new ideas.
(c) If the directors want to utilise retained Many innovative ideas are scrutinised and
earnings as a part of financing in the evaluated during the planning process.
given project, then they will declare lesser Or

dividends in order to utilise the earnings for The steps in the process of Organising are:
the expansion project.
(a) Identification and division of work.
34. The function of management

It is the first step in the process of organising,

highlighted in the given statement is wherein the work is identified and divided into
Planning. manageable activities, so that, duplication of

The advantages of Planning are: work is avoided and the burden of work can
(a) Planning provides direction. Under be shared among the employees.
planning, the objectives of the (b) Departmentalisation. After dividing
organisation are defined in simple and the work into smaller and manageable
clear words. The obvious outcome of this is activities, departments are created by
that all the employees get a direction and all grouping together, the activities of similar
their efforts are focused towards a particular nature. This grouping can be done on the
end. In this way, planning has an important basis of territory, product or function etc.
role in the attainment of the objectives of the (c) Assignment of duties. After
organisation. departmentalisation, each department is
placed under the charge of an individual.
(b) Planning reduces the risk of This job allocation is done to the individuals
uncertainty. Planning is always done for considering their skills and competencies.
future and future is uncertain. With the The work must be assigned to those who are
help of planning possible changes in future best suited to perform it well.

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S-7 MBD Sure Shot CBSE Sample Papers Business Studies-XII

(d) Establishing reporting relationships. After allocation of work, an individual should

be made clear as to whom he is accountable and from whom he should take orders. The
establishments of such relationships create structure and enhance coordination among
the various departments.


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