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The epidemic of Covid-19 had a significant impact. Schools have no choice but to move to online programs as a
result of this. Many educational institutions around the world have been forced to close as a result of this. While
many schools have embraced online and distance learning, others have not.

At this time, the only method to continue teaching is through online classes and the use of various internet
platforms. A virtual classroom can be created using digital services. Students and teachers use communication
software to communicate. This new system had a few glitches at first, but they've all been resolved now. "When
using unmuted microphones, not only students can encounter major challenges due to the risk of distraction; an
irritating sound can cause an entire class to be disrupted.”. Keeping an eye on each student's video feed may assist
the teacher in ensuring that they are paying attention. Children are more likely to become distracted because many
online sessions do not allow family members to attend in an informal setting such as a home. This isn't an issue
because most pupils adjust and take online lessons seriously.

While the virus spreads, these seminars allow students to learn at their own pace and in the privacy of their
own homes. Through these sessions, students can participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, including
education. However, there are certain disadvantages. Many educational institutions have attempted, but just a few
have succeeded in integrating online learning approaches. Furthermore, proper internet access is not always easy to
come by in some areas.

The loss of personal interaction between students is one of the most significant disadvantages of online education.
Today's generation, fortunately, has access to high-speed data networks, as well as phone and video conferencing
services. Students and professors can communicate via technological methods in the absence of face-to-face
encounters. Teachers are always there to assist pupils as a result of their efforts. Aside from the difficulty of
correcting notebooks while enrolled in an online course, this approach has allowed students to find latent talents.
You'll need to be more patient, focused, and responsible in an online program than you would in a typical classroom
to achieve.

For many students, online learning is merely a means to an end rather than a replacement for traditional
classroom instruction. Some teachers only impart knowledge to their students without truly instructing them. A
typical internet testing approach is to "find it out for yourself." Students are failing to retain any of the information
given to them. Furthermore, some students are unable to leave their homes during the curfew since they are enrolled
in online programs. Some students are unable to participate in online courses due to a lack of technology. Most
individuals cannot afford laptops, smartphones, or digital cameras. As a result, many households are unable to
accommodate several online appointments, classes, or meetings at the same time. During the online assessment,
some teachers fail to account for the possibility that pupils' internet connections would go down. Students will be
scored depending on how many answers they have saved in their system if they lose their internet connection while
taking an online class. For students taking online courses, time management is a regular issue.

We are all affected by the pandemic, and we must act together to fight it. However, we must not jeopardize the
quality of education provided to those who will form the future of our country. A well-designed platform with a
defined curriculum and a fair and effective assessment mechanism should be the goal of systemic solutions. It's vital
to help low-income families pay for their children's online education and learn how to support them. Students and
other young people, including college students, should be consulted. Future decisions should take into account
students' views, situations, and needs. The content that a student has access to should not be influenced by their
gender, race, or socioeconomic situation. Instead of using a numerical technique to evaluate students, a
performance-based approach should be adopted. As the scene changes from learning what worked and what didn't,
people from all across the world should be involved. When creating a school program, children, parents, and
instructors must all be taken into account. We must compromise if we are to find the best possible answer to this

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