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The webinar gave helpful details on the qualities of a great leader. The speaker
stressed that being a leader involves a lifetime commitment to providing a good
example for those who follow you rather than merely looking for attention. It was
emphasized how important it is for a leader to have attributes like accountability,
empathy, and trustworthiness. I learned from this webinar that effective leadership
entails inspiring and directing a group of people toward a shared goal. This requires
providing instructions that are clear, making wise choices, assigning responsibilities,
and accepting accountability for results. A strong leader sets an example for their team,
communicates effectively, recognizes the team's strengths and shortcomings, and
fosters a supportive and cooperative work atmosphere.

I had an amazing time at the Face-to-Face Leadership Training. During the training, we
participated in a few games. The first was called "Relay Your Goal," where teams had to
cover their eyes and the leader was the only one who could give directions on how to
roll a ball in a 1/4 lengthwise folder without letting it drop. I was able to improve my
listening skills because I had to follow the leader's instructions in order to do the work in
the time frame given to them. Although it was a difficult effort, we succeeded in
finishing it, and it looked amazing.

In the second task, we were to use tape and manila paper to build a bridge. To test the
bridge's stability, the purpose was to roll a ball under it and lay a book on top. It was an
exciting and challenging event that called for effective teamwork and communication in
order to get the best result.

It was also an excellent chance to meet new people and see the world from different
angles. I became more open to new ideas, improved my ability to collaborate, and
improved my communication through the program. Creating a successful approach to
finishing the activities with each other was one of the most memorable parts of the
strategy discussion. This training has provided me with knowledge that will help me
become a better leader.

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