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Cast, crew, and parents:

Welcome to February! Our show opens in just over three weeks. Throughout the fall and even in
January, the produc�on team has been very flexible with missing rehearsals. From this point on, ALL
rehearsals are mandatory. We are detailing what mandatory means for all involved.

1. All rehearsals are MANDATORY. You have made a commitment to perform an outstanding show
for the public. Tickets have been sold. Money has been spent on costuming. Amazing props have
been rented so you MUST be here to tell the story.
2. Your commitment for the next three and half weeks includes:
a. Atendance at all rehearsals including Saturdays.
b. Your atendance is required for the en�re rehearsal. There can be no late arrivals or early
dismissals from rehearsal.
c. Arrive at rehearsal at least 15 minutes before star�ng �me and warm-up physically for
the show.
d. On Saturday mornings: you MUST get up early enough and do some physical ac�vity and
eat so that you are READY to rehearse.
e. BE PREPARED! – Review blocking. Ask for help if you don’t know pitches or rhythms.
You have part recordings for your reference. Use the resources that are available to you.
The show will ONLY be as strong as the weakest actor!
f. GET SLEEP! – This is the last week of a�er school rehearsals so get your homework done
and then get rest! Any ineligibility from this �me forward will result in dismissal from the
g. This is a HARD show and requires much discipline. Come with a focus and a good
a�tude. “With Pride!” Be teachable. Follow the rules. I have 33 years invested in doing
produc�ons. It is as difficult as A Chorus Line which was my first show at BHS. You MUST
bring a “CAN DO!” and “WILL DO!” a�tude. It has come to my aten�on that some cast
and crew members are encouraging one another to not follow the expecta�ons. For the
sake of the produc�on, this must end. Underclassmen remember this: every �me that
you appear on the stage – you are AUDITIONING for next year’s show. If aspire to be a
lead in next year’s produc�on – you must act that way NOW!
h. PARENTS – Support these produc�on expecta�ons! Many of you have been sewing,
pain�ng, building, and solici�ng to make this produc�on a reality for your student.
Please sit down with your cast or crew member and stress the importance of following
these produc�on rules un�l the end.

When in doubt, your mantra is “It’s gonna be a GREAT show!” It truly will be! We need to put in the

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