Laburnum Top B and S

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The poet says that he saw a Laburnum tree whose

leaves were yellow. The tree's top is still and silent in
the daytime of September month. It is autumn season
and all the seeds of the tree had fallen.
The poet has used the word 'yellow' for leaves and
sunlight. He describes the whole scene of the tree with
this color.

A little Goldfinch bird arrives, breaking the stillness

of the tree as if it's waking from a deep sleep. The bird
chirps suddenly and moves quickly, like a cautious
lizard, as it lands on the tree's branches. When the
bird moves to a thicker branch, its babies start
chirping and flapping their wings, creating a sound
like a machine. As the bird and its young ones move,
the tree starts shaking and trembling. The poet
describes two different scenes of the tree: first, it
seemed lifeless and motionless, and then it becomes a
lively home and shelter for the bird and its babies.

The goldfinch bird is like the engine and leader of her

family. As the engine is the source to run the machine.
The bird is compared to the engine as she is the feeder
of her family. As a machine cannot work without an
engine, her family can't last without her. She gets food
for her babies and goes to another part of the branch.
You can see her dark striped face because her body is
yellow, and she hides among the yellow leaves of the
tree. When she reaches the end of the branch, she
makes a sweet chirping sound, like a soft whisper, and
then she flies away into the endless sky. Her departure
makes the Laburnum tree quiet once more.

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