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Lesson Study

Dapdap Integrated School

1st Implementation
Science 9
2nd Grading
1 hour, 50 minutes and 51 seconds

January 15, 2023

During the class

 Started at 2:08PM
 Started with a prayer
 Cleaning the place before the class started
 Kumustahan with the students
 Showing the class rules 1st
 Review of class regarding on the molecular formula H2O
 The review was not on the lesson plan
 Majority of the students are answering enjoying the lesson
 Students read the objectives

Taste Quest Challenge

 Already had a group on the class
 Three groups for the budin, nilupak and yema cake
 Teacher ask the student to choose a leader
 All groups taste the delicacies of every group
 They had their own spoon
 Asking the taste of the delicacies they tasted (sweet, soft, taste good)
 Teacher pointed that the food they eat was a delicacies in the tayabas

Ingredient Explorer
 Asking what ingredients
 Proceeding to the procedure of the given activity
 The color of the metacards (green and pink)
 Always asked the group what was the assigned delicacies
 Majority of the students are familiar with the ingredients on the delicacies they tasted
 On yema cake they elaborated what are the ingredients of yema cake
 On budin 7 ingredients
 On nilupak 6 ingredients (nilupak/minokmok)
 Common ingredients of the three delicacies

Group Work
 The teacher give a group activity on the three groups
 Lactic acid, sucrose (sugar) and water compound given on each group
 Four question has been given
 Discussing on how to solved the problems
 Malfunction of the powerpoint

Work in pair

On the problem solving

Thoughts of the lesson implementer

Facilitated by Sir Michael Safred introduced the composition of the different school
Documenter: Reymart P. Villapena
Observer: Marian A. Gaurano, Mildred Anoso,
1st Implementor: Michelle Degran, Arlene Polintan

Knowledgeable others:
SDO: Sir Michael Lubiano
DIS Principal: Sir Michael Safred

1st Implementor
Ma’am Arlene Polintan
- There are some students na hindi talaga makasabay
- That is why there is a peer tutoring with the classmate para makasabay

Are you satisfied on demonstration?

- Yes by doing my best and with the help of the member of the Lesson study implementer group

Suggestion, comments and criticism

Members of the team

Ma’am Marian

- on the elicit we forgot to include in the lesson plan

- in the food must change should be sliced like bite size
- on transeferring pwedeng hindi na para tipid
- must ready the tape and other IM’s
- must include the time of every part
- timer also the rubric

Ma’ am Mildred
- congratulations majority of the students cooperate
- to catch it easily by the student must be the one who will explain
Ma’am Michelle
- guiding the other students due to tutorial
- should create a table para mas maintindihan

Sir Lubiano
- on the board walk activity some must be blanked and don’t forget the units
- KSA’s has been followed on the objectives
- Recall must include in the lesson plan
- Deductive reasoning has been use in the lesson
- Pulling out the same ingredients from the three delicacies was good strategy
- References must be properly in order follow the format
- Integrate resources from LRMDS
- Students must be the one who will pull out the ingredients
- Must promote the HOTS questions
- Student to student interaction let the student explain their answer
- Student must know what compound has been presented give the other name or its importance
- Can we integrate a pie graph to easily understand by the student to have also a realization from
the students
- On the extend why make budin? Let them make a polburon ung matipid
- Rubric please
- If kung nilupak make it with a twist

Sir Michael
- equal sign always nasa gitna on the board
- while reading the lesson was not edited
- for the next implementation must seek an excuse to the next subject
- the lesson is good for 2 hours percentage by mass
- on the references must include the pages if the pictures was taken from the internet it must include
the references
- on the elaborate must use the baking soda not baking powder must clarify first kung ano talaga
ang ingredients
- suggestion on the elaborate regarding the baking soda or baking powder musyt check first
- extend missing ung provide a project
- pwedeng ung guide questions is not flashed at the powerpoint pwedeng cue card or sa slide notes
- is it okay to have a pre test on the elicit on the next Lesson study for the action research
- edit some parts of the ppt
- on the integration majority of the subjects has been integrated
- rubrics has been missing not included
- mastery of index must present tomorrow

Guest Observer (Ma’am Jaz)

- on the elicit instruction number 3 suggestion is to make a similar container and students will identify
what delicacies they tasted
- on the discussion it was smooth and the teacher handled it
- to lessen the time the team must help the implementer like erasing the board and others
- mastery are very evident

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