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Smart Suite ERP, CRM and


Tax Category
User Training Manual

Tax Rates
Withholding Category
Withholding Type
Working with Tax

Document Control

Document Control

Rev. Date Functional Technical Remarks

1.0 May, 9, 2019 Dinda Aprilia Originator

Setup Taxes 5
Creating Favorite 5
Setup Tax Category 6
Setup Tax Rate 8
Setup Tax Rate: Header Tab 8

Setup Tax Rate Line Tabs 10

Setup Accounting Line Tab 11

Setup Tax ZIP Line Tab 13

Setup Withholding Category 14

Setup Withholding Type 15
Setup Withholding Type: Header Tab 15

Setup Withholding Type Line Tabs 16

Setup Withholding Rule Configuration Line Tab 17

Setup Withholding Calculation Line Tab 18

Setup Withholding Rule Line Tab 20

Example: Tax Category and Rates 21

Working with Tax’s Document 22
VAT (Value Added Tax) 23

Tax Number (Generate and Detail) 25

Working with Tax Number (Generate and Detail) 26

Assign Tax Number (VAT OUT) 29

Working with Assign Tax Number (VAT OUT) 29

VAT OUT (Form) 30

Working with VAT OUT (Form) 30

Report Reconciliation Tax 31

Working with Report Reconciliation Tax 31

Assign Tax Number (VAT IN) 34

Working with Assign Tax Number (VAT IN) 34

VAT IN (Form) 35

Working with VAT IN (Form) 35

Report Reconciliation Tax 36

Working with Report Reconciliation Tax 36

Withholding Tax (WHT) 39

Assign Withholding Tax Number 40

Working with Assign Withholding Tax Number 40

Withholding Detail (Form) 41

Working with Withholding Detail (Form) 41

View Withholdings 42

Working with View Withholdings 42

Report Reconciliation Withholding Tax 43

Working with Report Reconciliation Withholding Tax 43

Setup Taxes
Creating Favorite

Business Purpose

In the Home Page, Favorites are used as shortcuts to navigate to your most commonly used tasks. Favorites are
accessible from the Home Page with dragging favorite’s menu into user favorite or click favorites sign in search menu.
In this exercise, you navigate to Tax Category, Tax Rate, Withholding Category, and Withholding Type using the
Search Menu and then make it a Favorites.

Performance Objective

You will be able to:

• Create a User Favorites task view by using Tax Category, Tax Rate, Withholding Category, and Withholding
Type) in Search Menu

• Verify your success by reviewing the User Favorites task view to see the tasks that you added

Getting There

In this exercise, you use the Search Menu to navigate. You use the Tax Category, Tax Rate, Withholding Category,
and Withholding Type in search menu. For navigation, you are prompted by a picture that is similar to this example:

► Steps to complete

1. Click favorites sign

2. Verify that Favorites appears in the user favorites.

3. From the Home Page, choose Tax Category, Tax Rate, Withholding Category, and Withholding Type in User
Favorites to use this feature.
Setup Tax Category

Tax Category tab allows you to group and manage similar product or services tax rates.

The purpose of this process is make a new Tax Category data record.

1. Type Tax Category on search menu or click it on user favourites task

2. Click add new, then follow the steps and entering the following information below:


1. Organization* : Select organization or branch
2. Name* : Input name of tax category
3. Description : Input additional information about the tax category
4. Is Withholding : Select if this tax is withholding tax
3. Save data and if you want to add another tax category, click add new.
Setup Tax Rate

The purpose of tax rate is to set up rate of tax by tax category that you have set up before.

Setup Tax Rate: Header Tab

The purpose of this process is make a new Tax Rate task window.

1. Type Tax Rate on search menu or click it on user favourites task

2. Click add new, then follow the steps and entering the following information below:


4 5
6 9
7 10
8 11
13 12


1. Organization* : Select organization or branch

2. Name* : Input name of tax rate
3. Description : Input additional tax rate information
4. Tax Category* : Select tax category
5. Valid From* : Select first date of tax validation
6. SO Tax Exempt : Check the box if tax rate is exempt for sales tax
7. Document Level : Check the box if tax is calculated on document level (rather than line
by line)
8. Summary Level : Check the box if the tax rate as a parent tax
9. Requires Tax Certificate : Check the box if a tax certificate is required for a Business Partner to
be tax exempt
10. Sales Tax : Check the box if this is a sales tax (i.e. not a value added tax). If
selected AP tax is handled as expense, otherwise it is handled as a VAT credit
11. Parent Tax : Select parent tax, if the tax is a reference for multiple taxes. This
allows you to charge multiple taxes on a document by entering the Parent Tax
12. Tax Indicator : Input tax indicator to identifies the short name that will print on
documents referencing this tax
13. SO/PO Type* : Select Sales Tax to apply tax rate in selling situation (ex: sales tax or
VAT payable), select Purchase Tax to apply tax rate in purchasing situation (ex: use tax or VAT
receivable) and both to apply in both situation
14. Rate* : Input rate of tax in percentage
15. Country : Input name of country for tax rate existing
16. Region : Input regional of country for tax rate existing
3. After you entered the header’s information click save to save the header
Setup Tax Rate Line Tabs
The purpose of this process is to Setup or add another detailed information about tax rate. Tax rate line
consist of two detail record tab:
1. Accounting : the accounting parameters to be used for transactions referencing this Tax Rate
2. Tax ZIP : tax Postal/ZIP. For local tax you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes
or ZIPs
Setup Accounting Line Tab
The purpose of this process is to add account to be used for transactions referencing this Tax Rate.
To Setup the accounting line tab follow the steps below:

1. Select Accounting Line tab below detail record, shown by the orange mark

2. Enter the data field by click the symbol to select account by selected parameters:
2 4
1. Tax Due* : Select the account used to record taxes that you are liable to pay
2. Tax Expense* : Select : the account used to record the taxes that have been paid that can’t be
3. Tax Credit* : Select the account used to record taxes that can be reclaimed
3. Save data record and the information will added automatically to tax rate data record.
Setup Tax ZIP Line Tab
The purpose of this process is to define have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs.
To Setup the Tax ZIP Line tab follow the steps below:

1. Select Tax ZIP line tab below detail record, shown by the orange mark

2. Enter the data field:

1 2

1. ZIP* : Input the postal code for this entity's address

2. ZIP To : Input the postal code to
3. Save data record. The information will added automatically to Tax ZIP Line data record.
Setup Withholding Category

Withholding Tax Category tab allows you to group and manage similar product or services withholding tax
rates that will be calculated as tax rate rule.

The purpose of this process is make a new Withholding Tax Category data record.

1. Type Withholding Category on search menu or click it on user favourites task

2. Click add new, then follow the steps and entering the following information below:


1. Organization* : Select organization or branch

2. Name* : Input name of withholding category (e.g. dividend, royalty, service,
interest, etc.)
3. Description : Input additional information about this withholding tax category
3. Save data and if you want to add another tax category, click add new.
Setup Withholding Type

The purpose of Withholding Type to calculate group and manage similar product or services withholding tax
rates that will be calculated as tax rate rule.

Setup Withholding Type: Header Tab

The purpose of this process is make a new Withholding Type task window.

1. Type Withholding Type on search menu or click it on user favourites task

2. Click add new, then follow the steps and entering the following information below:


1. Organization* : Select organization or branch

2. Name* : Input name of Withholding Type (e.g. PPH 10%, PPH 2%, etc.)
3. Description : Input additional Withholding Type information
4. Sales Transaction : Check the box if this tax use for sales transaction
3. After you entered the header’s information click save to save the header
Setup Withholding Type Line Tabs
The purpose of this process is to Setup or add another detailed information about Withholding Type.
Withholding Type line consist of three detail record tab:
1. Withholding Rule Configuration : to configure WHT that will be used on Withholding
Calculation line tab
2. Withholding Calculation : to set up how to calculate WHT rate. The calculation is based
on Tax Rate window
3. Withholding Rule : to set up WHT Rule from both of data WH Rule
Configuration and WH Calculation that you set up before
Setup Withholding Rule Configuration Line Tab
The purpose of this process is to configure WHT that will be used on Withholding Calculation line tab.
To Setup WHT Rule Configuration line tab follow the steps below:

1. Select Withholding Rule Configuration Line tab below detail record, shown by the orange

2. Enter the data field by click the symbol to select account by selected parameters:

1. Is Use BP Tax Payer Type : WHT used on business partner tax payer type
2. Is Use BP ISIC :
3. Is Use BP City : WHT used on business partner city
4. Is Use Withholding Category : WHT used on withholding category
5. Is Use Org Tax Payer Type : WHT used on organization tax payer type
6. Is Use Org ISIC :
7. Is Use Org City : WHT used on organization city
8. Is Use Product Tax Category : WHT used on organization product tax category
3. Save data record and the information will added automatically to tax rate data record.
Setup Withholding Calculation Line Tab
The purpose of this process is to set up how to calculate WHT rate. The calculation is based on Tax Rate
To Setup the WH Calculation Line tab follow the steps below:

1. Select Withholding Calculation line tab below detail record, shown by the orange mark

2. Enter the data field:


5 6
1. Organization* : Select organization or branch
2. Name* : Input name of Withholding Type (e.g. PPH 10%, PPH 2%, etc.)
3. Description : Input additional Withholding Type information
4. Base Type* : Select base type of WH calculation
a. Document :
b. Line :
c. Tax :
5. Threshold Min : Input the minimum gross amount to be used in the withholding
6. Threshold Max : Input the maximum gross amount to be used in the withholding
7. Amount Refunded :
8. Tax : Select tax base to calculate WH calculation
3. Save data record. The information will added automatically to WH Calculation data record.
Setup Withholding Rule Line Tab
The purpose of this process is to set up WHT Rule from both of data WH Rule Configuration and WH
Calculation that you set up before.
To Setup the Withholding Rule Line tab follow the steps below:

1. Select Withholding Rule line tab below detail record, shown by the orange mark

2. Enter the data field:

1. Valid From* : Select organization or branch
2. Name* : Input name of Withholding Type (e.g. PPH 10%, PPH 2%, etc.)
3. Description : Input additional Withholding Type information
4. Withholding Category : Select Withholding Category you’ve set before
5. Withholding Calculation : Select Withholding Calculation that you’ve set before
4. Save data record. The information will added automatically to Withholding Rule Line data
Example: Tax Category and Rates

: Tax Rate
: Tax Category

Example for tax rate in Indonesia is PPH 21 is a withholding tax which the invoice will be added as much as
20% of total invoice line amount. The company will pay amount of 20% to the government.
Working with Tax’s Document
VAT (Value Added Tax)

Value added tax involves the transfer of taxable goods or the provision of taxable services in Indonesia.
Events/services that are taxable:
1. Deliveries of taxable goods in by an enterprise;
2. Import of taxable goods;
3. Deliveries of taxable services by an enterprise;
4. Use or consumption of taxable intangible goods/services originating from abroad;
5. Export of taxable goods (tangible and intangible) or services by a taxable enterprise.
Value Added Tax (VAT) type:
1. VAT Input (VAT IN) : the value added tax you charge on your own sales of goods and
services both to other businesses and to ordinary consumers
2. VAT Output (VAT OUT) : is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or
services that are liable to VAT
VAT Output is the value added tax added to the price when you sold goods or services that are liable to
VAT. There are 4 steps to make tax invoice vendor in OPUS B:
1. Tax number entry use Tax Number (Generate and Detail) task window

2. Assign Tax Number (VAT OUT)

3. Create tax invoice vendor using VAT OUT (Form) task window
4. Report Reconciliation Tax type VAT OUT




Assign tax number to Reconcile Tax

SO Process AR Process
Invoice Customer Invoice
Assign Tax Reconciliation
Number Tax Report
Standalone AR Yes

Reconciled? No Revise Data


Convert Tax Invoice into Upload to

CSV file E-SPT



Manual Process

Date : 5/20/2019 Time : 4:39:58 PM
Tax Number (Generate and Detail)
The purpose of this process is to add tax number, company/client got from Directorate General of Taxes so
invoices will be generated with registered tax number.

Tax Number Entry (VAT OUT)



Need to update
Tax Number?


Request Tax

Is there any expired Inactive tax

Yes Approval
tax number? number

Yes Symbol

Input Range of Process

Approval No
Tax Numbers
Tax Number
(General & Detail) Manual Process

END Yes Decision

Date : 5/20/2019 Time : 4:42:14 PM
Working with Tax Number (Generate and Detail)

The purpose of this process is to register tax number.

1. Type Tax Number (Generate and Detail) on search menu or click it on user favourites task
2. Click add new, then follow the steps and entering the following information below:

3 2
5 6

1. Organization* : Select organization or branch
2. Tax Number Type* : Select type of tax number (VAT OUT)
3. Doc No : Input document number or let it empty and automatic filled by system
4. Description : Input additional Withholding Type information
5. Valid From* : Select first date of tax number validation
6. Valid To* : Select last date of tax number validation
3. After you entered the header’s information click save to save the header
4. To add tax number detail or list of tax number click Generate Tax Number or follow the step
shown by a picture below:

1) Tax Invoice Character* : 5 character before tax number

2) Start Number* : start tax number
3) Finish Number* : finish tax number
For example:

a. Tax Invoice Character* : 12300

b. Start Number* : 1001
c. Finish Number* : 2001
Tax number: 1230000002001


1. Description : additional information about this tax number

2. Is Used : information if this tax number used on invoice vendor
5. Before you use the tax number you need to validate you tax number by click balVerify Tax
Number or follow the steps shown by a picture below:

6. If you want to extend date validation of this tax number, click Extend Valid To:
Assign Tax Number (VAT OUT)
The purpose of this process is to generate tax number with tax invoice customer before export tax invoice
Working with Assign Tax Number (VAT OUT)

The purpose of this process is to generate tax number with invoice customer.

1. Type Assign Tax Number (VAT OUT) on search menu or click it on user favourites task
2. First you need to find invoice customer you want to generate with tax number according
parameter below:

1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

1. Organization : Select organization or branch

2. Document Type* : Select document type (AR Invoice, AR Credit Memo, and AR
Invoice Indirect)
3. Business Partner : Find and select BP
4. Assign Tax : If you want to Unassigned Tax, find the invoice with filtering assign
tax = Yes
5. Invoice : Find and select invoice customer
6. Tax Number : Input tax number if want to search invoice by tax number and want ot
unassigned the tax
7. Date Invoice-To : Select date of invoice (range from to)
8. Document Status : Select document status you need
9. Combination : Check the box if you want to search combined invoices
3. Click re-query to find invoice and select invoice.
4. Click assign tax to assign tax number with selected invoice and unassigned tax to separate tax
number from the invoice. Open VAT OUT (Form) to start make a tax document invoice to be
moved to E-SPT.
VAT OUT (Form)
VAT OUT (Form) task window used to make tax invoice in CSV type after sold goods to be moved to E-
SPT. You can use this feature to check if the tax number you assigned is successfully assigned to the system.
Working with VAT OUT (Form)

The purpose of this process is to generate tax number with invoice customer.

1. Type VAT OUT (Form) on search menu or click it on user favourites task
2. First you need to find invoice customer you want to generate with tax number according
parameter below:



1. Select parameter, then click export:

a. Organization : Select organization or branch
b. Document Type* : Select document type (AR Invoice, AR Credit Memo, and AR
Invoice Indirect)
c. Tax Number : Input tax number if want to search invoice by tax number
d. Tax Date-To : Select date of assigned tax (range from to)
2. Select type of print format
3. Select CSV and download the document
Report Reconciliation Tax
Report Reconciliation Tax used to see differences between tax amounts posted in GL and real amount that
company/client paid to the government. As the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) in Indonesia no. PER-
25/ PJ/2014 and PER-25/ PJ/2010, that the amount of Rupiah VAT or PPN and PPN BM is calculated in full
Rupiah (rounded down). You need to fix differences in GL Journal Tax Window.

Working with Report Reconciliation Tax

The purpose of this process is to create report reconciliation tax type VAT OUT.

1. Type Report Reconciliation Tax on search menu or click it on user favourites task
2. First you need to find tax invoices you want to report according parameter below:


1. Organization* : Select organization or branch

2. Invoice : Find and select invoice customer
3. Date Invoice-To* : Select date of invoice (range from to)
4. Business Partner : Find and select BP
5. Transaction* : Select Transaction type→ VAT OUT
3. Click OK
4. You need to reconcile, not reconcile tax invoice in GL Journal so tax amount in journal and
reported tax amount to government is equal.
VAT Input is the value added tax added to the price when you purchase goods or services that are liable to
VAT. There are 3 steps to make tax invoice vendor in OPUS B:
1. Assign Tax Number (VAT IN)
2. Create tax invoice vendor using VAT IN (Form) task window
3. Report Reconciliation Tax type VAT IN




PO Process AP Process

Standalone AP

Assign tax number to Reconcile Tax

Invoice Vendor Invoice
Confirm to Assign Tax Reconciliation
Vendor Number Tax Report

Tax Invoice with Invoice

Vendor matched and


Reconciled? No Revise Data

GL Symbol

Convert Tax Invoice Upload to
into CSV file E-SPT
VAT IN Manual Process
Date : 5/20/2019 Time : 4:43:34 PM
Assign Tax Number (VAT IN)
The purpose of this process is to generate tax number that received from vendor with tax invoice vendor
before export tax invoice document to E-SPT.
Working with Assign Tax Number (VAT IN)

The purpose of this process is to generate tax number with invoice vendor.

1. Type Assign Tax Number (VAT IN) on search menu or click it on user favourites task
2. First you need to find invoice vendor, you want to generate with tax number, you received
from vendor according parameter below:
1 5
3 6


1. Organization : Select organization or branch

2. Document Type* : Select document type (AP Invoice, AP Credit Memo, and AP Invoice
Credit Memo Opal)
3. Business Partner : Find and select BP
4. Invoice : Find and select invoice customer
5. Date Invoice-To : Select date of invoice (range from to)
6. Document Status : Select document status you need
7. Tax No.* : Input tax number, you received from vendor
8. Combination : Check the box if you want to combine invoices
3. Click re-query to find invoice and select invoice.
4. Click assign tax to assign tax number with selected invoice and unassigned tax to separate tax
number from the invoice. Open VAT IN (Form) to start make a tax document invoice to be
moved to E-SPT.
VAT IN (Form)
VAT IN (Form) task window used to make tax invoice in CSV type after purchase goods to be moved to E-
Working with VAT IN (Form)

The purpose of this process is to generate tax number with invoice customer.

1. Type VAT IN (Form) on search menu or click it on user favourites task

2. First you need to find invoice customer you want to generate with tax number according
parameter below:



1. Select parameter, then click export:

a. Organization : Select organization or branch
b. Document Type* : Select document type (AP Invoice, AP Credit Memo, and AP Invoice
Credit Memo Opal)
c. Tax Number : Input tax number if want to search invoice by tax number
d. Tax Date-To : Select date of assigned tax (range from to)
2. Select type of print format
3. Select CSV and download the document
Report Reconciliation Tax
Report Reconciliation Tax used to see differences between tax amounts posted in GL and real amount that
company/client paid to the government. As the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) in Indonesia no. PER-
25/ PJ/2014 and PER-25/ PJ/2010, that the amount of Rupiah VAT or PPN and PPN BM is calculated in full
Rupiah (rounded down). You need to fix differences in GL Journal Tax Window.

Working with Report Reconciliation Tax

The purpose of this process is to create report reconciliation tax type VAT IN.

1. Type Report Reconciliation Tax on search menu or click it on user favourites task
2. First you need to find tax invoices you want to report according parameter below:


1. Organization* : Select organization or branch

2. Invoice : Find and select invoice vendor
3. Date Invoice-To* : Select date of invoice (range from to)
4. Business Partner : Find and select BP
5. Transaction* : Select Transaction type→ VAT IN
3. Click OK
4. You need to reconcile, not reconcile tax invoice in GL Journal so tax amount in journal and
reported tax amount to government is equal.
Withholding Tax (WHT)

Withholding Tax is the withholding tax added to the price when you purchase or sold services that are liable
to WHT. There are 3 steps to make withholding tax slip in OPUS B:
1. Assign Withholding Tax Number
2. Create withholding tax slip using Withholding Detail (Form) task window
3. Report Reconciliation Withholding Tax
Assign Withholding Tax Number
The purpose of this process is to generate tax number that received from vendor with withholding tax slip
vendor before export withholding tax slip document to E-SPT.
Working with Assign Withholding Tax Number

The purpose of this process is to generate tax number with invoice vendor.

1. Type Assign Withholding Tax Number on search menu or click it on user favourites task
2. First you need to find invoices both vendor or customer, you want to generate with tax slip
number according parameter below:

Withholding Tax Slip

1. Form Code* : Input form code, you received from directorate general of taxes
2. Replacement* : Select type of replacement
3. Tax Date* : Select inputted tax date
4. Conversion Type : If the currency isn’t Rupiah select conversion type
3. Click OK to start assignment
4. Check if assignment is completed in Withholding Detail (Form) and create withholding tax slip
using Withholding Detail (Form)
Withholding Detail (Form)
Withholding Detail (Form) task window used to export withholding tax slip that to be converted to CSV
type after purchase or sold goods, to be moved to E-SPT.
Working with Withholding Detail (Form)

The purpose of this process is to generate tax number with invoice customer.

1. Type Withholding Detail (Form) on search menu or click it on user favourites task
2. First you need to find invoices you want to export according parameter below:

2 4

1. Select parameter, then click export:

a. Organization : Select organization or branch
b. Document Type* : Select document type (withholding purchase and sales)
c. WHT : Input WH tax number if want to search invoice by WH tax number
d. Tax Date-To : Select date of assigned withholding tax (range from to)
2. Click export, and go to view withholdings to check if the process is completed and to convert in
CSV type
User Training Manual

View Withholdings
Withholding Detail (Form) task window used to check assigned withholding tax slip and export in CSV type after purchase or sold goods, to be moved to E-
Working with View Withholdings

The purpose of this process is to generate tax number with invoice vendor.

1. Type View Withholdings on search menu or click it on user favourites task

2. First you need to find withholding tax slip by selected parameter, then find the document and export in CSV type:
Report Reconciliation Withholding Tax
Report Reconciliation Withholding Tax used to see differences between WH tax amounts posted in GL and
real amount that company/client paid to the government. As the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) in
Indonesia no. PER-25/ PJ/2014 and PER-25/ PJ/2010, that the amount of Tax is calculated in full Rupiah
(rounded down). You need to fix differences in GL Journal Tax Window.

Working with Report Reconciliation Withholding Tax

The purpose of this process is to create report reconciliation tax type VAT IN.

1. Type Report Reconciliation Withholding Tax on search menu or click it on user favourites task
2. First you need to find withholding tax slip you want to report according parameter below:


1. Organization : Select organization or branch

2. Business Partner : Find and select BP
3. Tax Date-To : Select date of invoice (range from to)
4. Transaction* : Select type of transactions, purchase or sales
3. Click OK
User Training Manual

4. You need to reconcile, not reconcile withholding tax slip in GL Journal so tax amount in journal and reported tax amount to government is

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