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SET - 4.5 . Why dipole moments of hydrogen halide decreases from H—F to H—I? 2, Compare the dipole moments of the compounds in each of the following sets: (i) CCl,, CHC], (ui) CF,, SF, (iit) BF,, BCl, (iv) CO,, SO,. 3. What can you say about the shapes of SO, and NF, molecules from the information that both these molecules possess net dipole moments > 0? 4, Arrange the following bonds in increasing order of ionic character C—H, F—H, Br—H, Na—I, K—F, Li—Cl. 5, Predict which out of the following molecule will have higher dipole moment CS, and OCS. SET - 4.6 1. Which of the following structure contributes least towards resonance hybrid: i + ve t+ On ~- + + *N=N=0: *N=N—0O: *N—N=0: I Il 1 . Which of the following Lewis structure of co, molecule is least significant resonating form: oe oe + w - + 20=C=0: :0=C—O: 70-—C=0 (a) (6) () 3, Three resonating structures I, II, III have energies K,, E, and E, and structure III being most stable. If energy of actual structure is E. Then what is resonance energy ? 8. SET - 4.7 . Draw the shapes of the molecular orbitals formed by linear combination of (i) two 1s orbitals (ii) two 2p, orbitals (iti) two 2p, orbitals. Give electronic configuration of B, molecule. Calculate its bond order and predict its magnetic behaviour, Two p-orbitals from one atom and two p-orbitals from another atom are combined to form molecular orbitals. How many M.0.’s will result from this combination? Explain. . Arrange the following species in order of increasing stability: Li,, Li,*, Li, Justify your choice with molecular orbital energy level diagram. . Use molecular orbital theory to explain why Be, molecule does not exist. . Compare the relative stability of following species and indicate their magnetic behaviour. O,, O,*, 0,7, 0,7. . Determine the bond order of each species in the following groups. Which species of each group is predicted to have the strongest bond on the basis of molecular orbital theory? (i) Og, Fa, No (ii) H,, Hy*, Hy (tit) Ny, Nyt, No Out of H and H,, which has higher first ionization enthalpy? 9, Out of 0 and O, which hag higher first ionization enthalpy? . Calculate the number of electrons in bonding orbitals in O,, N, and C,, Which of these has minimum number of electrons in bonding orbitals? . Out of B,, O, and N, which is(are) paramagnetic? 12, How is the bonding molecular orbital in a molecule of hydrogen different from its anti-bonding molecular orbital? (CBSE 2000) 13, Explain why the bond order of N, is greater than N," but the bond order of O, is less than that of O,". 14. Explain the significance of bond order. Can bond order be used for quantitative comparisons of the strengths of chemical bonds? Calculate the bond order of N,, 0», O,* and O,. . Among hydrides of group 17, which has lowest boiling point? . Sucrose is a covalent compound. It is quite soluble in water, explain why? , Out of o-nitrophenol and p-nitrophenol which has higher b. pt. and why? . Explain why H-bonding does not exist in HCl, although chlorine is more electronegative than hydrogen?

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