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NCERT Textbook Questions j Answers/Solutions 4.1. Explain the formation of chemical bond. Solution, According to Kossel-Lewis approach, the formation of chemical bond between the two atoms takes place either by the transference of electrons or by mutual sharing of electrons. However, according to the modern view the formation of chemical bond between the two approaching atoms occurs only if there is a net decrease of energy because of attractive and repulsive forces. 4.2. Write the Lewis dot symbols of the following elements: Mg, Na, B, 0, N, Br. Solution. (Atomic Me] Na] BY] .O] N] Br /symbol Electron |2,8,2|2,8,1| 2,3 2,6 | 25 |2,8,18,7 Jarrangement Lewis | Mg | Na Bre jsmbol | 7 4,3, Write the Lewis dot symbols of the following at- oms and ions: S and S*; Al and Al"; H and H- Solution. Species 16S agAl iH (2, 8,6) (2,8, 3) aM Atom Ai H Ton [ f [al tir 4.4, Draw the lewis structures of following molecules and ions H,S, SiCl, , BeF, , CO,*, HCOOH. Solution. (OHS W8n or HY (i) SiCl, (ii) BeF, (wv) CO,* () HCOOH 4.5. Define octet rule. Write its significance and limitations. Solution, For answer refer to section 4.2.1 for octet re and section 4.4.4 for limitations of octet rule. 4.6. Write the favourable conditions for the form- tion of ionic bond. Solution. Ionic bond is formed by transference of electrons from one atom to another, The favourable conditions for its formation are: (@ Low ionisation enthalpy of element forming cation. (i) More negative value of electron gain enthaleyo! element forming the anion and (it) High value of latice enthalpy ofthe compeust formed. (for details refer to section 4.3) .7. Predict the shapes of the following molecules using the V.S.E.P.R. model. BeCl,, BCly, SiCl, ASF, H,S: Pls a ae Fo aw fa 120 F ‘Trigonal planar ‘Trigonal bipyramidal a 5 8 ne ween of Pyramidal Tetrahedral 4.8. Although geometries of NH, and H,0 molecules are distorted tetrahedral, bond angle in water is le than that in ammonia, Discuss. Solution. The difference in bond angles is due to the different numbers of lone pairs and bond pairs in the two species. In NH,, the N atom has two lone pairs and three bond pairs while in HO, the O atom has two lone pairs and two bond pairs. The repulsive interactions of lone pairs and bond pairs in water are relatively more than those in NH Hence, bond angle around central atom in water is relatively smaller than that in NH, molecule, 4.9, How do we express bond strength in terms of bond order? Solution. Bond strength is directly related to bond order. ‘This means that larger the bond order, more is the bond strength. (For details refer to section 4.11.1) 4.10. Define bond length. Solution. For answer, refer to section 4.7. 4.11, Explain the important aspects of resonance with respect to the CO ion. Solution. For answer, refer to section 4.10. 4.12, H,PO, can be represented by the structures 1 and 2 as shown below. Can these structures be taken ‘as the canonical forms of the resonance hybrid rep- resenting H,PO,? If not cite reasons for the same. a) Solution, These structures cannot be taken as the canonical forms. As per the requirement of resonance, the canonical forms differ only in electronic arrangements but they should have same atomic arrangement. 4.13. Write the resonating structures for SO,..NO, and NO, Solution. @80, sas Sst ast “OO = olution. The ionic character f the thon, the difference if elechromeya tiie Oh the aiyg Ay | pond formation and alo the yeorserries, farang, — I thobonds, Amang the sven perches the orrags ot So, BN, “ye is N,< 80, CI, 0, > 0,-> 0, For magnetic properties and other details refer to examples 8, 9, 10, 11 of section 4.11.5. 4.37. Write the significance of plus and minus signs in representing the orbitals. Solution. An orbital is a pictorial representation of y, function. The plus and minus signs do not represent gy ”@™* put instead they represent +ve and -ve nature of tye function ‘y’. 4.88. Deserihe the hybridisation in case of Poy, yp, are the axial bonds longer as compared to equaign,) bonds? Solution. In the formation of PCl,, phosphorus atom g, fsumes ap'd hybrid state. The longer nature of axial lng due to relative stronger repulsive interactions experieny4 by the axial bond pairs as compared to equatorial bond For details refer to formation of PCI, in section 4.8.2. wave 4.39, Define hydrogen bond. Is it weaker or stronge than the van der Waals forces? Solution. For definition of H-bond refer to section 4.1, Hydrogen bond is stronger than van der Waals force because it isa strong dipole-dipole interaction. The van der Waals forces, on the other hand, are weak dispersion force, 4.40. What is meant by the term bond order? Caley. late the bond order of N,, O,, 0," and 0,*, Solution. Refer to section 4.11.5. ene ene Eel Why 11,0 in liquid whereas H,S is gas at room femperature Solution, 1,0 motoculon nro nmaocinted with one another by strong interparticle H-bond, whoro nx the interparticle forces in liquid 11,8 are wenk-dipole-dipole forces. Aw a rroault, the boiling point of 11,8 is much lower than that of 1,0. At ordinary temporntute 11,0 i linuid whereas 1,8 ng, BEBE Phosphorus pentachtoride dissociatess in the vapour Phase according to the equation PCl, === PCI + Cr ‘The hybridisation of phosphorus in PCI, is apd. What ia the hybridisation of Pin PCL"? Solution. PCI," is isostructural with NH,* . Hence, the central ntom in both have the same type of hybridisation, ew ap, FEDER Indicate the type of bonds present in NH,NO, and fate the mode of hybridisation of two N atoms in it, Solution. NH,NO, is ionic compound in which the cationic specios is NH,* ion and anionic species is NO,” ion. NI! ion is formed by the combination of NH, molecule ‘and H* ions through dative bond. The hybrid state of N in NIH,* ion is ap? and tho specics is tetrahedral, In NO,” ion the N atom nxsumes gp hybrid state and the species is planar. un | aS WV H { NO, ion contains covalent and dative bods 1, on contains ovalont and dative bonds ‘Thus, NH,NO, contains ionic bonds covalent bonds and co-ordinate bonds. [EBB Give wo resonating structures of ozone which satisfy octet rule? Also give the probable hybrid structure. ‘Solution, The resonating structure of 0, molecule which sntinfy the octet rule are structure J and structure II, The probable hybrid structure is represented by 11]. on [ortSo" oreo] Resonating structure Hybrid structure [EGE (i) Arrange the following in order of increasing bond strength F, Np Op Cl (ii) Give two resonating structures of N,O which fy octet rule. sati Solution. () Cl [EE Why MgCl, is linear molecule while SnCl, is angular? Solution. Mg is surrounded by only two bond pairs while in SnCl,, Sn is surrounded by two bond pairs as welll as ‘two lone pairs. TEBE What type of ionic species constitute the compound CsBr? Solution. The ionic species constituting CsBr, are Cs* and tribromide ions (Bry). Why mobility of H* ions in ice is greater as compared to liquid water? Solution. In liquid water, H* ions (obtained from ionization of H,0) are easily hydrated. As a result, the size of the hydrated H* ions is much larger than that in ice. Hence, their mobility in water is less than that in ice. Give points of similarities and differences between VBT and MOT. Solution. Similarities () Both the theories consider the bond formation by overlap of atomic orbitals . (ii) Both the theories account for directional charac: ter of covalent bonds rent of overlap. aR is toexte Gy Srna of bonis rated 10 <8 r td (Gv) Net decrease of energy is main cr formation. i (v) Both the theories explain the molecules like He, Ne et. 1e non-existence of Differences 1. Atomic orbitals partici- pating in overlap vanish and result in formation of new orbitals called molecular orbitals. 1. Orbitals participating in| overlap retain their| individuality. 2. Fails to explain magnetic|2. Provides explanation for behaviour of species lite) magnetic behaviour of 0,, N,*, etc. various chemical species like O,. 3. Fails to explain the|8. Gives proper explanation existence of species like| of existence of species like He,’, H,* ete. He,?, H,’ ete. 4. Resonance is important], Resonance has 10 outcome of VBT. significant role. HE he bond angle FNF in NF, is smaller than HNH ‘angle in NH, but FPF bond angle in PF, is relatively larger than HPH angle in PH, How ean you account for it. Solution, Both NH, and NF, have pyramidal chape with one lone pair on N atom. However as F has higher electronegativity than H, the electron pair is attracted more towards F in NF, ie., the bond pairs of electrons are away from N or in other words, distance between bond pairs is more. Hence repulsive interactions between the bond pairs in NF, are Jess than those in NH, As a result, the bond angle in NF, is emaller (102.4°) than that in NH, (107, 0 Q Arn fh fs "fat fact +e x u m PH, and PF, are also pyramidal in shape Jone pair on P. But PF, has greater bond angle hee ‘his is due to resonance in PF, leading to partial doubly bond character which arises due to back r-donation from F atom to empty d orbitals of P as shown in structure I As Gyzesult, repulsions between P—P bond are larger then {howe between P—H bonds, Hence the bond angles lanes in PF, There is no possibility of back n-donation j~ PH, pole moment of a diatomic molecu) ee Dive! Bec m. Express it in Debye units, lis Lig 1D = 107% esucm 1602 x 107"? 481x107? 98X10" C; Lem = 10%» 1D= 107 esu cm 0-1 x 3.88 X 10 (C) x 19 = 3.33 x 10 Cm 4.1625 x 10° Cm or Using molecular orbital theory, compare the bug enthalpy, bond length and magnetic character of C¥ or CN species. Solution. No. of electron in CN = 6 +7= 13 ‘M.O. configuration of CN = KK 6}, 0; 1 Bond order Bi I-2)=25 M.O. configuration of CN- = KK Gy 0% Fp, Hp, Oy, 1 Bondorder => (8-2)=3 Higher the bond order, greater is the bond enthays and shorter isthe bond length. Hence, bond enthalpy ofCX"> bond enthalpy of CN, Bond length of CN- < Bond length “ CN. Further, ON has one unpaired electron but CN~ as: ‘unpaired electron, Hence, CN is paramagnetic while CNis diamagnetic, CIF; exists while FCI, does not, Why? Solution, Cl atom has empty d-orbitals and it acquit Sxeited state at the time of bonding when electrons 08 Sp-orbitals are Promoted to 8d-orbitals. NIN t Clin ground state i) fT + ] % 3d Clin first excited state ot three Het ited state Cl atom can exhibit cols Sctet due toabeo ce 28 Possible. F atom cannot expat! itcon: "mpty d-orbitals in 2nd energy she! lence, it connot exhibirn rsd orbitals in 2n is not Hit covalency m refores t possible, °”aleney more than 1. The [EERE (@) How does bond energy change from Nz to Nj and why? (b) On the basis of molecular orbital theory what is similar between (OF, OF CO, N, NO"? Solution. (a) Bond energy of N,* = Bond energy of N,~. This is because they have the same bond order. (Strictly speaking, Ny is slightly less stable and hence has less bond energy than N,* due to presence of greater number of electrons in the anti-bonding molecular orbitals) (®) @ Same bond order and bond length. (Gi) Same bond order and bond length. [EER] Out of NH, and NF, which has more reactivity. Give reasons using diagrams of bond moments. Solution. NH, is more reactive than NF, because NH, is more polar as compared to NF,. The higher dipole moment of NHy is because of the fact that in NH, the three NH bond moments reinforce the lone pair moment while in NF, the three N—F bond moments oppose the lone pair moment, Or Or iAP ys 4 i n=08x10' Cm n=49x107 Cm [EGY Draw the shapes of (a) POCI, (8) XeF, Solution. Tetrabedral ‘Square planar @) © Represent the bonding in Hydrochloric acid, HCIO (hypochlorus acid); HCIO, (chlorie acid) and HCIO, (perchloric acid) in terms of Lewis dot representation. HCI Solution. H? H-O-Ci H-O—CI30 () KHF, is known but KHCI, is not known. Explain. (ii) Which of the following has highest bond angle? H,0, CO, NH, CH, Solution. ( In KHF,, the ions present are K* and HF, ‘The HF,- ion is formed by combination of H—F and F~ ions due to H-bonding. [F.....H—F]-. The corresponding [HCL)- ion is not possible because Cl ion cannot form effective H-bonding with HCL. (i) Highest bond angle is in CO, 180°. [EER Ail the chlorine-oxygen bond distances in CIO; are 144 pm, What explanation can be given for this? Solution. C10, ion is resonance hybrid of the following structures I, I, I and IV: i i Ww WN 07S > 5 i i As AS ; 0 ° m Vv ° The probable hybrid structure is | _-4s ot No All the CI—O bonds are equivalent having bond order = 1.75. Using VSEPR theory, draw the shapes of PCI, and iF, molecules. Solution. The electron dot structure of PCI, and BrF, are as follows: io = K | saa Beet rmntense Sarees suns ena ee, SERS fe \/ FOF F Bram has Sond pis and ‘lone a around & Heren te F lore and one assume ‘cher rangement re ‘quae pyramid erage Draw the probable structure of I; and I; species and predict their shapes. Solution. The species I,° is formed by the combination of 1, and I* ion. They are held by co-ordinate bond in which 1, molecule is donor and I in acceptor Donor Acceptor ‘The two lone pairs and 2 bond pairs around central iodine atom adopt tetrahedral arrangement. Thus, the species has a bent shape, 1,° on the other hand is formed by combination of 1, and I” ion in which I” ion acts as donor and I, molecule act ‘88 acceptor, It accomodate electrons in empty d-orbitals, iL Acceptor + FET — & Donor Three lone pairs and two bond pairs around central atom adopt trigonal bipyramidal arrangement and thus, it has linear shape. oe] Ble Hi vm™ Tj, bent pe BBW Azide ion (N,) isa conjugate base of hydrazoie acid HN, Give various resonating structure of the acid and ite conjugate base. Solution. (D HN, (Hydrazoic acid) ‘The two N-N bond lengths are different with corresponding bond order 1.5 and 2.5, (i) Nj (Azide ion) +f Ne NN ‘The two N—N bond lengths are equal with corre- sponding bond order of 2. Use Hanney Smith equation to calculate percentage ionie character in (i) II—F bond (ii) Si—H bond. Solution. According to Haney Smith equation, % ionic character = 16(4y) + 3.6(47)* 16 * 1.94 3.5(1.9)2 B(1.9) i (i) SiH bond = 16 (03) + 3.5(1.5)¢= 1p apy character Calculate the percentage of n-ch between 1, Jybrid orbitals having bond angle of 1077, Ginn yt cos 107° =— 0.2924 Solution. The hybridisation index (m)in given ay 1 — I 3.42 or 0.2924) 100), #100 % of echarncler = 7,5, = Ty gay = 220% [ELI Give electron dot structures ofthe following npeciey ( Carbon auboxide (C,0,) (i CN (ii) AL,Cl, (iv) HSO, Solution. C0, (ii) CN" (ii) ALC, (iv) H,80, [EDM Consider the structure, 129 4 6 6 CHyCHpCOCH,C = CH and answer the following (a) Caleulate number of o and pi electrons in the structure, (8) Which atoms in the structure have same hybrid state (©) Arrange the atoms Cz, Cx C, in decreasing order °f scharacter of bonding orbitals, ” Solution. The given structure is Pia WOE Choe Cec HOW h ‘The hybrid states of vations carbon atom is CGP"; Cap}; Csp?; Cyep); C sp); Cylep); Celep) (a) 6 electrons in tho struct nolectrons in the structure = 6 (®)C,, Cy, C, atoms have sp" hybrid state; Cy. Cy atoms have ap? hybrid state (©) Decreasing order of s-character is, ©,>C,>C, Arrange the following species in order of decreasing ond angles around the central atom in each set. (0 CH,NH, H,O, BCly CyHy (ii) NH, NH, NH? iii) HO, H,Se, H,Te, H,S, ZnCl, CO, Solution. (0 C,H, (180%) > BCI, (120%) > CH, (1099.28) > NH, (1079) > H,0 (104.5% (i) NH (109".28) > NH,(1079 NH, (~ 1059) Gil) CO,(180% > HO (104.59 > H,S (929 > H,Se (90.5%) > HyTe (= 909 EGE Arrange the following compounds in the increasing order of bond length of O—O bond. O, O,(AsF,), KO, Esplain on the basis of ground state electronic configuration of dioxygen in these molecules. Solution. In 0,(AsF,), oxygen is present as 0,* while in KO, it is present as 0,?- ions. Now, M.O. electronic configu- rations of O,, 0,2* and 0, are Og: KK (625)? (035)? (ape)? (Rape) (apy)? (ape)! (apy)! Bond order = (8- 4) x 3 =2 0g*: KK(624)* (635)? (Gaps)? (Raps)® (apy)? (map)! 1 Bond order = (8-3) > =25 OF? KK(024)? (635)? Cape)” (ap)® (apy) (Rape) py)" 1 Bond order = (8-6) 5 = increasing order of O—O bond order is. KO, > Of (AsF,)"> 0, [EGE Using VSEPR Theory draw the molecular structures of (0 OSF, and (ii) XeF, molecules, Solution. () In OSF, there are four F atoms bonded to sulphur by ¢ bonds while O atom is bonded to sulphur by double bond, Thus the molecule adopts trigonal bipyramidal arrangement with $ = O bond taking the equatorial position because of the relatively smaller repulsive interactions, (ii) In XeF, Xe atom is surrounded by four bond pairs and two lone pairs. These four F atoms and two lone pairs adopt octahedral arrangement giving equare planar shape to the molecule. The lone pairs occupy diagonally ‘opposite arrangement. a ie se “Tegna beyond ‘arangement [ELE Dipole moment of KCI is 3.336 x 10° Cm. The interatomic distance between K* and Cl ions in this mol- ecule is 2.6 x 10-! m. Calculate the percent ionic character in KCl. Solution. Consider K* Cl-to be 100% ionic, then Charge x distance = 1.602 x 10-1 x 2.6 x 1071 = 4.1652 x 10 Cm Percent ionic character _ 3886 x10 = Faeaz 1-H = 08009 or 80.09%, [RCA BONDING ANU MOXEULA SIRUGTUME 1, Draw the Lewis structure of SiCl,. 2, Arrange the following in order of increasing bond angle around the central atom: HO, SF,, CF, BF, Give the structure of anion which sctural aoe ich is isostructural 4, A single covalent bond between the two atoms is, sigma bond. Comment. 5, What type of overlap resulta in the formation of sigma and pi bonds? 6, How many lone pairs and bond pairs are present around S in SF, molecule? What is their geometrical arrangement? 7, Which out of NH, and PH, is more easily liquifiable? 8, Draw the shape of BrF,, 19, Name the type of bonds which are present in ice. 10, Arrange the species, NH, CS,, BF, and NH, inorder of increasing bond angle. 11, Draw the bond moments and resultant dipole moment in NH, and NF, molecules. 483 Een) 12, The two O—O bond distances in ozone molecule are equal, justify. 13, Arrange the following in order of increasing ionic character, C—H, F—H, Br—H, Na—I, K—F and Li-cl, 14, Give resonating structures of CO,* ion. 15, How many o and z-bonds are present in one of the resonating structures of benzene? 16, Give example of cation isostructural with NH. 17, Arrange CH,, HO and NH, in order of increasing bbond angle around the central atom. 18, Which d-orbitals are involved in spd? hybridisation ? 19, Draw various canonical forms of CO, molecule. 20, Group the following species into linear and non-linear molecules H,O, HOCI, BeCL,, Cl,0. 21, Hj and Hy have same bond order which out of these is more stable? 1, What doyou understand by the term chemical bond? Name various types of bonds. 2, What is an ionic bond? Explain its formation by taking the example of sodium and chlorine atoms. 3, Draw Lewis structures for the following molecules and ions: Ny, CO,, CO, BF, SO, CO,*, Fy» PH, HS, Cyl Cally F,0- : 4, Three elements X, ¥ and Z have the Lewis symbols as: (@ Place the elements in appropriate group of the periodic table. (i) Which elements are likely to form ions? What is the expected charge on the ions ? (ii) Write the formulas and Lewis structures of covalent compounds formed between (@XandY (Y and Z. 5, AIL N—O bonds in NO; ion are equal in length. Explain. 6, Elements X, Yand Zhave 4, 5 and 7 valence electrons respectivel (@ Write the molecular formula of the compounds formed by these elements individually with hydrogen. (di) Which of these compounds will have the highest dipole moment? 7, Draw the resonating structure of: ( Ozone molecule (i) Carbonate ion 8, Covalent bonds are directional bonds while ionic bonds are non-directional. Explain, 9, Apply VSEPR model to predict the shapes of: NH, BF; ICl,. 10, Give Lewis formulae and draw the shapes of CH, SF,,H,0, SF,, ‘1. Why can't a molecule AX, with no lone pair around Ahave a pentagonal planar shape? 12. You are given the configuration of atoms A, B, C, D and E A—1s?2s%2p%36? B_1e29soptas! C—1s25%2p! — D_1stastops E—1s?25%2p0 Write the formula for the substances containing () AandD, (i) Band D, Gi) only D, (iv) only E. 13. Explain the formation of hydrogen molecule on basis of valence bond theory, 14. Explain, why He, molecule does not exist? 15. Give various points of difference between ionic and covalent bonds, 16. Giving electron dot diagrams indicate the type of bonding between the following: @ Na and F (i) Hand C1 (iid) NH, and HY 17. What do you understand by sigma and tbonds? How will you account for their different strengths? 18, What is meant by dipole moment? How can its magnitude give the idea about the structure of molecules? Explain giving examples. 19, How can you account for the fact that BF, is non- polar while NF; is not? 20, The molecule SO, has a dipole moment greater than zero. Is it linear or bent? Justify. 21, Predict the dipole moment of: (® A molecule AX, with square planar geometry. (A molecule AX, with trigonal bipyramidal geometry. (iif) A molecule AX, with octahedral geometry. (iv) A molecule AX, with pyramidal shape, 22, Is it necessary for the non-polar molecule to always have non-polar bonds? Justify your answer. 23, What is meant by the term average bond enthalpy? Why is there difference in bond enthalpy of OH. bond in ethanol (C,H,OH) and H,0? 24, How does multiplicity of bonds affect the bond strength and bond length? 25. Which of the two has higher dipole moment ? (@ BCI, and BF, (i) SO, and $0,. 26, Making use of the concept of hybridisation discuss the shapes of: BeCl, Gi) BF, (ii) CH, molecules. 27, Draw the orbital diagram of C,H, and C,H, molecules. 28, Account for the fact that carbon-carbon bond length in ethane, ethylene and ethyne is 164 pm, 134 pm ‘and 120 pm respectively. 29, What is the hybrid state of Bin BF,; Alin AICI; Be in BeCl,. Cin CO, and CyH,; $ in SO, and So,, 40, Describe the hybridisation incase PCI, Hog, change when PCI, decomposes to fori Po}, ange : 31, How ean you explain on the bass of structure SF, is less reactive than PCI,? at 32, What is meant by hydrogen bond? How does into existence? Point out the conditions which, the strength of H-Bond. 33, Explain the following: () Ammonia is more easily liquifiable than Ho), Gi Boiling point of 1,0 is higher than that of. (ii) Why ico is lighter than water throug, inter-molecular forces in both are H-bonds? 34, What is meant by the abbreviation LCAO? Use the method to describe the formation of molecular orbitals, 35, Give various points of similarities and differenoes between bonding and anti-bonding molecular orbitals. 36, Give M.O. configurations of following species @o,- OF, ON, 37, Describe giving M.O. configuration the magnetic behaviour of the following: OB, WC, (ii) N,’. 38, When a magnet is lower in liquid oxygen, some of 0, sticks to it. No such behaviour is observed with liquid nitrogen. Explain. 39, A student gave the following resonating forms of formaldehyde itcome Contre) Which one is least significant? 40, Which out of the two molecules, OCS and CS, has higher dipole moment? 41, Methane and water have similar molecular masses yet methane has a boiling point of 112 K and watet 393 K. Explain, 42, The resonating structure of a molecule are give” below. Draw the probable hybrid structure. 48, 0, and 80, are both trintomie molecules. Doth” have same dipole moment? Justify your Aus¥°" [Bisieonono oMoKECHRRUCTUNE 44, NUL, and NE, both: have pyramidal structure with almost similar polarity of individual bonds but dipole: moment of NII, ie much highor than NE. Clive roon. 45, What type of bonds aro prosent in, Cu8O,.611,07 4G, Predict the hybrid ntato of euch ewebon mtom (1 ~ 6) {in tho following organic structure, Alva toll the total number of o and mbonds, 4. os i ig/Ans Wer Questions (AQ) #7, Oxygon Iw tho contral atom both in water and dimethyl other (CH,Q CH) moleeulon and it ‘nanu mon wane hybrid wtnte in both the molecule, Yor they have differont bond nnglex, Which one hi Jnrgor bond nngle? Give ronson, JK, Why doow typeof overlap given in the following figuro not rowull in bond format Yj—» >, % if y NETO) 1, What is moant by tho term chemieat boned? How doos Kossel-Lewis npproneh of bonding differ from the modern views? What is electrovalent bond and eleetrovaleney? What | energy changes occur whon sodium and chlorine ‘Atoms in gnsoous state roxct to form sodium chloride crystal? 4, Is thore any difference between the two bonds which hold oxygen atoms in dioxygen molecule? Point out the similarities and difference betweon these bonds, ifany. 4, Givo various important postulates of VSEPR theory Apply these postulates to describe the difference in the shapes of polyvalent species SF, CF, and XeP, 5, Structures of molecules of two compounds are given 1s follows: . q Ke I Ce H we 1H 1 W () Which of tho two compounds will have intermolecular hydrogen bonding and which ‘compound is expected to show intramolecular hydrogen bonding? (®) The melting point of a compound depends on, among other things, the extent of hydrogen bonding. On this basis explain whieh of the above two compounds will show higher melting point. (©) Solubility ofeompounds in water depends on the tendency to form hydrogen bonds with water, Which of the above compounds will form hydrogen bonds with water easily and be more soluble in it? 6, Differentiate between the terms, atomic orbital, molecular orbital, and hybrid orbital, Out of pure atomic orbital and hybrid orbital which enn form stronger sigma bond, ‘What docs LCAO stand for? Name the theory which ‘ndopts this method for explaining the bonding. Give important assumptions of this theory. What is resonance and resonance energy? Explain significant features of resonance giving suitable examples, 9, Justify the statement that ionic bond is never 100% ionic. Give the rules on which your answer is based. 7 10, How does an ionic character arise in a covalent bond which parameter is used to mensure the degree of polarity in a bond? Give examples of non-polar molecules having polar bonds. 11, (Discuss the concept of hybridisation. What are its different types in a carbon atom? (ii) What is the effect of following processes on the bond order of N, and 0, ()N,>NS+E (0, 70,54

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