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Death Circulation

“The school is crowded and often noisy.

But when it does get quiet, it's not serenity, it's the beginning of the killing.
I'm in the center of the killing right now, with a bloody note in my pocket constantly reminding
me: Don't go, when a red light occurs!”

Open my eyes and I’m looking right at your homeroom teacher.

“Daisy, class is over, hurry back to the dormitory to rest. It’s already 10 p.m..” said my homeroom
teacher, and I nodded, and remembered that I seemed to be studying in the classroom. Around the
students have gone, I guess I must have overslept. Thinking about the nightmare just now, I was in
shock, but when I looked at the back of the homeroom teacher I felt incredibly relieved.

I turned the lights off and walked out of the classroom.

The whole building was dark, even the lights in the homeroom office, which always had to work
for another half hour, were also off. Only the sensor light in the staircase flickered on and off. I
suddenly realized what was happening and slipped my hands into my pockets. There was
something! I pulled out the contents of my pocket and it was a note. I became uneasy! In dreams,
death also begins with a note! When I opened the note, a flash of blood red went straight to my
eyes! “Don't go, when a red light occurs!”

The only sound left in the empty staircase was the sound of my footsteps, clunking. I was terrified
and quickened my pace. I just walked down the stairs, only to hear a thud, a heavy object crashed
down upstairs. All the sensor lights in the entire school building instantly lit up! I looked up to the
classroom, and a man was looming in front of the door. He was holding a large axe and was
maniacal beating the door! Seemingly sensing something, he suddenly turned around and looked
downstairs. Lines of sight met, he was in the darkness and couldn't be seen, but I could feel his
eyes were cold and numb, as if he was looking at a dead man! Suddenly, a red light occurred,
because of the strong sense of fear, I hurriedly accelerated my pace and rushed to the dormitory.
But I hadn't gone for a few steps, a sound came from behind me. It was the sound of eager
footsteps. Along with it was the heavy smell of blood in the air. It was accompanied by a loud
bang. I felt a huge impact force, and collapsed heavily and lost consciousness.

I opened my eyes again, and my forehead was covered in a thickly dotted sweat. I realized I was
in a death circulation. I wiped my eyes and met the concerned sight of the class teacher. The class
teacher gently patted my forehead and told me to go back to rest. After saying this, she left without
looking back, no matter how I called her, it was like she couldn't hear me. The school building
quickly fell into a dead silence. I stand in the classroom, when I touch my pocket, still familiar
“Don't go, when a red light occurs!”. Why did a red light suddenly appear in the sky? Come to
think of it, the man who maniacal beat the classroom door, a red light suddenly appeared, thinking
back to what I just experienced, I appeared outside when the red light appeared, I guess the note
wanted to tell me to stay inside the classroom. After thinking for a long time, I felt that my
position would be seen by the man with the axe, I hid under the podium at an angle where I
couldn't be seen from the outside window. I trembled and kept imploring myself to be calm.
Suddenly, he used the axe to chop through the door and came in. Through the faint light in the
corridor, I saw him walk slowly towards the podium. A pair of feet stopped in front of me, walked
past, and came back. At the same time, an axe came down and I lost consciousness again.

The third time I woke up, it was still the same scene, I was in the same room with the homeroom
teacher, I didn't listen to what the homeroom teacher was saying, I just seriously reviewed my first
two experiences, "Don't go" could it mean that I can't even walk around for 0.1 meters. I stayed in
my seat without moving a step with the idea of trying, and a few minutes after the homeroom
teacher had left, it was dark and quiet again.
I heard the familiar footsteps again, accompanied by the sound of an axe rubbing on the floor. The
red light appears again. This time, however, the man didn't enter the classroom after using many
methods, and I was much more relieved. After a long time, that man disappeared for a split
second. I sat there for a long time, but I didn't see anything unusual or any uncertainty about my
safety, and the red light faded away. This time, I'm going to rush outside the school and not stay
there any longer. So I sprinted as fast as I could towards the school gates.
In an instant, the red light suddenly reappeared, and I didn't stop in time, an eerie sensation
appeared behind me, with the strong smell of blood, and an eerie voice, "Found you." However, I
heard the sound of sirens outside the school gates at that moment, and the desire to survive drove
me to run to the gates, but I couldn't get out, like a pair of hands imprisoning me, I lost
consciousness again.

Miraculously, I opened my eyes not in the classroom that terrified me, but in a hospital, with
countless tubes sticking out of me. It wasn't long when I heard the nurse yell, "Room 10086
patient line is up," and the sound of the news playing on the TV in my ear, "There's a large car
crash scene in the city, with several people dead and only one survivor."

At first, I thought I was very grateful to be saved by the police car that appeared on the last death
circulation. However, after I thought carefully, I realized that it was all a fantasy of my experience
of car accidents. The red light on the note represented the red light in the traffic light, which the
driver didn’t obey the traffic rules, bringing about a great tragedy.

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