Ling 142 Note Introduction To Linguistics

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LIN (42. aude 7 GeNER AwlGuisies I | i VAL's Nore Ozieec49723). | LIN 12 (Introdectiin te Generst Linguitees T) 1elesr Ake. Main Obyrctve of thas Cowra Cnteaduer tidy te ben Jerat Uinguistics IT) fs ts expose the studedts b dige rent frets of Lingutateds Scio. The Study of Linquistiis "ss broadly dlivieled its, tt. Tay ares Mice and Mac: lin uigtie 5 4 | —Micw Linguists»! Midw linquitiis Loves besiealy” Jot thenvies generated from the desenption of Cemausyey. Thur Fons Whe Cove. Areas Of Lingus T ngunsties Lee Phonbtics, Prowclogys Merplolagy, Syntax ou \ Sema Wiig ave Called Cove. cre g becaute thoy Ove. Vere neice tonporlant nebady ft Dnsuighis .\ .) « Ns aca Mace Linguistics | Mair lingicstiis looks at the {functional ‘Use of langaags la Meero linguishir: we {tse thes Knowledge thet ‘we Gin ik Inbery tguitster & fephiy. 0 mace Unsisties «(hat tah the do fe Viton lenguis esis applic bioudites Lan ad : iting longings acquiritin, cefe rmed Speech (prycho inguaslres) 3 Aha Study of te ahove.arees of Mitgactig {Gonot he possible withe the Knowleclys & few Li 4 eat | act the Kanai % ton Li eesti s | Lwverg 5 ahYSts IN MACRO kinGutesres.\ | |) Forms andl. strectire Be 4 “pad Bail Sanit level yen . be, ito deal 4 of lagu alaale a Plow! lo and Mov hodogy a ——_— , 7. 1 To ad dana Lots at tan Lremebes of biguiti, They are tO Pla and - fol. (ty _PRengrogy | 4 Handy Lely Liguirtes inchade Cowauchis __ PHONETICS = 5 Phenotics is the Scronkjri Say of Speech Sounds: OF on all Speech Souncls macle by man wiheathsn Meani= f fel or not yee: Sound t thet is tsed for Commumeation la on Dhenebiis g hss. tb dos not Shey the §ecand that a not used for Commune ls lk knock om the dovy, ) 90 cb studeas sounds Ly used for Auman. or bral Gmmunuateon.. cee Phonetics abso. Stidisy tha. 2 Arhiuletioy n,prductiin, tran J 7 Sein, percepbiin and int erpretection % Speech Sounds 6 _ |man. The tee za sis B Called a Phone ze Gund | __| Tow oe eles = 9 aa ; Fhe, es _ lhe cto ae i fh Fh malades $l Aeoustic Phonctres - { _ + _ 847" Auditory Phonetrcs _ 4 forensic Phonetics eh —+ {aioe ndeall Phonetics : 1 & Articulstoy Phonetics | This Shuler the products of Speech sounds by humane in the orb Comite, Lb alae - coutses ow hors ergama pf Speech come in Contact oper the © prductis fAcouste phsweties Acoustte Phonetics lest ot hss eunds are Trensmitte d euch “Lepves thoy are ucterprtted . ln ecouste phonclia, we analyse Speck Sunde wwe the aid ef Conputer + & Auditions Plomaties : L&E deals onhnw souncls ave percaved. Tes aspect of phonetic etuceis what happens ‘betenn He. time @ Sound leaves the mouth of whe speak [he when Ut pierces Uo ear ef the hearer and how the hearer br the Livkiner interprets the Sound - aN > forensic phonctiis 2 forensic phonctres's wesad Be NavesEeqate Spee cb like % Convict Or Camial s foc ntti: a tol IX, A Vole Can be reco dod ound the Suspect arres leumd hin speecl, pecoreloc! then 4 Forensic phonetretan Can Gralee Hee both voces ud know of Hag howe = thosame fornet s than iy the Vorces ere thotann tha Suuipeck » a quitly- This type sf phonetics ti sed! 1 Het bowccurt. | > Instrumental Phonetics t fn his Hipe % Planetits, Le instumeccts are Used & detect abnormalities tn Speack lite Pe ctogra phy (am insbument Clrecl on cherkaeg Ushethe, an_ abnormal Speaker Can be. Corected). LE is Placed ene mouth of a deprmed cpeater te moasure the chsteince be-_ |facen the persis palite £ the langue for inflance, 9 ebild woh Connet prmounce/p] Sound beceruse ths chills _| palace is far prom he Fongues 1 by So, Ce Can be Grredl,_ 0. Wlosfony. Ta toh a te dehe mH bieoler ridge H fhe Lips | 2 the Upper and. the Lovie Eps foons Ha. dove te Ha rnb Gu, Aa Lips cone. thes terminal fnectierts Mit het-engpint Me eventicah cbape of tan Speech (speccally coun Ke nasal aiaky & shaked Yf). LE ean assume different slapper Het modrpias Sperch s Me “ps may box. porenabed fry “leoitact fovife, produiion. 9f Cosonanctt Ake for] fis forte production of fact alveolar Pech Sous apo Peay, 2 a Ble rely a lt CO —— He voductton of the. Speech Sounds kee fc fo] ond PT by —T coer hn, Mae lep.2 mag Ge Spreacl for he rroduchin Of Vadel i fi] 2 fj: The Lips may abso assume & nhirel poster i pectin of Speeds life AY thy malt wee THE Teer ‘The teeth eart-the organs wamedee apter Ho tips (he ban roms of ha. Leth ove important for production of donfel yee Sounds bite LO] and [2] + Te. upper trot play an addtional rol f magartinle te wilh He borer Lip for He productin 2f beh dented Speech Sounds Like Le] and NW. THe Alveetar Risse » he Alucoloer ridys is also Kao as He a Welbon CES prom - - reat hang sjructure Behind Ye upper front Daath «lt Toth ond ae bled ap tan fongus. Mey gerbe Cortict orth Ha alveelae rif for He eticulation oy ho elverlerr speecl, Surds Such vs AL. aH Lil. 7 aad Ja]. Te aabicela lin Mag frertisr move bakwerh be VU ‘Bosco the endl of tos alveolecr rick 0 cond wshert. a pol : _ faleka leap beteseen He beak of He ale land the Udulorrs Ub is anarch bong -sbucbine act the reop. lop te moucth, Ub is deviled ints Boy They ave? AD The hard palate it | iy He spe prlate Volum) | Hard prtare } flird pulate is the mmerrb le aren et ky Plate behind He alveolar ridge. Kher te torque & at _ Met posite, the front of tha longus Lis cbcrectly Under dhtherd Plate. Palslil sounds cure vsed for deierkrhy ors He. Speech Sounds produced at ths, havc plate . he _ Prook part of He trrgua makes contact with tht hard pelt forte production y. pelted nasal fp], Prlalt stay hi) | and prlatl apprexingent Yd Like 4 SOF PRATE ! Uv abso (tll Colao - Sege gabe is te fbshy port op Me poled. Ub Cam be, Sean simecktely efter athe hao. palecte. Le starts oshare ths. hard pide te ends cand Onda whore the Ula begins» Ub clebermnzs whether Yercl Sounds We aval % nesals . if the Soft Palle ir pasied Ma +“ pper port } tha. phangac & chsef blocking He nasal Cuiki _Khenthus is done, Oval Sounds suchas le produced: [nthe or h tihatilet apa BE Produces UNS Other hand, 7 9, Lede ty Lote _treh, (eav,j, ahem A loops “epee Use gemd Sound Lied pits EU - KR Produced. -*") ) 0+ ao } \ ’ e _ftpmper Goel Sf the SE palate. theda te por naacl ream __peccle Sererds awticaln ted esith Me Sort polite ands. He imag tue. are Calle! Vela Sounds Nie) op Ada. h Uvucar LOT i, and fa] | Uvular is «plates appendags, Hod lenny ad tle Leon ee Sept palate « Tits CR settee when mul [fen cur mouth vide vshen He bark ofthe. fergue tikes [Cora with Wr Wuler , Uuuter Speech sounds like fr] be] may be prochiwd or atitubted | | THE NASAL Cavity | Nlarel Cuity 4 hone - Comb — bony gfrurkinn adjacent —& upper praryngent wall. Kf dal Caniily 4 necessang for Speech —prduchicn Because ib Serves ad [eienane chamter. Lb en- — Sunes Haat fhe Speech Sounds dung wshose. production 3 Hee Sf pelt C6 bewscred Comes out coith nesal equality « Some ~Sudi Speech Sounds Gre Known at Nasal Sorends + They sre i lel fel, fef fo) eh id ~ 0 chassyrcazions of ORGANS OF speecH. i Onjanss Speecl. are clasified Wl tn ie i = —0 The _ackie Organ 4 speech a Gi) The Pose) ° fa. Te. hte Oe fy Flere ye. oe Moret le a a C—O | puts op te booby inv uel 1” Speech makaig o prbudwin« Ty _dinchade Bethe Lips i. 8 ee the tong «8 vr the fort pelts, and KS po the Uvelar i ; jhe passive O af Speech.) ese ane: tha Immovable | Parts of Hie. body teel in the articulation OY Speoch Sounds. b Gealvectr redges and Mae hoch pedicle 1° 4 oH —+--— r7lesbeay 4 ESCRIPTION OF CONSONANT SOUNDS Omsmants are Uasouncds macle by eelosune Or Nayreu~_ _ jing in tho.Voeh Tact 90 tht airflow is ecthe, Competey | _|blacted oro restrict thet eudbe fattin uo prdual. | Gnyptat arg) oy are Mose sorencs phot have 6shrctoo | lef aii from Wa larg cbaring prominedetiins ire are | phree arecs of Coasonants - [hey aye! _ | Stale of Hho Gees => Mammer of artiullisn. fhe of werbing lectins eid dst si . SRE OF Te Glos . The O4cin Of Speech lich moclifies the awithenw from Ke bangs s_ Lavy nc - (°C also Catleel tha Arckim’s Apple . Te | [larynx 0 4 bocly Shucture which Crifains Some pryectisns leatted he Vocal Cords conet tase Vocal Cerds ane really S| Project inside the Leryn « The opening bekueon the wells op te Laryne a else knzwn as the glottis. bhhin the Gots lis open, Hil decal Cardls are alrawn apart te allow the Passa [6 ar untheut ong Ubreticn Y these vocal Cords En the they hand, tha vocal Couls may be plaved edge t elpi cohen _ (te glettis iu net open. the. Curr pressunt, Whith passes mal _ fs ylottys at this Ste, Causes tht Vocal Cords t Whrete. | Me Gusmants whith are proclacedd as air poses Hrgh_ he open qlottes wait no Vibrelain of fhe. Voc! cords tare [Woiceless sounels, while those pressed asthe Vocal cords WVibete aso resutt Of atv pressure ae Called Vor cee! Sounts % Consonants. : es MI AmMER. OF ARTICULATION The tenn Manne, of ortreubetin Can abso be Called He —| Manner of Precductton » Manner Of artiinlatien shows bas 7 _|sprceh seen, eave preclced rn beans of digress obtncion LO VWrstream. To exes bree tad btbe acsfream Sy ta 7% | MO, of speech may be tetel or partiaf. hopenclig on ‘ha dap “4 x d op this Ole huctin » The Gusoaants a2: >| [OTAL OBSTRUCTION :(Conplite. Closure) al [Plosives ) There u Potl obstuctin of tha eratrenm nm, production er ip. 4ted ka): the Souncls produced « tHe manner are. Callec! plosives . cafes 2 The Olshictay Arve Heft] and Jb, 7 asals *[n procluctin sp Hose Sruncls, dir floais Horgs the nasal cant, et they are produced - Tog ve Called Nesels , thoy are m2, 4 ] PARTIAL OBSTRUCTION + [Partial Closure) . [Ervcetives ¢ (hose are Cngomants thet appear To abstr ct Tho flow Of ary Stream parteall, wshin Deo entities’ [Come in Contact 20 Phat es Hoair pases thrrugh Hom, there C1 ususlly © frithinel reise Thay elf iP B82, _ esvh]. A Lateral? Here, AL) tran Clectornl syprsimant) ~lAgetel : pore, Lr sand (fap othe flsp) Semi vowels: ave Consmants ve closeubed og Som’ = Varve ls because thee os handly identipea ble poenits of. articn lation . The Sema vrsols areltu) endd/] 4] S| Fritl/ Rout 2 LE ts prodercap by He mpi tapping ¥ pre oan o speech e7ainst anetlan » Crample LL] frmed in | ty language. Like “rie” = __ PEACE OF ARTICULATION, | Place of articulaten refers te thi poirot in the Vocok back lwohere the flow of crs temple for Hs eficaleton 4 5 [Parteintar Cosonent Sound. = The men porntti Of ajtiealatim ore? i Belbeul + The ertreuletren Llp. Lom) involves tas tan lps. [Those Sormds are fleefore bilabial Consonants. 2 [babid - clout Gas] Tess ave aS palates —alieolar Consonants . Melar » fov the Prduction ylkg ol. Ha Letk foo tonyue U peuted ancl prssecf against the Velom bore | pelste). The Consmants ae Herepree clusitied as *:|Super im postin Velar sorends. G ettal The Cmsomant Lh] 1s agplotteh Sound becay- Se tt ts Pwduceed wbon bo aiy lich posses Horst, am open bts goes ont fhroush @n open ary NOE! Somt Uruels are OQnsonants but there one dentipahe pork of artiiulless » They ae [b] anel Liz Sounds + . Tes OF Aericutnson! Pe foming Brine) arti bnle lim ZSeconclin atreclater S Doble atinlten — | _ Seconclary ertieule tein 1 There is % Supa, egret °f Seruncf ecrtreulaless Tres OF SecOMARY AR TICULA TiO PaleteLizatien hamyngs ligation TE da ee treat Matebisten ——__ ay ; [plarizaben. a Se oe - Me cherncs rm i | Betrene athe, beely 0 He ar tn ht pyy Yen pound: Me air Mechanisms ar ie rocbclin of Hs sped = nee | Leng Mechanism || | elm / meth Meckeneim F Gletsl (Chenyngend Michanim ——plemonic meskanim | fet, when are eres thor» There is obsbruchen 9f aly form ti glottes or larg. —lremple; 2s inl py LT iy Awawus OF PLuntortte MécHpnuism / / : meee Moclenesen fer, hoe isan ary sagress elec He Proclction of Hae vewrels.Whrds av sounds assoartd hare : Are Wate ley Saund resed in Repeessing pay ele ® Crprersive mechanim’ |p this michaniems aur Conss ct ron. the lang Le induce Sound production: Almos€ all the saws th tle: Eng hish languages Use iy method. Vetoes fechanioer? Thi Mechanics > Sounfts. jeenbt | Hl, Volar ancf tha oastuctin Comes frow He Vlor gee tka-91 i “Glotar Mpstnanim «Have, Obateaetion » foo gett Lire LH | c

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