Barangay 161 Pre-Fire Planning

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DESCRIPTION OF TOPOGRAPHY (Pls check any if existing)

Commercial/Government _/_ Residential _/_ Industrial _x_ others ___

Streets within the Area (pls state the names of streets)

 Juan Luna Street
 Bulacan Street
 Dagupan Extension Street
 Pampanga Street

VITAL INSTALLATIONS (Pls check and describe)

 Electricity – The electrical cables in this barangay are all intertwined or tangled
together and most of them due to the illegal connections or wiring within the post of
the Meralco that increases the number of electrical wirings in which most of them are
faulty or damaged wiring that can easily cause the fire to start and spread. These
various intertwined wires in front of each houses provide an easy way for the fire to
move fast or spread quickly on one wire to another electrical wiring that leads to
another adjacent structure, since the majority of the house are made of live or
flammable materials and the spaces between them are either extremely close
together or do not have a space at all, which makes it easier through the wire to
spread easily for from one building to another.
 Water utilities – The water lines are fixed underground. The water meters are
placed beside each house.
 Communication – Similarly with the electricity cables, the communication wires are
also tangled up with each other. The electrical wires and communication wires are
placed on the same posts. Some of the wire installations are close to houses, and
some are positioned at a low enough height that people are able to reach that can
cause risks. In such a case when the houses are burning, the wire can easily be
licked by the fire and it can cause the fire to spread and may worsen the situation.

 Residential - 83
 Commercial/Government - 18
 Industrial – N/A
 Detention (jail) – N/A
Estimated No of Structures that can be affected 101

Is there a presence of HAZMAT or CBRNE in the Area? (If yes, pls describe)
- N/A

Is there a possibility of conflagration (50% to 70% estimated structures may be

involve in fire). Please describe.
- Yes. This is because most residential houses in this barangay are adjoined together.
Aside from this, most houses are made from light wood material and can burn more
easily. The electric cables in this area are also entangled with each other.

Is there vital installation/facility that can be affected? (Electricity, communication,

water etc.) Please narrate
- There is no vital facility in the barangay that might get affected in a case of fire in the
barangay, There are many wires of electricity and communication that will be
damaged severely in case of a fire, this is because the barangay is located in a poor
community thus there are many illegal connection, the wires are tangled together,
they are also placed near houses.



_/_ Adjoining structures with no firewall in between (How many structures are
affected?) 91
_/_ High rise structures (5 tiers and above). How many? 8
_/_ Alleys
__ Blocked roadways
_/_ Narrow roadway
__ Road construction
__ Physical plant under construction
__ Roads with temporary obstructions (parked vehicle, portable objects etc.)

Instruction: Name each street and state when is the common time the traffic volume is
Street Name Period with heavy traffic volume
Juan Luna Street 5:00 - 7:00 am – 12:00 – 1:00 pm – 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Pampanga Street 5:00 - 7:00 am – 12:00 – 1:00 pm – 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Dagupan Street 5:00 - 7:00 am – 12:00 – 1:00 pm – 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Bulacan Street 5:00 - 7:00 am – 12:00 – 1:00 pm – 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Instruction: Check if units mentioned in foregoing are present or not: write its distance
from the barangay.

Units Present or not Distance from barangay in

(write below if multiple kilometers
units are available) (In cases of multiple available units,
write the nearest and farthest units)
Nearby fire stations How many? 2 Gagalangin Fire Station – 500m
How many? 2 San Lazaro Fire Station – 1.9km
Police Station How many? 2 Hermosa Police Precint – 450m
Tondo Police Station – 1.1km
Hospitals How many? 4 Hospital ng Tondo – 500m
Tondo Medical Center – 1.5km
San Lazaro Hospital – 1.8km
Jose Reyes Hospital – 1.8km
Disaster response unit How many? 4 Gagalangin Fire Station – 500m
San Lazaro Fire Station – 1.9km
Hermosa Police Precint – 450m
Tondo Police Station – 1.1km
Barangay Hall of Barangay 161
Emergency How many? 4 Hospital ng Tondo – 500m
Medical Unit Tondo Medical Center – 1.5km
San Lazaro Hospital – 1.8km
Jose Reyes Hospital – 1.8km
Social service How many? 3 Tondo Community Initiative- 4.4km
Canossa-Tondo Childrens
Foundation – 5.1km
Oikos Helping Hand Agape House
Fire volunteer and/or How many? 4 TRACER Fire Brigade – 600m
fire brigade Blue Dragon Fire and Rescue –
San Rafael Fire Volunteer – 1.8km
Central Tondo Volunteer – 1.9km
Utilities (electricity, How many? 4 Maynilad – 8.7km
water and Meralco – 5.2km
communication) Converge – 8.8km
PLDT – 5.1km

Location of nearest water sources (Pls state exact locations)

Fire hydrant(s)
 200m from Barangay. 2518 Juan Luna Street Tondo, Manila.

Natural water sources (river, creek, etc.)

 Estero De Sunog Apog (14.6333927, 120.9703256)

Fire safety appliances in structures (pls check if there is any)

_/_ Wet standpipes
_/_ Dry pipes
_/_ Automatic sprinkler systems
___Emergency elevators
___ Enclosed fire exits in high rise establishments

Required equipment for possible scenarios not available to fire station; state to whom
can be borrowed?

Is there a Barangay Fire Brigade in said Barangay? NONE

If there is answer the following? ___

How many are the members? ___________

What is their suppression equipment and tools?
INSTRUCTION: Choose a highest, largest structure in barangay that can be a sample
fire building, and accomplish the following


STAGING (State the Placement of emergency vehicles, use map to show placement)

Minimum number of trucks required for addressing incident priorities (stabilizing

situation, safety of civilians, property conservation) 4

Minimum number of firetrucks required for confinement on case of 50% TO 70% fire
involvement in barangay. 8

Instruction: Describe how the following shall be implemented to chosen structure

1. Confinement
a. In the chosen 6th-story commercial building there are tactics and strategies
needed to be utilized in case of fire. Given that all floors from 1st to 5th have
occupants, and the 6th floor is a rooftop here are the steps needed to be
taken in the confinement of a fire;
I. They must conduct an Incident analysis through a comprehensive
size-up that will allow them to assess the situation such as the fire
size, direction, weather condition, speed, and direction of the wind to
effectively confine a fire. It must be a proactive approach, considering
the potential for immediate fire spread.
II. Once the firefighters have assessed the situation, they must predict
the conditions that will arise when the incident becomes more
complex. The firefighter must ensure that additional resources are
requested, they must also work in coordination with other firefighting
teams and agencies to effectively confine the fire. This might involve
deploying additional manpower, equipment, and supplies for
suppression. They must also make use of the resources available,
the contents of the fire building, and the presence of fire safety
features within a building.
III. The firefighters must establish a perimeter or a containment line
around the fire, and must stand by on the adjacent structure which is
the commercial building, a warehouse that contains live materials,
they must water the adjacent structure which they can also use fire
retardants, foam, or just water-based. They must also utilize the
firewalls and fire doors as quickly as possible to prevent and control
the fire from spreading to adjacent structures. Residents of the
nearby building should be evacuated and they must establish safety
protocols to minimize risks, and any live materials that could permit
the extension of fire to other areas should be removed.
IV. They must select a hose line that will deliver the sufficient volume of
water required to confine the fire, a variety of factors must be taken
into consideration, including the closest accessible entrance, the
quantity of water needed to contain the fire in relation to the items
burning, and the number of firemen available to stretch those hose
lines. In order to prevent smoke buildup inside enclosed spaces, the
firefighter must open the air shafts that can help disperse smoke
which will help ensure that residents can safely evacuate and will
also improve firefighters' visibility. It can also disperse the
concentration of heat in specific areas that can prevent the rapid
spread of a fire.
V. The firefighter must continuously monitor the containment of the fire
and watch any vulnerable areas where it could spread to prevent its
spread to other parts of the building or nearby structures and contain
the fire within the specific area to reduce potential damage or

2. Ladder Operation
a. The ladder operation that can be conducted in this building can be done with
a fire truck with boom, for the success of such operation, these steps must be
done accordingly:
I. Conduct broad pre-operational tests to ensure that the fire truck’s
ladder and all other components of the fire truck are working properly.
Examine the vehicle's stability and safety features, especially the
II. Based on factors including ground stability, closeness to the fire
scene, and ease of access to the incident, choose a suitable place
for the fire truck. In a fire emergency, the fire truck with the ladder will
be positioned in front of the building. Because even if the fire will be
on the first floor, this fire truck with boom will be used to rescue those
who will be trapped on the upper floors. Once positioned in front of
the building, make sure to deploy and stabilize the outriggers to keep
the vehicle steady. Make sure that the truck is supported and leveled
III. The boom is adjustable and positioned at the desired height of the
building. Acquire proficiency in manipulating the controls to raise,
lower, retract, and extend the boom depends on the circumstances in
the building.
IV. During a firefighting operation, when the aerial ladder is being utilized
to fight fires in the building. The positioning of the truck will be in front
of the building, it will deliver the water correctly and it may distinguish
the flames.
V. During rescue operations, position the aerial ladder such that it can
reach the area of the building that needs assistance. Follow
established rescue procedures and use the ladder to securely free
the person that trapped in the building.
VI. When the operation calls for ventilation, arrange the aerial ladder so
that it pokes holes in windows or roofs to release smoke and heat
coming from the building.
VII. Keep an eye on the fire truck's stability and modify the boom's
position while operating in firefighting in the building as necessary.
Recognize when circumstances change and modify the operation as

3. Rescue and Search

a. In performing a search and rescue operation in this building, firemen should:
I. Assess the situation and evaluate potential hazards first.
II. Since the building doesn't have a fire exit, firemen should enter in the
front door.
III. They must systematically sweep through the building to locate
occupants and prioritize areas with the highest risk. They must enter
and exit thru the same door of every room to ensure a complete
IV. Once occupants are found, firefighters perform rescues, prioritizing
those in immediate danger or distress.
V. They also must exit with the occupants thru the front door where they
enter and give them first aid; then bring them to the nearest hospital if

4. Ventilation
a. In case of fire in a building, here is how ventilation could be implemented:
I. Firefighters conducts a thorough sizing-up to determine the location,
size, and nature of the fire before entering the building.
II. Firefighters could use existing openings, such as windows, to allow
for natural ventilation. Opening windows on lower and higher floors
can help create a flow path for smoke and heat to escape.
III. Use staircase pressurization procedures to keep the path for
occupants to evacuate safe and prevent smoke from getting into the
IV. Firefighters can perform vertical ventilation by cutting holes in the
roof or using existing roof openings to release smoke and heat
V. Firefighters will force smoke out of the building through exhaust
ports, use positive pressure fans to circulate clean air into the
building's interior.
VI. Throughout ventilation operations, keep an eye on the interior
conditions of the building to make sure that the plan is efficient and
secure for both firefighters and building residents.
VII. Firefighters have to adjust their ventilation strategies according to the
particulars of every fire situation. It is essential for firefighters to
follow established protocols and have knowledge of building designs
and structures.

5. Suppression
a. Internal Suppression
I. To aim the fire during internal suppression operations in a six-story
building, firefighters employ various solutions to effectively control
and extinguish the fire:
i. Determine and use multiple entry points and stairwells to quickly
access different levels of the building.
ii. Firefighting equipment should be strategically placed on
different floors to ensure quick access in the event of a fire
spreading or changing conditions.
iii. Use fire hoses with appropriate nozzles to precisely direct water
or extinguishing agents onto the flames. For effective
suppression, aim at the fire's base and attack it directly.
iv. Divide firefighting teams to address fire-related issues on
multiple floors at the same time.
v. Conduct systematic firefighting operations on each floor, starting
from the source of the fire and moving outward to contain and
extinguish it.
vi. Implement proper ventilation to remove smoke and heat, aiding
in fire suppression and improving visibility for firefighters.
vii. Implement strategies to contain the fire within its area of origin
and prevent its spread to other floors. Close doors and use
barriers to isolate the affected areas.
viii. Coordinate efforts among firefighting teams, ensuring cohesive
action to control and extinguish the fire on multiple levels.
ix. Continuously reassess fire conditions, adapt firefighting tactics,
and mitigate risks to ensure firefighter safety and effective
b. External suppression
I. To suppressed the fire in this building externally, these following
steps must be followed:
i. The first step is to identify possible fire hazards in outdoor
spaces. Consider the building's layout and nearness to
flammable objects.
ii. The electric post is a fire hazard in the area since it generates
sparks that can ignite flammable objects and contribute to the
spread of a fire. Turn off the power to lessen the chance of fire
spread and improve overall safety.
iii. After identifying fire hazards, set up a source of water supply,
including using water tenders, attaching to hydrants, or
collecting from natural water sources. Make sure that there is
sufficient water flowing to effectively put out the fire.
iv. Apply water to the fire using firefighting tools such as hoses and
nozzles. If at all possible, coordinate efforts to strike fire from
several angles. Depending on the kind of fire, consider applying
foam or other firefighting products to kill the fire.
v. Determine whether other buildings or areas may be affected by
the fire, then take actions to protect them, such as using barriers
and water streams to keep the fire from spreading to
surrounding properties.

6. Overhaul
a. In performing Overhaul in this building, the following steps should be followed:
I. The first step is for the Firefighters to open up a wall and check for
hidden fire. This is done to ensure that there are no concealed flames
or smoldering materials that could pose serious risks and may go
unnoticed. By inspecting the wall, they are taking proactive measures
to prevent any potential hazards.
II. Then, they need to check their remote case, which is a container
holding their air supply. This is important to ensure that they have
enough breathable air to complete their task safely. They should also
make sure their hose line is fully charged and ready for use. Before
entering any area, they should confirm that utilities, such as gas or
electricity, are secured to minimize the risk of additional hazards.
III. They should always confirm that the floor is structurally sound before
entering a building. They should also check the means of egress,
which refers to the ways in which people can exit the building in case
of an emergency. Additionally, they should verify the availability of a
secondary means of egress, which provides an alternative escape
IV. To locate a fire, they can look for certain characteristics such as
bubbling paint or smoke. These indications help them identify the
areas where they need to focus their efforts.
V. They should approach the wall and check for studs by listening for a
solid sound. They can then begin working in between the studs,
removing the wall and any insulation materials in the process.
VI. They should check for clean materials and go above and below fire
stops, which are barriers designed to prevent the spread of fire. If
they come across any suspected or burning materials, they should
move forward to the next cell and continue until they have a clear
VII. Throughout these steps, it is crucial for them to prioritize their own
safety and well-being. They should follow established protocols and
procedures to minimize risks and ensure a successful and safe

7. Salvage
a. In the event of a fire in a building, a salvage strategy is implemented to
minimize damage to property and prevent further spread of the fire. Here's
how it could be implemented:
I. The first step is to assess the extent of the fire and determine which
areas are affected. This will help to identify which items can be
salvaged and which ones are beyond repair.
II. Firefighters will work to protect unaffected areas of the building by
creating firebreaks, using fire-resistant materials, and applying water
or foam to prevent the spread of flames.
III. Firefighters will remove any items that are at risk of being damaged
by the fire or water used to extinguish it. This may include furniture,
electronics, and other valuable items.
IV. After the fire has been extinguished, firefighters will clean and
decontaminate affected areas to remove smoke, soot, and other
debris. This will help to prevent further damage and improve air
V. A detailed inventory of all items removed from the building will be
created, along with a list of any damages sustained during the fire.
This will help with insurance claims and future restoration efforts.
VI. By implementing a salvage strategy during pre-fire planning, building
owners and managers can minimize the impact of a fire on their
property and reduce the overall cost of restoration efforts. It's
important to work with experienced firefighters and restoration
professionals to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect
property and prevent further damage during a fire.
Barangay 161

1. Borbe, Adolfo
2. Cabrera, Martina Leslie G.
3. Cordova, Ken Railey
4. Dela Cruz, Benidique
5. Galang, John Fernan
6. Garcia, Richin Love P.
7. Leabres, Kimberly
8. Ramos, Hannah Danielle
9. River, Ace

Professor: Mr. Voltaire Perales

Subject: Fire Protection and Arson Investigation

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