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s Name s Amanda Carvalho s Advantages s

s Archetype s Adormecido (Arruinado)

2 Distrações: Séries de TV,
Mídias e Apps sociais
s Occupation s Estudante de Faculdade de Biologia Willpower
1 keep it together 0
s Appearance s
Parda, cabelos preto, descente de indígena, ela é
Fortitude Reflexes
baixa (1,45) magra. usa um cordão de penas. endure injury avoid harm

s Relations s -1 1
André (Colega da faculdade) meu Crush Neutra
A Mãe dela (Daniela) Significativa Reasoning Intuition
A Tia (Rosângela) Vital investigate 0 read a person
Lich Thiago 0 Neutro
Perception s Disdvantages s
-2 observe a situation 2 Arruinada
Coolness Violence
act under pressure 1 engage in combat
s Dark Secrets s
Vítima de experimentos Médicos. Charisma
influence others

s Dramatic Hooks s 3
see through the Illusion

s Stability s
s Gear and weapons s Composed
Foto do simbólo das serpentes, uma sem cauda e Moderate stress: Uneasy ◆
uma sem cabeça. -1 to Disadvantage rolls Unfocused
s Wounds s Xp 1
Tadeo agindo estranho Serious stress: Shaken
Serious wounds (-1 ongoing) Stabilized
Desnoteardo -1 Keep it Together Distressed
-2 to Disadvantage rolls Neurotic
Critical stress: Anxious
-2 Keep it together Irrational
-3 to Disadvantage rolls Unhinged
Critical wounds (-1 ongoing) +1 See Through the Illusion
The GM makes a Move Broken

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