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All barangays shall likewise endeavor to organize


DIVISION 1. SCOPE E. All fire volunteer organizations, barangay fire

brigades, and company and industrial fire brigades
This Rule shall govern the organization, equipage,
may be incorporated in the Bureau of Fire Protection
operation, and proficiency training of company and
Auxiliary (BFPA) subject to the form and function
community fire brigades as well as continuous training
established by the BFP.
and competency evaluation of fire volunteers and fire
volunteer organizations in the country who shall SECTION COMPOSITION
undergo mandatory fire prevention, fire suppression,
The organization of company fire brigades shall consist
rescue, emergency medical services and other related
of the Fire Brigade Chief, which shall be designated by
emergency response training programs and
the head of the company, and shall be assisted by
competency evaluations to be conducted 18 by the
selected personnel. In companies where more persons
BFP. This also prescribes the continuous professional
are available, they must be organized into teams to
education, competency evaluation and recognition of
function as a fire brigade established according to its
Fire Safety Practitioners, to be conducted by the BFP.
needs. The organization shall be such that a fire
For this purpose, the term “company” shall include
brigade is on duty or on call at all times.
government and/or private offices and buildings.
Fire Brigade - A collective term that refers to a group
of firefighters, primarily performing fire suppression The equipment that must be put into service during
activities in specified areas such as, but not limited to, fire or other related emergencies will determine the
community/barangay, company, and other number of men required for each operating unit or
government and non-government establishments. company into which the brigade is organized, and the
total number may be composed of two (2) or more
Fire Volunteer - A person who voluntarily enters into
individuals to operate a specific item of equipment or
firefighting service through a Fire Volunteer
a larger group to perform more complicated
Organization (FVO) and undergoes the same discipline
operations. Each fire brigade shall have a Leader or a
as that of BFP firefighters.
Chief. In his/her absence, an Assistant Chief shall be


A. All business establishments that can accommodate
at least fifty (50) persons shall, in addition to the A. He/She shall be responsible for the development of
requirements set forth under Section 7 of this Code fire prevention programs and plans of action for the
for the grant of Fire Safety Inspection Certificate company or organization to address possible fire
(FSIC), establish and maintain an organization of fire situation in the plant or community, subject to the
brigade to deal with fire and other related approval of the company or establishment head or fire
emergencies. The head of the company, through its prevention officer;
duly designated safety officer shall evaluate the
B. He/She shall initiate the procurement of necessary
potential magnitude of a fire emergency within the
firefighting equipment and supplies for use of the
company, and the availability of firefighting assistance
from the BFP to determine the nature of the
organization to be established. C. He/She shall conduct periodic evaluation of all
equipment available for firefighting and be
B. For buildings having various occupancies, the
responsible for setting in motion necessary
Building Administrator and/or owner shall initiate the
procedures for replacing missing equipment or
organization of a fire brigade in the premises
correction of inoperative equipment;
irrespective of the number of occupants.
D. He/She shall also bring to the immediate attention
C. In cases where a fire brigade is already established
of the company or establishment head, or his/her fire
for a building, said fire brigade shall be sufficient to
prevention officer, any situation that would likely
comply with the requirements of para “A” of this
reduce the effectiveness of firefighting operations;
E. He/She shall ensure that the brigades are suitably Regional Directors pursuant to the guidelines issued
staffed, conduct periodic review of the fire brigade by the Chief, BFP.
roster and prepare recommendations on the need for
additional members to be selected, appointed and
made available to beef up the team; A training design shall be developed by the BFP for fire
volunteers, fire volunteer organizations, fire brigades
F. He/She shall prepare training programs for the
and fire safety practitioners. Members shall be
members of the fire brigade and supervise its
required to complete the specified program of
implementation; and 19 In his/her absence, the
Deputy Fire Brigade Chief shall assume and perform
the duties and responsibilities of the Fire Brigade SCOPE OF TRAINING
A. All members of the fire brigade, fire volunteer and
SECTION QUALIFICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP fire volunteer organizations shall undergo training on
IN THE COMPANY FIRE BRIGADE fire prevention, fire suppression, rescue, emergency
medical services and related emergency response. The
Members of the fire brigade shall consist of persons
training program shall be adapted to the purpose of
who have met qualifications appropriate for the fire
the particular brigade. It shall include fire suppression
brigade work. For establishments, members must be
strategies, tactics, techniques and the use of portable
taken from the roster of its own workforce. The head
fire extinguishers and other equipment, devices and
of the company shall identify the persons who are fit
to perform fire operation activities and further assign
them to specific fire suppression positions. B. In the case of fire safety practitioners, they shall
undergo mandatory continuous professional
education and competency evaluation of their
To qualify as a member of a fire brigade, individuals expertise, knowledge and skills in the areas of fire
must be available to respond to fire alarms and attend science, engineering and technology to be conducted
required training programs. A pre-arranged schedule by the BFP.
for availability must be established to prevent conflict
of duties and to cover absences such as regular off-
duty periods, vacations and sickness.
The BFP shall assist in setting up a training program for
the fire brigade and fire volunteer organization.
Members of the fire brigade and fire volunteer
organization shall be afforded opportunities to
SECTION CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY improve their knowledge on fire prevention and
suppression through attendance in seminars and
A. Certificate of Competency shall be issued to fire
special training classes.
volunteers, fire volunteer organizations, and fire safety
practitioners, except company fire brigades, after SECTION IDENTIFICATION
completion of the mandatory training and
Members of the volunteer fire brigade organization
competency evaluation conducted by the BFP and
shall wear proper identification cards duly signed by
upon submission of the following:
the head of their organization and authenticated by
1. Certificate of completion of training; the C/MFM having jurisdiction.


3. Certificate of employment, in the case of fire safety
practitioners; and SECTION PRACTICE DRILLS

4. Other documents the BFP may require. Practice drills shall be held to check the ability of
members to perform the operations they are expected
B. The Certificate of Competency for Fire Safety
to carry out. Drills shall be occasionally held under
Practitioners shall be issued by the Chief, BFP. The
adverse weather conditions to work on special
Certificate of Competency for Fire Volunteers and Fire
procedures needed under such circumstances.
Volunteer Organizations shall be issued by the

In practice drills, all available fire and life safety

equipment, devices and tools for fire suppression and
medical and rescue operation must be operated.


At the conclusion of a practice drill, equipment shall

be made readily available to respond to a fire call.



Inspection and maintenance of fire equipment, both

fixed and portable, may be assigned to individual
members of the fire brigade. However, the Fire
Brigade Chief must establish the necessary schedules
for such work, and assign these duties to specific
personnel and ensure that these inspection and
maintenance operations are carried out and reported.


During firefighting operations, the fire brigades and

fire volunteer organizations shall be under the direct
operational control of the fire ground commanders
subject to existing guidelines of the BFP.
• Tools and Engine in Firefighting 1. Stovepipe Hat (1900)- felt
• Duties of Engine Company material
• Incident Command -cannot protect against flames
• Staging but the wide brim blocked sprays
• Command Sequence of water.

TOOLS AND ENGINES IN FIRE FIGHTING 2. French Fire Helmet (1900)-

1. Uniform made of metal
- a firefighter’s uniform is expensive - metal shells were dangerous
but essential because they conduct heat and
layer of material used in turnout 3. Gratacap (1930)- made of
gear serves a specific purpose, wood
providing protection from heat, cold, -developed by a volunteer
flames, and water. firefighter
- it is the forerunner of modern
- The External Yellow Layer is helmets
made of heat-resistant Nomex
Nomex is a honeycomb-like fiber. 4. 3 Modern Helmet- made of plastic
- The Pale-Yellow vapor barrier
protects against stems burns 1.
from firefighters’ own body heat. - has a face shield
- The Blue waterproof lining - heat and flame resistant
keeps the firefighter dry.

2. Ladder Belt - there’s a number on the front
- tether that extends the length to indicate the rank engine
of the connection out to 16-3/4 company
inches to reach the ladder rung
3. Gloves - has a polycarbonate exterior
- offer protection against that protects the head from
mechanical and thermal risks falling objects

6. Personal Alert and Safety System

- are used by firefighters to alert aid
using audible signal technology, and
4. Flashlight they operate by
- provides a tightly directed beam of emitting an alarm signal if the lack of
light, this can help focus a firefighter's motion exceeds a specific time
attention on a period.
specific task or in a specific direction.
7. Thermal Vision System
- a type of thermographic camera
used in firefighting by rendering
infrared radiation as visible
light, such cameras allow
firefighters to see areas of heat
through smoke, darkness, or
8. Two-Way Radio
- durable and able to withstand the unique
pressures created by a disaster, but also they
are lightweight and easy to carry around. If
an emergency situation requires a lot of
moving about, a radio is compact enough to
not get in the way.

9. Self-Contained Breathing
- used to protect users against
oxygen deficiency, dust, gases,
and vapors at plants, aboard
vessels, at a fire, and in tunnels.

10. Bolt Cutter

- for cutting through wire

11. Battering Ram

- used to make forced entries into
grounds/structures by cutting locks, and
breaking doors,
windows, or roofs as needed to gain access to
or ventilate structures
2. Fire Truck with Boom - Tower Truck - the boom can
move up and down and swivel 360 degrees to position
the firefighter as close to the target as possible.

Duties of Engine Company

• Locating the fire- company should determine where

the location of destructive fire is; it can be
determined from incoming calls, bystanders and even
actual observation.
• Confinement- company should limit the fire from
growing and spreading; it can be made by means of
fire control measures like exploiting the firewalls to
deny the spread, watering of adjacent structures
among others.
• Extinguishment- refers to the actual pacification of
destructive fire; the resource needed, time,
manpower is determined by the extent of destructive location and automatically requires the
fire and other factors in the scene of fire incident. implementation of a Staging Sector Officer.
• Securing and delivering water supply to incident
scene- company should secure and deliver water -it allows space for units to place in specific locations
supply to the fire scene; this can be made by to proceed and wait for orders from incident
identifying water sources like hydrants and natural commander.
sources, use of hose or engine relay if the source of -Level II Staging will be implemented for all greater
water is too distant. alarm incidents.
• Utilizing water supply for control and
extinguishment- water shall be used to suppress fire;
to ensure
the efficient use of water fire scene conditions should
be identified especially the size of the structure;
size of hose and engine specification is considered

• Primary Staging Command Sequence
- allows units to respond to a prearranged side of the There are 5 level of command sequence in the scene,
fire building and to be prepared to go into operation if namely;
ordered by the Incident Commander. Level 1 Incident Priorities
Level 2 Size up
-it allows units to respond to a prearranged side of the Level 3 Strategy
fire building and be prepared when the incident Level 4 Tactics
commander made an order.
Level 5 Tasks
- Level I Staging is automatically in effect for all
incidents with three or more companies responding. Level 1 Incident Priorities

- During any multi-company response, companies Life Safety- it covers the 1st and foremost priority,
should continue responding to the scene until protection of life is primordial aspect of safety; rescue
a company reports on the scene. In situations where and first aid are common measure for life safety;
the simultaneous arrival of first-due companies is evacuation of occupants and restriction of access in
possible, the affected officers shall utilize radio scene of incident are also made to prevent loss of
communications to coordinate activities and eliminate lives.
confusion. It will be the ongoing responsibility of • Incident Stabilization- refers to the situation in
Dispatch to confirm the arrival of the first on-scene which fire is controlled preferably confined, occupants
unit. are safe and medical attention was made, also the
firefighter are safe and distant from risks.
• Property Conservation- refers to the preservation of
properties from effects brought by exposures;
salvaging and use of water guides are employed.

Level 2 Size up- Refers to the mental process of

determining all factors in the incident against the
resources available.

Sources of Information
• Observation in the Scene
• Secondary Staging • Occupants and by standers
- Level II Staging is utilized when Command desires to • Firefighters who arrived first
maintain a reserve of resources on-scene, and when • Information from other sources
the need to centralize resources is required. Level II
Staging places all reserve resources in a central
Factors in size up mga usok at fire gases. Meron visibility less
✓ Water- is your water enough? Must be resourceful fire gases, more survivability.
to look for water. 3. Vertical Ventilaton- salamin sa bubong na
✓ Area- must be familiarize to the area binabasag ng fire department para yung usok
✓ Life hazard- possible hazard for the firefighter and sa taas umakyat.
civilian, evacuate, must perform overhaul and rescue ✓ Salvage – refers to the measures performed by
to preserving properties from fire, smoke and even
preserve life and property water. Yung mga gamit tatakpan ng tarpaulin oozing.
✓ Location, extent- location of the fire and extent will
dictate how you will raise the alarm and place the
✓ Apparatus
✓ Construction/collapse- pag dingding umuusok na
magigiba na yan, magigiba yung mga nasa ibabaw ng
na unit
✓ Exposures- PPE especially self-breathing apparatus
✓ Weather
✓ Auxiliary appliances- additional appliances can be
used for fire suppression inside the house
✓ Special matters Kailangan ang bugha
✓ Height Occupancy- mataas gusali may possibility ng tubig parang
matrap sa taas, purpose of the building shower saka dapat
✓ Time pinapaikot ung hose
para ma-maximize
Level 3 Strategies yung cover ng tubig.

Rescue- refers to the measure to keep occupants

from destructive effects of fire and exposure; ladder
operation, use of choppers, first aid etc are utilized for

✓ Exposures- refers to the condition of occupants

that can experience harm due to effects of destructive
fire. Measures should be made to minimize or avoid
1. Life Exposure- pagkakaroon ng kontak ng
tao sa apoy na pwede ikamatay
2. Fire Exposure- pagkakaroon ng access ng
property na kung saan possible siya masunog

✓ Confinement- refers to the keeping the fire to

specific area and avoiding its growth and spread Almost 90% of survival ng mga occupant
✓ Extinguishment – refers to actual pacifying of fire
1. Pag aakyat ng tuktok ng floor dapat mas mataas
using extinguishing agents, any firefighting ingredient
yung ladder ng mga 3 steps para may hawakan
to fight
fire 2. Pag rescue, tuktok ng ladder nasa base ng bintana
✓ Overhaul- refers to the checking of structure 3. Pagmaglalagay ng hose dapat yung tuktok ng
destroyed by fire to ensure that it will not ignite again; hagdan kapantay ng ceeling
✓ Ventilation – refers to the measures performed to
expel smoke and toxic gases from structure. 4. Access of floor dapat 1 step na abobe sa bintana
1. Mechanical Ventilation- gagamit ng fan
5. To ventilate- ung ladder sa tabi ng bintana, during
para i-expell yung usok at saka fire gases
2. Cross Ventilation- bubutasin mo yung
bintana na babasagin para dun tumakas yung
Ideal to prevent the glass shards from falling on your 2. Defensive- this mode is
face. made when there are no
civilians inside or in any
cases the fire is intense and
internal operation is not
possible. In such,
firefighters will suppress
the fire outside.

3. Offensive/defensive- one of the two transition

mode in which strategy will change from offensive to
defensive; for example, after evacuating the civilians
during the offensive mode, building may collapse and
all firefighters will leave the building and shift to
defensive mode.
Ideal place to punch a hole for ventilation because it
is farther from the person that is trapped and the
smokes and the chemicals will not go directly to the 4. Defensive/offensive- the second type of transition
trapped person mode in which strategy will change from offensive to
defensive; for example, the company arrived and
performs the defensive mode but the commander
received reports that civilians are trapped at the back
of the structure; in such case, commander will deploy
rescue teams and hose team if feasi

Level 4: Tactics- Refers to the manner of

implementing the strategy necessary for a situation.
Example: Ground commander directed the company
Level 4: Tactics to ventilate (strategy) the 4th floor
east side; then, the
company will make a cross ventilation (tactic)

Tasks- Refers to assigning the things to do to the right

person to perform the tactics in right time.
Example: considering the recent example, the
company will make a cross ventilation
(PLEASE READ RA 9514 RIRR Rev 2019 : Revise
immediately to pull the fire from moving to
west part where occupants are escaping
4 basic modes of fire attack

1. Offensive- this mode

of attack is made if
there are still civilians in
the building needed to
be evacuated or
rescued. In such, hose
teams will enter the
structure while other
units will take care of
rescue efforts.

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