Narrative Report ANGELA

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University


Social Security System

A Narrative Report of Internship

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
In FM 9 Practicum and Integrative Learning

Submitted by:
Angela R. Dayrit

Submitted to:
Prof. Maria Teresa C. Agustin, MBA, CPA
OJT Coordinator

MAY 2023
Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University



Table of Contents

I. Introduction

a. Company Profile

b. Internship Training Description

II. Key Tasks and Responsibilities

III. Assessment of the Training and Overall Learning Environment

a. Most memorable event during my practicum

b. My experience with people aroung me

c. My Learnings

IV. Evaluation of the Internship Experience

V. Impact of Internship Experience

VI. How well the financial management program prepared me for the internship?

VII. Recommendation

VIII. Acknowledgement

IX. Appendices

Appendix A: Certificate of Completion

Appendix B: Letter of credit for 100 training hours

Appendix C: Performance Evaluation

Appendix D: Accomplishment Report

Appendix E: Daily Time Record

Appendix F: Memorandum of Agreement

Appendix G: Training Agreement

Appendix H: Endorsement Letter

Appendix I: Gallery/Documentation

Appendix: J: Resume

Appendix K: E-Certificates
I. Introduction

a) Company Profile

The Social Security System (SSS) in the Philippines is a government-

run social insurance program that provides various benefits to covered

employees and their dependents. It was established in 1957 and is governed by

Republic Act No. 1161, also known as the Social Security Act.

Here are some key features and components of the Social Security

System in the Philippines:

1. Coverage: The SSS covers employees working in the private sector,

including household helpers, self-employed individuals, and voluntary

members. Government employees are covered by a separate pension system

called the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS).

2. Contributions: Both the employee and the employer contribute to the

SSS fund. The monthly contribution rate is based on the employee's salary,

subject to a specific salary bracket. The contribution rates are periodically

adjusted by the SSS.

3. Benefits: The SSS provides various benefits to its members,

including the following:

• Retirement Benefit: Members who have reached the age of 60 and

have paid at least 120 monthly contributions are eligible for a monthly


• Disability Benefit: Members who become permanently disabled and

have paid at least 36 monthly contributions are entitled to a monthly pension.

• Death Benefit: Dependents of a deceased member, including the

spouse and children, are eligible for a lump sum or monthly pension.

• Funeral Benefit: A cash benefit is provided to the beneficiaries of a

deceased member to help cover funeral expenses.

• Sickness Benefit: Members who are unable to work due to sickness

or injury are entitled to a daily cash allowance.

4. Loan Programs: The SSS offers various loan programs to its

members, including salary loans, calamity loans, and housing loans. These

loans provide financial assistance to members during times of need.

5. Online Services: The SSS has an online portal that allows members

to access their contribution records, apply for benefits and loans, and perform

other transactions. This makes it easier for members to manage their SSS


6. Coverage Expansion: In recent years, the SSS has implemented

programs to expand coverage and reach more individuals, such as self-

employed individuals and overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).

b) Internship Training Description

• Assigned at Member Services Section - Team 2 Fast Moving - E-CENTER.

• Assisting in member and employer log in, in online services.

• Assisting clients to process their transactions.

• Printing, scanning, and photocopying important documents.

• Cutting a verification slip, how to reset password and web registration slip.

• Instructed to look for the UMID cards of members.

• Encoding SEVM or Self-Employed and Voluntary Members in Tarlac


• Encoding and Monitoring E4 forms, E1 forms, Funeral, and Death Claims

to see if they are scanned.

• Checking the information that needs to be filled out in Member Data Change

Request form.

• Performs other related duties.

II. Key Tasks and Responsibilites.

On February 6, 2023, we officially started our student internship

program in the Social Security System Tarlac Main Branch. Officially, because

they already orient us and assign to our designated section. I was assigned at

Member Services Section Team 2 Fast Moving – E-center. On the first day, I

had a task to observe at the counter on what they are doing like assisting

members, answering their concerns and inquiries, and instructed me to scan

some documents.

Later, I was assigned to go to e-center to assist members on how to

register their account in online services platform. I also assist them on how to

reset their user id and password when forgotten. Some of the cmployees are

guiding us on our first to second week but after that they let us do our job. We

are 3 that were assign to the e-center to assist members. It was hard to take this

kind of responsibility wherein I am assisting people in variety of matters. Still,

I did my best to do may task and responsibilities as trainee.

Before I only know how to register their account and reset their user id

and password but later, I also learn how to get PRN or Payment Reference

Number for loan and contributions, how to do DAEM or Disbursement Account

Enrollment Module, how to apply benefits like maternity, sickness, retirement,

funeral, and death, how to apply loans like salary, pension, and consolidated of

past due or what we call conso loan, how to add and remove employees in

employer log in, how to get their ss number, how to update their contact

information, how to permanent their account, and how to change their status

from single to married. That is my task and responsibilities in e-center.

Another task assigned to me, which was given by Ma’am Marian, was

the printing the instructions on what we are doing in e-center and put it in a

folder to make it more presentable. Other task, which was given to me by Sir

Noel, was to encode and monitor documents like E1 forms, E4 forms, and

funeral claims to see if they have been scanned, if they are not scanned, I will

write “not validated”.

Lastly, I was instructed by Sir Mj to look for the UMID cards of the

members and given the task of organizing the transmittals and label them by

month, day, and year. Another task, which was given to me by Sir Christian,

was to encode SEVM files or Self-Employed Voluntary Members in Tarlac

Branch. Also, he instructed me to print Member Data Change Request form and

check the information that needs to be filled out by using highlighter.

III. Assesstment of the Training and Overall Learning Environment

a.) Most memorable event during my practicum

I can say that the best experience I had in my OJT was going to the e-

center and helping people who needed our help. I enjoy helping and assisting

people who needed our help. It was difficult in the beginning but as time went

on, I started to love what I am doing, I also explore and learned a lot of things.

I can say it is my best experience as trainee.

Second is the birthday celebration of our branch manager, we were

invited at her party, and we did a performance for her which is to sing a song

together with my co-trainees. It is memorable because we did not expect that

we are going to be part of her birthday celebration. Also, one of the memorable

moments is when our Ma’am and Sir gave us foods because our work is very

tiring, and we appreciate them for doing that.

Lastly, one of the memorable that happens to me during my training is

when people who I assist give me a token or food for being thankful and grateful

for the assistance and help I gave to them.

b.) My experience with people around me

I have the best experience with people around me when it comes to the

employees of Social Security System, they are so kind, and they inspire me.

Sometimes they suddenly give us snacks or buys us coffee or asks us what food

we want. They always praise us that out of all the trainees they had at the e-

center, we are the hardworking and good ones and can do the job right even

without their help. In terms of people that we assist I have good and bad


The good ones always thank us for giving them the assistance they need;

they are grateful to the point that we do not expect anything from them but to

thank us but aside from that they are giving us some foods or drinks or a token

like lotion and hand sanitizer.

The bad ones that I encounter are ungrateful and entitled and they are

always fighting and shouting at us even if we helped them, others complain why

they only get this kind of money, they only depend to us they don’t even want

to do it theirself, most of them complain a lot of things then think highly of

themselves and then we will be underestimated but I’m just going through it, all

that is really needed is a lot of patience and understanding.

c.) My Learnings

The tasks given to us were hard at the beginning because I don’t have

enough knowledge about what I need to do at the e-center but later I realize that

it is simple and understandable if you really want to learn. The employees had

different job descriptions, but we were lucky that we are assigned at the e-center

because there is a lot of knowledge and learnings you will take. In assisting

members, sometimes I got frustrated because there is a lot of people that needs

our assistance. I got to meet a lot of people during my training, some were nice,

but some were not. Some were grateful of the benefits they have, but most of

them are not.

I learned that Social Security System provides financial support to

individuals, families and members who have experienced sickness, disability or

even death of a family member, also provides benefits in terms of loss of income

due to retirement and for that they can claim their retirement benefit but to be

eligible you need atleast 120months contributions if not you can still avail of

what we call "lonesome". You can also apply maternity benefit, apply for salary

loan, and pension loan, and lastly there is this consolidation of past due or conso

loan where in it can helped you reduce the amount you will be paying by

deducting your penalties. I also learn how to update their contact information,

how to permanent their account, how to do DAEM or Disbursement Account

Enrollment Module, how to generate Payment Reference Number for loans and

contributions, how to change their status from single to married, also how to

encode and monitor SEVM files or Self-Employed Voluntary Members, E1

forms, E4 forms, and funeral claims.

Therefore, Social Security System is not just a financial support or

assistance to everyone but can also be an important source of income to anyone

and it is designed to provide not only for benefits but also a safety net for those

who need it. In 3 months of being a trainee I learned a lot especially we are

assigned at the e-center I made new friends and acquired valuable lessons and


IV. Evaluation of the Internship Experience

I was nervous and excited at the same time when I first entered Social

Security System to inquire for the internship program. When I came back, I did

not really expect that I will come back as their trainee, I did not miss any chance,

so I grab the opportunity to share and apply my skills and knowledge, but I am

still nervous specially when they said we had interview but then I speak only

the truth and with full confidence. I remember feeling overwhelmed on my

interview because the employee is happy with my answers, and she keeps on

smiling while I am talking. I also remember my first day when I am assigned at

the e-center, I am scared, nervous but at the same time excited to do my job as

trainee. There was so many learnings and knowledge. Over the entire course of

my internship, I learned a lot about the work as government employee in the

Social Security System. I gained valuable experience which I can share to many

people, valuable experience to help anybody, I also gained new friends. I also

learned how to work under pressure since there is a lot of people that needed

my assistance throughout my journey as trainee,

It was a worthwhile experience that advanced my career and personal

development. Some of the things I learned during my internship including the

value of efficiency, teamwork and communication, the ability to think critically

and solve problems, the ability to pick up new information fast, and the ability

to operate and work under pressure, but the important thing that is needed is to

maximize your patience and understanding, I also learned how to boost my

confidence and communication skills and thankfully I did my very best to do

my job as trainee and it helped me to grow not only personally but also

professionally and I am grateful for the opportunity to have an amazing journey

throughout my internship, and I know for sure that my skills and determination

for my job as trainee in Social Security System Tarlac Main Branch will be

reliable and valuable in my future career.

V. Impact of Internship on Career Goals

The outcome enlightened up our minds about the potential of our future

careers. During the internship they have given us real tasks and responsibilities

like assisting members in their online portal and some of the assistance that we

are doing can relate to as Financial students. I have seen the value of financing

in the workplace. Our work being a trainee can be seen as boring, but we are

very helpful to the company and not only for them but also beneficial to those

people that we helped.

I am thankful that I got to experience this amazing job during my

internship. It made me see the importance of my future employment. No job is

simple, not just because of the task itself but also because of the circumstances

that surround it. These two aspects, in my opinion, go together hand in hand,

and if an individual cannot adjust to them, their success will not be complete.

VI. How well the financial management program prepared me for the internship?

I am grateful for the Financial Management Program at Tarlac State

University College of Business and Accountancy – Junior Financial Executives.

The program has prepared me well for the tasks and responsibilities I have

accomplished during my internship. Some of the subjects have given me the

tools I need to complete my internship and do my job with less difficulties.

Computer subjects helped me on how to operate basic Microsoft Office

application like MS Word and MS Excel.

Beyond the teaching from our professors of this subjects, they have also

shared with us their experiences in the workplace during our OJT orientation

and the webinars they share to us. I gained affirmations of these things as well

as insights into the practical use of the financial management program, both of

which contributed to my personal life. I am sure that my future profession will

benefit from the skills, knowledge, and experiences I have obtained from the

financial management program.

VII. Recommendation

The internship was very helpful and had given me an insight for my

future career and as finance student. I would have preffered if I was able to

shadow Ma’am Lucky and Sir Christian because their work was the most

memorable experience I have as trainee. I would love to learn more on the online

platform that they use.

I think it would be better if future OJTs will be able to see the workplace

of the Social Security System and gain on hand experience on how to assist and

help people on their online services platform since later all the transactions will

be operate thru online. I think it would be better if they can provide more

computer or kiosks for the OJTs or even for their employees so that they can

help a lot of people who needed their assistance.

It would be better too if they provide interns with a more of clear

understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations.

Clearly communicate the program's objectives and how interns can contribute

to achieving them. Develop a comprehensive onboarding process that includes

orientation sessions, introductions to team members, and an overview of the

organization's culture, values, and processes. This will help interns acclimate

quickly and start contributing sooner. Create an inclusive and diverse

environment that values and respects individual differences. Encourage interns

from different backgrounds and perspectives to contribute and share their

unique experiences. Regularly assess the effectiveness of the internship

program by gathering feedback from interns, mentors, and supervisors. Use this

feedback to make necessary improvements and enhance the program's overall


VIII. Acknowledgement

This On-the-Job Training would not have been possible without the

support of those who gave their time, energy, and resources as well as their

advice and knowledge.

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the following individuals:

I'm grateful to the Lord for giving me the strength, knowledge, and advantages

I needed to successfully complete this on-the-job training.

To my parents, who gave me life, supported me financially, and inspired me to

work hard during my on-the-job training through their guidance.

To my siblings, who made me delighted, helped me out financially, and

supported me in all my On-the-Job Training efforts.

To my OJT supervisor/s, who offered me the chance to demonstrate my

knowledge and skills in the workplace, mentored me during my OJT

experience, and gave me the necessary training. My sincere gratitude also goes

to Prof. Maria Teresa Agustin, MBA, CPA, our OJT Coordinator and FM

Chairperson, who informed us of the rules and guidelines established by the

college and office throughout the course of our internship. She calmly and

tirelessly offered her knowledge and guidance with the interns, helping us to

complete the tasks required for the on-the-job training.

Additionally, I want to thank all my friends for helping me on the route to

achieving my goals.

Without the help of the people listed above, this On-the-Job Training

would not have been possible. I would like to personally thank them for

making this happen. I sincerely thank you for this amazing accomplishment.

IX. Appendices

Appendix A: Certificate of Completion

Appendix B: Letter of credit for 100 training hours

Appendix C: Performance Evaluation

Appendix D: Accomplishment Report

Appendix E: Daily Time Record

Appendix F: Memorandum of Agreement

Appendix G: Training Agreement

Appendix H: Endorsement Letter

Appendix I: Gallery/Documentation
OJT Oriention on our 1st Day

Our 1st week at Social Security System

The 1st visits of the new elected President of Social Security System
Mr. Rolando L. Macasaet

Birthday celebration of our Branch Manager with my co-trainees

Women’s Month Celebration

Assisting Clients

Assisting one of our professor Dr. Katrina Bianca V. Sicat

Encoding Funeral Claims

Celebration with our supervisor/s on our last week of internship together with my co-

Last Day of our internship at Social Security System

Last Day of our internship at Social Security System

Appendix J: Resume


Address: #003, Blk.10 San Pablo, Tarlac City, Tarlac

Contact No.: 0948-343-3133
Email Address:

As a detail-oriented, dedicated, and self-driven student with excellent typing and administrative
abilities, I'm looking for opportunities to increase my experience, broaden my knowledge, and
sharpen my skills and expertise in the financial industry. I also want to develop as a
performance-driven person by making the best use of my quantitative and analytical skills to
help the company achieve its objectives.

Date of Birth | October 04, 2000
Age | 22 years old
Place of Birth | Tarlac City, Tarlac
Height | 5’5
Father’s Name | Ernie V. Dayrit
Mother’s Name | Anna Marie R. Dayrit
Parent’s Address | #003 blk. 10 San Pablo, Tarlac City, Tarlac
Religion | Roman Catholic
Sex | Female
Civil Status | Single
Language/Dialect Spoken | Tagalog, English, Kapampangan


TERTIARY Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Financial Management
Tarlac State University
Romulo Blvd, Tarlac City
4th year student at present
• Dean’s Lister (1st yr – 4th year 1st semester)

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Central Luzon Doctor’s Hospital –Educational Institution
Romulo Highway, San Pablo, Tarlac City
• With Honors (Grade 12)
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL San Luis Educational Foundation Inc.
San Luis, Tarlac City
• With Honors (Grade 10)
• Leadership Award
• Athlete of the Year
ELEMENTARY Sto. Cristo Elementary School
Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City
• With Honors (Grade 2, Grade 4 & Grade 5)

• Leadership Training Seminar
Theme “On Crossroads”
February 19,2023, at CBA AVR TSU Lucinda Campus
Theme “Haul Wind unto the Land of Financial World”
March 25, 2023, via Zoom
• Regional Financial Literacy Caravan
Theme “Shifting Gears: Developing the Habits for Financial Investing”
April 16, 2023, via Zoom
• Business Week Webinar Series
Theme “Defining your purpose: A Guide to Becoming an Effective Leader” and “Work-
Life Balance: Enhancing Professional Ethics in the Workplace through Building Long-term
Success in Business”.
April 27, 2023, via Zoom and Facebook Live
• Closing Program of 3rd Financial Literacy Awareness
Theme “Glimpse of the World of Finance”
May 13, 2023, at TSU Gymnasium, Main Campus


• Leadership experience and communication skills
• Highly trustworthy and ethical
• Adaptable and patient, who thrives in a hectic environment based on prior experiences.
• Focuses on the little things to ensure consistency and reliability.
• Computer Literate in various Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Powerpoint,
and Excel

Human Resources Department
Sta. Rosa Road, Maliwalo Tarlac City, Tarlac


Member Services Section Team 2 – Fast Moving E-CENTER
Macabulos Drive, San Vicente, Tarlac City, Tarlac

Mr. Justine Red M. Versola Mr. Jomari S. Miranda
Lecturer – Tarlac State University Lecturer – Tarlac State University
0915-972-2055 0909-918-9468

Dr. Katrina Bianca V. Sicat Ms. Karen T. Pagquil

Lecturer – Tarlac State University Adviser – CLDH-EI
0922-877-0114 0922-757-9382

I hereby certify that the information above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.


Appendix K: E-Certificates


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