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Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I am Rawda Arrajis I will be one of your speaker for
today. And it is my pleasure to introduce myself as one of your speaker who's going to talk
about should mental health and wellness be added to school curriculum. Definitely yes,if
Mental Health and Wellness topics will be in school curriculum,students will get a chance to
learn about this topic in school not only to understand what might be going on with them
but also in others specially their peers. Everyone would benefit from understanding Mental
Health and Wellness. And it can enable them to take care or take responsibility for their
own Mental Health as well as watch out for their fellow students.

Both teachers and students should be provided with ways to recognize signs of developing
Mental Health problems. And there should be opportunities around the awareness and
management of Mental Health crises, including the risk of suicide or self harm. We all know
that there almost thousands of students who end their lives at an young age. By introducing
Mental Health and Wellness education at an early age, Teachers can equip students with the
knowledge and skills needed to identify signs of mental health struggles in themselves and in
others. This can also lead to early prevention of more severe mental health problems in future.

As a student,I struggle about how to handle my self, school works, and how can I build a
good relationship with others. And I notice that I am not the only one who's thinking like
this. There are many sources of problems aside from our own home. Such as balancing of
our school works,school activities, and pressure. If students are tough about Mental Health
and Wellness in school, they will be able to identify Mental Health issues with themselves
and peers. Educators will be better equip to distinguish if a student is struggling about
their Mental Health problems.

Therefore, adding this topic in school curriculum will benefit students. We can reduce the
prevalence of Mental Health issues, improve academic performance, and develop healthy
coping mechanism. These skills are essential for navigating challenges and maintaining good
Mental Health thoughout their life.Students will be able to handle their stress and obstacles,
seek and provide assistance, and end silence surrounding mental health illness.Additionally,
by openly discussing Mental Health in classroom,educators can create a safe and supportive
environment and seek help without fear and judgement. That's all for today, Thank you.

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