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Join us for lectures and seminars

inspired by the Suhba Seminary Our Teacher

Shaykh Riad
Date &
Location & Topic
Shaykh Riad Saloojee is a lifelong student of
knowledge. After a career in law, politics and
Jumu’a Khutba: Islamic Center of New England - Sharon
Topic: Finding Sweetness in Difficulty July 28 media, he traveled to Cape Town, South Africa
2pm and studied the Islamic sciences at Dar
al-‘Ulum al-‘Arabiyya al-Islamiyya (DUAI) under
Community Dinner & Halaqa - Islamic Center of New the auspices of the late Shaykh Taha Karan
England - Sharon (may Allah envelope him in His Loving-mercy).
July 28
Topic: Being Muslim in a Digital World
After graduation, he taught a variety of
Halqa subjects at the renown seminary, including
A Muslim must not be a cheap imitator and accept new
7:00pm Islamic legal theory (usul al-fiqh), the higher
technologies without subjecting them first to the filter of
Islamic values and principles. But how do we use objectives of the law (maqasid al-shari‘a), law
technology and not be enslaved by its built-in addictive (fiqh), Prophetic traditions (hadith), and
power? This discussion teaches us how to be intelligent theology (‘aqida).
users of modern technology — to draw its benefits and
sidestep its harms. His teachers also include the spiritual giants of
our time - Shaykh Muhammad Emin Er (may
Community Workshop - Islamic Society of Greater
Allah envelope him in His Loving-mercy) and
Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui.
Topic: You Were Created For This Time Saturday
July 29 Under Shaykh Mokhtar, he has been trained in
You could have been made for any time — but Allah the practice of spirituality (tazkiya an-nafs)
created you for this time. Our faith has given us all that 1pm and is currently teaching in Al-Madina's Suhba
we need to respond to the challenges of the age. What (Dhuhr) Online program and the Suhba Seminary.
are those gifts? Join us as we explore the comprehensive
Prophetic advice given to the young ibn ‘Abbas: eight
principles for a life well lived.

Community Workshop & Qiyam - American Muslim For more information, please visit:
Center http://www.suhbaseminary.com/boston

Topic: Crisis of Yaqeen in Modern Times

July 29
Modern secular materialism has produced the rise of
atheism. We are barred more and more from perceiving
and experiencing non-material realities. Certainty (yaqin),
the rarest and most precious of Divine gifts, is now even
rarer. Yet, the existence of the Divine is as clear as day. Let
us study some of these proofs and, Allah willing, increase
our certainty

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