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(editor) 'Birth of the AAA Derivatives Subsidiary' J.

of Derivatives Summer 94
(editor) 'Financial Derivatives:Actions Needed to Protect the Financial System' J. of
Derivatives Fall 94
(editor) 'Baskets' <option-basket>
(editor) 'Cholesky Decomposition' <volatility>
(editor) 'Option on the Minimum/Maximum' <option-rainbow>
(No Name) 'Caps? Collars? Swap? Swaption'<caps>
(No Name) 'Collaring an Option with a Cap that Fits' RISK 12/87 <caps>
(No Name) 'Elliptic Curves & Elliptic Functions'<number theory>
(No Name) 'Gab of the Gift' <ARCH> RISK 10/93
(No Name) 'Glossary of Terms for Fermats Last Theorem' <number theory>
(No Name) 'Glossary' RISK Special 11/95 <Repo>
(No Name) 'How Repos Work'RISK Special 11/95 <Repo>
(No Name) 'Hull-White's Magnum Opus <mention Mid-Atlantic & Bermudan Options>' RISK
(No Name) 'Innovation is the Key' RISK Special 11/95 <Repo>
(No Name) 'Merrill Analyst' 'Beyond Black-Scholes Non-Linear Optimization in Asset
(No Name) 'Orange Blues' RISK Special 11/95 <Repo>
(No Name) 'Repo Market:Overview' RISK Special 11/95 <Repo>
(No Name) 'Riskmetric-Technical Document' 4th ed 96 <risk> J.P. Morgan
(No Name) 'Robert Merton , Investment Banking' SIAM News 9/98
(No Name) 'Strings, Turbulence & Interest Rates' 4/98 Numerix <interest rates>
(various) 'Credit Derivatives RISK supp 11/98 <LongTerm Capital>
(various) 'Studies on Equity Markets' FRB NY 88 <margin requirements>
(various) 'Weather Risk' RISK supp 10/98
(various> 'Weather Risk' RISK publication 8/99 <electric,power,energy>
Aamperi D. 'Implied Trees in Incomplete Markets' <options-numeric><linear
program.,volaility,martingale,principal components> 5/96
Aase Knut 'A Model for Loss of Profits Insurance' Progress in Probability<insurance>
(Stoch. analysis & Related Topic 5th workshop Silivri 94> 96
Aase Knut 'American Derivatives-a Review' 12/97 <options-American>
Aase Knut 'An Equilibrium Model of Catastrophe Insurance Futures Contracts'<insurance>
Research Symposium Proceedings9/95
Aase Knut 'Area Yield Futures & Options' 3/99 <hedge> Norw. Business School
Aase Knut 'Contingent Claims Valuation When the Security Price is a Combination of an
Ito Process & a Random Point Process' <stochastics> Mathematics of Operation
Research 28:1988
Aase Knut 'Jump/Diffusion Consumption-based CAPM & Equity Premium Puzzle' MF
Aase Knut 'Optimal Portfolio Diversification in a General Continuous-Time Model'
<portfolio> (84) SP&A
Aase Knut 'Ruin Problems & Myopic Portfolio Optimization' <portfolio> (86) SP&A
Aase Knut, Bernt Oksendal 'Admissible Investment Strategies in Continuous Trading'
<continuous time> SP&A 30:291 1988
Aase Knut, Bernt Oksendal, Nicolas Privault, J. Uboe 'White Noise Generalizations of
the Clark-Haussmann-Ocone Theorem with Application to Mathematical Finance'
Finance & Stochastics V4 #4 2000 <stochastic><Malliavin>
Aasness J., E. Biorn,T. Skjerpen 'Engle Functions,Panel Data & Latent Variables'
Econometrica 11/93
Abadir K., K. Hadri, E. Tzavalis 'Influence of VAR Dimension on Estimator Biases'
Econometrica 1/99
Abadir K., M. Rockinger 'The Devils Horns Problem of Inverting Confluent
Characteristic Functions' Econometrica 9/97
Abadir K., R. Paruolo 'Two Mixed Normal Densities from Cointegration Analysis'
Econometrica 5/97
Abarbanell J., V. Bernard 'Tests of Analysts Over/Underreaction to Earnings
Information as Explanation for Anomalous Stock Price Behavior' JofF 7/92
Abate Joseph, Ward Whitt 'Laplace Transforms of Probability Density Functions with
Series Representations' 4/98 <numeric> <Laguerre,long-tail,Erlang, Bell numbers>
Abate Joseph, Ward Whitt 'Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms of Probability
Distributions' J. Computing 95 , 1993 <distributions>
Abate Joseph, Ward Whitt 'The Fourier-Series Method for Inverting Transforms of
Probability Distributions' Queueing Systems 92 v.10 5-88 , 91 <numeric>
Abbeu D., Ariel Rubinstein 'Structure of Nash Equilibrium in Repeated Games with
Finite Automata' Econometrica 11/88
Abbott L. 'Mystery of the Cosmological Constant' SA 5/88
Abdulkadiroglu A., T. Sonmez 'Random Serial Dictatorship & the Core from Random
Endowments in House Allocations Problems' Econometrica 3/98
Abhyankar Abhay 'Return & Volatility Dynamics in the FT-SE 100 Stock Index & Stock
Index Futures Markets ' J.Fut.Mark 6/95
Abiola I. 'Modeling Credit Risk Spread iwth Interest Rate Volatility in the Eurodollar
Market' 98 Simon Fraser PhD
Abken Peter 'An Empirical Evaluation of Value at Risk by Scenario Simulation' J.
Deriv. Summer 2000
Abken Peter 'Generalized Method of Moments Tests of Forward Rate Processes' FRB
Atlanta w.p. 6/93 <term structure> <tests of Heath,Jarrow,Morton 92>
Abken Peter 'Globalization of Stock,Futures,& Options Markets' FRB Atlanta Economic
Review 7/91
Abken Peter 'Inflation & the Yield Curve' <term structure> Economic Review FRB
Atlanta 5/93
Abken Peter 'Inflation Uncertainty & the Nominal Term Structure:A Survey' <CIR
models/testing> <term structure> <Heath Jarrow Morton> FRB Atlanta w.p. 8/94
Abken Peter 'Interest Rate Caps,Collars & Floors'<caps> FRB Atlanta
Abken Peter 'Over the Counter Financial Derivatives:Risky Business?' FRB Atlanta
Abken Peter 'Using Eurodollar Futures Options:Gauging the Markets View of Interest
Rate Movements' FRB Atlanta 3/95
Abken Peter 'Valuation of Default-Risky Interest Rate Swaps'<swaps> AF&OR6
Abken Peter, Dilip Madan, S. Ramamurtie 'Estimation of Risk-Neutral & Statistical
Densities by Hermite Polynomial Approximations:with an Application to Eurodollar
Futures Options'<contingent claims> 6/96 FRB Atlanta wp
Abken Peter, Dilip Madan, S. Ramamurtie 'Pricing S&P Index Options using a Hilbert
Space Basis' FRB Atlanta 12/96 <options-index>
Abken Peter, H. Cohen 'Generalized Method of Moments Estimation of Heath-Jarrow-Morton
Models of Interest Rate Contingent Claims'<term structure> FRB Atlanta 8/94
Abken Peter, M. Shrikhande 'Role of Currency Derivatives in Internationally
Diversified Portfolios' Econ Review FRB Atlanta 3Q97
Abken Peter, Saikat Nandi 'Options & Volatility' FRB Atlanta 12/96<volatility>
Aboud J., F. Kramarz,D. Margolis 'High Wages Workers & High Wage Firms' Econometrica
Aboudi R., D. Thon 'Efficient Algoritms for Stochastic Dominance Tests Based On
Financial Market Data' <complete markets> MS 4/94
Abraham A., D. Ikenberry 'The Individual Investor & the Weekend Effect' JF&QA 6/94
Abraham B., George Box 'Deterministic & Forecasting Adaptive Time Dependent Models'
Appl. Statistics 1978 <regression>
Abraham K., J. Greenlees, B. Mooulton 'Working to Improve the Consumer Price Index'
J. Econ. Persp. W 98
Abraham K., J. Haltiwonger 'Real Wages & the Business Cycle' <business cycle> JEL 9/95
Abraham-Frois G., E. Berrebi 'Le Probleme de la Transformation:Solution(s)'
Econometrica 9/84
Abrahams S. 'A Review of Extension Risk in Thirty-Year GNMA Mortgages' J.Fixed Income
Abrahams S. 'New View in Mortgage Prepayments:Insight from Analysis at the Loan-by-
Loan Level' J. Fixed Income 6/97
Abramov A., D. Brown 'Returns on Russian Treasury Securities 1994-96:Violation of
Interest Rate Parity ?' J. Fixed Income 6/97
Abramovich F., T. Sapatinas, B. Silverman 'Stochastic Expansions in an Overcomplete
Wavelet Dictionary' <wavelet> Prob. Theory Relt. Fields 2000
Abramowicz M. 'Black Holes & Centrifical Force Paradox' Scientific American 3-93
Abrams R., R. Froyen, R. Waud 'State of the Federal Budget & State of the Economy'
Economy Inquiry 10/87 <budget>
Abreu Dilip 'On the Theory of Infinitely Repeated Games with Discounting'
Econometrica 3/88
Abreu Dilip, A. Sen 'Virtual Implementation in Nash Equilibrium' Econometrica 7/91
Abreu Dilip, D. Pearce, E. Stacchette 'Towards a Theory of Discounted Repeated Games
with Imperfect Monitoring' Econometrica 9/90
Abreu Dilip, F. Gul 'Bargaining & Reputation' Econometrica 1/2000
Abreu Dilip, H. Matsushima 'A Response to Glazer & Rosenthal' Econometrica 11/92
Abreu Dilip, P. Dutta, L. Smith 'The Folk Theorem for Repeated Games:A NEU Condition'
Econometrica 7/94
Abreu Dilip, P. Migrom, D. Pearce ' Information & Timing in Repeated Partnerships'
Econometrica 11/91
Abrew Dilip, H. Matsushima 'Virtual Implementation in Interactively Undominated
Strategies:Complete Information' Econometrica 9/92
Abril J. 'Approximate Densities of Some Quadratic Forms of Stanionary Random
Variables' J. Time Series Analysis (87) #3
Abuaf N., Philippe Jorion 'Purchasing Power Parity in the Long Run' JofF 3/90
Abu-Mostafa Y.,D. Psaltis 'Optical Neural Computers' Amer Scien 3/87 <math>
Abu-Saris R., F. Hanson 'Computational Suboptimal Filter for a Class of Wiener-Poisson
Driven Stochastic Processes' Dynamics & Control 97 <stochastics>
Acar Emmanuel, D. Prieul 'Expected Maximum Loss of Financial Returns' <risk>
NetExposure 11/97
Acar Emmanuel, S. Stachell 'A Theoretical Analysis of Trading Rules:an Application to
the Moving Average Case with Markovian Returns' App. Math. Finance 9/97
Acharya S. 'Generalized Econometric Model & Tests of Signaling Hypothesis with Two
Discrete Signals' JofF 6/88
Acharya S. 'Value of Latent Information:Alternative Event Study Methods' JofF 3/93
Acharya S., Dilip Madan 'Can a Riskless Asset be Pesumed to Exist? A Latent Interest
Rate Theory & Evidence' 3/97 <asset pricing>
Acharya S., J. Dreyfus 'Optimal Bank Reorganization Policies & the Pricing of Federal
Deposit Insurance' JofF 12/89
Ackermann C., R. McEnally, D. Ravenscraft 'The Perfromance of Hedge Funds:Risk, Return
& Incentivies' JofF 6/99
Ackert L., B. Smith 'Stochastic Price Volatility,Ordinary Divdends & Other Cash Flows
to Shareholders' JofF 9/93
Ackert L., V. Tian 'Introduction of Toronto Index Participation Units & Arbitrage
Opportunities in the Toronto 35 Index Option Market' J. Deriv. Summer 98
Ackert L., W. Hunter 'A Sequential Test Methodology for Detecting Futures Market
Disruptions with Applications to Futures Margin Management' R. Futures Markets
v9 #2 90
Ackert L., W. Hunter 'Rational Expectations & Dynamic Adjustment of Security Analysts
Forecasts to New Information' w.p. FRB Atlanta 8-93<security>
Ackert L., W. Hunter 'Rational Expectations & Security Analysts Earnings
Forecasts'<alphabetic> FRB Atlanta 8/92
Acworth Paul, Mark Broadie, Paul Glasserman 'A Comparison of Some Monte Carlo & Quasi
Monte Carlo Techniques for Option Pricing' 97 <monte carlo>
Adair R. 'Flaw in the Universal Mirror' 2/88 SA <astrophysics>
Adam B., P. Garcia,R. Hauser 'Robust Live Hog Pricing Strategies under Uncertain
Prices & Risk Preferences' JFM 12/93
Adamchuk Alexander, S. Adamchuck, Sergei Esipov 'Arbitrage Relaxation of Instruments
with Temporal Constraints' 6/98 <arbitrage>
Adamchuk Alexander, Sergei Esipov 'Collectively Fluctuating Assets in the Presence of
Arbitrage Opportunities, and Option Pricing' Physics-Uspekhi 97 <arbitrage>
Adams K., D. van Deventer 'Fitting Yield Curves & Forward Rate Curves with Maximum
Smoothness' <term structure> <num J.Fixed Income 6/94
Adan I., M. van Eenige, J. Resing 'Fitting Discrete Distributions on the First Two
Moments' <distributions> Prob in Engin & Info. Science (95)
Adcock C. 'Factor Friction'<multi-factor><factor models> RISK 12/91
Aderhold R., C. Cumming, A. Harwood 'International Linkages among Equity Markets and
Oct. 87 Market Break' FRB NY Quart. Review Summer 88
Adleman L. 'Factoring Numbers Using Singular Integers' <number field sieve>
<cryptography> Proc. ACM 91 Theory of Computing
Adler B., D. Gale 'Arbitrage & Growth Rate for Riskless Investments in a Stationary
Economy' MF 1/97 <arbitrage>
Adler M. 'Cost of Capital & Valuation of a Two-Country Firm' JofF 3/74
Adler M. 'Investor Recognition of Corporation International
Diversification:Comment'<reply Agmon T.,D. Lessard> JofF 3/81
Adler M., B. Dumas 'Internation Portfolio Choice & Corporation Finance:Synthesis'
JofF 6/83
Adler M., B. Prasad 'On Universal Currency Hedge'<foreign exchange> JF&QA 3/92
Adler M., G. Stevens 'Trade Effects of Direct Investment' JofF 5/74
Adler M., Jerome Detemple 'Hedging with Futures in an Intertemportal Portfolio
Context' <hedging> JFM Jun 88
Adler M., Jerome Detemple 'Optiomal Hedge of a Nontraded Cash Position' JofF 3/88
Adler M., Philippe Jorion 'Universal Currency Hedges for Global Portfolios'
J.Portfolio Mangagement Summer 92
Adler M., R. Horesh 'Relationship Among Equity Markets:Comment' Econometrica 9/74
Adler R., M. Lewin 'Local Time & Tanaka Formulae for Super Brownian & Super Stable
Processes'<Brownian motion> SP&A 5/92
Admati A. 'A Noisy Rational Expectations Equilibrium for Multi-Asset Security Markets'
Econometrica 5/85
Admati A., P. Pfleiderer 'Direct & Indicrect Sale of Information' Econometrica 7/90
Admati A., P. Pfleiderer 'Robust Financial Contracting & the Role of Venture
Capitalists' JofF 6/94
Admati A., S. Bhattacharya,P. Pfleiderer,S. Ross 'On Timing & Selectivity' JofF 7/86
Afaf N. 'Going Global' RISK 11/97 <portfolio> <FX exposure>
Affleck-Graves John 'Exam Power of Univariate CAPM' J. ECON & BUSIN v45,#1 3-93
Affleck-Graves John, Bill McDonald 'Multivariate Tests of Asseet Pricing:Comparative
Power of Alternative Statistics' <asset pricing> JF&QA (90)
Affleck-Graves John, Bill McDonald 'Nonnormalities & Tests of Asset Pricing Theories'
JofF 9/89
Affleck-Graves John, S.Hedge, R. Miller 'Trading Mechanisms & Components of Bid-Ask
Spread' JofF 9/94
Aftergood S., et al 'Nuclear Power in Space' SA 6/91
Agca Senay, Donald Chance 'A Comparison of Alternative Bivariate Normal Probability
Estimation Procedures for Compound & Min-Max Options' 3/99 <options-compound>
Aggarwal Raj 'Distribution of Spot & Forward Exchange Rates:Empirical Evidence &
Investor Valuation of Shewness & Kurtosis' <distributions> Decision Science 1990
Aggarwal Raj 'Stabilization Activities by Underwriter after Initial Public Offernings'
JofF 6/00
Aggarwal Raj, A. Samwick 'Executive Compensation, Strategic Competition, and Relative
Performance Evaluation: Theory and Evidence' JofF 12/99
Aggarwal Raj, C. Inclan, R. Leal 'Volatility in Emergin Stock Markets' JF&QA 3/99
Aggarwal Raj, D. Schirm 'Global Portfolio Diversification' Academic Press
Aggarwal Raj, M. Moran, Peter Ritchken 'Valuation of Covert Greenmail
Payments:Application of Contingent Claims Analysis' J. Fin. Engin. 12/92
Aggarwal Raj, S. Mohanty, F. Song 'Are Survey Forecasts of Macroeconmic Variables
Rational?' JofBusiness 1/95
Aghion P., M. Dewatripont, P. Rey 'Renegotiation Design with Unverifiable Information'
Econometrica 3/94
Aghion P., P. Howitt 'Model of Growth through Creative Destruction' Econometrica 3/92
Agmon T., A. Ofer, A. Tamir 'Variable Rate Debt Instruments & Corporate Debt Policy'
JofF 3/81 or 12/80
Agrawai A., R. Walking 'Executive Careers & Compensation Surrounding Takeover Bids'
JofF 7/94
Agrawal A., C. Knoeber 'Firm Performance & Mechanisms to Control Agency Problems
between Managers & Shareholders' JF&QA
Agrawal A., G. Mandelker 'Managerial Incentives & Corporate Investment & Financing
Decisions' JofF 9/87
Agrawal A., Jeffrey Jaffe, G. Mandelher 'Post-Merger Performance of Acquiring
Firms:Re-Examination of an Abnormaly' JofF 9/92
Agrawal A., N. Nagarajan 'Coroporate Capital Structure, Agency Costs, & Ownership
Control:Case of All-Equity Firms' JofF 9/90
Aguirre J. 'Self-Similarity & the Singular Cauchy Problem for the Heat Equation with
Cubic Absorption' App. Math. Letter 1/2001 <PDE>
Aharony J., C. Jones, I. Swary 'An Analysis of Risk & Return Characteristics of
Corporate Bankruptcy Using Capital Market Data' JofF 9/80
Aharony J., I. Swary 'Effects of the 1970 Bank Holding Company Acts:Evidence from
Capital Markets' JofF 9/81
Aharony J., I. Swary 'Quarterly Dividend Announcement & Stockholders'Returns:Empirical
Study' JofF 3/80
Ahmadi H., P. Sharp, C. Walther 'Effectiveness of Futures & Options in Hedging
Currency Risk' <hedging> AFOR V1B 86
Ahmed H. 'Nonlinear Dynamics, Volatility Estimation & Management of Equity Risk' w.p.
1992 <volatility>
Ahn B., G. Johnson 'Path Integrals, Fourier Transforms & Feynman Operational Calculus'
Mar/April 98 Anna. App. Prob.
Ahn C. 'Effect of Temporal Risk Aversion on Optimal Consumption, the Equity Premium &
the Equilibrium Interest Rate' JofF 12/89
Ahn C. 'Option Pricing when Jump Risk is Systematic' <options-numeric> MF 10/92
Ahn C. 'Pricing of Foreign Currency Futures Options'<options-currency> J. Fina. Engin
Ahn C., H. Thompson 'Jump-Diffusion Processes & the Term Structure of Interest Rates'
JofF 3/88
Ahn D. 'Common Factores & Local Factors:Implications for Term Structures & Exchange
Rates' 1/97 <term structure>
Ahn D. 'Generalized Squared-Autoregressive Independent-Variable Nominal Term Structure
Model' 7/97 (term structure)
Ahn Dong-Hyun, Bin Gao 'Parametric Nonlinear Model of Term Structure Dynamics' RFS #4
99 ,3/98 <term structure>
Ahn Dong-Hyun, Jacob Boudoukh, Matthew Richardson, Robert Whitelaw 'Optimal Risk
Management Using Options' JofF 2/99
Ahn Dong-Hyun, Steven Figlewski, Bin Gao 'Pricing Discrete Barrier Options with an
Adaptive Mesh Model' J. Derivatives Summer 99 <options-barrier>
Ahn Dong-Hyun, V. Khadem, Paul Wilmott 'Pricing of Risk Bonds:Current Models & Future
Directions' <credit>
Ahn Hyungsok 'Semimartingale Integral Representations' Annals of Prob. 4/97
Ahn Hyungsok, Adviti Muni, Glen Swindle 'Misspecifed Asset Price Models & Robust
Hedging Strategies' Appl. Math Finance 3/97 <hedging>
Ahn Hyungsok, Adviti Muni, Glen Swindle 'Optional Hedging Strategies for Miispecified
Asset Price Models' App.Math.Fin. 9/99 <hedging>
Ahn Hyungsok, Antony Penaud, Paul Wilmott 'Various Passport Options & Their Valuation'
Applied. Math. Fin. 12/99 <option-passport>
Ahn Hyungsok, J. Powell 'Nonparametric Two Stage Estimation of Conditional Choice
Probabilities in a Binary Choice Model Under Uncertainty'U of Wisc. Madison
April 90
Ahn Hyungsok, J. Powell 'Semiparametric Estimation of Censored Selection Models' U of
Wisc. Madison April 90
Ahn Hyungsok, M. Bouabci, Antony Penaud 'Tailormade for Tails' <distribution> <heavy
Ahn Hyungsok, M. Dayal, E. Grannan, Glen Swindle 'Option Replication with Transaction
Costs:General Diffusion Limits' <options-transaction> Annals of Applied Prob. V6
#5 98
Ahn Hyungsok, Paul Wilmott 'Exercise Class' <option-American>
Ahn Hyungsok, Paul Wilmott 'On Trading American Options' <options-American>
Ahonen E. 'Mechanics 2' Derive Newsletter 6/93
Ahtola J., George Tiao 'Distribution of Least Squares Estimators of Atuoregressive
Parameters for a Process with Complex Roots on the Unit Circle' J. Time Series
Analysis #1 (87)
Ahtola J., George Tiao 'Note on Asymptotic Inference in Autoregressive Models with
Roots on the Unit Circle' J. Time Series Analysis #1 (87)
Aigner D., C. Sprenkle 'On Optimal Financing of Cyclical Cash Needs' JofF 12/73
Aigner D., P. Balestra 'Optimal Experimental Design for Error Components Models'
Econometrica 7/88
Aina Victor 'Valuation of Default-Risky Securities under a Mixed Diffusion-Jump
Process' Simon Fraser U. PhD Diss. 99
Aingworth D., R. Motwani, J. Oldham 'Accurate Approximations for Asian Options'
<option-asian> 10/99
Ait Sahalia Farid 'Valuation & Exercise of American Barrier Options'
Ait Sahalia Farid, L. Imhof, Tze Lai 'Fast & Accurate Valuation of American Barrier
Options' <option-american> 10/2000
Ait Sahalia Farid, Peter Carr 'American Options: a Comparison of Numerical Methods'
in Num.Method in Finance (ed.Rogers,Talay)
Ait Sahalia Farid, T. Lai 'Valuation of Discrete Barrier & Hindsight Options' J.
Finan. Engin. 6/97 <options-barrier>
Ait Sahalia Farid, Tze Leung Lai 'A Canonical Optimal Stopping Problem for American
Options & its Numerical Solution' J. Comp. Finance Spring 2000 <option-American>
Ait Sahalia Farid, Tze Leung Lai 'Random Walk Duality & the Valuation of Discrete
Lookback Options' App.Math Finance 9&12/98 <option-lookback>
Aitken M., A. Frino, M. McCorry, P. Swan 'Short Sales are Almost Instantaneously Bad
News:Evvidence from the Australian Stock Exchange'JofF 12/98
Aitken M., G. Garvey, P. Swan 'How Brokers Facilitate Trade for Long-Term Clients in
Competitive Security Markets' JofBusiness 1/95
Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'Delta & Bootstrap Methods for Non-linear Functionals of
Nonparametric Kernel Estimators Base on Dependent Multivariate Data' 10-92
Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'Do Interest Rates Really Follow a Continuous-Time Markov
Diffusions? 10/97 <term structure>
Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'Dynamic Equilibrium & Volatility in Finanical Asset Markets' wp
Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'Nonparametric Pricing of Interest Rate Derivative Securities'
<diffusion,term structure,continuous time> Econometrica 5/96
Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'Testing Continuous-Time Models of the Spot Interest Rate' <term
structure> UofC w.p. 8/95,RFS Summer 96
Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'The Delta Method for Nonparametric Kernel Functionals' 8/94
Ait-Sahalia Yacine 'Transition Densities for Interest Rate & other Nonlinear
Diffusions' JofF 8/99
Ait-Sahalia Yacine, Andrew Lo 'Nonparametric Estimation of State-Price Denisties
Implicit in Financial Asset Prices' JofF 4/98 <volatility smile>
Ait-Sahalia Yacine, Peter Bickel, Thomas Stoker 'Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Regression
Using Kernel Methods' Journal of Econometrics, 2001 , <regression> 3/96
Ait-Sahalia Yacine, Y. Wang, F. Yared 'Do Option Markets Correctly Price the
Probabilities of Movements of the Underlying Asset?' 10/97 <option-pricing>
Aivazian V., J. Callen 'Future Investment Opportunities & the Value of the Call
Provision on a Bond:Comment' JofF 9/80
Aivazian V., J. Callen 'Investment, Market Structure & Cost of Capital' JofF 3/79
Aivazian V., J. Callen 'Millers Irrelevance Mechanism' JofF 3/87
Aiyagan S. 'Economic Fluctuation without Shocks to Fundamentals; or Does the Stock
Market Dance to it Own Music? FRB Minn W88
Aiyagari S. Rao 'On the Contribution of Technology Shocks' Quarterly Review Summer 97
FRB Minn.
Aiyagari S. Rao 'Deficits, Interest Rates & Tax Distributions' FRB Minn Winter 85
Aiyagari S. Rao 'Deflating the Case for Zero Inflation' Quarterly Review Summer 97 FRB
Aiyagari S. Rao 'Explaining Financial Market Facts:Importance of Incomplete Markets &
Transaction Costs' <complete markets> Quarterly Review FRB Minn Winter 93
Aiyagari S. Rao 'Intergenerational Linkages & Government Budget Policies' FRB Minn Sp
87 <budget>
Aiyagari S. Rao 'Macroeconomics with Frictions' Quart.Review FRB Minn. Summer 94
Aiyagari S. Rao 'On Contribution of Technology Shocks to Business Cycles' Quart.
Review FRB Minn. Winter 94
Aiyagari S. Rao, N. Wallace, R. Wright 'Coexistence of Money & Interest-Bearning
Securities' J. Monetary Economics 96
Aizenstros Elon 'Managing the Unmanageable ' <electric power energy,Burr XII
distribution> ASIA RISK 6/99
Ajinkya B., M. Gift 'Dispersion of Financial Analysts Earnings Forecasts & Option
Model Implied Standard Deviation of Stock Returns' JofF 12/85
Akahori J. 'Explosive Tests for Stochastic Integral Equations Related to Interest Rate
Models' J. Math. Sciences, U. Tokyo 98 <term structure>
Akahori J. 'Some Formulae for a New Type of Path-Dependent Option'<options-path>
Annals of App.Prob 95
Akamanam S., M. Rao, K. Subramanyam 'On the Ergodicity of Bilinear Time Series
Models' J. Time Series Analysis #3 (86)

Akasof S. 'Dynamic Aurora' SA 5/89

Akaujo A. 'Lack of Pareto Optimal Allocations in Economies with Infinitely Many
Commodities:Need for Impatience' Econometrica 3/85
Akerlof G. 'Social Distance & Social Decisions' Econometrica 9/97
Akesson Fredrik, John Lehoczky 'Discrete Eigenfunction Expansion of Multi-Dimensional
Brownian Motion & the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process' 11/98 <Brownian>
Akesson Fredrik, John Lehoczky 'Path Generation for Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulation of
Mortgage Backed Securities' 9/2000 <monte carlo>
Akgiray Vedat, Geoffrey Booth 'Compound Distribution Models of Stock Returns: An
Empirical Comparison' <distributions> JFR Fall 87
Akgiray Vedat, Geoffrey Booth 'Mixed Diffusion-Jump Process Model of Exchange Rate
Movement' R. Econ & Stats 11/88
Akhtar M., B. Putman 'Money Demand & Foreign Exchange Risk:German Case 1972-76' JofF
Akian M., J. Menaldi, A. Seilem 'Multi-Asset Portfolio Selection Problems with
Transaction Costs' <transition cost> Math & Computers in Simulation (95)
Akian M., J. Menaldi, X. Sulem 'On an Investment Consumption Model with Transaction
Costs' <transaction costs> SIAM J. Contro & Opti 1/96
Aksoy L. 'Nash Equilibrium Solution for Stock Market Crashes' 97 City U. NY PhD
Albanese Claudio, Sebastian Jaimungal, Dmitri Rubisov 'Jumping in Line' RISK 2/2001,
w.p. <option-pricing><variance gamma, method of lines,jump,Richardson
extrapolation> 9/2000
Albin P. 'Information Exchange in Security Markets & Assumption of Homogeneous
Beliefs' JofF 9-74
Albizzati M., J. Geman 'Interest Rate Risk Management of the Surrender Option in Life
Insurance Policies' <options-insurance> J. Risk & Insurance 94
Albrecht Peter 'A Stochastic Approach to Quantifing of Default Risk' U. Mannheim
Albrecht, Thomas 'Die Vereinbarkeit der Value-at-Risk Methode in Banken mit
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Brigo Damiano, Fabio Mercurio 'Discrete Time vs. Continuous Time Stock-Price Dynamics
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the Daily CRSP Equal-Weighted Index to Compute Long-Run Excess Returns' JofF
Canina L., Steven Figlewski 'Informational Content of Implied Probability'
<volatility> 4/91{also RFS 93}
Canner N., N. Mankiw, D. Weil 'An Asset Allocation Puzzle' AER 3/97
Cannerer C. 'Progress in Behavioral Game Theory' J.Econ. Persp. Fall 97
Canning D. 'Rationality, Computability & Nash Equilibrium' Econometrica 7/92
Cannizzo J., R. Kaitchuck 'Accretion Disks in Interacting Bindary Stars' SA 1/92
Cannon J. 'Initial Value Problem' in "One Dimensional Heat Equations" <Diff & Integral
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Canova F., J. Marrinan 'Reconciling the Term Structure of Interest Rates with the
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Cao C., Eric Ghysels, F. Hatheway 'Price Discovery without Trading:Evidence from the
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Cao C., R. Tsay 'Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Stock Volatilities' <volatility>
Cao H. 'Effect of Derivative Assets on Information Acquisition & Price Behavior in a
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Cao Melanie, Jason Wei 'Vulnerable Options, Risky Corporate Bond and Credit Spread
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Caplin A., B. Nalebuff 'Aggregation & Imperfect Competition:On Existence of
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Caplin A., J. Leahy 'Aggreation & Optimization with State-Dependent
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Cardenas J., E. Fruchard, E. Koehler, C. Michel, I. Thomazeau 'VAR:One Step Beyond'
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Cargill T., R. Meyer 'Term Structure of Inflationary Expectations & Market Efficiency'
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Carleton W., I. Cooper 'Estimation & Uses of the Term Structure of Interest Rates'
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Carmona Rene 'Particle Methods in Filtering & Applications in Finance' 1/2001 <option-
Carpenter J. 'Does Option Compensation Increase Managerial Risk Appetite?' JofF Oct
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Chatterjee K., Hamid Sabourian 'Multiperson Bargaining and Strategic Complexity'
Econometrica 11/2000
Chatterjee S., W. Jacques 'An Outlier-Resistant Approach to Risk Estimation' FAJ 9/94
Chaudhari P. 'Electronic & Magnetic Materials' SA <unlabeled>
Chaudhry M., R. Christie-David 'Long-Tem Structural Price Relationships in Futures
Markets' J. of Derivatives Spring 98
Chaudhury M. 'Some Easy-to-Implement Methods of Calculating American Futures Option
Prices'<options-American> JFM 5/95
Chaudhury M., J. Wei 'Upper Bounds for American Futures Options:A Note'<options-
American> JFM 2/94
Chaum D. 'Achieving Electronic Privacy <encryption>' Scientific American 8/92
Chaumeton L., G. Connor, R. Curds 'A Global Stock & Bond Model' FAJ 11/96
Chee K. 'Optimal Hedging with Financial Futures' <hedging>
Chem A., K. Chen 'An Anatomy of ELKS' <interest rate products> <equity linked> J.
Financial Engineering 12/95
Chemmanur T. 'Pricing of Initial Public Offers:Dynamic Model with Information
Production' JofF 3/93
Chemmanur T., P. Fulghieri 'Investment Bank Reputation,Information Production &
Financial Intermediation' JofF 3/94
Chemmanur T., P. Fulghieri 'Theory of the Going-Public Decision' RFS Summer 99
Chemmanur T., P. Fulghieri 'Why Include Warrants in New Equity Issues? Theory of Unit
IPOs' JF&QA 3/97
Chen A. 'Recent Developments in the Cost of Debt Capital' JofF 6/78
Chen A., F. Jen, S. Zionts 'Joint Determination of Portfolio & Transaction Demands for
Money' JofF 3/74
Chen A., H. Park, K. Wei 'Stochastic Duration & Dynamic Measure of Risk in Financial
Futures'<risk> AFOR V.1B
Chen A., M. Chaudhury 'Market Value & Dynamic Interest Rate Risk of Swaps' 96-44
Chen A., M. Cornett, P. Nabar 'Empirical Examination of Interest Rate Futures Prices'
JFM Oct.93
Chen A., S. Mazundar 'Loan Sales & Bank Liquidity Mangement' Inter. J. Theor.&Applied
Finance 4/99
Chen A., W. Reichenstein 'Taxes & Pension Fund Asset Allocation' J.Portfolio
Mangagement Summer 92
Chen Andrew, John Kensinger, Hangsong Pu 'An Analysis of PERCS<Preferred Equity
Redemption Cumulative Stocks>' J. Fin. Engin. 6/94
Chen Andrew, K. Chen, Barry Laiss 'Pricing Contingent Value Rights:Theory & Practice'
J.FinEng V2,#2 93
Chen C., A. Chan, N. Mohan 'Asset Allocation Managers Investment Performance' J. Fixed
Income 12/93
Chen C., J. Williams 'Triple-Witching Hour,Change in Expiration Timing & Stock Market
Reaction' J.Futures Markets 5/94
Chen C., R. McCullich, R. Tsay 'A Unified Approach to Estimating & Modeling Linear &
Nonlinear Time Series'<regression> UofChicago 1/96
Chen David, Robert Welch 'Relative Mispricing of American Calls Under Alternative
Dividend Models' AF&OR6
Chen H-C., J. Ritter 'The Seven Percent Solution' JofF 6/00
Chen J. 'When the Bubble is Going to Burst...' Inter. J. Theor. & Applied Finance
Chen L. 'A Bond Pricing Formula under a Non-trival, Three Factor Model of Interest
Rates' <term structure> Exonomic Letters 96
Chen L. 'A Three-Factor Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates' FRB Board 95
Chen L. 'Interest Rate Dynamics, Derivatives Pricing & Risk Management' v435 Lecture
Notes Econ & Math Systems Springer 96
Chen L. 'Stochastic Mean & Stochastic Volatility:Three Factor Model of the Term
Structure of Interest Rates & Application to Pricing of Interest Rate
Derivatives Part I' <volatility>wp 9/94
Chen L. 'Stochastic Mean & Stochastic Volatility-Three Factor Model of Term Structure
of Interest Rates & its Application to Derivative Pricing & Risk Management' 96
<term structure>
Chen N. 'Empirical Test of Theory of Aribtrage Pricing' JofF 12/87
Chen N. 'Financial Investment Opportunities & the Macroeconomy' JofF 6/91
Chen N. 'Some Empirical Tests of Theory of Arbitrage Pricing' JofF 12-83
Chen N., C. Cuny,R. Haugen 'Stock Volatility & Levels of the Basis & Open Interest in
Futures Contracts' JofF 3/95
Chen N., Jonathan Ingersoll 'Exacting Pricing in Linear Factor Models with Finitely
Many Assets:Note' JofF 6/83
Chen N., R. Kan, Merton Miller 'Are the Discounts on Closed-End Funds a Sentiment
Index?'JofF 6/93
Chen N., Richard Roll, Steven Ross 'Economic Forces & the Stock Market ' JofB 86
<stock market>
Chen Nai-Fu 'Some Empirical Tests of the Theory of Arbitrage Pricing' w.p. UofC April
Chen 'New Look at Interest Rate Futures Contracts' JFM 10/92
Chen 'Nonlinear Adaptive ARX Model' 9/93 JASA v88 #421 3-93
Chen R. 'A Two-Factor, Preference-Free Model for Interest Rate Sensitive Claims'<term
structure> JFM 5/95
Chen R. 'Bounds for Treasury Bond Futures Prices & Embedded Delivery Options:Theory &
Empirical Analysis' <4/97 <options-bonds>

Chen R. 'Exact Solutions for Futures & European Futures Options on Pure Discount
Bonds'<Term Structure> JF&QA 3/92
Chen R. 'Pricing Bond Futures & Quality Option: Empiricial Study'<term structure>
<CIR> 9/92 w.p. CBT
Chen R. 'Pricing Interest Rate Futures Options with Futures-Style Margining' JFM 2/93
Chen R., L. Scott 'Interest Rate Options in Multi-Factor Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Models of
the Term Structure'<term structure> wp 5/95 {also J. Driv. Winter 95}
Chen R., L. Scott 'Maximum Likelihood Estimation for a Multi-Factor Equilibrium Model
of the Term Structure of Interest Rates'<Term Structure> <CIR> wp 5/92 &J.
Fixed Income 12/93
Chen R., L. Scott 'Multifactor CIR Model of Term Structure:Estimates & Tests from a
State Space Model Using Kalman Filter' Rutgers & U. Georgia 93
Chen R., L. Scott 'Pricing Interest Rate Options in a Two-Factor Cox-Ingersoll-Ross
Model of Term Structure'<Term Structure> wp 7/91
Chen R-R., T. Yang 'An Integrated Model for the Term and Volatility Structures of
Interest Rates' <term structure> wp 3/96
Chen R-R., T. Yang 'Relevancy of Interest Rate Processes in Pricing Mortgage-Backed
Securities' J. Housing Research 95
Chen R-R., T. Yang 'Universal Lattices' R. Deriv. Research 99 . <options-numerical>
Chen S., A. Keown 'Pure Residual & Market Risk:Note' JofF 12/81
Chen S., A. Keown 'Risk Decomposition & Portfolio Diversification When Beta is
Nonstationary' JofF 9/81
Chen S., S. Brown 'Estimation Risk & Simple Rules for Optimal Portfolio Selection'
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Chen Y. 'Equilibrium Product Bundling' JofB 1/97
Chen Y., D. Jain 'Dynamic Monopoly Pricing under a Poisson Type Uncertain Demand''J.
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Int. J. Theo & Appl Finance 1/98
Chen Z., Larry Epstein 'Ambiguity, Risk, & Asset Returns in Continuous Time' 10/99
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Chen Z., Peter Knez 'A Pricing Operator-Based Testing Foundation for a Class of Factor
Pricing Models'<CAPM> MF 4/94
Chen Z., Peter Knez 'Portfolio Performance Measurement Theory & Applications' RFS
Summer 96
Chen Z., T. Shin, X. Yue 'Numerical Methods for Stefan Problems with Prescribed
Convection & Nonlinear Flux' <quadrature> IMA J. Num. Analysis (2000) 20
Chenal F., A. Millet 'Uniform Large Deviations to Parabolic SPDEs & Applications' SP&A
Cheng B., Svetlozar Rachev 'Mutivariate Stable Futures Prices' <stock returns> MF 4/95
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pricing> J. Math. Econ 20 (1991)
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Cheng S. 'On Feasiblility of Arbitrage-Based Option Pricing When Stochastic Bond Price
Processes are Involved'<interest rates> JET 1991
Cheng S., Haan 'Penultimate Approximation for Hill's Estimator 9/99
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Cherian J., Robert Jarrow 'Options Markets, Self-Fulfilling Prophecies & Implied
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Cherian J., W. Weng 'An Empirical Analysis of Directional & Volatility Trading in
Options Markets' J. Derivatives Winter 99
Cherif A. 'Evaluation d'Options sur Product de Taux' 1991 wp Caisse Autonomme de
Cherin A., R. Hanson 'Dividend Reinvestment Plans:Review of the Literature' Financial
Markets,Instiutions & Instruments v4,#5 (95)
Chernov Mikhail, A. Ronald Gallant, Eric Ghysels, George Tauchen 'A New Class of
Stochastic Volatility Models with Jumps:Theory & Estimation' 10/99 <volatility>
Cherny Alexander, Albert Shiryaev 'On Criteria for the Uniform Integrability of
Brownian Stochastic Exponentials' <stochastic> 9/2000
Cherubini U. 'Fuzzy Measures & Asset Prices:Accounting for Information Ambiguity' App.
Math. Finance 9/97
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from Martingale Pricing Theory' Appl.Math.Finance <option-bond>3/95
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Chesher A. 'Hajek Inequalities,Measures of Leverage & Size of Heteroskedasticity
Robust Wald Tests' Econometrica 7/89
Chesher A. 'Testing for Neglected Heterogeneity' Econometrica 7-84
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Chesney Marc, Helyette Geman, Monique Jeanblanc-Picque, Marc Yor 'Some Combinations of
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Chesney Marc, J. Cornwall, Monique Jeanblanc-Picque, G. Kentwell, Marc Yor 'Parisian
Pricing' <option=parisian><window> RISK 1/97
Chesney Marc, Monique Jeanblanc-Picque, Marc Yor 'Brownian Excursions & Parisian
Barrier Options' Adv. in App. Prob. 3/97 <option-parisian>
Chesney Marc, R. Gibson 'State Space Symmetry & Two Factor Option Pricing Models'
<option-pricing> AFROR v8 95;Applied Stochastic Models & Data Analysis v1.1993
Chesney Marc, Robert Elliot 'Estimating the Volatility of an Exchange Rate' Applied
Stochastic Models & Data Analysis v 1. 93<volatility>
Chesney Marc, Robert Elliott, Dilip Madan, H. Yang 'Diffusion Coefficient Estimation &
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Cheuk T. 'Exotic Options' <book or publication of Tinbergen Institute>
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Chiarella Carl, Marc Craddock, Nadima El-Hassan 'The Calibration of Stock Option
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Techniques' J. Finan. Engin. 6/97 <term structure>
Chiarella Carl, Nadima El-Hassan, A. Kucera 'Evaluation of American Option Prices in a
Path Integral Framwork using Fourier-Hermite Series Expansions' <option-
American> J. Econ. Dyn. & Control 23 (1999)
Chiarella Carl, Oh Kang Kwon 'A Class of Heath-Jarrow-Morton Term Structure Models
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Chichilnisky G. 'Social Diversity,Arbitrage & Gains from Trade:Unified Perspective on
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Chidambaran N., Steven Figlewski 'Streamlining Monte-Carlo Simulation with the Quasi-
Analytic Method:An Analysis of a Path-Dependent Option Strategy' wp 9/95
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Childs P., S. Ott, T. Riddough 'Pricing of Multiclass Commercial Mortgage-Backed
Securities' JF&QA 12/96
Chin D., P. Miller 'Fixed vs. Floating Exchange Rates:A Dynamic General Equilibrium
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Chin R., T. Manteuffel,J. Pillis 'ADI as a Preconditioning for Solving Convection-
Diffusion Equations'6/84 SIAM Scientific & Stat. Comput.
Chin Y., A. Baddeley 'On Connected Component Markov Point Processes' Adv.App.Prob. v31
Chirinka R. 'Business Fixed Investment Spending' JEL 12/93
Chirinko R. 'Econometric Models & Empirical Findings for Business Investment' in
Financial Inst.&Instr.v2#4
Chirinko R., H. Schaller 'Bubbles,Fundamentals & Investment A Multiple Equation
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Cho D., E. Frees 'Estimating the Volatility of Discrete Stock Prices' JofF 6/88
Cho D., W. Taylor 'Seasonal Stability of the Factor Structure of Stock Returns' JofF
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Financ.Engineer. 9/97 <options-Average>
Cho H., K. Lee 'An Extension of the Three-Jump Process Model for Contingent Claim
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Cho I. 'Refinement of Sequential Equilibrium' Econometrica 11/87
Cho Jin-Wan, M. Krishnan 'Prices as Aggregators of Private Information:Evidence from
S&P 500 Futures Data' JF&QA 3/2000
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Choi C. 'Essays on the Effects of Speculation in a Futures Market upon Price
Stability' 98 Texas A&M PhD
Choi D., R. Strong 'Pricing of When-Issued Common Stock:Note' JofF 9/83
Choi H., Avanidhar Subrahmanyam 'Using Intraday Data to Test for Effects of Index
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Choi J., T. Hiraki, N. Takezawa 'Is Foreign Exchange Risk Priced in the Japanese Stock
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Choi S. 'Effective Durations for Mortgage-Backed Securities:Recipes for Improvement'
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Choi S. 'Improved Prepayment Modeling for OAS Analysis: Adding a Short-Term Component'
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Choi S., B. Smith, J. Boyd 'Inflation, Financial Markets & Capital Formation' comment
D. Labadie,S. Chatterjee St. Louis Review 5/96
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Chong K., N. Rice 'Equimeasurable Rearrangements of Functions' Queens U. 71
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Chopra N., C. Lee, Andrei Shleifer, R. Thaler 'Yes,Discounts on Closed-End Funds are a
Sentiment Index' JofF 6/93
Chopra V., W. Ziemba 'Effects of Errors in Means,Variances & Covariances on Optimal
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Chordia T., Avanidhar Subrahmanyam 'Market Making,the Tick Size & Payment for Order
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Chori V., L. Jones, A. Manuelli 'Inflation, Growth & Financial Intermediation'Comment
G. Hansen,A. Stockman St. Louis Review 5/96
Chorida T., B. Swaminathan 'Trading Volume & Cross-Autocorrelations in Stock Returns'
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Choudhury Gagan, D. Lucantoni 'Numerical Computation of the Moments of a Probability
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Chourdakis K., E. Tzavalis 'Option Pricing with a Dividend General Equilibrium Model'
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Chow Y., H. Robbins 'Martingale System Theorem & Applications' <martingale>
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Chow Y., H. Teicher 'On Second Moments of Stopping Rules' Ann. Math Stat. <optimal
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Chriss Neil, Michael Ong 'Digital Defused' <options-digital> RISK 12/95
Chriss Neil, William Morokoff 'Market Risk of Variance Swaps' RISK 10/99 <swaps>
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Christensen P., S. Graversen, Kristian Miltersen 'Dynamic Spanning in the Consumption
Based Capital Asset Pricing Model' Odense U. 96
Christiano L., R. Todd 'Time to Plan & Aggregate Fluctions' Quarterly Review Winter
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Christie W. 'Are Dividend Omissions Truely the Cruelest Cut of All?' JF&QA 9/94
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Christie W., P. Schultz 'Why do NASDAQ Market Makers Avoid Odd-Eight Quotes?' JofF
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Christie W., V. Nanda 'Free Cash Flow,Shreholder Value & Undistributed Profits Tax of
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Christopeit Nobert 'On the Approximation of Random Variables by Stochastic Integrals
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Christopeit Nobert, Marek Musiela 'On the Existence and Characterization of Arbitrage-
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Christopherson J., Wayne Ferson, D. Glassman 'Conditioning Manager Alphas on Economic
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Chriszt M. 'Are International Comparisons of Inflation & Employment Valid?' FRB
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Chrystal K., D. Thornton 'Macroeconomic Effects of Deficit Spending:Review' FRB SL
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Recherche sur les Politiques Economiques April 91
Deissenberg C. 'Robust Lyapunov Games:Continuous Case' 4/90 <games>
DeJong D. 'Co-Integration & Trend Stationarity in Macroeconimc Time Series:Evidence
from the Likelihood Function' U of Iowa w.p.
DeJong D., Ch. Whiteman 'More Unsettling Evidence on the Perfect Markets Hypothesis'
<efficient markets> Economic Review FRB Atlanta 11/92
DeJong D., Ch. Whiteman 'Temporal Stability of Dividend & Stock Prices:Evidence from
the Likelihood Function'<stock return> U. of Iowa April 88
DeJong D., J. Nankervis, N.Savin, C. Whiteman 'Integration vrs. Trend Stationarity in
Time Series' Econometrica 3/92
DeJong D., R. Forsythe, R. Lundholm 'Ripoffs, Lemons & Reputation Formation in Agency
Relationships:Laboratory Market Study' JofF 7/85
DeJong F., J. Driessen, Antoon Pelsser 'Libor & Swap Market Models for the Pricing of
Intrest Rate Derivatives:an Empirical Analysis' 9/99 <term structure>
DeJong R., J. Davidson 'Consistency of Kernel Estimators of Heteroscedastic &
Autocorrelated Covariance Matrices' Econometrica 3/2000
Dekel E. 'Asset Demands without the Independence Axiom' Econometrica 1/89
Dekel E., Barton Lipman, A. Rustichini 'Standard State-Space Models Preclude
Unawareness' Econometrica 1/98
Dekker A., L. de Hann 'On the Estimation of the Extreme Value Index & Large Quantile
Estimation' Ann. Stats 89
Delbaen Freddy 'Applications to Mathematical Finance' <finance><Banach space>11/99
Delbaen Freddy 'Coherent Risk Measures on General Probability Spaces' 11/98 <risk>
Delbaen Freddy 'Consols in the CIR Model' <Term Structure> Mathematical Finance 4/93
Delbaen Freddy 'Existence of Absolute Local Martingale' Ann. Appl. Prob. 11/95
Delbaen Freddy 'Representing Characterizations of American Put Options'<martingale>
MF 4/92
Delbaen Freddy 'The Dalang-Morton-Willinger Theorem' 4/99 <stochastics>
Delbaen Freddy, J. Haezendonck 'A Martingale Approach to Premium Calculation
Pricinciples in an Arbitrage Free Market' Insurance:Math. & Economics
Delbaen Freddy, P. Monat, Christope Stricker, Walter Schachermayer, Martin Schweizer
'Weighted Norm Inequalities & Hedging in Incomplete Markets' wp 97 <hedging>
{also Finance & Stochastics 97}
Delbaen Freddy, P. Monat, Walter Schachermayer, Martin Schweizer, Christope Stricker
'Inequalities de Normes Avec Poids et Germeture d'un Espace d'Integrals
Stochastiques' 94 <stochastics> C.R. Acad Sci. Ser #1
Delbaen Freddy, S. Lorimier 'Estimation of the Yield Curve & the Forward Rate Curve
Starting from a Finite Number of Observations' Insurance,Math.& Economics
92<term structure>
Delbaen Freddy, Thorsten Rheinlander, Martin Schweizer, Peter Grandits, Dominick
Samperi, Christope. Stricker 'Exponential Hedging & Entropic Penalties'MF 4/02
, wp 2/2000 <hedging>
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'A General Version of the Fundamental Theorem of
Asset Pricing' Mathematische Annalen Bund 300 Heft 3 11/94<asset pricing>
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'Arbitrage & Free Lunch with Bounded Risk for
Unbounded Continuous Processes' <arbitrage> MF 11/94
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'Arbitrage Probabilities in Bessel Process &
Their Relation to Local Martingales' <arbitrage> Prob.Theory & Related Fields 95
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'Attainable Claims with pth Moments' Ann Ins
Henri Poincare 96
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'Branach Space of Workable Contingent Claims in
Arbitrage Theory' Annales IHP Stat 97 <arbitrage>
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'Compactness Principle for Bounded Sequences of
Martingales with Applications' 96 <martingale>
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'Existence of Absolutely Continuous Local
Martigale Measures' <martingale>
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing for
Unbounded Stochastic Processes' <asset pricing>
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'No-Arbitrage Property under a Change of
Numeraire'S&SR v53 #3-4 1995 95 <arbitrage>
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'Non-Arbitrage & the Fundamental Theorem of
Asset-Pricing:Summary of Main Results'97 Proc. Symp Appl Math <arbitrage>
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'Simple Counter-Example to Several Problems in
the Theory of Asset Pricing,which Arise in Many Incomplete Markets' 96 <asset
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'Simple Counterexample to Several Problems in the
Theory of Asset Pricing' MF 1/98 <asset pricing>
Delbaen Freddy, Walter Schachermayer 'Variance-Optimal Martingale Measure for
Continuous Processes' <martingale> 96
Delbaen Freddy, 'When is the Kramkov Optional Decomposition Predictable'
Delgado M., J. Mara 'Nonparamteric & Semiparametric Estimation with Discrete
Regressors' Econometrica 11/95
Delgado R., Marta Sanz-Sole 'Green Formulas in Anticipating Stochastic
Calculus'<SDE><Skorohod, Stratonovich integral> 5-95 SP&A <stochasti pde>
Delicado P., J. Romo 'Random Coefficient Regressions:Parametric Goodness of Fit
Tests'<alphabetic> U. Madrid 1/95
Delliacherie C. 'Integrales Stochastique par Rapport aux Processus de Wiener et de
Poisson' Seminarie de Prob VIII, IX Lecuture Note 381, 1975
Delliacherie C. 'Un Survol de la Theorie-de l'Integrale Stochastique'<SDE><martingale>
SP&A (1980)
Delliacherie C., Paul Meyer 'Probabilities & Potentials' A & B, North Holland 78/82
DeLong J., Andrei Shleifer, L. Summers, R. Waldmann 'Positive Feedback Investment
Strategies & Destabilizing Rational Speculation' JofF 6/90
DeLong J., Andrei Shleifer, L. Summers, R. Waldmann 'Size & Incidence of the Losses
from Noise Trading' JofF 7/89
DeLong J., R. Waldmann 'Interpreting Procyclical Productivity:Evidence from a Cross-
Nation Cross-Industry Panel' Econ. Review SF FRB 1997 #1
Demange G. 'Implementing Efficient Egalitarian Equivalent Allocations' Econometrica
Demange G. 'Nonmanipuable Cores' Econometrica 9/87
Demange G., G. Laroque 'Social Security & Demographic Shocks'Econometrica 5/99
DeMarzo Peter 'An Extension of the Modigliani-Miller Theorem to Stochastic Economies
with Incomplete Markets' w.p. Stanford Nov 86
DeMarzo Peter, Costis Skiadas 'Aggregation, Determinacy & Informational Efficiency for
a Class of Economics with Asymmetric Information' JET 96?
DeMarzo Peter, Costis Skiadas 'On the Uniqueness of Fully Informative Rational
Expectations Equilibria' Economic Theory to appear
DeMarzo Peter, Darrell Duffie 'A Liquidity-Based Model of Security Design'
Econometrica 1/99
Dembo R., I. Nelken 'Share the Load' <computer science><algorithms for finance> RISK
April 91
Demeterfi Kresimir, Emmanuel Derman, Michael Kamal, Joseph Zou 'Guide to Volatility &
Variance Swaps' J. Derivatives Summer 99 <swaps>
Demeterfi Kresimir, Emmanuel Derman, Michael Kamal, Joseph Zou 'More Than You Ever
Wanted to Know about Volatility Swaps' GS 3/99 <swaps><variance swap>
Demmel R. 'The Term Structure of Real Interest Rates & the Structural Impact of Fiscal
Policy' U. Saarland 98
Dempster Michael, A. Eswaran, D. Richards 'Wavelet based PDE Valuation of Derivatives'
<presentation 3/16/01> <option-numeric>
Dempster Michael, D. Richards 'Pricing American Options Fitting the Smile' MF 4/2000
Dempster Michael, D. Richards 'Pricing Exotic American Options Fitting the Volatility
Smile' 3/99 <option-American>
Dempster Michael, G. Gotsis 'On the Martingale Problem for Jumping Diffusions' 5/98
Dempster Michael, J.P. Hutton 'Fast Numerical Valuation of American, Exotic & Complex
Options' Appl. Math Finance 3/97 <options-American>
Dempster Michael, J.P. Hutton 'Numerical Valuation of Cross-Currency Swaps &
Swaptions' in Dempster M.,S. Pliska (ed) 'Math. of Derivative Securities'
Dempster Michael, J.P. Hutton 'Pricing American Stock Options by Linear Programming'
MF 7/99 <options-American>
Dempster Michael, J.P. Hutton, D.G Richards 'LP Valuation of Exotic Amercian Options
Exploiting Structure' J. Comp Finance Fall 98 <option-American>
Demsetz H. 'Financial Regulation & Competitiveness of Large U.S. Corporations'<comm.
C. Plosser> Review Fed S.L. 3/93
Deng Y. 'Mortgage Termination:An Empirical Hazard Model with Stochastic Term
Structure' <mortgage> wp 1/96
Deng Y. 'Mortgage Terminations:Empirical Hazard Model with a Stochastic Term
Structure' 5/97 J. Real Estate Finance & Economics
Deng Y., J. Quigley, R. Van Order 'Mortgage Terminations, Heterogeneity & the Exercise
of Mortgage Options' Econometrica 3/2000
Dengler H. 'Poisson Approximations to Continuous Security Market Models' PhD Math
Cornell 93
Dengler H., Robert Jarrow 'Option Pricing Using a Binomial Model with Random Time
Steps (A Formal Model of Gamma Hedging)' R. Derivatives Research V1 #2 <option-
pricing> 96
Denis D., D. Denis, A. Sarin 'Information Content of Dividend Changes:Cash Flow
Signaling,Overinvestment & Dividend Clienteles' JF&QA 12/94
Dennis P., Richard Rendleman 'An LP Approach to Synthetic Option Replication with
Transaction Costs & Multiple Security Selection' <options-
transaction><volatility> AFOR v8 95
Dennis P., S. Perfect, K. Snow, K. Wiles 'Effects of Rebalancing on Size & Book-to-
Market Ratio Portfolio Returns' FAJ May/June 95
Dennis S., D. Nandy, I. sharpe 'Determinants of Contract Terms in Bank Revolving
Credit Agreements' JF&QA 3/2000
Denny J., G.Suchanek 'On the Use of Semimartingales & Stochastic Integrals to Model
Continuous Trading'<SDE> J. of Mathematical Economics 15 (1986)
Derman Emmanuel 'Outperformance Options' in Handbook of Exotic Options
Derman Emmanuel 'Regimes of Volatility' RISK 4/99 ,Goldman Sachs 99 <volatility>
<smiles,sticky strike/delta>
Derman Emmanuel, Deniz Ergener, Iraj Kani 'Forever Hedged' <hedging> RISK 9/94
Derman Emmanuel, Deniz Ergener, Iraj Kani 'Static Options Replication'<hedging> wp
5/94 and overlays;J. Derivatives Summer 95
Derman Emmanuel, Iraj Kani 'Riding on a Smile'<volatility> RISK 2/94
Derman Emmanuel, Iraj Kani 'Stochastic Implied Trees:Arbitrage Pricing with Stochastic
Term and Strike Volatility' Int. J. Theor & App. Finance 98 <volatility>
Derman Emmanuel, Iraj Kani 'The Volatility Smile & Its Implied Tree'<volatility>
Derman Emmanuel, Iraj Kani, Deniz Ergener, Indrajit Bardhan 'Enhanced Numerical
Methods for Options with Barriers' <options-numeric> wp 5/95;FAJ 11/95
Derman Emmanuel, Iraj Kani, Joseph Zou 'Local Volatility Surface:Unlocking the
Information in Index Option Prices'<volatility> FAJ 7/96
Derman Emmanuel, Iraj Kani, Michael Kamal 'Trading & Hedging Local Volatility' J.
Financ.Engineer. 9/97 <volatility>
Derman Emmanuel, Iraj Kani, Neil Chriss 'Implied Trinomial Trees of the Volaility
Smile' <volatility> J.of Derivatives Summer 96
Derman Emmanuel, Joseph Zou 'A Fair Value for the Skew' <volatility> RISK 1/2001
Dermine J. 'European Banking with a Single Currency' FMI&I v.5 #5 1997
Dermine J. 'Pitfalls in the Application of RAROC, With Reference to Loan Management'
Insead 3/95
Dermody J., E. Prisman 'No Arbitrage & Valuation in Markets with Realistic Transaction
Costs' JF&QA 3-93 <transaction costs>
Dermody J., E. Prisman 'Term Structure Multiplicty & Clientele in Markets with
Transactions Costs & Taxes' JofF 9/88
Dermody J., R. Rockerfellar 'Mathematics of Debt Instrument Taxation' Financial
Markets,Institutions & Instruments' V3#2 1994
Dermody J., R. Tyrrell Rockafellar 'Cash Stream Valuation in the Face of Transaction
Costs & Taxes' Mathematical Finance Jan 91
Dermody J., R. Tyrrell Rockafellar 'Tax Basis & Nonlinearity in Cash Stream Valuation'
Mathematical Finance 4/95
DeRosa P., L. Goodman,M. Zazzarino 'Duration Estimates in Mortgage Backed Securities'
J. Portfolio Management Winter 92 <mortgage>
DeRosa-Farag S., J. Blau,P. Matousek,I. Chandra 'Default Rates in the High-Yield
Market' J. Fixed Income 6/99
Dertouzos M. 'Communication Cmputers & Networks' SA 9/91
Desai H., P. Jain 'An Analysis of the Recommendations of the "Superstar" Money
Managers Barrons Annual Roundtable' JofF 9/95
Deschamps B., D. Mehta 'Predictive Ability & Descriptive Validity of Earnings
Forecasting Models' JofF 9/80
DeSchepper A., M. Goovaerts,F. Delbaen 'The Laplace Transform of Annuities Certain
with Random Interest <Rates>' Applied Stochastic Models & Data Analysis <term
structure> v 1. 93<
DeSchepper A., M. Teunen,M. Goovaerts 'An Analytic Inversion of a Laplace Transform
Related to Annuities Certain' Insur:Math & Econ 94
Desgagne B. 'First Order Approach to Multi-Signal Principal-Agent Problems'
Econometrica 3/94
Deshmukh S., S. Chikte 'Optimal Delays in Decision & Control' IEEE Trans on Automatic
Control 74 <optimal control>
Deshmukh S., Stewart Greenbaum, G. Kanatas 'Bank Forward Lending in Alternative
Funding Enviornments' JofF 9/82
Deshmukh S., Stewart Greenbaum, G. Kanatas 'Interest Rate Uncertainty & Financial
Intermediary Choice of Exposure' JofF 3/83
Deshmukh S., Stewart Greenbaum, G. Kanatas 'Lending Policies of Finanical
Intermediaries Facing Credit & Funding Risk' JofF 6/83
Desiraju R., M. Shrikhande 'Exchange Rate Pass-through & the Role of International
Distriubtion Channels' FRB Atlanta 12/96
DeStavola B. 'Sampling Designs for Short Panel Data' Econometrica 3/86
Desurvire E. 'Lightwave Communications: 5th Generation' SA 1/92
Detemple Jerome 'Asset Pricing in a Production Economy with Incomplete Information'
JofF 6/86
Detemple Jerome 'Further Results on Asset Pricing with Incomplete Information' <asset
pricing> J.Econ.Dyn.& Control
Detemple Jerome 'General Equil. Model of Asset Pricing with Hetro. Info.' 86
Detemple Jerome 'Intertemporal Asset Pricing with Incomplete Markets & Nontraded
Assets' AFA papers 7/97
Detemple Jerome, F. Zapatero 'Asset Prices in an Exchange Economy with Habit
Formation' Econometrica 11/91
Detemple Jerome, F. Zaptero 'Optimal Consumption-Portfolio Policies with Habit
Formation'<consumption> MF 10/92
Detemple Jerome, P. Gottardi 'Aggregation, Efficiency & Mutual Fund Separation in in
Complete Markets' 3/97 <complete markets>
Detemple Jerome, S. Murthy 'Equilibrium Asset Prices & No-Arbitrage with Portfolio
Constraints'RFS Winter 97 , <arbitrage> 3/97
Detemple Jerome, S. Murthy 'Intertemporal Asset Pricing with Heterogenous Beliefs' JET
Detemple Jerome, S. Sundaresan 'Nontraded Asset Valuation with Portfolio Constraints:
a Binomial Approach' RFS Fall 99
Detragiache E., P. Garella,L. Guiso 'Muliple versus Single Banking
Relationships:Theory & Evidence' JofF 6/00
Deutsch D. 'Paradoxes of Musical Pitch' Scientific American 8/92
Deutsch D., M. Lockwood 'Quantum Physics of Time Travel'<physics> SA 3/94
Deutsch S.'A Resonant Line Structure Consisting of Rational Right Triangles' SIAM
Review 3/95
DeVore R., B. Lucier 'Wavelets' Acta Numerica 510.05 A188 1992
Devroye Luc 'Algorithms for Generating Discrete Random Variables with a Given
Generating Fuction or a Given Moment Sequence' SIAM Scientific & Statistical
Computing Jan 91<distribution>
Devroye Luc 'Non-Uniform Random Voariate Generator' <distribution>
DeVylder F., M. Goovaerts, R. Kaas 'Stochastic Processes Defined from a Lagrangian'
4/92 Insurance:Mathematics & Economics
Dewald W. 'Historical U.S. Money Growth, Inflation & Inflation Credibility' FRB St.L.
Dewdney Alexander '2-D Truing Machine' SA 9/89
Dewdney Alexander 'After MAD:Computer Game of Nuclear Strategy Ends in Prisoners
Dilema' SA <no date>
Dewdney Alexander 'Algopuzzles:Trains of Thought Follows Algorithmic Tracks to
Solution' SA<puzzles>
Dewdney Alexander 'Ancient Rope & Pully Computer Unearthed in Apraplul' <April Fools>
SA 4/88
Dewdney Alexander 'Beauty & Produndity Mandelbrot...Julia' SA 11/87
Dewdney Alexander 'Biomophs on Trucket Tiles' SA 7/89
Dewdney Alexander 'Blind Watchmaker Surveys Long of Biomorphs. SA 2/88
Dewdney Alexander 'Braitenbery Memoirs:Vehicles for Probing Dark Plain of Lights' SA
<no date>
Dewdney Alexander 'Building Computers in One Dimensional Shreds of Light ...' Amer Sci
5/85 <computer science>
Dewdney Alexander 'Cellular Universe of Debris,Droplets, Defects & Demons' <Banach-
Taraksi> SA 8/89
Dewdney Alexander 'Compendium of Math Abuse' SA 11/90
Dewdney Alexander 'Computer Microscope Zooms in for Look at Most Complex Objects in
Mathematics' SA 8/85 <fractals>
Dewdney Alexander 'Digital Pretig:Art of Magic & Illusion by Computer' SA <no date>
Dewdney Alexander 'Diverse Personalities Search for Social Equilibrium' SA <no date>
Dewdney Alexander 'Game of Life' SA <no date>
Dewdney Alexander 'Games of Life Acquires Successors in 3-D' SA<puzzles>
Dewdney Alexander 'Hodgepodge Machines Makes Waves' SA 8/88
Dewdney Alexander 'Home Computer Laboratory in Which Balls Becom Gaes, Liquids &
Critical Mass' SA <partical physics>
Dewdney Alexander 'How a Pair of Dull Witted Programs...Geniuse or IQ Tests'
Dewdney Alexander 'How to Pan for Primes in Numerical Gravel' SA 7/88
Dewdney Alexander 'How to Ressuret a Cat from it Grin' SA 9/90
Dewdney Alexander 'Imaginaiton Meets Geometry in Crystalline Realms of Latticeworks'
SA 6/88
Dewdney Alexander 'Insectoids Invade a Field of Robots' SA 7/91
Dewdney Alexander 'Invisible Professor Holds Chalk-talk on Display Monitor' SA 5/88
Dewdney Alexander 'Journey Along Golygon City' <graph> SA 7/90
Dewdney Alexander 'King (chess Program) is Dead, Long Live the King (Chess Machine)'
Dewdney Alexander 'Leaping into Lyapunov Space' SA 9/91
Dewdney Alexander 'Leaping into Lyapunov Space'<chaos> SA 9/91
Dewdney Alexander 'Lunar Infants, Lotteries & Methories Expose Danger of Math Abuse'
SA 3/90
Dewdney Alexander 'Matter of Fabrication Provides Matter for Thought'<Banach=Tarski>
SA 4/89
Dewdney Alexander 'Menu of Mathematical Morsels, Topology and Puzzle' SA 3/91
Dewdney Alexander 'MICE Nibbles in Way to 1st Core War' SA <unlabeled>
Dewdney Alexander 'Microgolf Game...' SA 11/89
Dewdney Alexander 'Of Worms,Virsus & Core War' SA 5/89
Dewdney Alexander 'Of Fractal Mountains' SA <fractals>
Dewdney Alexander 'Old & New 3D Mazes' SA 9/88
Dewdney Alexander 'On Making & Breaking Codes II' <cryptography> SA 11/88
Dewdney Alexander 'Pandox Box of Mind, Machine, Metaphysics' SA 12/89
Dewdney Alexander 'People Puzzels' SA <no date>
Dewdney Alexander 'Program for Rotating Hypercubes Induces 4-D Dementia' SA <no date>
Dewdney Alexander 'Program Mice Nibbles Way to Core War Tournament' SA <puzzles>
Dewdney Alexander 'Random Walks Lead to Fractal Crowds' SA 12/88
Dewdney Alexander 'Simple Effects Illustrate Art of Converting Algorithms into
Programs' SA<computer science>
Dewdney Alexander 'Theory of Rigidity' SA 5/91
Dewdney Alexander 'Tinkertoy Computer Plays Tic-Tac-Toe' SA 10/89
Dewdney Alexander 'Tools for Computer Graphics' SA 1/91
Dewdney Alexander 'Tranfer Flight of Fancy into Fractal Flora or Fauna' SA 5/90
Dewdney Alexander 'Wallpaper for the Mind:...' SA 9/86 <fractals>
Dewdney Alexander 'Word Ladders & New Tower of Babel Lead to Computerland Heights
Defying Assult' SA <science misc>
Dewenter K. 'Do Exchange Rate Changes Drive Foreign Direct Investment?' JofB 7/95
Dewenter K., P. Malatesta 'Public Offerings of State-Owned & Privately Owned
Enterprises:An International Comparison' JofF 9/97
Dewenter K., V. Warther 'Dividends, Asymmetric Information & Agency Conflicts:Evidence
from a Comparison of the Dividend Policies of Japanesse & U.S. Firms' JofF 6/98
Dewynne Jeff 'Finite Differences & Finite Elements for Euro. & American Options' wp.
Dewynne Jeff 'Modeling & Numerical Valuation of Lookback Options' wp 92
Dewynne Jeff 'Stefan...' J. AUST. MATH.SOCIETY 7/89
Dewynne Jeff 'Volatility, Implied Volatility & Volatility Surfaces'
Dewynne Jeff, Elizabeth <A.E.> Whalley, Paul Wilmott 'Path-Dependent Options
Transaction Costs' <options-transaction> Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond. 6/94
Dewynne Jeff, Paul Wilmott 1992 'American Options as Variation Inequalities' tobe
Dewynne Jeff, Paul Wilmott 1992 'Average Strike Options-Euro & Amer' tobe J.Fin.Engin
Dewynne Jeff, Paul Wilmott 'A Note on American Options with Varying Exercise Price'
J.Austr.Mat Soc. (95) <options-American><fractional options>
Dewynne Jeff, Paul Wilmott 'A Note on Average Rate Options with Discrete Sampling'
SIAM J. App.Math <options-average> >2/95
Dewynne Jeff, Paul Wilmott 'Asian Options as Linear Complementary Problems:Analysis &
Finite-Difference Solutions'<options-average> AFOR v8 95
Dewynne Jeff, Paul Wilmott 'Asian Options:Analysis & Finite Difference Solution'
<options-average> wp 1993
Dewynne Jeff, Paul Wilmott 'Exotic Financial Options'<options-exotic> 93 wp
Dewynne Jeff, Paul Wilmott 'Exotic Options:Mathematical Models & Computation' w.p.
Dewynne Jeff, Paul Wilmott 'Lookback Options' <options-lookback> w.p. 7/93
Dewynne Jeff, Paul Wilmott 'Partial to the Exotic' <options-numeric> RISK 3-93
Dewynne Jeff, Sam Howison, I. Rupf, Paul Wilmott 'Some Mathematical Results in Pricing
of American Options' <options-american> Euro. J. App. Math 12-93
Dezhbakhsh H. 'Foreign Exchange Forward & Futures Prices:Are They Equal?' JF&QA 3/94
d'Halluin Yann, Peter Forsyth, Kenneth Vetzal, George Labahn 'A Numerical PDE Approach
for Pricing Callable Bonds' App. Math Finance 3/2001 ,9/2000 <bonds>
Dharan B., D. Ikenberry 'Longrun Negative Drift of Post-Listing Stock Returns' JofF
Dharan V. 'Pricing Path-Dependent Interest Rate Contingent Claims Using a Lattice' J.
Fixed Income 3/97 <options-numeric>
Dharmadhikari 'A Characterization of a Class of Funcitons of Finite Markov Chains'
Ann. Math Stat. <markov>
Dhillon A., J-F. Mertens 'Relative Utilitarianism' Econometrica 5/99
Dhillon U., D. Lasser 'Term Premium Estimates from Zero-Coupon Bonds:New Evidence on
the Expections Hypothesis' J. Fixed Income 6/98
Dhillon U., H. Johnson 'Effect of Dividend Changes on Stock & Bond Prices' JofF 3/94
Dhrymes P., I. Friend, M. Gultekin, N. Gultekin 'New Tests of the APT & Their
Implications' JofF 7/85
Dhrymes P., I. Friend, N. Gultekin 'Critical Reexamination of Empirical Evidence on
Abritrage Pricing Theory' JofF 6/84
D'Hulst R., G. Rodgers 'Exact Solution of a Model for Crowding & Information
Transmission in Financial Markets' Inter.J. Theor.& Applied Finance 10/2000
Di Masi Giovanni, Eckhard Platen, Wolfgang Runggaldier 'Hedging of Options under
Discrete Observations on Assets with Stochastic Volatility'<hedging> Progress
in Probability v36 95<Seminar on Stochastic Analysis,Random Fields & Apps>
Di Masi Giovanni, L. Stettner 'Risk Sensitive Control of Discrete-Time Markov
Processes with Infinite Horizon' SIAM J. Control & Opt. v38,#1 00 <control>
Di Masi Giovanni, Yuri Kabanov, Wolfgang Runggaldier 'Mean Variance Hedging of Options
on Stocks with Markov Volatilities' SIAM Theory of Prob. & Its Applic.
Diaconis Persi, B. Efron 'Computer-Intesive Methods in Statistics'<statistics>
Scientific American May 83
Diaconis Persi, D. Freedman 'Iterated Random Functions' SIAM Review 3/99
Diament P. 'Semi-Empirical Smooth Fit to the Treasury Yield Curve' J. Fixed Income
Diamond D. 'Corporate Capital Structure:Control Roles of Bank & Public Debt with Taxes
& Costly Bankruptcy' Economic Quarterly FRB Richmond Sprint 94
Diamond D. 'Financial Intermediation as Delegated Monitoring:Simple Example' FRB
Richmond Summer 96
Diamond D. 'Optimal Release of Information by Firms' JofF 9/85
Diamond D., R. Verrecchia 'Disclosure, Liquidity, & Cost of Capital' JofF 9/91
Diamond P. 'Money in Search Equilibrium' Econometrica 1/84
Diamond P. 'Optimal Income Taxation:Example with a U-Shaped Pattern of Optimal
Marginal Tax Rates' AER 3/98
Diamond P. 'Organizing Health Insurance Market' Econometrica 11/92
Diamond P. 'Proposals to Restructure Social Security' J. Econ. Persp. Summer 96
Diamond P. 'Two Improvements on the Clinton Framework' <Health Care>
J.Econ.Perspectives Summer 94
Diamond P., J. Hausman 'Contingent Valuation:Is Some Number Better than No Number?'
J.Econ.Persp. Fall 94
Diamond P., J. Yellin 'Distribution of Inventory Holdings in a Pure Exchange Barter
Search Economy' Econometrica 3/85
Diamond P., J. Yellin 'Inventories & Money Holdings in a Search Economy'
Econometrica 7/90
Diamonte R., J. Liew, R. Stevens 'Political Risk in Emerging & Developed Markets' FAJ
Diaz I., J. Mossino 'Isoperimetric Inequalities in Parabolic Obstacle Problems' J.
Math.Pures Appliquees 92
Diaz-Emparanza I. 'Selecting the Number of Replications in a Simulation Study' 12/96
<monte carlo>
Diaz-Gimenez J., V.Quadrini, J. Rios-Rull 'Dimensions of Inequality:Facts on the U.S.
Distributions of Earnings, Income & Wealth' Q. Review FRB Minn. Spring 97
diBartolomeo D., E. Witkowski 'Mutual Fund Misclassification:Evidence Based on Style
Analysis' FAJ 10/97
Dichey H. 'Is the Risk of Bankruptcy a Systematic Risk?'JofF 6/98
DiCiccio T., Peter Glynn 'Note:On the Value of Function Evaluation Location in Monte
Carlo Simulation' <monte carlo> MS 4/95
Dickey D., D. Jansen, D. Thornton 'A Primer on Cointegration with an Application to
Money & Income'FRB S.L. 3/91<cointegration>
Dickey D., S. Pantula 'Determing the Order of Differencing in Autoregressive
Processes' J.Bus. & Economic Stats 4-86
Dickey D., W. Fuller 'Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with
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Karatzas Ioannis, Daniel Ocone, H. Wang, M. Zervos 'Finite-Fuel Singular Control with
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Karatzas Ioannis, Hui Wang 'A Barrier Option of American Type' App. Math & Opt 2000
<option-barrier> <optimal stopping/singular control,variational inequality>
Karatzas Ioannis, Hui Wang 'Utility Maximization with Discretionary Stopping' 10/98
<utility> <control, optimal stopping, variational inequality>
Karatzas Ioannis, John Lehoczky, Steven Shreve 'Existence & Uniqueness of Mult-agent
Equilibrium in a Stochastic Dynamic Consumption/Investment Model'<consumption>
Math of O.R. 2/90
Karatzas Ioannis, John Lehoczky, Steven Shreve 'Optimal Portfolio & Consumption
Decisions for a Small Investor on a Finite Horizon'<portfolio> SIAM J. Control &
Optimization Nov 87
Karatzas Ioannis, John Lehoczky, Steven Shreve 'Explicit Solution of a General
Consumption/Investment Problem' <consumption> Math. of Operation Research v11,#2
Karatzas Ioannis, John Lehoczky, Steven Shreve, G. Xu 'Martingale & Duality Methods
for Utility Maximization in Incomplete Market' <martingale> SIAM J. Control
Karatzas Ioannis, John Lehoczyk, Steven Shreve 'Equilibrium Models with Singular Asset
Prices' <asset prices> Mathematical Finance 7/91
Karatzas Ioannis, Martin Shubik, William Sudderth 'A Strategic Market Game with
Secured Lending' J. Math Econ 97
Karatzas Ioannis, Martin Shubik, William Sudderth 'Construction of Stationary Markov
Equilibria in a Strategic Market Game' Math OR 94
Karatzas Ioannis, P. Lakner, John Lehoczky, Steven Shreve 'Dynamic Equilibrium in a
Multi-Agent Economy:Construction & Uniqueness' in Stochastic Analysis:..Zaai
Karatzas Ioannis, Steven Kou ' On the Pricing of Contingent Claims under Constraints'
<asset pricing> Ann App. Prob 96
Karatzas Ioannis, Steven Kou 'Hedging American Contingent Claims with Constrained
Portfolios' Finance & Stochastics #3 98 <hedging>
Karatzas Ioannis, Steven Shreve 'Connections Between Optimal Stopping & Singular
Stochastic Control I.:Monotone Follower Problem' J. Control & Optimization May
Karatzas Ioannis, Steven Shreve 'Connections Between Optimal Stopping & Singular
Stochastic Control II. Reflected Follower Problems' J. Control & Optimization
May 85
Karatzas Ioannis, Steven Shreve 'Decomposition of Brownian Path'<Brownian motion>
Statistics & Prob. Letters 5(1987)
Karatzas Ioannis, Steven Shreve 'Trivariate Density of Brownian Motion,Its Local &
Occupation Times with Application to Stochastic Control' <Brownian> Annals of
Prob. 1984 v.12,#3
Karatzas Ioannis, W. Sudderth 'Control & Stopping of a Diffusion Process on an
Interval' 9/98 <diffusion>
Karatzas Ioannis, X. Xue 'A Note on Utility Maximization Under Partial Observations'
<utility> MF 4/91
Karatzas Ioannis, X. Zhao 'Bayesian Adaptive Portfolio Optimization' preprint 98
Kariya T., H. Tsuda 'New Bond Pricing Models with Applications to Japanese Data' 94
Kariya T., Y. Tsukuda, J. Maru, Y. Matsue, K. Omaki 'An Extensive Analysis on the
Japanese Markets via S. Taylors Model'95
Karki J., C. Reyes 'Model Relationship' <term structure,franc,$,DM> RISK 12/94
Karlen D. 'Using Probablities to Approximate Distributions'CinP 7/98 <probability>
Karni '...Utility Theory' JET 8/93
Karni E. 'Definition of Subjective Probabilities with State Dependent Preferences'
Econometrica 1-93
Karni E., Z. Safra '"Preference Reversal" & the Observability of Prefences by
Experimental Methods' Econometrica 5/87
Karolyi G. 'Bayesian Approach to Modeling Stock Return Volatility for Option
Valuation'<volatility> JF&QA 12/93
Karolyi G. 'Stock Market Volatility around Expiration Days in Japan' J. Derivatives
Winter 96
Karolyi G., Rene Stulz 'Why do markets Move Together? An Investigation of U.S.-Japan
Stock Return Comovements' JofF 7/96
Karpoff J. 'Relation Between Price Changes & Trading Volume:Survey' JF&QA 87
Karsenty F., J. Sikorav 'Installment Plan' <option-chooser> RISK 11/93
Karuppaih J., Cornelius Los 'Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis of High Frequency Asian
FX Rates,Summer 97
Kasahara Y., N. Kono, T. Ogawa 'On Tail Probabilities of Local Times of Gaussian
Processes' SP&A 82 (1999) <Brownian>
Kastens T., T. Schroeder 'Trading Simulation Test for Weak-Form Efficiency in Live
Cattle Futures' J.Futures Markets 9/95
Kasting J., O. Toon. J. Pellack 'How Climate Evolved on Terrestical Planets' SA 2/88
Kat H. 'Contingent Premium Options' J.of Derivatives Summer 94 <options-american> &
Kat H. 'Delta Hedging of S&P 500 Options:Cash versus Futures Market Execution'
<hedging> J.of Derivatives Spring 96
Kat H. 'Discrete Path-Depenent Options' Derivatives Week <options-path>
Kat H. 'Portfolio Insurance:Comparison of Alternative Strategies' J.Fin.Eng 12/93
Kat H. 'Pricing Lookback Options Using Binomial Trees:an Evaluation' <options-
lookback> J. Financial Engineering 12/95
Kat H., H. Roozen 'Pricing & Hedging International Equity Derivatives' J.Derivatives
Winter 94
Kat H., L. Verdonk 'Tree Surgery' <options-barrier><binomial> RISK 2-95
Kath B. 'Making Waves:Solitons & Their Optical Applications' SIAM News 3/98
Katsuda A., T. Sunada 'Dynamical L-Functions & Homology of Closed Orbits' Bulletin
(AMS) 1-89
Katz M. 'Price Discrimination & Monopolistic Competition' Econometrica 11/84
Katz M., C. Shapiro 'Systems Competition & Network Effects'J.Econ.Per Spring 94
Katz S. 'Price Adjustment Process of Bond Rating Reclassification:Test of Bond Market
Efficiency' JofF 5/74
Kau J., D. Keenan, T. Kim 'Default Probabilities for Mortgages' J. Urban Econ 84
Kau J., D. Keenan, Walter Muller, J. Epperson 'Analysis & Valuation of Adjustable
Rate Mortgages' MS 90
Kau J., D. Keenan, Walter Muller, J. Epperson 'Generalized Valuation Model for Fixed-
Rate Residential Mortgages ' J. Money, Credit & Banking 92
Kau J., D. Keenan, Walter Muller, J. Epperson 'Option Theory & Floating Rate
Securities with a Comparison of Adjustable & Fixed Rate Mortgages'<mortgage>
JofB 10/93
Kau J., D. Keenan, Walter Muller, J. Epperson 'Valuation and Securitization of
Commerical & Multifamily Mortgages' J. Banking & Finance 87
Kauffmann R. 'Implementing Uniform Trigonometric Spline Curves' Dr.Dobbs 5/97
Kaufman George 'Rankings of Finance Departments by Faculty Representations on
Editorical Boards on Professional Journals:Note' JofF 9/84
Kaufman George 'Some Shortcomings of Analyzing Deposit Insurance as a Put Option' J.
Fin. Engin. 12/92
Kaufman George, Larry Mote, Harvey Rosenblum 'Consequences of Deregulation for
Commericial Banking' JofF 7/84
Kaufman H. 'Supervision of Financial Derivatives' J. of Derivatives Fall 94
Kaul A., V. Mehrotra, R. Morck 'Demand Curves for Stocks Do Slope Down:New Evidence
from an Index Weights Adjustment' JofF 4/2000
Kaul G., H. Seyhun 'Relative Price Variability, Real Shocks & the Stock Market' JofF
Kavajecz K. 'A Specialists Quoted Dept & the Limit Order Book' JofF 4/99
Kavajecz K. 'Evolution of Federal Reserve Monetary Aggregates' <comment C. Calomiris>
FRB Review S.L. 3/94
Kavussanos M., N. Nomikos 'Hedging in the Freight Futures Market' J. Derivatives V8 #1
Fall 2000
Kawaller Ira 'A Note:Debunking the Myth of the Risk-Free Return' <Risk> JFM 1987 p.
Kawaller Ira 'Arbitrage & Related Stratey Euro-Rate Diff ' 90
Kawaller Ira 'Choosing the Best Interest Rate Hedge Ratio' 9/92 <hedging> FAJ
Kawaller Ira 'Comparing Eurodollar Strips to Interest Rate Swaps' < Swaps> J. of
Derivatives Fall 94
Kawaller Ira 'Eurodollar Bundles & Hedging Considerations' J. Financial Engin. 3/95
Kawaller Ira 'Foreign Exchange Hedge Management Tools' FAJ 9/93
Kawaller Ira 'Tailing Futures Hedge/Tailing Spreads' J.of Derivatives Winter 97
Kawaller Ira, J. Marshall 'Deriving Zero-Coupon Rates: Alternatives to Orthodoxy' FAJ
Kawaller Ira, P. Koch 'Meeting the "Highly Effective Expectation" Criterion for Hedge
Accounting' J. Deriv. Summer 2000
Kawaller Ira, P. Koch, J. Peterson 'Assessing Intraday Relationship between Implied &
Historical Volatility' J.Futures Markets 5/94
Kawaller Ira, P. Koch, T. Koch 'Temporal Price Relationship between S&P 500 Futures &
the S&P 500 Index' JofF 12/87
Kawohl B. 'Rearrangemetns & Convexity of Level Sets in PDE' Lecture Notes Math 1150 85
Kazamaki 'Continuous Exponential Martingales & BMO' Lecture Notes in Math 1579 94
Kazemi H. 'Alternative Testable Form of Consumption CAPM' JofF 3/88
Kazemi H. 'An Intertemproal Model of Asset Prices in a Markov Economy with Limiting
Stationary Distribution' <asset pricing>(92) Review of Financial Studies
Kazemi H. 'Multiperiod Asset Pricing Model with Unobservable Market Porfolio' JofF
Kazemi H. 'The Multi-Period CAPM & the Valuation of Multi-Period Stochastic Cash
Flows' JF&QA 6/91
Kazemi H., G. Georgiev 'Calculating the Market Price of Risk From Interest Rate
Processes' 10/99 <term structure>
Kazziha S., Riccardo Rebonato 'Unconditional Variance, Mean Reversion & Short Rate
Volatility in the Calibration of the Black-Derman & Toy Model & of Two-
Dimensional Log Normal Short Rate Models' 11/97 NetExposure <interest rate>
Kean M., David Runkle 'Testing the Rationality of Price Forecasts' AER 3/95
Keane M. 'A New Idea for Welfare Reform' Quarterly Review Minn Spring 95
Keane M. 'Computationally Practical Simulation Estimator for Panel Data' Econometrica
Keane M., David Runkle 'Are Economic Foreccast Rationsl ? ' FRB Minn Spring 89
<rational expectations>
Kear B. 'Advanced Metals ' <alpha>
Kearns P. 'Pricing Interest Rate Derivative Securities When Volatility is Stochastic'
11/92 NU<volatility> <Stochastic Inter.>
Kearsley A. 'Fictitious Domain Methods & Shape Optimization' SIAM News 10/94
Keating J. 'Structural Approaches to Vector Autoregressions' <VAR> Review (FRB S.
Louis) 9/92
Kedem B. 'Detection of Periodicities by Higher order Crossings' J. Time Series
Analysis #1 (87)
Keehn R. Note on the Cost of Trade Credit & the Discriminatory Effects of Monetary
Policy' JofF 12/74
Keeley M. 'Cycical Unemployment & Employment:Effects of Labor Force Entry & Exit'
Revew SF Summer 84 <employment>
Keenan D. 'Competion,Collusio,Chaos';Vaccaro 'Solution to Posit. Problem State Space'
Keenan D., T. Raer 'Market Dynamics & the Law of Demand' Econometrica 3/85
Keener J. 'Perron-Frobenius Theorem & Ranking of Football Games' SIAM Review 3/93
Keffer T. 'Object Oriented Numerics II' 'C' Journal 92 <computer science>
Kehoe P., T. Kehoe 'A Primer on Static Applied General Equilibrium Models' Quarterly
Review FRB Minn. Spring 94
Kehoe P., T. Kehoe 'Capturing NAFTAs Impact With Applied General Equilibrium Models'
Quarterly Review FRB Minn. Spring 94
Kehoe T., D. Levine 'Comparative Statics & Perfect Foresight in Infinite Horizon
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Keister B. 'Multidemsional Quadrature Algorithms' <intergrals> Computers in Physics
Kellard N., et al 'Relative Efficiency of Commodity Futures Markets' J. Futures
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Keller Herb 'Accurate Difference Methods for Linear Ordinary Differential Systems
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Keller Herb 'Accurate Differnce Methods for Two Point Boundary Value Problems' <in
Keller Herb 'Approximation Methods for Non-linear Problems with Applications of Two
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Keller Herb 'Newtons Method Under Mild Difference Condtions' <in NM2PBVP>
Keller Herb 'Numerical Solution of Bifurcation Value Problems' <in NM2PBVP>
Keller Herb 'Numerical Solution of Two Point Boundary Value Problems' <in book
Keller Herb, A. White 'Difference Methods for Boundary Value Problems in Ordinary
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Keller Joseph 'How Many Shuffles to Mix a Deck?' SIAM Review 3/95
Keller Ulrich, A. Schlatter 'Telescopic Sums: A New Method for Performance Analysis of
Bond Portfolios' J. Fixed Income 9/99
Kelley C. 'A Fast Multilevel Algoritm for Integral Equations' SIAM J. Num.Anal
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Kelley C., C. Miller, M. Tocci 'Termination of Newton/Chord Iternations & the Method
of Lines' SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 1/98 <PDE>
Kelly D. 'Valuing & Hedging American Put Options Using Neural Networks' wp
Kelly T., M. Kupferschmid 'Numerical Verification of Second-Order Sufficient
Conditions for Nonlinear Programming' SIAM Review 6/98
Kelsey D. 'Economics of Chaos or Chaos of Economics' Oxford Econ. Parers 88 <chaos>
Kelsey D. 'Maxmin Expected Utility & Weight of Evidence'<Utility> w.p. Australian
Nation U. 4/90
Kemna Angelien 'Options in Real & Financial Markets'
Kemna Angelien, Ton Vorst 'A Futures Contract on an Index of Existing Bonds:A
Reasonable Alternative?' <term structure> R. Futures Markets V7 Supp. 88
Kemna Angelien, Ton Vorst 'A Pricing Method for Options Based on Average Asset
Values'J. of Banking & Finance 14 (1990) <options-average>
Kemna Angelien, Ton Vorst 'Value of an Option Based on an Average Security Value'
Stoch. Processes in Physics & Engin (88) <options-average>
Kendal M. 'Analysis of Economic Time-Series Part I:Prices ' J. Royal Stat 53
Kenen P. 'Balance of Payments & Policy Mix:Simulations Based on a U.S. Model' JofF
Kennan J. 'An Econometric Analysis of Fluctualtions in Aggregate Labor Supply &
Demand' Econometrica 3/88
Kennan J. 'Elusive Effects of Minimum Wage'<alpha> JEL 12/95
Kennan J., R. Wilson 'Bargaining with Private Information' JEL 3/93
Kennedy D. 'Characterizing & Filtering Gaussian Models of the Term Structure of
Interest Rates' MF 4/97 <term structure>
Kennedy D. 'Exact Ruin Probabilities & Evaluation of Program Trading on Financial
Markets'<Diffusion> MF 1/93
Kennedy D. 'The Term Structure of Interest Rates as a Gaussian Random Field'<term
structure> MF 7/94
Kennedy Joanne 'The Effect of Bayesian Priors on the Moving Average Representation of
Vecotr Autoregression' FRB-Washington June 89
Kepner J., S. Parker, V. Decyk 'Simulating Plasma Turbulence in Tokamaks' SIAM News
Keppo J., S. Peura 'Optimal Portfolio Hedging with Nonlinear Derivatives & Transaction
Costs' Comp. Econ 4/99
Kerkvliet J., M. Moffett 'Hedging of Uncertain Future Foreign Currency Cash Flow'
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Kerr W., R. King 'Limits on Interest Rate Rules in the I.S. Model' Economic Quarterly
FRB Richmond Spring 96
Kesavan S. 'Comparison Results via Schwarz Symmetrization-a Survey ' Sympos Math
Cambridge Press 94
Kesten H., Brent Stigum 'Additional Limit Theorems for Indecomposible Multi-
Dimensional Galton-Watson Processes' Annal of Math. Stat 12/66
Keynes J. 'General Theory of Employment' Q.J. Econ 2/37 <employment>
Khandani B. 'Measuring Herstatt Risk in Forex Transactions' <settlement risk> 2000
Khandekar 'Feynman Path Integrals' Physics Reprots v137 116-229
Khanna A., M. Kulldorff F. 'A Genalzation of the Mutual Fund Theorem' Finance &
Stochastics 2-99
Khanna N. 'Optimal Contracting with Moral Hazard & Cascading' RFS Fall 98
Khanna N., A. Poulsen 'Managers of Financially Distressed Firms:Villians or
Scapegoats' JofF 7/95
Khanna T., K. Palepu 'Is Group Affilation Profitable in Emerging Markets? An Analysis
of Diversified Indian Business Group' JofF 4/2000
Kholodngi V. 'Beliefs-Preferences Gauge Symmetry Group & Replication of Contingent
Claims in a General Market Enviornment' IES Press 98
Khorana A., H. Servaes 'Determinants of Mutual Funds Starts' RFS Winter 99
Khoung-Huu P. 'The Price of Credit' <credit risk> <credit term structure> RISK 12/99
Khoury N., P. Yourougou 'Determinates of Agri. Futures Price Volatilites:Winnipeg'
JFM 6/93
Khuong-Huu P. 'Swaption with a Smile' <volatility> RISK 8/99
Khushnevisan D. 'Deviation Inequalities for Continious Martingales' <martingale> SP&A
Kichenassamy S. 'The Blow-up Problem for Exponential Nonlinearities' IMA
Kichian M., R. Garcia, Eric Ghysels 'On the Dynamic Specification of International
Asset Pricing Models' <asset pricing> 9/95
Kidwell D., C. Trzcinka 'Municipal Bond Pricing & the New York City Fiscal Crisis'
JofF 12/82
Kidwell D., T. Koch 'Behavior of the Interest Rate Differential Between Tax-Exempt
Revenue & General Obligation Bonds:Test of Risk Preferences & Market
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Kiefer N., G. Skoog 'Local Asymptotic Specification Error Analysis' Econometrica 7-84
Kiefer N., T. Vogelsang ,H. Bunzel 'Simple Robust Testing of Regression Hypothesis'
Econometrica 5/2000
Kiesel Rudiger, W. Perraadin, A. Taylor 'Credit & Interest Rate Risk' Birbeck 99
Kiesel Rudiger, W. Perraadin, A. Taylor 'The Structure of Credit Risk' Birbeck 99
Kieu K., M. Mora 'Estimating the Reduced Moments of a Random Measure' Adv.App.Prob.
v31 1999
Kifer Yuri 'Game Options' <option-game><optimal stopping,Israeli option> Finance &
Stochastics V4 #4 2000
Kihlstrom R. 'Term Premia in a Simple Structure Model' <term structure>J. Economic
Dynamics & Control 16 (92)
Kihn J. 'Effect of Embedded Options on the Financial Performance of Convertible Bond
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Kihn J. 'To Load or Not to Load? Study of the Marketing & Distribution Charges of
Mutual Funds' FAJ 5/96
Kihn J. 'Unravelling the Low-Grade Bond Risk/Reward Puzzle' FAJ 7/94
Kijima Masaaki 'Monotonicities in a Markov Chain Model for Valuing Corporate Bonds
Subject to Credit Risk' MF 7/98
Kijima Masaaki 'Numerical Calculation of Ruin Probabilities for Skip-Free Markov
Chains' SIAM Review 12/93
Kijima Masaaki, I. Nagayama 'A Numerical Procedure for the General One-Factor Interest
Rate Model' J. Finan Engin. 12/96 <term structure>
Kijima Masaaki, I. Nagayama 'Efficient Numerical Procedures for the Hull-White
Extended Vasicek Model'<term structure> J. Fin.Engin Sept/Dec 94
Kijima Masaaki, K. Komoribayashi 'A Markov Chain Model for Valuing Credit Risk
Derivatives' J.of Derivatives Fall 98 <credit risk>
Kijima Masaaki, M. Ohnishi M. 'Portfolio Selection Problems via the Bivariate
Characterization of Stochastic Dominance Relations' <portfolio> MF 7/96
Kijima Masaaki, M. Ohnishi 'Stochastic Orders & Their Application in Financial
Optimization' Math. Method of OR V50 #2 99 <portfolio>
Kijima Masaaki, Y. Muromachi 'Credit Events & the Valuation of Credit Derivatives of
Basket Type' R. Deriv Research v4 2000
Kijma Masaaki 'Valuation of a Credit Swap of the Basket Type' R. Deriv. Research v4 #
Kikugawa T., Kenneth Singleton 'Modeling the Term Structure of Interest Rates in
Japan' J.Fixed Income 9/94
Kilcollin T. 'Difference Systems in Financial Futures Markets' JofF 12/82
Kim Byung Chun, Nam Sik Moon, Sang Bin Lee 'Fitting the Term Structure of Interest
Rates with a Modfied Cubic Smoothing Spline' J. Financical Engineer 6/96
Kim C. 'Stochastic Dominance,Pareto Optimality & Equilibrium Asset Pricing' wp 9/94
Kim C., D. Mauer, A. Sherman 'Determinants of Corporate Liquidity:Theory & Evidence'
JF&QA 9/98
Kim C., J. Park 'Holiday Effects & Stock Returns:Further Evidence' JF&QA 3/94
Kim D. 'Reexamination of Firm Size,Book-to-Market & Earnings Price in the Cross-
Section of Expected Stock Returns' JF&QA 12/97
Kim D. 'The Errors in Variables Problem in the Cross-Section of Expected Stock
Returns' JofF 12/95
Kim D., A. Santomero 'Risk in Banking & Capital Regulation' JofF 12/88
Kim D., S. Kon 'Alternative Models for Conditional Heteroscedasticity of Stock
Returns' J.of Business 10/94
Kim E. 'Mean-Variance Theory of Optimal Capital Structure & Corporate Debt Capacity'
JofF 3/78
Kim I. 'Alternative Approach to Dividend Adjustments in Option Pricing Models'
<options-pricing> J. Financial Engineering 12/95
Kim I. 'Analytic Approximation of Optimal Exercise Boundaries for American Futures
Options' J.Futures Markets<options-american> 2/94
Kim I. 'Analytic Valuation of American Options on Futures Contracts' <options-
american> RFS 90
Kim I. 'Analytic Valuation of American Puts' 3/89 <options-american> wp
Kim I., G. Yu 'An Alternative Approach to the Valuation of American Options &
Applications' R. Deriv. Research v1 #1 96<options-American>
Kim I., G. Yu 'Simplified Approach to Valuation of American Options & Its
Applications' <options-american><absol diffus.,aborb.,barrier> 4/93 w.p. NYU
Salomon Center
Kim I., Krishna Ramaswamy, Suresh Sundaresan 'The Valuation of Corporate Fixed Income
Securities' Finanical Management 93
Kim In Joon, Suk Joon Byun 'Optimal Exercise Boundary in a Binomial Option Pricing
Model' J. Fin. Engin. 6/94
Kim J. 'Large Sample Properties of Posterior Densities,Bayesian Information Criteria &
Likelihood Priniple in Nonstationary Time Series Models' Econometrica 3/98
Kim J., C. Finger 'A Stress Test to Incorporate Correlation Breakdowns' J. of Risk
Spring 2000
Kim Joan 'Analytic Valuation of American Options' <options-american>w.p. Solomon
Brothers May 1990(also in RFS 3 (1990))
Kim K. 'Theoretical Relationship Between Systematic Risk & Financial(Accounting)
Variables' JofF 6/81
Kim K., S. Rhee 'Price Limit Performance:Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange'
Kim M. 'Inflationary Effects in the Capital Investment Process:An Empirical
Examination' JofF 9/79
Kim M., V. Maksimovic 'Debt & Input Misallocation' JofF 7/90
Kim M., Y. Oh, R. Brooks 'Are Jumps in Stock Returns Diversifiable? Evidence &
Implications for Option Pricing' JF&QA 12/94
Kim O. 'Disagreements among Shareholders over Firms Disclosure Policy' JofF 6/93
Kim S. 'Do Capital Controls Affect the Response to Investment to Savings? Evidence
from Pacific Basin' Economic Review S.F. #1 1993
Kim S. 'Efficiency of an Information System in an Agency Model' Econometrica 1/95
Kim S., J. Lin, M. Slovin 'Market Structure, Informed Trading & Analysts
Recommendations' JF&QA 12/97
Kim S., Joseph Ogden 'Incorporating Price-Relevant Information Between Quotes &
Trades:New Measure of the Effective Bid-Ask Spread' Inter. J. Theor.&Applied
Finance 4/99
Kim S., Neil Shephard, S. Chib 'Stochastic Volatility:Likelihood Inference &
Comparison with ARCH Models' <volatility> wp 10/96
Kim S., R. Moreno 'Stock Prices & Bank Lending Behavior in Japan' Economic Review FRB
S.F. V.4,#1
Kim T. 'Intransitive Indifference & Revealed Preference' Econometrica 1/87
Kim T., Ed Omberg 'Dynamic Nonmyopic Portfolio Behavior'<portfolio> <HARA,utility> RFS
96 v9 #1 <On Index>
Kim Y. 'Are Prices Countercyclical? Evidence from East Asian Countries' Review S.L.
FRB v 78 #5
Kim Y., J. Atkins 'Evaluating Investments in Accounts Receivable:Maximizing Framework'
JofF 5/78
Kim Y., J. Sobel 'An Evolutionary Approach to Pre-Play Communications' Econometrica
Kimball M. 'Standard Risk Aversion' Econometrica 5/93
Kimbrough K. 'Commerical Policy & Aggregate Employment under Rational Expectations' 81
Kinateder K., P. McDonald 'Variational Principles for Average Exit Time Moments for
Diffuions in Euclidean Space' Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 99
Kind P., R. Liptser, Wolfgang Runggaldier 'Diffusion Approximations in Past Dependent
Models & Applications to Option Pricing' <options-path> Annals of Applied Prob.
91 <American>
King M. 'The Durbin-Watson Test for Serial Correlation:Bounds for Regressions with
Trend and/or Seasonal Dummy Variables' Econometrica 11/81
King M., E. Sentana, S. Wadhwani 'Volatility & Links Between National Markets'
Econometrica 7/94
King M., P. Wu 'Locally Optimal One-Sided Tests for Multiparameter
Hypotheses'Econometirc Reviews 97
King R. 'Quantitative Theory & Econometircs' Economic Quarterly FRB Richmond Summer
King R. 'Will the New Keynesian Macoreconimcs Resurrect the IS-LM Model?' J.Economic
Perspectives Winter 93
King R., A. Wolfman 'Inflation Targeting in a St. Louis Model of the 21st
Centrury'commnet J. Rotemberg, Edward Prescott St. Louis Review 5/96
King R., M. Watson 'Testing Long-Run Neutrality' Econ. Quarterly FRB Richmond
King R., S. Rebelo 'Transitional Dynamics & Economic Growth in Neoclassical Model'
AER 9/93
King 'Stochastic Trends & Economic Fluctuations' <Business Cycle> w.p.
King T. 'Force-Based Simulations' Dr. Dobb 9/89> <planetary motions> <numeric>
Kingdon J., K. Feldman 'Genetic Algorithms & Applications to Finance' Appl. Math.
Finance 6/95
Kinger B. 'Numerical Integration of Singular Integrands using Low-Discrpany Sequences'
v59#3 Computing 97
Kingsman B. 'Relationship Between European & U.S. Prices for Soyabeans & Corn 1966-
68'R. Futures Markets V7 Supp. 88
Kirby C. 'Measuring the Predicatable Variation in Stock & Bond Returns' RFS Fall 97
Kirby C. 'Restrictions on Predictability Implied by Rational Asset Pricing Models' RFS
Summer 98
Kiriakopoulos K., Christofides, N. and Salkin, G. A tree-based algorithm for risk
management of interest rate derivatives portfolios Centre for Qualitative
Finance, Imperial Collete of Science, Technology and Medicine' <term structure>
Kirikos G., D. Novak 'Convexity Conundrums' <term structure> <eurodollar strips, Hull-
White> RISK 3/97
Kirkpatrick S., C. Gelatt, M. Vecchi 'Optimization by Simulated Annealing' Science 5-
83 <statistics>
Kirman A., C. Oddou,S. Weber 'Stochastic Communications & Coalition Formation'
Econometrica 1/86
Kirova M., R. Lipsey 'Measuring Real Investment:Trends in the United States &
International Comparison' FRB SL 1/98
Kirzner I. 'Entrepreneurial Discovery & the Competitive Market Process:An Austrian
Approach' JEL 3/97
Kishimoto N. 'Duration & Convexity of Coupon Bond Futures' J. Fixed Income 6/98
Kishimoto N. 'Pricing Contingent Claims under Interest Rate & Asset Price Risk' JofF
Kitagawa G. 'Non-Gaussian State-Space Modeling of Nonstationary Time Series' J. Amer.
Stat. Ass. 87
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Ricci R., X. Weiqing 'On Stability of Some Solutions of Stefan Problem'<boundary
value> Euro. J. of Applied Math. v2 1991
Ricciardi L., S. Sato 'First-Passage-Time Density & Moments of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
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Rice J., J. White 'Norms for Smoothing & Estimation'<linear program> <LAD> SIAM Review
Rice S. 'Mathematical Analysis of Random Noise' SPinN&SP
Rich C., D. Friedman 'The Matching Market Instituion:Laboratory Investigation' AER
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barrier> AFORv7(94)
Rich D. 'The Valuation & Behavior of Black-Scholes Options Subject to Intertemporal
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Rich D., Donald Chance 'An Alternative Approach to Pricing of Options on Multiple
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Rich D., R. Leipus 'An Option-Based Approach to Analyzing Financial Contracts with
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Rich D., R. Leipus 'Financial Contracting in the Presence of Multiple Indenture
Provisions:An Option Pricing Framework' w.p. 4/94
Rich D., R. Leuthold 'Feeder Cattle Cash Settlement:Hedgin Risk Reduction or
Illusion?' JFM 8/93
Richard S. 'An Arbitrage Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates' <term
structure> JFE 78
Richard S. 'Generalized Capital Asset Pricing Model' in Portfolio Theory TIMS Studies
in Mana. Science 79
Richard S. 'Optimal Consumption, Portfolio & Life Insurance Rules for an Uncertain
Lived Individual in a Continuous-time Model' JFE 75
Richard S., L. Edens 'Prepayment & Valuation Modeling for Adjustable Rate Mortgage-
Backed Securities' 9/90 <mortgage>
Richard S., M. Sundaresan 'A Continuous-Time Equilibrium Model of Forward & Future
Prices in a Multigood Economy' JFE 81
Richard S., Richard Roll 'Modeling Prepayment on Fixed Rate Mortgage-Backed Securites'
9/88 <mortgage>
Richards A. 'Winner-Loser Reversal in National Stock Market Indices:Can they be
Explained?' JofF 12/97
Richardson H. 'Minimum Variance Results in Continuous Trading Portfolio Optimization'
9-89 <portfolio> MS
Richardson J. 'Income Inequality & Trade' J. Econ. Perspect. Summer 95
Richardson M., T. Smith 'Direct Test of Mixture of Distributions Hypothesis:Measuring
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Richardson M., T. Smith 'Test for Multivariate Normality in Stock Returns'<stock
price> JofB 4/93
Richardson M., T. Smith 'Unified Approach to Testing for Serial Correlation in Stock
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Richtmeyer R., K. Morton 'Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems' Interscience
Rickey G. 'Technology of Kinetic Art' SA 2/93
Riedel F. 'A Class of Heath-Jarrow-Morton Models in which the Unbiased Expectaitons
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Riedel Kurt 'Piecewise Convex Function Estimation:Pilot Estimators' Quant. Analysis in
Financial Markets NYU papers World Scien. Press
Riedel Kurt, A. Sidorenko 'Function Estimation Using Data-Adaptive Kernel Smoothers-
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Scien. Press
RII 'Readings in Investment' (ed) J. Francis,C. Lee,D. Farrar
Rindell K. 'Generalized Method of Moments Test of the Black & Scholes Model' 91
<option-pricing> Swedish Sch.Econ.
Rindell K., P. Sandas 'An Empirical Examination of the Pricing of European Bond
Options' 90 Swedish Sch.Econ.
Rinnie J. 'Small Disturbances' <Brownian motion> SA 8/91
Rinnooy K.A., G. Boender, G. Timmer 'A stochastic approach to global optimzation
M.I.T. (October 1984): 269
Riolo R. 'Survival of the Fittest Bits' <genetic algor.> Scientific American July 92
Riordan M. 'Anticompetitive Vertical Integration by a Dominant Firm' AER 12/98
Riordan M. 'Asset Specificity & Backward Integration' Boston U. Sept 89
Risager F. 'Distribution of Residual Partial Autocorrelations in Autoregressive
Integrated Moving Average Time Series Models'
RISK 'Dangers of Neutrality' <hedging> RISK Nov 91
Ritchey N., G. Thompson 'Weighted Uni-dimensional Similarities Problems with Least
Absolute Value Metric is NP-Hard' W.P. Carnegie-Mellon April 90
Ritchey R. 'Call Option Valuation for Discrete Normal Mixtures' <options-distribution>
J. Fin. Research Winter 90
Ritchken Peter 'On Arbitrage-Free Pricing of Interest Rate Contingent Claims' JofF
Ritchken Peter 'On Options Pricing Bounds' JofF 9/85
Ritchken Peter 'On Pricing Barrier Options' <options-barrier> J. Deriv. Winter 95
Ritchken Peter, I. Chuang 'Interest Rate Option Pricing with Volatility Humps'FRB
Clevl. 97 , R. Deriv. Research V3 #3 99
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubramanian 'A Multifactor Model of the Quality Option in
Treasury Futures Options' <term structure> <HJM> JFR Fall 95
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubramanian 'Averaging & Deferred Payment Yield Agreements'
JFM 2/93<term structure> {Average Rate}
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubramanian 'Near Nirvana' <term struture> RISK 9/95
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubramanian 'On Finite State Dimensioned Markovian
Representations of the Term Structure'<term structure> w.p. 8/94
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubramanian 'On Valuing Complex Interest Rate Claims'<term
structure> JFM Oct 90
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubramanian 'Pricing the Quality Option in Treasury Bond
Futures' <bonds> MF 7/92
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubramanian 'The Importance of Forward Rate Volatility
Strucutres in Interest Rate-Sensitive Claims' J. of Derivatives Fall 95
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubramanian 'Volatility Strucutres of Forward Rates & the
Dynamics of the Term Structure'<term structure> MF 1/95
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubramanian, Anand Vijh 'Averaging Options for Capping Total
Costs'<term structure> Financial Mangement Aut. 90
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubramanian, Anand Vijh 'Valuation of Path Dependent
Contracts on the Average' <options-average> w.p. 5/92
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubraminian, Amamd Vijh 'Valuation of Path Dependent
Contract on the Average' Management Science 10-93 <options-average>
Ritchken Peter, L. Sankarasubremanian 'Bond Price Representaitons & the Volatility of
Spot Interest Rates' R. Quant. Finance & Accounting 96 <term structure>
Ritchken Peter, R. Trevor 'Pricing Options under Generalized GARCH & Stochastic
Volatility Processes' JofF 2/99
Ritchken Peter, S. Kuo 'Option Bounds with Finite Revision Opportunities' JofF 6/88
Ritter J. 'Feeding the National Accounts' FRB St. Louis March/April 2000
Ritter J., N. Chopra 'Portfolio Rebalancing & the Turn of the Year Effect' JofF 3/89
Ritzberger K., J. Weibull 'Evolutionary Selection in Normal-Form Games' Econometrica
Rivest R. 'The RC5 Encryption Algorithm' <cryptography> Dr.Dobbs 1/95
Rob R. 'A Condition Guaranteeing the Optimality of Public Choice' Econometrica 11/81
Robbins D. 'The Story of 1,2,7,42,429,7436' Mathematical Intelligencer V.13 N2 1991
Robbins E., J. Schatzberg 'Callable Bonds:Risk Reducing Signalling Mechanism' JofF
Robbins H. 'Asymptotic Distribution of Sums of Random Number of Random Variables' 48
Robbins R. 'Analysis of Discretely Reblanced Option Hedges:Inadequacy of Delta-Based
Techniques' w.p. 1/92
Robe M. 'Optimal vs. Traditional Securities under Moral Hazard' JF&QA 6/99
Roberds W. 'Changes in Payments Technology & the Welfare Cost of Inflation' FRB
Atlanta 5/94 <bank>
Roberds W., C. Whiteman 'Endogenous Term Premia & Anomalies in the Term Structure of
Interest Rates:Explaining the Predictability Smile'<term structure> wp 10/96 FRB
Roberts B. 'Rational Expectations:Models with Speculation' 7/78 <rational
Roberts G., C. Shortland 'Pricing Barrier Options with Time-Dependent Coefficients' MF
1/97 <options-barrier>
Roberts S., T. Mahrotri 'Is it Time for a Change?' Asia RISK 4/99 <credit
derivatives, documentation,contracts>
Robertson D. 'Term Structure Forecasts of Inflation' Economic Journal 92
Robertson T. 'A Note on the Reciprocal of the Conditional Expectation of a Positive
Random Variable' <distribution> Annals of Math. Stat.
Robichek A., M. Eaker 'Foreign Exchange Hedging & the Capital Asset Pricing Model'
JofF 6/78
Robichek A., R. Cohn 'Economic Determinants of Systematic Risk' JofF 5/74
Robichek A., R. Higgins, M. Kinsman 'Effect of Leverage on the Cost of Equity Capital
of Electric Utility Firms' JofF 5/73
Robins R., Barry Schachter 'An Analysis of the Risk in Discretely Rebalanced Option
Hedges & Delta-based Techniques' Manag.Sci. 6/94 <Hedging>
Robins R., Barry Schachter 'Optimal Hedging of Discretely Rebalanced Option
Portfolios: Why Investors Should not use Delta Neutral Hedging' Tulane6/90
Robins R., R. Sanders, Barry Schachter 'An Empirical Investigation of Variance
Redution Through Non-Delta-Neutral Hedging' J. Derivatives Winter 96
Robinson B. 'Inefficiency Costs of Guaranteed Investment Products' J.of Derivatives
Fall 98
Robinson F. 'Poynting's Vector:Comments on a Recent Paper by Clark Jeffries' SIAM
Review 12/94
Robinson G. 'More Haste, Less Percision' <credit derivatives> RISK 9/96
Robinson G., D. Perry, R. Peterson 'Optical Interfermotey of Surfaces' SA 7/91
Robinson P. 'Asymptotically Efficient Estimation in the Presence of Heteroskedasticity
of Unknown Forms' Econometrica 7/87
Robinson P. 'Automatic Frequency Domain Inference on Semi-parametrice & Non-Semi.
Models' Econometrica 9/91
Robinson P. 'Highly Insignificant F-Ratios' Econometrica 5/93
Robinson P. 'Nonliear Three-Stage Least Squares Estimation of Certain Econometric
Models' Econometrica 5/91
Robinson P. 'Root-N-Consistent Semiparametric Regression' Econometrica 7/88
Robinson P. 'Stochastic Differences between Econometric Statistics' Econometrica 5/88
Robinson P. 'The Normal Approximation for Semiparametric Average Derivatives'
Econometrica 5/95
Robinson P. 'Time Series Residuals with Application to Probability Density Estimation'
J. Time Series Analysis (87) #3
Robison L., P. Barry 'Risk Efficiency Using Stochastic Dominance & Expected Gain-
Confidence Limits' JofF 9/78
Robson A. 'Status , the Distribution of Wealth,Private & Social Attituedes to Risk'
Econometrica 7/92
Rochet J., P. Chone 'Ironing, Sweeping & Multidimensional Screening' Econometrica 7/98
Rockafellar R. 'Convex Analysis ' Princeton Press 70
Rockafellar R. 'Lagrange Multipliers & Optimality' SIAM Review 6/93
Rockafellar R. Tyrrell, Stanislav Uryasev 'Optimization of Conditional Value-at-Risk'
J. of Risk Spring 2000 ,wp 11/99 <risk>
Rockett A., J. Stevenson 'Karmarkars Algorithm' Byte 9/87 <linear program>
Rodrik, Obstfeld, Feenstra, Williamson (various articles) 'Globalization' J Econ
Persp. Fall 98
Rodriquez R. 'Corporate Exchange Risk Management:Theme & Aberrations' JofF 5/81
Roehrig C. 'Condtions for Identification in Nonparametric and Parametric Models'
Econometrica 3/88
Roemer J. 'Rationalizing Revolutionary Ideology' Econometrica 1/85
Roemer J. 'The Democratic Political Economy of Progressive Income Taxation'
Econometrica 1/99
Rogers A. 'Evolution of Time Preference by Natural Selection' AER 6/94
Rogers C. 'The Relaxed Investor' RISK 1/99<portfolio><optimization>
Rogers L.C.G. 'Arbitrage with Fractional Brownian Motion' MF 1/97 ,<arbitrage>
Rogers L.C.G. 'Equivalent Martingale Measures & No-Arbitrage' Stochastics 95
Rogers L.C.G. 'Evaluating First-Passage Probabilities for Spectrally One-Sided Levy
Processes'J. Appl. Prob. 12/2000 , <distributions> <Laplace,Abate,Whitt>2000
Rogers L.C.G. 'Fast Accurate Binomial Pricing' Finance & Stochastics 1/98
Rogers L.C.G. 'Fastest Coupling of Random Walks' 4/97 <random>
Rogers L.C.G. 'Gaussian Errors' <term structure><models> RISK 1/96
Rogers L.C.G. 'Modelling Credit Risk' <credit risk> 6/99
Rogers L.C.G. 'One for All' <term structure> <term struct. more than one currency>
RISK 3/97 ,also WP
Rogers L.C.G. 'Stochastic Calculus & Markov Methods' (in Dempster M.,S. Pliska (ed)
'Math. of Derivative Securities'
Rogers L.C.G. 'The Joint Law of the Maximum & Terminal Value of a Martingale'
Rogers L.C.G. 'The Potential Approach to the Term Structure of Interest Rates &
Foreign Exchange Rates'MF 4/97 ,<term structure>
Rogers L.C.G. 'Volatility Estimation with Price Quanta' MF 7/98 <volatility>
Rogers L.C.G. 'Which Model for Term-Structure of Interest Rates Should One Use?'<term
structure> IMA 1994 <also in Mathematical Finance (ed) Davis Springer 95>
Rogers L.C.G., D. Williams 'Diffusions, Markov Processes & Martingales' Wiley 87
Rogers L.C.G., E. Stapleton 'Fast Accurate Binomial Pricing' Finance and Stochastics
1/98 ,2/97 <option-numeric>
Rogers L.C.G., F. Yousaf 'Markov Chains & the Potential Approach to Modelling Interest
Rates & Exchange Rates' 'Math. Finance Bachelier Conference Springer 2002 ,
<interest rates> 2000
Rogers L.C.G., J. Walsh 'A(t,B) is not a Semimartingale'
Rogers L.C.G., Omar Zane 'A Simple Model of Liquidity Effects' 8/98 <portfolio>
Rogers L.C.G., Omar Zane 'Fitting Potential Models to Interest Rate & Foreign Exchange
Data' <term structure>
Rogers L.C.G., Omar Zane 'Saddle-Point Approximations to Option Prices' 11/97 <option-
Rogers L.C.G., Omar Zane 'Valuing Moving Barrier Options' 97 wp <options-barrier>,
J.Computational Finance v.1,#1 97
Rogers L.C.G., Stephen Satchell 'Does the Behavior of the Asset Tell Us Anything about
the Option Price Formula? A Cautionary Tale' 6/96 <option-pricing>
Rogers L.C.G., Stephen Satchell 'Estimating Variance from High, Low & Closing Prices'
Ann. App. Prob 91 <volatility>
Rogers L.C.G., Z. Shi 'Value of an Asian Option' <options-average> J. Appl.Prob.
Rogerson W. 'First-order Approach to Principal-Agent Problems' Econometrica 11/85
Rogerson W. 'Note on Existence of Single Price Equilibrium Price Distribution in
Sequential Search Models' NU 4/86
Rogerson W. 'Repeated Moral Hazard' Econometrica 1/85
Rogoff K. 'The Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle' JEL 6/96
Roley V. 'Determinants of the Treasury Security Yield Curve' JofF 12/81
Rolfes Bernd, E. Henn 'A Vega Notion' Equity RISK 12/99 <options-volatility>
Rolfes Bernd, F. Broeker 'Good Migrations' <monte carlo, credit risk> RISK 11/98
Roll Richard 'A Simple Implicit Measure of the Effective Bid-Ask Spread in an
Efficient Market' JofF 9/84
Roll Richard 'After-tax Investment Results from Long-term vs. Short-term Discount
Coupon Bonds' <portfolio> FAJ Jan 84
Roll Richard 'Ambiguity When Performance Measured by Security Market Line' JofF 9/78
Roll Richard 'Analytic Valuation Formula for Unprotected American Call Options on
Stocks with Known Dividends' <orig. JFE 77> IAFO&FOM
Roll Richard 'Collaterized Mortgage Obligations' 4/86 <mortgage>
Roll Richard 'Critique of Asset Pricing Theory Tests:part 1 ' JFE 77 <CAPM>
Roll Richard 'Evidence on Growth Optimum Model' JofF 6/73
Roll Richard 'Industrial Structure & the Comparative Behavior of Internations Stock
Market Indexes' JofF 3/92
Roll Richard 'Mean-Variance Analysis of Tracking Error' J. Portfolio Management
Summer 92 <portfolio>
Roll Richard 'Possible Explanation of Small Firm Effect' JofF 9/81
Roll Richard 'R Squared' JofF 7/88
Roll Richard 'U.S. Treasury Inflation-Indexed Bonds' J. Fixed Income 12/96
Roll Richard, Steven Ross 'An Empirical Investigation of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory'
JofF 12/80
Roll Richard, Steven Ross 'Critical Reexamination of Empirical Evidence on Abritrage
Pricing Theory:Reply' JofF 6/84
Roll Richard, Steven Ross 'On Cross Sectional Relation Between Expected Returns &
Betas' 5/92 & JofF 3/94 <stock returns>
Roll Richard, Steven Ross 'The Arbitrage Pricing Thoery Approach to Strategic
Portfolio Planning' FAJ 5/84 <CAPM>
Rolnick A., B. Smith, W. Weber 'In Order to form a More Perfect Monetary Union'
Quarterly Review FRB Minn Fall 93
Rolnick A., B. Smith, W. Weber 'Lessons from a Laissez-Faire Payments System:the
Suffolk Banking System (1825-58)' Review FRB SL5/98
Rolnick A., F. Welde, W. Weber 'Debasement Puzzle:Essay on Medieval Monetary History'
Quart. Review FRB Minn Fall 97
Rolnick A., W. Weber 'Money, Inflation & Output under Fiat & Commodity Standards'
Quart. R FRB Minn. Spring 98
Roma A., Walter Torous 'Cyclical Behavior of Interest Rates' JofF 9/97
Romagnoil S., T. Vargiolu 'Robustness of the Black-Scholes Approach in the Case of
Options on Several Assets' Finance & Stochastics 2000 ,6/1/99 <option-pricing>
Romagnoli Silvia, T. Vargiolu 'Pricing & Hedging of the Currency Multiple Option on
the Maximum of Several Bonds' 5/97 <options-bonds>
Romano Marc, Nizar Touzi 'Contingent Claims & Market Completeness in a Stochastic
Volatility Model' <volatility> MF 11/97
Rombach E., K. Schap 'Futures of Swaps:Protecting the Warehouse'<swap>
Romer C. 'Changes in Business Cycles:Evidence & Explanations' J. Econ Perspective
Spring 99
Romer D. 'Rational Asset-Price Movements without News' AER 12/93
Romer P. 'Cake Eating, Chattering, and Jumps:Existence Results for Variational
Problems' Econometrica 7/86
Ronen T. 'Tests & Properties of Variance Rations in Macrostructure Studies' JF&QA 6/97
Rong S. 'On the Solutions of Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps &
Applications' SP&A 3/97 <SDE>
Ronn Ehud 'Portfolio L.P.' JF&QA 12/87
Ronn Ehud, A. Verma 'Pricing Risk Adjusted Deposit Insurance :Option Based Model'
JofF 9/86
Ronn Ehud, C. Xuan 'Using Interest Rate options to Hedge Interest Rate-Dependent
Securities' <hedge' FRB Chicago Bank Struct. Conf. 5/97
Ronn Ehud, P. Wadhwa 'On Relationship Between Expected Returns & Implied Volatility of
Interest Rate Dependent Securities' Research Symp Proced. CBT 5/95 <volatility>
Ronn Ehud, R. Sias 'Simple Time-Varying Binomial Model for Valuation of Interest Rate-
Contingent Claims' <term structure> AF&OR v5 1991
Ronn Ehud, Robert Bliss 'A Nonstationary Trinomial Model for the Valuation of Options
on Treasury Bond Futures Contracts' <term structure> J.Futures Markets 8/94
Rose A. 'Is the Real Rate of Interest Stable?' JofF 12/88
Rose M. 'The Effective Cash Flow Method' <interest rates> J.Fixed Income 9/94
Rose-Ackerman S. 'Altrurism, Non-profits & Economic Theory' JEL 6/96
Rosenberg B., Guy "Prediction of Beta from Investment Fundamentals" FAJ 5/76
Rosenberg B., J. Guy 'Prediction of Beta from Investment Fundamentals I' FAJ 5/76,
II' 7/76 <portfolio>
Rosenberg Joshua 'Implied Volatility Functions:Reprise' J. Derivatives Spring 2000
Rosenberg Joshua 'Pricing Multivariate Contingent Claims using Estimated Risk-Neutral
Density Functions' J. Inter Money & Finance 4/98 <asset pricing>
Rosenberg Joshua, Robert Engle 'Empirical Pricing Kernels' 12/97
Rosenberg Joshua, Robert Engle 'Option Hedging Using Empirical Pricing Kernels' 9/97
<preferences, GARCH>
Rosendorff B. 'Voluntary Export Restraints, Antidumping Procedure & Domestic Politics'
AER 6/96
Rosenfeld J. 'Effect of Common-Stock Dividend Reductions on Returns of Non-Convertible
Prefered Stocks:Note' JofF 6/83
Rosengren E. 'Defaults of Original Issue High-Yield Convertible Bonds' JofF 3/93
Rosenthal J. 'Convergence Rates for Markov Chains' SIAM Review 9/95
Rosenzweig A. 'Random Walk Hyposthesis, Domestic Borrowing, and Others:Glossary of
Contemporary Financial Terms' JofF 12/73
Rosenzweig B. 'About the Estimation of Volatility in an ARCH Model'<ARCH>
Rosenzweig B. 'Black Scholes Solution' <option-pricing>
Rosenzweig B. 'Presentation of Binomial Models of the Interest Rates Term Structure to
use in a Pricing Software' wp 3/96<term struct>
Rosenzweig B. 'Presentation of Models of the Interest Rates Term Structure to use in a
Pricing Software' wp 3/96<term struct>
Ross P. 'Billions of Buckytubes' SA Oct 92
Ross P. 'Buckeyballs' SA 1/91
Ross P. 'Buckytubes' SA 12/91
Ross P. 'Endless Endgame' <chess> SA 11/91
Ross R. 'Good Point Methods for Computing Prices & Sensitivities of Multi-Asset
European Style Options' Appl. Math.Finance 6/98
Ross Steven 'Adding Risks: Samuelson's Fallacy of Large Numbers Revisited' JF&QA 9/99
Ross Steven 'Arbitrage Theory of Capital Asset Pricing' <CAPM> JET 1976 p. 341
Ross Steven 'Current Status of CAPM' JofF 6/78
Ross Steven 'Debt & Taxes & Uncertainty' JofF 7/85
Ross Steven 'Information & Volatility:No-Arbitrage Martingale Approach to Timing &
Resolution Irrelevancy' JofF 3/89
Ross Steven 'Institutional Markets, Finacial Marketing & Financial Innovations' JofF
Ross Steven 'Intertemporal Asset Pricing' TVI
Ross Steven 'Mutual Fund Separation in Financial Theory-Separating Distributions' TVI
& JET 1978
Ross Steven 'Portfolio Turnpike Theorems for Constant Policies' <growth> JFE Vol 1 No
Ross Steven 'Some Notes on Financial Incentive-Signalling Models, Activity Choice &
Risk Preferences' JofF 6/78
Rossi P. 'Modelling Stock Market Volatility' Academic Press
Rossler O., H. Stewart, K. Wisenfeld 'Unfolding a Chaotic Bifurcation'<chaos> Proc.
Royal Society London 431:p.371 (1990)
Rossler O., M. Klein, G. Gaier, J. Parisi, J.Peinke, M. Krug, J. Hudon 'Sierpinski
Sponge in a Simple Generic Diffeomorphism'<chaos> Computers in Physics Oct. 90
Rotemberg J., G. Saloner 'Benefits of Nrrow Business Strategies' AER 12/94
Rotemberg J., M. Woodford 'Real-Business-Cycle Models & the Forecastable Movements in
Output, Hours & Consumption' AER 3/96
Roth A. 'A Note on Risk Aversion in a Perfect Equilibrium Model of Bargaining'
Econometrica 1/85
Roth A. 'On Allocation of Residents to Rural Hospitals:General Property of Two Sided
Matching Markets' Econometrica 3/86
Roth A. 'On the Non-Transferable Utility Value:Reply to Aumann ' Econometrica 7/86
Roth A. 'Stability & Polarization of Interests in Job Matching' Econometrica 1/84
Roth A., J. Vate 'Random Paths to Stability in Two-Sided Matching' Econometrica 11/90
Roth A., M. Sotomayor 'College Admissions Problems Revisted' Econometrica 5/89
Roth A., U. Rothblum 'Truncation Strategies in Matching Markets-In Search of Advice
for Participants' Econometrica 1/99
Roth A., X. Xing 'Jumping the Gun:Imperfections & Institutions Related to the Timing
of Market Transactions' AER 9/94
Rothenberg T. 'Approximate Normality of Generalized Least Squares Estimates'
Econometrica 7-84
Rothenberg T. 'Approximate Power Functions for Some Robust Tests of Regression
Coefficients' Econometrica 9/88
Rothenberg T. 'Comparing Alternative Asymptotically Equivalent Tests' in Advances in
Econometrics V.5
Rothenberg T. 'Hypothesis Testing in Linear Models When Error Covariance Matrix is
Nonscalar' Econometrica 7-84
Rothenberg T. 'Identification in Parametric Models' Econometrica May 71 <econometrics>
Rothenberg T., C. Leenders 'Efficient Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Systems'
Econometrica 64 <models>
Rothkopf M., R. Harstad 'Two Models of Bid-Taker Cheating in Vickrey Auctions' JofBus
Rothschild M., Joseph Stiglitz 'Increasing Risk II. Its Economic Consequences' JET 71
Rotschild E. 'Adam Smith & Invisible Hand' AER 5/94
Rouge R., Nicloe El Karoui 'Pricing Via Utility Maximization& Entropy' MF 4/2000
,<portfolio><backward SDE,super-replication>
Rougier J. 'An Optimal Price Index for Stock Index Futures Contracts' J. Futures
Markets 4/96
Rouhi A., J. Wright 'Spectrual Implementation of a New Operator Splitting Method for
Solving PDE' <numerical> Computers in Physics Sept/Oct 95
Routledge B. 'Adaptive Learning in Financial Markets' RFS Winter 99
Routledge B., D. Seppi, C. Spatt 'Equilibrium Forward Curves for Commodities' JofF
Rouvinex C. 'Going Greek with VAR' <risk> RISK 2/97
Rouvray D. 'Predicting Chemistry from Topology' SA 9/86 <topology>
Rouwenhorst K. 'International Momentum Strategies' JofF 2/98
Rouwenhorst K. 'Local Return Factors & Turnover in Emerging Stock Markets' JofF 8/99
Rouzeau E. 'Analysing Corporate Credit Risk:Quantative Approach' 3/98 <credit risk>
Rowe D. 'Curves of Confidence' <credit risk> <derivative creidt exposure> RISK 11/93
Royanma S., K. Hamada 'Substitution & Complementary in Choice of Risky Assets' <Risk>
in Risk Aversion and Portfolio Choice
Royden H. 'Real Analysis' Macmillan 88
Rozeff M. 'Lump Sum Investing versus Dollar Averaging' J.Port.Manage. Winter 94
Rozeff M. 'Stock Splits:Evidence from Mutual Funds' JofF 2/98
Rozeff M., M. Zaman 'Overreaction & Insider Trading:Evidence from Growth & Value
Portfolios' JofF 4/98
Ruback R. 'Cities Service Takeover:Case Study' JofF 5/83
Rubinstein Ariel 'A Bargaining Model with Incomplete Information About Time
Preferences' Econometrica 9/85
Rubinstein Ariel 'Comments on the Interpretation of Game Theory' Econometrica 7/91
Rubinstein Ariel 'Why are Certain Properties of Binary Relations Relatively More
Common in Natural Language' Econometrica 3/96
Rubinstein Ariel, A. Wolinsky 'Equilibrium in a Market with Sequential Bargaining'
Econometrica 9/85
Rubinstein Ariel, Z. Safra, W.Thompson 'On Interpreation of Nash Bargin. Solution &
Extension to Non-expected Utility Preferences' Econometrica 9/92
Rubinstein Mark 'Alternative Paths to Portfolio Insurance' IAFO&FOM
Rubinstein Mark 'An Aggregation Theorem for Security Markets' 1974 JFE <Complete
Rubinstein Mark 'As Simple as One, Two, Three'<volatility><Black-Scholes, arbitrary
probability> RISK 1/95
Rubinstein Mark 'Buy Now, Choose Later' <options-chooser> RISK ??/??
Rubinstein Mark 'Comparative Static Analysis of Risk Premiums' JofB 10/73 <CAPM>
Rubinstein Mark 'Derivative Assets Analysis' <arbitrage>Economic Perspectives Fall
Rubinstein Mark 'Displaced Diffusion Option Pricing' JofF 3/83
Rubinstein Mark 'Double Trouble ' <options-compound> RISK 12/91
Rubinstein Mark 'Edgeworth Binomial Trees' <option-numeric> J. Deriv. Spring 98
Rubinstein Mark 'Exotic Options' March 1991 <Forward-Start,Compound,Chooser,
barrier,digital,lookback,average,Asian,rainbow,american exchange,product>
Rubinstein Mark 'Implied Binomial Trees' <volatility Smiles> JofF 7/94
Rubinstein Mark 'Implied Binomial Trees' Research Symp Proced. CBT 5/95
Rubinstein Mark 'Latest Approach to Binomial Option Pricing Using Implied Trees
-Overcoming Limitations to Black Scholes Model '<Hedging> w.p. (5/94)
Rubinstein Mark 'Mean Variance Synthesis of Corporate Financial Theory' JofF 3/73
Rubinstein Mark 'Nonparametric Tests of Alternative Option Pricing Models Using All
Reported Trades 8/23/76-8/31/78' JofF 6/85
Rubinstein Mark 'NYMEX Crack Spread Options' <options-spread> 5/19/94 NYMEX conference
Rubinstein Mark 'On the Accounting Valuation of Employee Stock Options' J. of
Derivatives Fall 95
Rubinstein Mark 'On the Relation Between Binomial & Trinomial Option Pricing Models'
J. Derivatives Winter 2000
Rubinstein Mark 'One for Another' Risk July/Aug 91 <options-exchange>
Rubinstein Mark 'Options for the Undecided'<options-chooser> RISK April 91
Rubinstein Mark 'Return of Oz' <options-rainbow><merican ,spread options> RISK 11/94
Rubinstein Mark' 'Somewhere over the Rainbow'<options-rainbow> RISK 11/91
Rubinstein Mark 'Strong Case for Generalized Logarithmic Utility Model as Premier
Model of Financial Markets'<Utility> JofF 6/76
Rubinstein Mark 'Two Into One ' <options-product> RISK 5/91
Rubinstein Mark 'Valuation of Uncertain Income Streams & the Pricing of Options' Bell
J. of Economics <options-numeric>,also TVI
Rubinstein Mark, Eric Reiner 'Breaking Down the Barriers'<options-barrier> RISK 9/91
Rubinstein Mark, Eric Reiner 'Unscrambling the Binary Code'<options-barrier> RISK
Rubinstein Mark, H. Leland 'Replicating Options with Positions in Stock & Cash'
Rubinstein R. 'Monte Carlo Optimal Simulations & Sensitivity of Queuing Networks'
<monte carlo>
Rubinstein R. 'Multidimensional Control Variates in Monte Carlo Simulation' in Monte
Carolo Optimization,Simul.... Queuing 1986 <monte carlo>
Rubinstein R., G. Samorodnitsky, M. Shaked 'Antithetic Variates,Multivariate
Dependence & Simulation of Stochastic Systems' Management Science 1/85 <monte
Ruchs V. 'Nobel Laureate Gary Becker:Ideas About Facts' J.Econ.Per Spring 94
Rudd Andrew 'On Factor Models' wp <factor models>
Ruddman W., J. Kutzbach 'Plateur Uplift & Climate Change' SA 3/91
Rudebusch G. 'Federal Reserve Interest Rate Targeting, Rational Expectations & the
Term Structure' J. Monetary Econ. 95
Rudebusch G. 'Uncertain Unit Root of Real GNP' AER 3/93
Ruffin R. 'Externalities, Markets & Government Policy' Economic Review FRB Dallas
Ruggiero M. 'Training Neural Nets for Intermarket Analysis' FUTURES 8/94
Ruggles R. 'Accounting for Savings & Capital Formation in U.S. 1947-91' J. Economic
Perspectives Spring 93
Rumelin W. 'Numerical Treatment of Stochastic Differential Equations' <SDE> SIAM
Numer. Anal. 6/82
Rumsey J. 'Comparison of Tax Rates Inferred from Zero-Coupon Yield Curves' J.Fixed
Income 3/96
Runcorn S. 'Moons Ancient Magnetism' SA <astrophysics>
Runggaldier Wolfgang 'Filtering Approach to Pricing in Multifactor Term Structure
Runggaldier Wolfgang 'On Estimation & Hedging in Stochastic Volatility
Models:Stochastic Filtering Approach'
Runggaldier Wolfgang, A. Zaccaria 'A Stochastic Control Approach to Risk Management
Under Restricted Information' MF 4/2000
Runggaldier Wolfgang, L. Stettner 'On Construction of Nearly Optimal Strategies for
General Problem of Control of Partially Observed Diffusion' Stochastics &
Stochastics Reports 1991
Runggaldier Wolfgang, Martin Schweizer 'Convergence of Option Values under
Incompleteness'<option-pricing> Progress in Probability v36 95<Seminar on
Stochastic Analysis,Random Fields & Apps>
Runkle David 'Do Futures Markets React Efficiently to Predicatable Errors in
Government Annoucments?' J. Futures Markets 12/92
Runkle David 'Why No Crunch from the Crash' FRB Minn W86
Runkle David. 'No Relief in Sight for US Economy' Quarterly Review FRB Minneapolis
Fall 92
Rush D., R. Melicher 'An Empirical Examination of Factors which Influcence Warrant
Prices' JofF 12/74
Russek A. 'On an Extension of the Stochastic Integral' <SDE> SP&A 1991
Russell A. 'The City University,F.T. Actuaries,Data Bank of Daily Share Prices' MMinIV
Russell S. 'Governments Role in Deposit Insurance' Review FRB S.L. 1/93
Russell S. 'Understanding Term Structure of Interest Rates' Expectations Theory' <term
structure> FRB St. Louis 7/92
Russo Francesco, Pierre Vallois 'Product of Two Multiple Stochastic Integrals with
Respect to a Normal Martingale ' SP&A 1/98
Russo Francesco, Pierre Vallois 'The Generalized Covariation Process & Ito Formula'
<stochastics> SP&A 9/95
Russo Francesco, Pierre. Vallois 'Forward,Backward & Symmetric Stochastic Integration'
<SDE> 93 Prob.Theory & Related Fields
Rust John 'Comparison of Policy Iteration Methods for Solving Continuous-Stte,
Infinite Horizon Markovian Decision Problems Using Random, Quasi-Rando and
Deterministic Discretizations' 4/97
Rust John 'Numerical Dynamic Programming in Economics' <117 pages> wp to be published
Rust John 'Optimal Replacement of GMC Bus Engines:Empirical Model of Harold Zurcher'
Econometrica 9/87
Rust John 'Using Randomization to Break the Curse of Dimensionality' Econometrica 5/97
Rust John 'When is it Optimal to Kill off the Market for Durable Goods?' Econometrica
Rust John, C. Phelan 'How Social Security & Medicare Affect Retirement Behavior in a
World of Incomplete Markets' Econometrica 7/97
Rustichini A., Mark Satterthwaite, S. Williams 'Convergence to Efficency in a Simple
Market with Incomplete Information' Econometrica 9/94
Ruszczynski A. 'Regularized Decompostion of Stochastic Programs:Algorithmic Techniques
& Numerical Results'<stochastics> 4/93
Ruthen R. 'Adapting to Complexity' <Santa Fe Institute> SA 1/93
Ruthen R. 'Catching the Wave' <gravity> SA 3/92
Ruthen R. 'Gravity Rainbow' SA 9/91
Ruthen R. 'Puzzling Powerhouse' <black holes> SA 12/92
Ruthen R. 'Quark Quest' <top,bottom> SA 3/93
Ruther R. 'Quantum Magnets' SA 7/91
Rutkowski Marek 'A Note on the Flesaker-Hughston Model of the Term Structure of
Interest Rates' App. Math. Finance 9/97 <term structure>
Rutkowski Marek 'Dynamics of Spot, Forward & Futures Libor Rates' Int. J. Theory &
App. Finance 98 <term structure>
Rutkowski Marek 'Models of Forward LIBOR & Swap Rates' App. Math Fin. 3/99 , 97 <term
Rutkowski Marek 'Pricing & Hedging of Rates & Term Structure Models' N.S.Wales wp
Rutkowski Marek 'Pricing of the Foreign Market American Options' N.S.Wales wp
Rutkowski Marek 'Probabilistic Aspects of Continuous-Time Arbitrage Pricing:A,B,C'
N.S.Wales wp
Rutkowski Marek 'Risk Minimizing Hedging of Contingent Claims in Incomplete Models of
Financial Markets' Mat. Stos. ,Polish journal 1996> <hedge>
Rutkowski Marek 'Self-Financing Trading Strategies for Sliding, Rolling-Horizon &
Consol Bonds' MF 10/99 ,97 <term structure>
Rutkowski Marek 'Spot, Forward & Futures Libor Rates' 97 <term structure>
Rutkowski Marek 'The Early Exercise Premium Representation of Foreign Market American
Options'<options-american> MF 11/94
Rutkowski Marek 'Trading Strategies for Sliding,Rolling-Horizon & Consol Bonds' 9/98
Rutkowski Marek 'Valuation & Hedging of Contingent Claims in the HJM Model with
Deterministic Volatilities'<term structure> App. Math. Finance 9/96
Rutterford J., M. Fitzgerald 'International Option Markets' (ed) S.Hodges
Options:Recent Advances V.2 1992
Ruttiens A. 'Classical Replica' RISK 2/90 <options-average>
Rutz R. 'Clearance Payment & Settlement Systems in the Futures, Options & Stock
Markets' (ed) S.Hodges Options:Recent Advances V.2 1992
Rutz R. 'Margin,Settlement & Risk-Mangement Systems' (ed) S.Hodges Options:Recent
Advances V.2 1992
Ruud P. 'Comparison of the E.M. & Newton-Raphson Algorithm'<numeric> 2/89 U.of Cal.
Ruud P. 'Extensions of Estimation Methods Using the EM Algorithm' <numeric> 12/88
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Ruud P. 'The Geometry of the Gauss-Markov Theorem' <alphabetic> 8/95 wp U.Cal.
Rydberg Tina 'Existence of Unique Equivalent Martingale Measures in a Markovian
Setting' Aarhus 98
Rydberg Tina 'Generalized Hyperbolic Diffusions with Applications Toward Finance' MF
V9, #2 4/99 <option-pricing>
Rydberg Tina 'Normal Inverse Gaussian Levy Processes:Simulation & Approximation'
Stochastic Models 13(4) 1997
Rydberg Tina 'Note on the Existence of Unique Equivalent Martingale Measures in a
Markovian Setting' Finance & Stochastics 97 <martingale>
Ryden T., M. Wiktorsson 'On the Simulation of Iterated Ito Integrals' SP&A 1/2001
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Rzadkowski Gzegorz, Lezek Zaremba 'New Formulas for Immunizing Durations' J.
Derivatives Winter 2000
Rzepczynski 'Risk Premiums in Financial Futures Markets:Case of Treasury Bond Futures'
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S&SR V. 38 #1 92,V.37 #1-2 91
SA 'Buckytubes' {fullerences} SA 12/91
SA 'Seeing is Believing' {computer graphic simulation} SA 12/91
SA 'Star Bursts' {gamma radiation,astrophysics} SA 12/91
SA 'Thinking Machines' {supercomputers} SA 12/91
Saada D. 'Observability Cone of a Constrained Stochastic Process' in El Karoui,Mazliak
(ed) 'Backward Stochastic Differential Equations'
Saa-Requejo Jesus 'The Dynamics & the Term Structure of Risk Premia in Foreign
Exchange Markets' INSEAD 93
Saa-Requejo Jesus, Pedro Santa-Clara 'Bond Pricing with Default Risk' 3/99
<bonds><credit risk>
Saari Donald 'A Chaotic Exploration of Aggregation Paradoxes' SIAM Review 3/95 <chaos>
Saari Donald 'Iterative Price Mechanisms' Econometrica 9/85
Saari Donald 'Nonlinear Dynamics Applied to Numerical Analysis & Economics' NU 1/88
Sacerdote L., F. Tomassetti 'On Evaluation of Asymptotic Approximations of First-
Passage Time Probabilities' (96) <SDE> Advances in App.Prob.
Sack B. 'Deriving Inflation Expectations from Nominal & Inflation-Indexed Treasruy
Yields' J. Fixed Income 9/2000
Sack B. 'Using Treasury STRIPS to Measure the Yield Curve' 10/2000 <interest rates>
Sackett G. 'An Implicit Free Boundary Problem for the Heat Equation'<boundary value>
3/71 SIAM J. Numerical Analysis
Sadorsky P. 'Behavior of U.S. Tariff Rates' AER 9/94
Safarian A. 'Perspectives on Foreign Direct Investment from the Viewpoint of a
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Safieddine A., Sheridan Titman 'Leverage & Corporate Performance :Evidence from
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Prior to Seasoned Equity Offerings' JofF 6/96
Safra Z., L. Zhou, I. Zilcha 'Risk Aversion in the Nash Bargaining Problem with Risky
Outcomes & Risky Disagreement Points' Econometrica 7/90
Safra Z., U. Segal, A. Spivak 'Preference Reversal & Nonexpected Utility Behavior' AER
Sept. 90
Sagan H. 'Boundary & Eigenvalue Problems in Mathematical Physics' Dover Pub.
Sagdew R., C. Kennel 'Collionless Shock Waves' SA 4/91
Sahay P. 'Spherical Harmonics Representation of an Inhomogeneous Plane Wave' SIAM
Review 9/95
Said Klaus 'Pricing Exotics under the Smile' RISK 11/99 <volatility>
Saijo T. 'Strategy Space Reduction in Maskin's Theorem:Sufficient Conditons for Nash
Implementation' Econometrica 5/88
Saito Y., T. Mitsui 'Stability Analysis of Numerical Schemes for Stochastic
Differential Equations' SIAM J. Num. Anal.. 12/96 <SDE>
Sakata S., H. White 'Hight Breakdown Point Conditional Dispersion Estimation with
Application the S&P 500 Daily Returns Volatility' Econometrica 3/98
Sakellaris P. 'Note on Competitive Investment Under Uncertainity' AER 9/94
Salemi M. 'Dynamic, Stochastic Model of Inflation & Exchange Depreciation' w.p. 3-79
Salinger M. 'A Graphical Analysis of Bundling' <sale in bulk> JofBusiness 1/95
Salinger M. 'Stardard Errors in Event Studies'<abnormal errors> JF&QA 3/92
Salkkonen P. 'Aymptotic Properties of Some Preliminary Estimates for Autoregressive
Moving Average Time Series Models' J. Time Series Analysis #2 (86)
Salminen P. 'Optimal Stopping of One-Dimensional Diffusions' Mathematische Nachrichten
Salo A., M. Weber 'Ambiguity Aversion in First-Price Sealed Bid Auctions' U. Mannheim
Salo A., M. Weber 'Vickrey Auctions under Choquet Expected Utility Theory' U. Mannheim
Salopek Donna 'American Put Options' 97 Longman Pitman
Salopek Donna 'Tolerance to Arbitrage' <arbitrage> SP&A (76) 98
Samaranayake V., D. Hasza 'Asymptotic Properties of the Sample Autocorrelations for a
Multiple Autoregressive Process with One Unit Root' J. Time Series Analysis #1
Samorodnitsky G. 'Extremes of Skew Stable Processes' SP&A 11/88
Samperi Dominick 'Calibrating a Diffusion Pricing Model with Uncertain
Volatility:Regularization & Stability' MF 1/02 , 5/2000 <volatility>
Samperi Dominick 'Entropy & Model Calibration for Asset Pricing & Risk Management' 99
Samperi Dominick 'Implied Trees in Incomplete Markets' 5/96 <complete markets>
Samperi Dominick 'Inverse Problems & Model Selection & Entropy in Derivative Security
Pricing' PhD 7/98 NYU <derivative pricing>
Samperi Dominick 'Inverse Problems & Model Selection for Pricing & Decision Making in
Finance' 1/99 <derivative pricing>
Samperi Dominick 'Model Calibration using Entropy & Geometry' <derivative pricing>
7/2000 <inverse problems>
Samperi Dominick 'On Entropy & Mean-Variance Hedging' 99
Samuelson Paul 'Altruism as Problem Involving Group vrs. Individual Selection in
Economics & Biology' AER May 93
Samuelson Paul 'Classical Classical Fallacy' JEL 6/94
Samuelson Paul 'Credo of a Lucky Textbook Author' JEP Spring 97
Samuelson Paul 'Mathematics of Speculative Prices' SIAM Review 73
Samuelson Paul 'Rational Theory of Warrent Pricing'<option-pricing> Indust. Management
Review 65
Samuelson Paul, Robert Merton 'A Complete Model of Warrant Pricing that Maximizes
Utility' <option-pricing> IMR Winter 69
Samuelson Paul, Robert Merton 'Generalized Mean-Variance Tradeoffs for Best
Perturbation Corrections to Approximate Portfolio Decisions' JofF 3/74
Samuelson W. 'Bargaining Under Asymmetric Information' Econometrica 7-84
Samuelson W., L. Rosenthal 'Price Movements as Indicators of Tender Offer Success'
JofF 6/86
Samuleson Paul 'Lifetime Portfolio Selection by Dynamic Stochastic Programming' Rev.
Econ. Stat 69
Samuleson Paul 'Proof that Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly' Indus.
Manag.Rev 65
Samuleson Paul 'Simple Mathematics of Income Distribution' <macro-econ.>
Samuleson Paul 'Why We Should not Make Mean-Log of Wealth Big, Through years to Act
are Long' J. Banking Finance 79
Sanchirico C. 'Probabilistic Model of Learning in Games' Econometrica 11/96
Sander E., L. Sander, R. Ziff 'Fractals & Fractal Correlations' <numerical> Computers
in Physics 7/94
Sander L. 'Fractal Growth' SA 1/87 <fractals>
Sanders A., J. Unal 'On the Intertemporal Behavior of Short-Term Rate of
Interest'<interest rates> JF&QA 12/88
Sanders R., J. Zdanowicz 'Target Firm Abonormal Returns & Trading Volume around
Initation of Change in Control Transactions'JF&QA 3/92
Sandmann G., S. Koopman 'Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models vi Monte Carlo
Maximum Likelihood' 5/97 <volatility>
Sandmann Klaus 'Pricing of Options with an Uncertain Interest Rate:Discrete Time
Approach' MF 4/93<term structure> <
Sandmann Klaus, Dieter Sondermann 'A Term Structure Model & Pricing of Interest Rate
Options' U. Bonn 89
Sandmann Klaus, Dieter Sondermann 'A Term Structure Model & the Pricing of Interest
Rate Derivatives' R.Futures Markets<term structure> <HJM> 93,wp 180 3/95
Sandmann Klaus, Dieter Sondermann 'Log-Normal Interest Rate Models:Stability &
Methodology' 1/97 b-398 <term structure>
Sandmann Klaus, Dieter Sondermann 'Note on the Stability of Lognormal Interest Rate
Models & the Pricing of Eurodollar Futures' MF 4/97
Sandmann Klaus, Dieter Sondermann 'On the Stability of Lognormal Interest Rate
Models'<term structure> wp. 12/93
Sandmann Klaus, Dieter Sondermann 'On the Stability of Log-Normal Interest Rate Models
& the Pricing of Eurodollar Futures' <term structure> U.Bonn wp 263 94
Sandmann Klaus, Dieter Sondermann 'Zur Bewertung Von Caps und Floors' Zeitschrift fur
Betriebwirtschaftslehre Heft 11 89
Sandmann Klaus, Dieter Sondermann, Kristian Miltersen 'Closed Form Term Structure
Derivatives in a Heath-Jarrow-Morton Model with Log-Normal Annually Compounded
Interest Rates'<term structure> bonn wp 285 8/94
Sandmann Klaus, Erik Schlogl 'A Simulation Study of Binomial Term Structure Models &
their Stability & the Term Structure Movements they Imply' <term structure> Bonn
238 1993
Sandmo A. 'Asymmetric Information & Public Economics:The Mirlees-Vickrey Nobel Prize'
J. Econ. Perspectives Winter 99
Sandroni A. 'Do Markets Favor Agents Able to Make Accurate Predicitions? '
Econometrica 11/2000
Sankaran K. 'Finding a Value' <weather bond pricing> Weather Risk Special Report
Santa-Clara Pedro, Didier Sornette 'Dynamics of the Forward Interest Rate Curve with
Stochastic String Shocks'RFS 1/2001 , 3/98 <term structure>
Santomero A. 'Controlling Monetary Aggregates:Discount Window' JofF 6/83
Santomero A. 'Financial Risk Management:Whys & Hows' Financial Markets,Instiutions &
Instruments v4,#5 (95)
Santomero A. 'Fixed Versus Variable Rate Loans' JofF 12/83
Santomero A. 'Model of the Demand for Money by Households' JofF 3/74
Santomero A. 'Note on Interest Rates & Prices in General Equilibrium' JofF 9/73
Santoni G. 'Great Bull Markets:1924-29 & 1982-87: Speculative Bubbles or Economic
Fundamentals FRB L.L. 11/87
Santoni G. 'Has Program Trading Made Stock Prices More Volatile' FRB St. Lousi 5/87
Santoni G. 'October Crash:Some Evidence on Cascade Theory' <stock>
Santoni G., T. Liu 'Circuit Breakers & Stock Market Volatility' JFM 5/93
Santos M. 'Accuracy of Numerical Solutionsusing the Euler Equation Residuals'
Econometrica 11/2000
Santos M. 'Smoothness of Policy Function in Discrete Time Economic Models'
Econometrica 9/91
Santos M., M. Woodford 'Rational Asset Pricing Bubbles' Econometrica 1/97
Santosa F. 'Inverse Problem Holds Key to Safe,Continuous Imaging' SIAM News 7/94
Sanyal A. 'Ammunition for ARMs:A Panel Data Approach to Prepayment Modeling' J.Fixed
Income 12/94
Sanyal Aniruddha 'Two Essays on Interest Rate Derivatives' SMU 99 PhD Diss.
Sanz-Sole Marta, M. Sarra 'Logarithmic Estimates for the Density of an Anticipating
Stochastic Differential Equation' <Malliavin> SP&A 79 (99)
Sargan J., Steven Satchell 'A Theorem of Validity for Edgeworth Expansions'
Econometrica 1/86
Sargent A., J. Almlof, M. Feyereisen 'Electronic Structure Calculations in Quantum
Chemistry:Massive Parallel Algor.' SIAM News 1/93
Sargent Thomas 'Interpreting the Reagan Deficits ' SF Review Fall 86
Sargent Thomas 'The Demand for Money During Hyperinflation under Rational Expectations
I' Intern. Economic Review 77
Sargent Thomas 'Tobin q & Rate of Investment in General Equilibrium 78 <equilib.>
Sargent Thomas, Neil Wallace 'Rational Expectations & the Dynamics of Hyperinflation'
Intern. Economic Review 73
Sargent Thomas, Neil Wallace 'Rational Expectations & Theory of Economic Policy' 6/78
in Lucas & Sargent "Rational Expec. & Economic Practice" <rational expectations>
Sargent Thomas, Neil Wallace 'Rational Expectations & Theory of Economic
Policy:Arguments & Existence 7/78' <rational expectations>
Sargent Thomas, Neil Wallace 'Rational Expectations,the Optimal Monetary Instrument &
the Optiomal Money Supply Rule' JPE 75
Sarig O., A. Warga 'Some Empirical Estimates of the Risk Structure of Interest Rates'
JofF 12/89
Sarig O., J. Scott 'Puzzle of Financial Leverage Clienteles' JofF 12/85
Sarin R. 'Strength of Preference & Risky Choice'<Utility> w.p. UCLA 1980
Sarin R., P. Wakker 'General Result for Quantifying Beliefs' Econometrica 5/94
Sarin R., P. Walker 'Simple Axiomting Nonadditive Expected Utility' Econometrica
Sarkar S., A. Low, J. Muthuswamy, E. Terry 'Optimal Conversion Terms for a
Suboridinated Zero-Coupon Convertible Bond' AFOR 99
Sarnet M. 'Captial Market Imperfections & Composition of Optimal Portfolios' JofF 9-
Sarte P. 'On the Identification of Structural Vector Autoregessions' Econ. Quarterly
FRB Richmond
Sarte P-D 'Fischer's Equation & the Inflation Risk Premium in a Simple Endowment
Economy' Econ Quart FRB Richmond Fall 98
Sartoris W., N. Hill 'Generalized Cash Flow Approach to Short-Term Financial
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Satchell Stephen 'Approximation to the Finite Sample Distribution for Nonstable First
Order Stochastic Difference Equations' Econometrica 9/84
Satchell Stephen, Richard Stapleton, Marti Subrahmanyam 'Futures,Forward and Option
Prices in a No-Arbitrage Economy'<futures> w.p. Salomon Center NYU 7/90
SATiC Scientific American Trends in Computing V.1
Sato Jun 'Essays on International Portfolio Diversification & Asset Prices' PhD Diss.
U. Penn. 99
Sattinger M. 'Assignment Models of Distribution of Earnings' JEL 6/93
Sauer A. Arbitragemoglichkeiten und Deutschen Rentenmarkt' Knapp 89
Sauer R. 'The Economics of Wagering markets' JEL 12/98
Saunders A., E. Strock, N. Travlos 'Ownership Structure, Deregulaiton & Bank Risk
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Saunders E. 'Stock Prices & Wall Street Weather' AER 12/93
Saunders R. 'Surface of Venus' SA 12/90
Sauren M.,H. Bucker 'On Deriving the Quasi-Minimal Residual Method' SIAM Review 12/98
Savage C. 'Quantum Mechanics of Classically Chaotic Dissipative Systems' <chaos>
Computers in Physics Sept 92
Savickas R. 'A Simple Option Pricing Formula' 6/2000 <Weibull,skew>
Savin N., A. Wurtz, John Geweke 'Poer Test in Binary Response Models' Econometrica
Savin N., K. White 'Testing for Autocorreltion with Missing Observations' Econometrica
78 <time series>
Savit R. 'When Random is Not Random:Intro. to Chaos in Market Prices' JFM 6/88 <chaos>
Sawhill I. 'Economics in Government' J. Econ. Perspect. Summer 95
Sawhill I. 'Poverty in the U.S. Why is it so Persistent? 9/88 JEL
Saxonhouse G. 'What Does Japanese Trade Structure Tell Us About Japanese Trade Policy'
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Sbuelz A. 'A General Treatment of Barrier Options' 10/98 London Bus School <options-
Sbuelz A. 'Barrier Contingent Claims:Laplace Transforms & Financial Intuition' 10/97
Scafuri A.,N. Yannelis 'Non-Symmetric Cardinal Value Allocations' Econometrica 11/84
Scaillet Olivier 'Compound & Exchange Options in the Affine Term Structure Model'
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Scalas E., R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi 'Fractional Calculus & Continuous-Time Finance'
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Scalia A. 'Bidder Profitability under Uniform Price Auctions & Systematic
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Scanlon W. 'Possible Reforms for Financing Long-Term Care' J.Econ.Persp. Summer 92
Scarf H. 'Allocation of Resources in the Presence of Indivisibilites' J.Econ.Persp.
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Scarf H. 'Neighborhood Systems for Production Sets with Indivisibilites' Econometrica
Scarlata J. 'Institutional Developments in Globalization of Security & Futures
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Schachermayer Walter 'A Hilbert Space Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Asset
Pricing in Finite Discrete Time' <asset pricing> Insurance:Math.Econ 11 92
Schachermayer Walter 'Martingale Measures for Discrete Time Processes with Infinite
Horizon'<martingale> MF 1/94
Schachermayer Walter 'Optimal Investment in Incomplete Markets when Wealth may Become
Negative' 11/99
Schachermayer Walter 'Some Remarks on a Paper of David Kreps' <arbitrage> 97
Schachermayer Walter, W. Schachinger 'Is There a Predictable Criterion for Mutual
Singularity of Two Probability Measures on a Filtered Space?' <maringale>
Schachter Barry 'Breaking Up is Hard to Do:Risk in Financial Engineering of Customized
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Schachter Barry 'Note on Welfare Consequences of New Option Markets' JofF 3/86
Schachter Barry 'Suitability, Legal Risk & Derivatives Regulation' J.Financial
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Schaefer Steven 'Measuring a Tax-Specific Term Structure of Interest Rates in the
Market for British Government Securities' Economic J. 81
Schaefer Steven 'Problem with Redemption Yields' <term structure> FAJ 9/93
Schaefer Steven 'Tax Induced Clientele Effects in the Market for British Government
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Schaefer Steven, Edwardo Schwartz 'Time Dependent Variance & the Pricing of Bond
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Schaefer Steven, Edwardo Schwartz 'Two Factor Model of the Term Structure:An
Approximate Analytical Solution' <term structure> JF&QA 94
Schal Manfred 'Conditions for Optimality in Dynamic Programming & the Limit of n-
Stange Optimal Policies to be Optimal' Prob. & Related Fields 75
Schal Manfred 'Market Numeraire for a Jump Process' U. Bonn 95
Schal Manfred 'Martingale Measures & Hedging for Discrete-Time Financial Markets' MOR
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Schal Manfred 'On Hitting Times for Jump-Diffusion Prices with Past Dependent Local
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Schal Manfred 'On Quadratic Cost Criteria for Option Hedging'<Hedging> Math.of Oper.
Research 2/94
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