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Dear Keith

Thank you for telling me what's on your mind. I agree with your statement. I
believe God has a purpose for putting us on earth as God’s children. We are here
to realize that of all the things that need to be discovered in life, the only
realization is that when all of these things disappear, the only thing left is love.
Because love is eternal. We can meet each other in this life because of the
blessings we have gained in our previous lives. I believe we can meet earlier in the
next life. With every new experience, every new life, we learn more.

I didn’t grow up in a religious family either. I grew up in a literary family. My

grandfather was a politician and my grandmother was a university professor. I
have been taught since I was a child to work hard to be a good person, to be
moral, polite, respectful and kind to others. Kindness, loyalty, courtesy, wisdom,
and integrity are my standards for life. I'm an atheist like you. I believe in science,
reality, and the universe. The earth is a planet in the solar system. The solar
system is a galaxy within the Milky Way. Even the Milky Way is a very small
existence in the universe. The world is very big. It’s so big that you can’t even
imagine it. When I have time I would like to share some knowledge about the
universe with you. If you understand the knowledge of the universe, you will
realize how insignificant human beings are. But you will be grateful for how lucky
humans are. Earth is the only known living planet in this universe. There may be
planets with life like ours in those unexplored universes. I hope to leave the earth
and step into the universe one day. Musk is working hard to do this now.
Although Musk's SpaceX failed to launch. But I believe he will succeed one day.
And I believe that day will come soon.

Our knowledge has been passed down bit by bit by countless ancestors. It has
taken hundreds of millions of years for human beings to go from knowing nothing
about this world to slowly understanding it. Many misconceptions have also
emerged during human development. Some people believe that everything in this
world was created by God, including humans. And there are many people who
believe it. But as time goes by, more and more people learn the truth about this
world. Learned about the universe. The legend of God was actually just a lie
concocted by previous monarchs in order to rule their countries. There are
different legends in different countries. Their beliefs will all be different. Until now
sometimes many people ask me a question. Do you believe in God. My answer is
always that I believe in myself. As long as you understand many things in your
heart, it will be fine. God won't help you with anything. Only you can help you do

I believe that everyone's encounter is not accidental, but inevitable. Sakyamuni

once said. No matter who you meet, he is the person who should appear in your
life. It is no accident. He will definitely teach you something. No matter where I
go, it is the place I should go, experience the things I should experience, and meet
the people I should meet. throughout our lives. We will meet 8,263,563 people,
say hello to 39,778 people, become friends with 3,619 people, and become close
friends with 275 people. Only partners with 5 people. This is a scientific statistical
data. From the moment we are born, we are constantly interacting with all kinds
of people. And some people just leave in a hurry, some people leave for a
lifetime, and some people stay with each other for a lifetime. It is a great fate to
meet each other in the vast sea of people. It is even more precious to be able to
encounter some beautiful or interesting things together. Although we have only
known each other for a short time, I feel like we have experienced a past life
together. I feel very familiar with you, I feel like we have known each other for a
long time.

None of this is a dream, this is real. If this is a dream, are you willing to wake up? I
think you are someone who must be in my life. We have a lot in common. We
both love skiing, camping, cooking, music, traveling, learning and exploring the
unknown. I feel you resonate with my soul and you understand what I am
thinking. You understand what I want and you think alike. Hopefully one day we
will do these things together, I think it will be very fun and meaningful.
We met in this life, and everything became very beautiful. I believe you will find
me in the next life. This is all destined. There has always been a mysterious force
connecting us. I'm looking forward to the day when we meet in real life. I believe
it must be romantic. I have many unfulfilled dreams, and I hope I can work with
you to complete our dreams. Let’s build our Utopia together

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