FSE Attendance Makeup

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FSE Attendance Makeup

Levi Birks

Week 1

The First Semester Experience, at UMKC is a course that sets the foundation for your university

journey. What makes FSE different is its encompassing approach to introducing students to the

university environment. Through Impact Seminars students get to explore the world of research,

teaching and engagement activities happening on campus. The small group sections provide an

opportunity for students to explore areas of study together creating a sense of camaraderie among

those pursuing similar fields. This personalized approach to career exploration is one of the

standout features of FSE.

One of the aspects of FSE is the chance to connect with faculty members who play a vital role in

shaping the academic landscape. Engaging with professors in Impact Seminars and small group

settings offers insights into programs, career paths and overall university experience.

Additionally this course introduces curricular activities that not only bring students closer but

also connect them with the vibrant Kansas City community.

In essence FSE serves as a gateway into UMKC life fostering connections with peers, faculty

members and the community while providing tailored exploration of career possibilities. This

holistic approach makes the First Semester Experience an exciting and invaluable cornerstone

during your time, at UMKC.

Week 2

As I embark on my First Semester Experience, at UMKC I am highly interested in finding

activities organizations and people that align with my personal goals. One area that particularly

catches my attention is research oriented activities during FSE. The Impact Seminars in

particular seem like an opportunity to gain insights into the research and teaching landscape

across campus. I'm driven by a desire to delve into disciplines and explore the dynamic

connections between theory and practice.

Additionally I'm enthusiastic about connecting with organizations that're relevant to my major.

It's important for me to build a sense of community within my pursuits. Participating in group

sections will allow me to explore ideas, academic programs and potential career paths while

being supported by peers – helping me gain a better understanding of my chosen field.

When it comes to individuals I can't wait to connect with faculty members who play roles in

shaping the experience. Their expertise and guidance will be invaluable as I navigate through my

journey and make informed decisions, about future studies and career opportunities.

In order to successfully complete all of my Engagement Experiences this semester I have devised

a schedule that includes both elective activities.

I plan to engage in Impact Seminars attend group sessions regularly and participate in co

curricular events that align with my interests. By taking an organized approach my goal is to
make the most of my time at FSE by meeting all the requirements while fully immersing myself

in the university experience.

Week 3

Personal Strengths;

Organizational Skills; One of my strengths lies in organizing and managing tasks. This skill will

be invaluable, in balancing aspects of university life including coursework and engagement


Curiosity and Open mindedness; I have a desire to explore ideas and embrace diverse

perspectives. This curiosity will drive me to engage with disciplines and experiences.

Communication Skills; Effective communication, both written and verbal is another strength of

mine. It will enable me to have interactions, with faculty members, peers and organizations

enriching both my journey and social life.

Personal Weaknesses;

Procrastination; I understand that I sometimes tend to procrastinate which can be challenging. To

overcome this weakness I will implement time management strategies to meet deadlines and

achieve success.

Perfectionism; While striving for excellence is commendable I am aware that being too

perfectionistic can lead to stress.

To have an journey it's important to find the right balance, between having high standards and

being realistic about your capabilities. Here are some key engagement experiences and strategies

that can help you in this regard;


Impact Seminars; These seminars are a chance for you to connect with faculty members explore

your research interests and get an understanding of different academic disciplines.

Small Group Sections; Active participation in small group sessions can help you build a

supportive network within your meta major. This fosters collaboration and allows for


Co curricular Events; Make sure to attend various co curricular events to expand your horizons

beyond academics. These events offer networking opportunities. Contribute to your personal and

professional development.


Time Blocking; Implementing a time blocking strategy will help you effectively manage your

tasks. This minimizes the impact of procrastination. Ensures an approach to both academic work

and engagement commitments.

Goal Setting; Set achievable goals for each engagement experience. Having goals will keep you

focused and motivated throughout the semester.

Seeking Support; Recognize the importance of seeking support when needed. Whether its

utilizing resources, counseling services or peer assistance accessing available support systems

contributes to your well being and success as a student.

Remember, finding the right balance between challenging yourself while being realistic about

what you can achieve is key, to having a successful academic journey.Week 4

When I watched "Hidden Figures," what struck me the most were the themes of determination,

resilience and the overlooked achievements of women of color, in space exploration. The movie

sheds light on the obstacles faced by Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson as

they battled against discrimination and gender biases at NASA during the 1960s.

To truly grasp the depth of "Hidden Figures" from perspectives I can explore sources of

knowledge. Firstly understanding the context is crucial. It's important to delve into the rights and

feminist movements of that era to comprehend the challenges these characters confronted.

Additionally delving into the technological aspects depicted in the film deepens my admiration

for these womens contributions.

Moreover by considering the cultural context surrounding their experiences I can read literature

and narratives written by American women in STEM fields. This would provide insights, into

their struggles beyond what was portrayed in the movie. Engaging in discussions or seeking out

documentaries or interviews featuring these real life figures can offer a understanding of their

remarkable journeys.
In essence incorporating events, scientific knowledge and cultural perspectives will enhance my

comprehension of "Hidden Figures". Allow me to appreciate its complex narratives and

significant contributions presented throughout.

To excel at UMKC it's essential to employ strategies. Start by prioritizing time management.

Create a schedule that dedicates time, for each class study sessions and extracurricular activities.

This will help you maintain an approach to your personal commitments. Also actively participate

in class discussions. Take notes during lectures to reinforce your understanding.

It's important to tailor your strategies for each class since the course structures and requirements

may vary. For STEM courses regular practice in problem solving and seeking resources like

tutoring can greatly enhance your comprehension. On the hand liberal arts classes may require an

emphasis on thinking, effective communication skills and extensive reading.

Transitioning from school to college requires an approach to learning. College demands

independence, self discipline and initiative from students. Unlike the nature of high school

education college courses often involve self directed study. Therefore it's crucial to develop skills

and seek assistance when needed. College also encourages a level of understanding and critical

analysis by promoting comprehension rather than relying solely on rote memorization.

In conclusion achieving success, at UMKC involves implementing effective time management

techniques actively engaging in classes and adapting strategies based on the demands of each

The college journey is quite different, from school as it requires independence and a nuanced

approach to studying.

Week 6

As a student at UMKC your current college experience revolves around the First Semester

Experience (FSE) which's a course designed to familiarize you with the universitys academic and

social environment. Through this course you will explore research, teaching and engagement

opportunities across fields of study. You will also delve into ideas within combined majors and

engage in co curricular activities that connect you with the broader Kansas City community.

Looking ahead your college journey at UMKC holds promise for academic exploration

specialized studies in your chosen major and active involvement in a vibrant community. As you

progress through your studies you will dive deeper into your field of interest. Acquire knowledge

and skills that will serve as the foundation for your future career.

The benefits of your college experience go beyond academics. By participating in programs like

FSE and other initiatives offered by UMKC you have the opportunity to build a network

comprising faculty members, peers and community members. This network will prove

invaluable in achieving your goals by providing support, mentorship and connections both

UMKC presents an array of choices for students including academic programs, research

opportunities, as well, as community engagement initiatives.

The university places importance on providing education and being connected to the vibrant city

of Kansas City. This creates an environment where you can explore your interests discover your

passions and prepare yourself for success, in your endeavors.

Week 7

Your Holland Code from Focus 2 offers insights into your personality, interests and work

preferences. It helps you understand how well you align with your career goals by categorizing

individuals into six personality types; Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and

Conventional (RIASEC). This framework assists in identifying career paths that suit your

strengths and preferences.

When it comes to choosing a major Focus 2 likely suggests careers that resonate with your

Holland Code. For instance if your code leans towards Social and Investigative traits it might

highlight careers in counseling or social work or psychology. The tool provides suggestions that

create a connection between your compatible career options.

One surprising aspect could be the revelation of a career suggestion that you hadn't previously

considered but aligns well with your strengths and interests. For example if you're majoring in

Science and Technology and Focus 2 suggests a career, in science communication or outreach

this could unveil an avenue that resonates with who you're

In the end utilizing your Holland Code from Focus 2 empowers you to make informed choices

regarding your professional path ensuring that your chosen major aligns, with careers that match

your unique strengths and interests.

During the week reading the RoosREAD book has sparked self reflection prompting me to

contemplate my personal journey, opportunities and future aspirations. It has encouraged me to

draw parallels between the books themes and characters and my own experiences fostering

introspection. Through this process of self reflection I have gained an understanding of my

identity, potential and envisioned paths for the future.

Furthermore the RoosREAD book strongly resonates with UMKCs core values of learning,

diversity, integrity, accountability,respect and collaboration. The narrative emphasizes the

significance of perspectives and experiences in enriching the learning environment. The

characters journeys exemplify integrity, accountability and collaboration in line with UMKCs

commitment to these values in both pursuits and communal engagement.

An unexpected revelation arises from discovering connections, between the books themes and

my own experiences. This challenges preconceived notions while broadening my perception of

how literature can reflect and shape an individuals well as academic growth.

The RoosREAD book, in essence acts as a lens that not allows me to explore the world it

presents but also offers insights into my own values, opportunities and the path I envision for my

future endeavors at UMKC.

Week 9

This semester has brought changes to my SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and

Threats) analysis. Academically I have discovered strengths that were previously unrecognized

such as improved time management skills and a deeper understanding of my learning methods.

At the time I have identified areas where I need to refine my study techniques as weaknesses.

The opportunities that have arisen this semester have allowed me to explore interests and engage

in a range of academic and extracurricular activities. However facing both personal challenges

has revealed threats that require adaptability and resilience.

Balancing being a college student at UMKC with responsibilities has been quite a juggling act.

Effectively managing my time setting priorities thoughtfully and seeking support when necessary

have been strategies for me. Despite encountering challenges along the way my motivation

remains high. I remain dedicated to my education by setting goals for myself celebrating

achievements, along the journey while maintaining a positive outlook.

I have been pleasantly surprised by how resilient I have proven to be, in the face of obstacles. It

has reaffirmed my determination to overcome challenges and thrive in my journey at UMKC.

This semester has truly been transformative as it has helped me become more aware of my

strengths, weaknesses and the strategies necessary, for fulfilling the college experience.

Week 10

As a student and professional involved in the MAP (First Semester Experience aat, I will make

use of of information and communication. This may include materials provided during Impact
Seminars collaborative discussions within group sections and information shared through

co-rriculars. As a professional I may engage in communication like emails or reports well as

participate in industry-specific communication channels relevant to my chosen meta.

Information is constantly‌changing. Evolving based on time, source, authorship, andof which

purpose. Recognizing this evolution is crucial for individuals consuming information as it affects

its reliability, relevance and accuracy. The credibility of a source and the expertise of the author

influence how the information is perceived to be. Understanding the purpose behind the

information helps assess any bias or intent. This knowledge is important for consumers as it

empowers them to make informed decisions both in academia and in their professional lives.

One surprising aspect that might arise is realizing how diverse sources contribute to gaining an

understanding. The First Semester Experience exposes students to perspectives and sources of

which can challenge notions while fostering a more nuanced approach to acquiring knowledge.

This newfound awareness of the nature of information and its multifaceted origins can be

enlightening and transformative shaping an individuals approach, to learning and


Week 11

During my time in the First Semester Experience program at UMKC, I have developed an

interest in research that spans across areas. Specifically, I am fascinated by the intersections Jazz,
Numbers/Functions, and Arts, Culture and Human Expression. Exploring how artistic

expression impacts health or the role of technology in shaping behaviors are some of the

intriguing questions that captured my attention.

In order to find answers to these questions, I am excited to connect with faculty members and

departments that align with my interests. For example, the Life and Health Sciences department

can provide insights into how artistic engagement in. Similarly, the Science and Technology

department can offer perspectives on the implications of advancements.

Research plays a role in my Major Exploration and Planning (MAP) as it allows me to take a

hands-on approach in exploring the interconnectedness of my pursuits. One aspect that has

pleasantly surprised me is discovering how collaborative research is across disciplines. It has

made me realize how diverse perspectives contribute to an understanding of issues. By engaging

with faculty members and departments during the FSE program, I will be able to find answers to

my questions. It will also guide me in shaping my academic journey at UMKC.

Week 12
Whether you're a professional or a student, ethical concerns can arise in credibility, and such as

1. Professional Conduct; Dealing with matters of honesty, transparency, and integrity in your


2. Research Ethics; Navigating issues related to data integrity, plagiarism, and proper citation in

professional research.

3. Interpersonal Ethics; Striking a balance between collaboration and competition, managing

conflicts of interes'd respecting diversity in all interactions.

Maintaining integrity is important as it guarantees a fair and objective environment for all

students. Upholding academic integrity helps cultivate trust, credibilit, andd respect while

fostering a pursuit of knowledge.

In this program (MAP), ethical questions are likely to be addressed through coursework,

discussions, and available resources. Faculty guidance and academic policies may offer

frameworks for navigating challenges while emphasizing the significance of integrity in research

and learning.

Events such as paradigm shifts within your field or ethical missteps that prompted changes in

research practices could have influenced your MAPs development. Additionally, societal events

may have shaped the landscape. Recognizing and understanding these contexts enriches your
journey by providing a deeper appreciation for the evolution of knowledge and ethical standards

within your field.

Week 13

The Kansas City area is an vibrant community, enriched by the contributions of individuals and

organizations. As a student or professional, there are ways to engage with these efforts, which

can lead to growth and benefit the community as a whole. Local non-profit organizations, such as

Harvesters and United Way play roles in addressing social issues like hunger and community

development. By volunteering with these organizations, students have the opportunity to actively

contribute to philanthropic initiatives while also developing a sense of responsibility.

Additionally, connecting with networks like the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce or industry

specific groups provides opportunities for professionals to engage in their respective fields.

Networking events, seminars, and mentorship programs organized by these associations facilitate

connections that allow professionals to make an impact on the economic and business landscape

of the metro area.

For students exploring internship programs offered by businesses or participating in community

service projects organized by universities can bridge the gap between learning and impact. Many

local companies collaborate with institutions to provide students with experiences that offer

valuable insights into the regional workforce.

In summary becoming involved in the Kansas City Metro community entails collaborating with

profit organizations engaging with professional networks and actively participating in

initiatives. These avenues contribute to the community. Also provide valuable learning for both

students and professionals.

Week 14

‌Kansas City students are enriched by the contributions of individuals and organizations. As a

ststudent withhese efforts provide opportunities for growth. Contributes to the well-being of our

community. Local nonprofit organizations like Harvesters and United Way play roles in

addressing issues such as hunger and community development. Volunteering with these

organizations allows students to actively contribute to philanthropic initiatives and develop a

sense of responsibility.

connecting with networks like the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce or industry specific

groups offers chances for professional engagement. Through networking events, seminars and

mentorship programs organized by these institutions, professionals can establish connections that

contribute to the business landscape of our metro area.

As a student exploring internship programs offered by businesses or participating in community

service projects organized by universities can bridge the gap between learning and real-world
impact. Many local companies collaborate with providing students with experiences that offer

valuable insights into our regional workforce.

In summary, becoming involved in the KC Metro community means collaborating with

nonprofits, engaging in networks, and actively participating in university-led initiatives. These

avenues do not contribute to the well-being of our community. Also provide invaluable learning

experiences for both students and professionals.

Week 15

My experience with the First Semester at UMKC has played a role in shaping my perspective on

education, success, career choices and building a network of support. The Impact Seminars and

small group sessions have taught me the importance of exploring fields within my major,

allowing me to gain an understanding of my academic interests and potential career paths. This

experience has emphasized the value of engaging with professors, giving me insights into the

numerous opportunities available on campus.

Regarding success, I've realized that it's not just about accomplishments but about building

strong connections. Connecting with students who share academic goals has shown me the

power of collaborative learning and how we can support each other throughout our academic

Looking ahead, I plan to take steps to further my education and advance in my chosen career

field. This includes participating in activities to broaden my horizons, seeking guidance from

faculty mentors for valuable advice, and making use of the diverse resources offered on campus.

Additionally I aim to build a network by fostering relationships with both peers and professors

because I understand that collaboration is key when navigating the complexities of education and

professional growth.

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